Covid-19 Update at Alert Level 2 for Superior Renovations

In response to the Governments recent announcement on Monday 11th May, collectively we move to level 2 this Thursday 14th May and we are pleased to share that we are also reopening our services for new projects to be scheduled in.

Things may be a little different in the way we’ll be conducting the on-site meetings and dealing with jobs in progress as we uphold strict Government guidelines including social distancing, facilitation of strict hygiene practices, and contact tracing for those entering sites.

If you still feel hesitant to visit in person to discuss your renovation, virtual meetings (on Zoom or Google Hang Out) will still be made available. Visits to our supplier showrooms will be by appointment only.

Superior Renovations head office remains closed, meetings made at the office will only be by appointment, and the office team will continue to work from home until further notice.

We are closely monitoring the situation around-the-clock, and while these are challenging times for all industries, please know that we are doing everything we can to minimise the impact on our clients and team members.

Hand sanitisers, gloves and face masks has been rolled out for all our staffs that are going on-site, and we have equipped all our clients homes with safety signages, hand sanitisers and on-site protocols to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. We also encourage regular thorough hand washing as the best defence while renovating and entering/exiting job sites.

We really appreciate the patience and understanding of all our suppliers, clients and partners, we’re all glad to be moving back into operation and to hit the ground running again,

Thank you for your continued support,

From the team here at

Superior Renovations