Media Archives - Superior Renovations


designer bathroom client

Jennifer & Steve – Custom Bathroom Design + Renovation


Video Testimonial by Jennifer & Steve (Wattle Downs, Auckland) – Custom Bathroom Design and Renovation

“The design Dorothy came back with was perfectly in line with what we were looking for, knowing that they have listened and they have given something we were looking for just filled us up with confidence, knowing that we were working with a company that knew what they were doing and they listened to their customers and they put their customers first”

The renovation included:

☑️ Custom Bathroom Design
☑️ Demolition of Existing Bathroom
☑️ Full Bathroom Renovation
☑️ Project Management of All Trades from Start to End


Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


    Auckland Renovation Industry

    Navigating New Zealand’s Renovation Industry: Key Trends, Challenges, and Tips for Homeowners – 2024

    If you’ve been keeping an eye on the construction and renovation scene in New Zealand, you know it’s been a wild ride lately. Whether you’re planning a major home upgrade or just curious about the market, it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest trends and challenges. We’ve sifted through the latest articles from NZ Herald, Stuff, RNZ, and 1 News to bring you the most important insights. Let’s dive into what’s been happening and why it matters for you.

    In this article, we’ll explore:

    1. Overall Consensus: What’s the big picture in the industry right now? We’ll talk about the major challenges like economic slowdowns, labor and material shortages, and new government regulations. Understanding these factors will help you make informed decisions about your renovation projects.
    2. Common Trends: The industry is evolving with some exciting trends, such as sustainable building practices, the integration of new technologies, and a strong focus on affordable housing. These trends not only affect the industry but also offer new opportunities and solutions for homeowners.
    3. Future Outlook: What does the future hold? We’ll discuss the expected economic uncertainties and how they might impact your renovation plans. Plus, we’ll look at how resilience and new policies might shape the industry moving forward.

    Why Is This Important?

    Staying up-to-date with these developments is crucial for several reasons:

    • Planning and Budgeting: Knowing about current trends and potential future changes helps you plan your projects more effectively and budget wisely.
    • Avoiding Pitfalls: Understanding the challenges can help you avoid common pitfalls like unexpected delays or cost overruns.
    • Making Informed Choices: Being aware of new technologies and sustainable practices allows you to make choices that are not only good for your home but also for the environment.

    By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the renovation and construction industry in New Zealand, the trends shaping it, and what you can expect in the near future. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to renovate or someone simply interested in the market, these insights will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the industry’s complexities. Let’s get started!


    Key Trends and Insights from the news

    We had a look at some of the articles from NZ Herald, Stuff, RNZ, and 1 News, here is the overall consensus and common trends we noticed about the renovation and construction industry in New Zealand over the past six months:

    Overall Consensus

    1. Challenges and Slowdown:
      • The industry has faced significant challenges, primarily due to the economic impacts of inflation and increased interest rates. This has resulted in reduced consumer spending on large-scale renovations and new constructions .
    2. Labour and Material Shortages:
      • Ongoing shortages of skilled labor and construction materials have exacerbated delays and increased costs. The shortages are a continuation of issues that began during the COVID-19 pandemic and have yet to fully resolve .
    3. Government and Regulatory Changes:
      • There have been several regulatory changes aimed at easing the housing crisis, including alterations to zoning laws to allow for higher-density housing. These changes are intended to stimulate the construction of new homes, particularly in urban areas .

    Common Trends

    1. Sustainability and Green Building:
      • There is a growing trend towards sustainable and energy-efficient building practices. This includes the use of eco-friendly materials and designs that minimize environmental impact. Builders and consumers alike are showing increased interest in green building certifications and energy-efficient home features .
    2. Technological Integration:
      • The adoption of new technologies, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), virtual reality, and drone surveying, is becoming more prevalent. These technologies are helping to streamline project management, reduce costs, and improve accuracy in construction .
    3. Focus on Affordable Housing:
      • Addressing the housing affordability crisis remains a key priority. There has been a concerted effort by both the government and private sector to increase the supply of affordable housing. This includes not only new builds but also the renovation of existing properties to make them more affordable .

    Outlook for the Future

    1. Continued Economic Uncertainty:
      • The industry is expected to continue grappling with economic uncertainties. High interest rates and inflation are likely to persist, potentially dampening growth in the short term. However, there is cautious optimism that as these economic pressures ease, the market will stabilize .
    2. Increased Focus on Resilience:
      • Future construction projects are likely to emphasize resilience against natural disasters and climate change. This includes incorporating design features that enhance durability and safety, particularly in regions prone to earthquakes and extreme weather .
    3. Policy and Incentives:
      • There is potential for new policies and incentives to further support the construction industry. This could include tax incentives for sustainable building practices, grants for affordable housing projects, and initiatives to attract more workers to the industry .

    The renovation and construction industry in New Zealand is currently navigating a challenging landscape marked by economic pressures, material and labor shortages, and regulatory changes. However, trends towards sustainability, technological integration, and a focus on affordable housing are driving innovation and resilience. The outlook suggests a period of adjustment and potential stabilization as economic conditions improve and new policies are implemented.


    What Are The Numbers Saying? We take a look at the Stats

    Increased Renovation Activity

    The residential renovation sector in New Zealand has been buoyant, with many homeowners opting to upgrade their properties. This surge is partly due to the increasing cost of buying new homes, making renovations a more appealing option for improving living spaces. As per the NZ Herald, there has been a marked increase in both minor and major renovation projects across the country.

    Impact of Economic Factors

    Several economic factors have influenced the renovation industry:

    1. Consumer Spending: Consumer spending in New Zealand has generally been robust, supporting higher expenditure on home renovations. The NZ Herald highlights that even amid economic uncertainties, many households prioritize spending on improving their homes.
    2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The GDP growth in New Zealand has correlated positively with the renovation industry. A healthy economy typically boosts consumer confidence, leading to more spending on home improvement projects.
    3. Inflation: Rising inflation has had a mixed impact. On one hand, higher costs for materials and labor have increased the overall cost of renovations. On the other hand, it has prompted some homeowners to renovate sooner rather than later, anticipating further price hikes.
    4. Interest Rates: The fluctuation of interest rates has significantly affected renovation lending. Lower interest rates over recent years have made borrowing more affordable, encouraging homeowners to finance their renovation projects through loans. However, as interest rates begin to rise, this trend could potentially slow down.
    5. Official Cash Rate (OCR): Changes in the OCR set by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand have influenced mortgage and loan interest rates. Lower OCRs in recent years have supported the affordability of loans for renovations, but any future increases might dampen this effect.

    Correlations and Concerns

    The renovation industry shows strong correlations with broader economic conditions. Consumer confidence and spending patterns directly impact the volume of renovation projects. Economic stability encourages more significant investments in home improvements, while economic downturns or increased costs can lead to caution among homeowners.

    One notable concern for both companies and individuals considering renovations is the potential for rising costs. As reported by the NZ Herald, supply chain disruptions and increased demand for materials have driven up prices, which could deter some homeowners from embarking on extensive renovations. Additionally, the prospect of higher interest rates may make financing these projects more expensive, potentially slowing down the industry’s growth.

    Key Areas for Concern

    For companies in the renovation industry, maintaining a balance between competitive pricing and profitability is crucial amidst fluctuating material costs and labor shortages. Homeowners, on the other hand, need to carefully consider the timing of their projects and secure financing options that will remain affordable even if interest rates rise.

    Overall, the New Zealand residential renovation industry remains vibrant, with positive growth trends supported by strong economic factors. However, careful attention to economic indicators and strategic planning will be essential for navigating future challenges.


    What’s Been Happening?

    Over the past five years, New Zealand’s residential renovation scene has seen quite a few ups and downs.

    1. Building Consents:
      • Imagine the flurry of activity in 2021 and 2022 when heaps of people were getting their building consents sorted. Then, in 2023, things slowed down a bit, with about 45,159 new dwellings getting the green light. That’s 11% less than the previous year​ (Stats NZ)​.
      • The amount of building work, especially for homes, kept climbing. By mid-2022, the volume of residential construction work was up by 3.2% compared to earlier in the year​ (Stats NZ)​.
    2. Rising Costs:
      • One big headache has been the rising costs. Whether it’s lumber, concrete, or labor, everything’s getting pricier. Supply chain issues, which were made worse by the pandemic, have been a major factor here​ (Stats NZ)​.
    3. Housing Market Trends:
      • The housing market itself has been all over the place. While more homes were being built, the actual rate per 1,000 residents started dipping. So, even though more consents were being issued, it wasn’t quite keeping up with population growth​ (Stats NZ)​​.


    Building Consents Statistics (past five years)

    Building_consents_issued_for_new_residential_buildings_in_New_Zealand, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    Description: This table summarizes the fluctuation in building consents over the past five years, indicating trends in residential construction activity.


    What’s the Big Deal?

    1. Economic Uncertainty:
      • The economy has a big say in how much renovating people do. When times are tough or uncertain, like during the COVID-19 pandemic, folks are less likely to dive into big renovation projects because of financial worries.
    2. Material and Labor Shortages:
      • The link between global supply hiccups and rising costs is pretty clear. When materials are hard to come by or more expensive, it jacks up the overall cost of renovation projects.
    3. Regulations:
      • Tighter building regulations mean more hoops to jump through, which can make renovations more expensive and complicated.


    Impact of Economic Factors on Renovation Industry

    Economic Factor Impact on Renovation Industry
    Consumer Spending Supports higher spending on home improvements, even during economic uncertainties.
    GDP Growth Correlates positively with increased consumer confidence and spending on renovations.
    Inflation Increases costs for materials and labor, prompting earlier renovations to avoid higher expenses.
    Interest Rates Lower rates make borrowing affordable, stimulating renovation activity.
    Supply Chain Disruptions lead to increased costs and project delays due to material shortages.



    What Should You Watch Out For?

    1. Budget Blowouts:
      • With costs climbing, budget overruns are becoming a real issue. This can be a huge strain for homeowners and lead to projects that are left hanging or unfinished.
    2. Market Fluctuations:
      • The number of building consents going up and down suggests the market is a bit unpredictable. Companies need to stay nimble to keep up with these shifts.
    3. Availability of Resources:
      • Shortages in labor and materials not only bump up costs but can also delay projects, which is a headache for both contractors and homeowners.


    The impact of overseas imports of building supplies and materials on New Zealand’s residential renovation industry has been significant, particularly in terms of costs and delays. The construction sector has faced substantial challenges due to supply chain disruptions, which have been exacerbated by global events and logistical issues.

    One of the key issues is the rising cost of imported building materials. Due to a combination of high international demand, shipping constraints, and tariffs, the prices for essential construction supplies have surged. For example, according to a report in the NZ Herald, the cost of timber, a critical material in residential construction, has skyrocketed, significantly affecting the overall cost of renovations in New Zealand. This price hike is a result of both global shortages and increased shipping costs.

    Moreover, delays in the delivery of these materials have been another major concern. The pandemic has caused significant disruptions to global supply chains, leading to prolonged delivery times. Builders and renovators in New Zealand have frequently faced project delays due to these extended shipping times. The NZ Herald highlighted instances where projects have been stalled for months waiting for essential materials to arrive, causing frustration for both contractors and homeowners.

    The combined effect of increased costs and delays has had a ripple effect throughout the renovation industry. For companies, the unpredictability of material costs and availability has made it challenging to provide accurate quotes and timelines to clients, which can strain client relationships and affect business reputations. For homeowners looking to renovate, these issues have translated into higher project costs and longer wait times, sometimes leading to the postponement or scaling back of planned renovations​.

    Addressing these supply chain challenges requires a multifaceted approach, including diversifying supply sources, improving local production capabilities, and better managing project timelines to account for potential delays. Companies and individuals planning renovations should stay informed about these ongoing issues and adjust their plans and budgets accordingly to mitigate the impact of these external factors on their projects.


    Tips for Homeowners and Companies

    For homeowners thinking about renovating:

    • Plan for Higher Costs: Expect prices to go up and build a buffer into your budget.
    • Be Ready for Delays: Projects might take longer than expected due to resource shortages.
    • Hire Experienced Contractors: They can navigate these challenges better and keep your project on track.

    For renovation companies:

    • Stay Flexible: Have plans that can adapt to changing costs and supply issues.
    • Communicate Clearly: Keep your clients in the loop about potential delays and cost changes to manage their expectations.
    • Optimize Resources: Look for alternative suppliers and manage your resources efficiently to keep things moving smoothly.


    What shifts/trends are we noticing in renovations?

    When diving into specific trends within New Zealand’s residential renovation industry, several key areas have shown notable demand over recent years. Here’s a breakdown of what homeowners are prioritizing:

    1. Full House Renovations: Comprehensive renovations are increasingly popular, especially among those purchasing older homes or looking to modernize their living spaces significantly. These projects often aim to improve energy efficiency and update outdated interiors, reflecting a growing trend towards sustainable living and modern aesthetics.
    2. Outdoor Renovations: The pandemic has heightened interest in creating functional outdoor living spaces. Homeowners are investing in decks, patios, and gardens to enhance their home’s usability and aesthetic appeal. The inclusion of outdoor kitchens and entertainment areas has also seen a surge as people seek to maximize their property’s potential for hosting and leisure​.
    3. Bathroom Renovations: Bathrooms remain a top priority for renovations due to their high use and impact on home value. Updates often include installing new fixtures, improving storage with custom cabinetry, and enhancing overall aesthetics with modern tiling and lighting solutions.
    4. Kitchen Renovations: Kitchens are frequently renovated to improve functionality and incorporate modern design elements. Popular updates include custom cabinetry, new countertops, energy-efficient appliances, and better lighting. The trend towards open-plan kitchen designs continues to gain traction, aligning with the broader movement towards more communal and versatile living spaces.
    5. Design Services: As homeowners aim for personalized and unique spaces, there’s a growing demand for professional design services. These services help tailor renovations to individual tastes and ensure a cohesive aesthetic throughout the home. The involvement of designers is particularly noticeable in high-end renovations where bespoke solutions are a priority.
    6. Maintenance Services: Regular maintenance has become essential, particularly in older homes. Services such as roofing, plumbing, and electrical updates ensure safety and efficiency, preventing costly repairs in the future.
    7. Flooring: Upgrading flooring is a common renovation project, with many opting for durable, easy-to-maintain materials like hardwood, laminate, or high-quality tiles. This trend reflects a desire for long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing solutions that enhance the overall look and feel of a home.
    8. Painting Services: Interior and exterior painting remain popular as they offer a relatively affordable way to refresh a home’s appearance. Professional painting services are often sought to ensure high-quality finishes and the latest color trends are applied correctly.
    9. Consent Related Renovations: Renovations requiring council consent, such as structural changes or additions, are steadily rising. These projects tend to be more complex and involve extensive planning and compliance with local regulations.
    10. Designer/High-End Renovations: There’s a significant market for high-end renovations that focus on luxury and bespoke elements. These projects often include custom-built furniture, high-quality materials, and cutting-edge technology to create unique, sophisticated living environments.

    Overall, the demand for renovation services in New Zealand is diverse and reflects a broader trend towards enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of residential properties. Homeowners are increasingly willing to invest in their living spaces, driven by a desire for comfort, efficiency, and personal expression.


    Our Most Popular Types of Renovation Projects this Year

    Type of Renovation Description
    Full House Renovations Comprehensive updates to older homes for modernization and energy efficiency.
    Outdoor Living Spaces Investments in decks, patios, and gardens for enhanced outdoor living.
    Bathroom Renovations Updates include new fixtures, storage solutions, and modern aesthetics.
    Kitchen Renovations Focus on functionality with new appliances, countertops, and open-plan designs.
    Design Services Utilization of professional designers for personalized and cohesive aesthetics.

    Description: This table highlights the types of renovation projects popular among homeowners in New Zealand, reflecting current trends and preferences.


    Here are some tips and advice for homeowners:

    Choosing the right renovation company in the current economic climate requires careful consideration and strategic planning.

    Research and Recommendations

    • Seek Recommendations: Start by asking friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into a company’s reliability and quality of work.
    • Online Reviews: Check online reviews on platforms like Google, Facebook, and trade-specific sites. Look for consistent positive feedback and note how the company responds to any negative reviews.

    Check Credentials and Experience

    • Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the company is properly licensed and insured. This protects you from any liability in case of accidents or damages during the renovation process .
    • Experience and Specialization: Choose a company with extensive experience, especially in the type of renovation you are planning. A company specializing in kitchen renovations, for example, will have different expertise compared to one that focuses on outdoor projects.

    Request Detailed Quotes

    • Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from at least three different companies. This allows you to compare pricing and services offered. Be wary of quotes that are significantly lower than others; they might be cutting corners or may include hidden costs .
    • Detailed Breakdown: Ensure the quotes include a detailed breakdown of what it includes, labor, materials, and any additional fees. This transparency helps avoid unexpected expenses later on .

    Evaluate Communication and Professionalism

    • Initial Interaction: Pay attention to how promptly and professionally the company responds to your initial inquiries. Good communication is crucial throughout the renovation process .
    • Project Management: Ask about their project management process. A company that provides a dedicated project manager can streamline communication and coordination, ensuring the project stays on track .

    Assess Past Work

    • Portfolio Review: Review the company’s portfolio of completed projects. This gives you a sense of their style, quality of work, and attention to detail.
    • References: Request references from previous clients and take the time to contact them. Hearing about their experiences can give you confidence in your choice .

    Understand Contracts and Warranties

    • Clear Contract: Ensure the company provides a clear, comprehensive contract that outlines the scope of work, timelines, payment schedules, and terms. Avoid companies that are unwilling to provide a written agreement .
    • Warranties and Guarantees: Inquire about warranties on both labor and materials. A company that stands behind its work will offer warranties, giving you peace of mind regarding the longevity and quality of the renovation.

    Financial Stability

    • Economic Stability: Consider the financial stability of the company. Established companies with a stable financial background are more likely to complete the project without issues related to budget shortfalls. This might be a bit harder to get information on, but you can ask how many projects do they have running at the moment and what their working capacity is like to get a gauge on their volume/ availability. Some companies may also provide a letter of assurance (from their accountant) to confirm their financial viability/sustainability.

    Flexibility and Adaptability

    • Adaptability: In the current economic climate, flexibility is key. Choose a company that can adapt to changing circumstances, such as supply chain disruptions or fluctuating material costs.
    • Contingency Planning: Discuss contingency plans for potential delays or unexpected issues. A proactive approach can prevent minor issues from becoming major setbacks .


    So there you have it! The renovation and construction industry in New Zealand is navigating some choppy waters, but it’s also brimming with exciting opportunities. Whether you’re dreaming of a full house makeover or just sprucing up your kitchen, being aware of the current trends and challenges can help you make smarter decisions.

    Remember, the industry is dealing with economic pressures, labor and material shortages, and changing regulations. But on the flip side, trends like sustainability, technological integration, and a focus on affordable housing are driving innovation and resilience.

    As we look ahead, there’s a mix of cautious optimism and the need for adaptability. The future might bring more economic uncertainties, but also new policies and incentives to support the industry.

    If you’re planning a renovation, make sure to do your homework, plan for potential hiccups, and consider seeking advice from experts. And most importantly, enjoy the process of transforming your home into the space you’ve always wanted.

    Thanks for reading, and happy renovating!


    Note: The information provided in this article is based on our perspective as a renovation company (Superior Renovations) and is limited to our knowledge of the renovation and construction industry in Auckland and New Zealand. We are not financial advisors or economists, and the insights shared here are for informational purposes only. We strongly recommend that readers seek professional advice from qualified experts before making any financial decisions related to renovations or construction projects.


    What factors are driving the surge in residential renovations in New Zealand?

    Homeowners increasingly opt for renovations due to soaring housing costs, making upgrading existing properties more appealing financially.

    How has consumer spending impacted the renovation industry in New Zealand?

    Robust consumer spending has supported higher investment in home improvements despite economic uncertainties, as reported by the NZ Herald.

    What role does GDP growth play in the New Zealand renovation sector?

    Positive GDP growth correlates with increased consumer confidence and higher spending on home renovation projects.

    How has inflation affected the residential renovation industry in New Zealand?

    Rising inflation has led to higher costs for materials and labor, prompting some homeowners to renovate sooner to mitigate future price increases.

    How have supply chain disruptions affected the cost and timeline of renovation projects in New Zealand?

    Supply chain disruptions, exacerbated by global events, have driven up material costs and caused delays, significantly impacting project budgets and timelines.

    What are the key trends in types of renovation projects being undertaken in New Zealand?

    Comprehensive renovations, outdoor living spaces, and updates to kitchens and bathrooms are among the popular renovation trends driven by modernization and sustainability

    What should homeowners watch out for in the current renovation market?

    Homeowners should anticipate budget overruns, market fluctuations in building consents, and potential delays due to shortages in labor and materials.

    How can homeowners choose the right renovation company amidst economic uncertainties?

    Researching credentials, checking reviews, obtaining detailed quotes, and assessing past work are crucial steps to ensure quality and reliability.



    If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


    Need more information?

    Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.

    Download Free Renovation Guide (PDF)


    Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations




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      Video Testimonial by John Grant (Herne Bay, Auckland) – Full House Design and Renovation, Breathing New Life Into A Family Home

      “Cici was the key person we worked with, super easy to work with, nice sense of humour and not too serious but she also got the work done…. I just like their work ethic, because we wanted the place finished up by Christmas and they were working extra hours until it was done for us”

      The renovation included:

      ☑️ Kitchen Design and Renovation

      ☑️ Bathroom Design and Renovation x 2

      ☑️ New SPC Flooring

      ☑️ Walk-in Pantry

      ☑️ New Wardrobes

      ☑️ Outdoor Decking and Glass Balustrades

      ☑️ New Carpet Flooring


      Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


        John Grant – Full House Renovation by Superior Renovations

        The future of home automation with Robert Knight from PDL by Schneider Electric

        In our latest video, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Robert Knight from PDL to dive deep into how Wiser could revolutionize the way you think about your home. Imagine blinds that snugly close to retain warmth, a heat pump that kicks in just before things cool down, or lights that gently dim as you drift off to sleep. With Wiser, it’s not just about technology; it’s about creating a space that truly understands and adapts to your lifestyle.

        At Superior Renovations, we’re all about innovation and pushing boundaries. Partnering with forward-thinking companies like PDL allows us to bring you the latest and greatest in home automation technology, ensuring you’re equip with all the available options when it comes to choosing what you want for your home renovation.

        Stay tuned for future videos with Robert to understand more about safety features, Home Automation Features, Wiser Home App and their Designer Range.
        Visit our Showroom at Wairau Valley (16b Link Drive, Wairau Valley, Auckland) to explore more options from the Iconic Range by PDL by Schneider Electric. You can also consult our designers to help you choose the right lighting surface for your bathroom or kitchen design.

        Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


          The Future of Home Automation with Robert Knight from PDL by Schneider Electric

          Common Bathroom Fitting Mistakes: Insights from Ruth Ansell (Branch Manager at Reece Bathrooms NZ)

          In this discussion, we delve into the common mistakes people make when selecting bathroom fittings. Ruth Ansell (Branch Manager at Reece) shares her experiences with visitors to her showroom, shedding light on these errors and what to do to avoid it. Reece Bathrooms stands as New Zealand’s premier provider of plumbing and bathroom products and serves as the primary supplier for Superior Renovations for the majority of our bathroom renovation projects.

          Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


            Common Mistakes in Choosing Bathroom Fittings: Insights from Ruth Ansell

            Video testimonial by Mark Norris (Glenfield, Auckland) Full Kitchen Design + Renovation, and removal of walls to open up space completed by Superior Renovations.

            “For me personally, I thought the process from start to finish was actually pretty seamless. We both worked from home three days a week, living in a renovation and essentially working in a renovation to some degree. Obviously, we could hear the renovation happening; you can’t take that away. We weren’t really disturbed by anything else from the renovation unless a question needed to be asked, such as having the power or water turned off. But in terms of day-to-day operations, it was absolutely great, with no problems at all”

            The renovation included:

            ☑️ Kitchen Design

            ☑️ New Kitchen Cabinetry + Benchtop

            ☑️ Plumbing, Electrical and Installation

            ☑️ Removal of walls

            ☑️ Plastering and Painting

            ☑️ New SPC Flooring – Kitchen and Dining Area

            ☑️ New Aluminium Joinery

            ☑️ Upgrade Power Board


            Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


              Mark Norris – Kitchen Design + Renovation by Superior Renovations

              Video testimonial by Tatiana Derevianko – Full House Renovation of her Epsom (Auckland) Home completed by Superior Renovations.

              “I’m so glad I went for it, I don’t even want to leave my house, I’m going to retire in this place, it’s perfect! On Saturday I had my first visitors and their reaction was amazing! My experience with Superior Renovations is that they delivered on time and they delivered on budget – it couldn’t have been any better.

              Last thing I would want is to be stuck in a half done house for Christmas and Superior Renovations did not disappoint, they delivered 1 week before Christmas just as they promised”

              The renovation included:
              ☑️ Removal of Walls and Doors throughout downstairs with added structural steel beams
              ☑️ Full Kitchen Design + Renovation
              ☑️ Custom Feature Wall for Fireplace and TV
              ☑️ Outdoor Renovation/ Seating/ Fencing
              ☑️ Renovation of the toilet
              ☑️ Full Interior Painting including balustrades
              ☑️ New Carpets in Bedrooms
              ☑️ New Laminate Flooring Downstairs
              ☑️ Underfloor heating in Kitchen, Dining and Living

              Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


                Tatiana Derevianko – Open Space Living: Superior Renovations

                Discussing Tile Trends with Kalun from The Tile Depot – Superior Renovations®

                What are the Most Common Tiling Mistakes homeowners make when renovating their bathroom?
                Hear it from Kalun (Senior Sales Consultant at The Tile Depot)  We caught up with her at our Wairau Valley Showroom, check out what she had to say

                Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


                  Most Common Tiling Mistakes Homeowners Make with Kalun Hodgman from The Tile Depot

                  Bathroom renovation done by Superior renovation in Titirangi
                  Bathroom Renovation, Media

                  Top 15 Bathroom Design Trends (2023) by Our In-house Designers

                  This article has been updated to include our Top 10 tips for small bathroom designs + Creating designer bathrooms in NZ (contemporary, Classic, Vintage and Modern)

                  Bathroom is usually the smallest room in a house, but it can also be a haven if modelled well. This article will focus on bathroom design which works well for NZ homes based on the upcoming bathroom trends.

                  If you are looking at renovating your bathroom next year then get some inspiration from the latest trends in the bathroom renovation industry across the globe. We will be sharing bathroom design trends from bathtubs and showers to vanities and flooring. Bathroom designs is no longer just functional with plain tiled floors, white walls, a plain shower and vanity. Today you have various options in terms of textures, patterns, prints, finishes and styles.

                  Most people often aim at including atleast one bold element in their bathroom to give it some character. If you are looking at remodeling your bathroom then this list is sure to spark some inspiration for your project. The list will include a bathroom design style for every taste starting from modern to Vintage.

                  In this article:

                  1. Top 15 bathroom design trends for 2023
                  2. Top 10 bathroom design ideas for small bathrooms 
                  3. Designer bathrooms in NZ
                  4. Bathroom Design Trends not to follow


                  Top 15 bathroom design trends for 2023

                  Trend #1 Black making a statement

                  In the recent years we have seen that Grey has been a more popular choice instead of Black. Often people choose grey as a dominant colour for accents and flooring. Black however has seen a rise in popularity with more people wanting to make a bolder statement within their bathroom design. Grey will however still remain popular but expect to see more darker tones of grey or black for future bathroom designs.

                  Black can be integrated in many forms within a bathroom. If you have a smaller bathroom then you can use black for your light fixtures, mirror and tapware with matte finishes. If you have a neutral toned bathroom then adding black tapware and light fixtures will create a dramatic effect in your bathroom. If you have a larger bathroom then you can also look at adding black fixtures like a bathtub or vanity. Black is however not a popular choice for tiles. Large grey tiled floors will continue to see an upward trend in the coming years.

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                  Wooden vanity with a black rim in Titirangi

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                  Floating Black vanity and fixtures in Parnell

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                  All black fixtures in Cockle Bay

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                  Black shower head and fixtures in West harbour

                  See project specifications for Tracey’s bathroom renovation in Titirangi with a wooden floating vanity with a black rim and artisan floor tiles

                  Trend #2 Brass and Gold 

                  Brass and gold have always been associated with vintage bathroom designs. Gold accents work great with vintage designs, but they can also be incorporated into contemporary and modern designs. Gold and brass are no longer a design of the past. The gold and brass hues of today will add a lovely warmth to any bathroom. They add a sense of character and luxury to your bathroom space.

                  The past years have seen sleek, polished, and modern shiny fixtures. Homeowners are moving away from this trend as it does not add any warmth to the bathroom. Shiny sleek metal fixtures lack character and make your bathroom look cold.

                  Instead the growing trend has been to incorporate brass and cold hues in matte finishing for taps, sinks and lighting.

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                  Brass sink used in Stanmore Bay

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                  Gold fixtures used throughout the bathroom in Westmere


                  Read more…

                  Stanmore Bay renovation with Brass fitting in the bathroom

                  Westmere Rustic style kitchen with green accent wall and matte gold taps

                  Trend #3 Technology within your bathroom design

                  Technology is integrated everywhere within our lives. So why should bathrooms remain behind? The whole point of technology is to make our standard of living better. We have seen smart toilets and automatic taps in the past owing to the growing trend in Japan. Smart toilets, automatic taps and deodorisers have become a norm in hotels and airports. More and more homeowners are integrating smart toilets and automatic taps into their bathroom design.

                  2021 will see technology integrated throughout the bathroom and not just toilets or automatic taps. We will be seeing a rise is automatic showers and Bluetooth systems. With automatic showers, you will be able to make sure that the water is already hot by the time you get home. With a blue tooth system you can now listen to music when having a shower. You can also now install a voice activated system where you can alter light and water settings with just speaking out loud.

                  Modern bathrooms are becoming more of a place of relaxation and technology is becoming an integral part of it.


                  Trend #4 Tile Patterns and shapes in a bathroom design

                  White square tiles are a thing of the past. If you are renovating your bathroom then you will hardly choose a white tile owing to the far superior options available in tiles today. Tiles now come in various hues, designs, patterns and textures. They can mimic any material or style owing to the advancement in technology.

                  You can now cut tiles in various shapes and sizes which adds to the number of things to choose from. 2021 bathrooms will feature bright tiles in various shapes which will be used as accent and as features.

                  Shower walls and backsplashes are the two most common areas where you will see bright and textured tiles. They will not be limited to floors.

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                  We installed Artisan tiles from Tile depot for the floors which were combined with a floating vanity to give this bathroom a classic contemporary look. The wooden looking vanity with a black rim adds some warmth to the bathroom (Project in Titirangi)


                  See full project specifications for Tracey’s bathroom renovation in Titirangi (pictured above)


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                  This bathroom in Hillsborough was fully renovated with Mosaic tiles used for the floors.

                  Read more…

                  Amber and Craig’s bathroom renovation with mosaic tiles on the floors

                  Emerging Tile trends for 2021 by Ruth and Kitty from Tile depot



                  Trend #5 Industrial styled sinks, lighting and vanities

                  Industrial style homes were first inspired by the apartments of New York. Industrial style is also sometimes interchangeably used as ‘New York’ style apartments. It is however not to everyone’s taste. Most people do not use an industrial style throughout their home. Instead certain elements of the industrial style is integrated into their renovation design.

                  Expect to see a growing trend of industrial elements incorporated into bathroom designs in NZ. One of the most popular industrial elements have been sinks, light fixtures and taps. If you love the style then you can even think of integrating an industrial vanity. These elements can easily be integrated into any bathroom style by choosing wooden and matte black industrial fixtures. This trend especially works well in apartments and Urban areas such as Auckland.


                  Read more…

                  Before and After Bathroom renovation photos for our top 15 renovations in Auckland

                  Trend #6 Wooden accents are back

                  People have always loved wooden elements in their home. Wooden accents exude warmth into any room. As mentioned earlier, people are straying away from white and shiny bathrooms. Wooden accents have been on the rise in the last 2 years with most people featuring them as vanities. Wooden accents are popular as they can be incorporated into any time of style. Wooden looking tiles have also become popular recently.

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                  MDF Melteca wooden looking cabinets in Westmere

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                   MDF melteca wooden looking vanity in St Heliers

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                  Wooden cabinets in Albany bathroom renovation

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                  Floating wooden vanity in Titirangi


                  Read more…

                  Todd Chandler’s bathroom renovation in St Heliers with MDF melteca wooden vanity

                  MDF Melteca wooden cabinets in Mary Stuart’s Spanish bathroom

                  MDF Melteca dark wooden double vanity built for a project in Westmere

                  Wooden floating vanity in Titirangi from St Michels

                  Trend #7 Adding a pop of colour to your bathroom design

                  Like we discussed above, white bathrooms have a very clinical look to them. They do not exude any warmth or add any design element to your bathroom. A growing trend in bathrooms has been to add a pop of colour to otherwise neutral bathrooms. This is easily done by installing bright coloured light fixtures or tapware.

                  2021 however will see a rise in colourful backsplashes and accent walls to draw attention to a bathroom. This can either be done by painting one of your walls in a bright shade or simply installing textured and bright tiles as accent walls or feature strips.

                  In our interview with Ruth from Tile depot, she talks about how many Aucklanders are using their Casablanca collection to add a pop of colour to their bathrooms. The Casablanca collection comes in warm red, orange, green and many other colours. If you are not quite ready for a bold accent wall then you can still add some colour in your bathroom by installing a strip of bright or textured tiles on an otherwise neutral wall.

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                  Green Casablanca tiles installed in one of the walls of the shower to add some drama in the bathroom (Bathroom renovation in Westmere)


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                  Mary Stuart’s Spanish style bathroom in Stanmore Bay features blue painted walls and colourful mosaic tiles to add a ‘pop’ of colour to her bathroom



                  Trend #8 Compact storage spaces

                  Since bathroom is a small space, it often starts looking messy and cluttered. Even if you are not a minimalistic person, you should think about keeping your bathroom clutter free to encourage a relaxed environment. Compact and hidden storage solutions are readily available and will make your bathroom appear more open and organised if integrated within your bathroom design.

                  It is often easy to forget about storage when renovating a bathroom. People often get carried away with the beautiful fixtures that they can choose from. When renovating a bathroom think about the functionality and your lifestyle. Storage solutions should be one of the major factors that should be taken into consideration during a renovation.

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                  A vertical storage cabinet from St Michels installed in this bathroom renovation from Titirangi, Auckland

                  Trend #9 Pale tones of pink

                  Blush has been a popular choice in bathrooms for quite some time. Blush walls matched with matte metallic fixtures can really transform your bathroom into a chic space. In 2021 you can expect to see modern bathrooms in shades of blush paired with rose gold fixtures and tapware. If you are not ready to commit to rose gold or blush for the whole bathroom, it is still a great colour to add as feature walls or accents.

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                  Pink toned bathrooms can transform a bathroom into a clean and modern space


                  Trend #10 Advanced Mirrors and sleek lines

                  There has been a growing trend for sleeker bathrooms especially in apartments of Urban areas. People want their homes to reflect a kind of urban, modern and sleek look. This theme is carried forward in their bathrooms which are sleeker than before. Such bathrooms usually have technology integrated within the design and mirrors are not far behind.

                  Mirrors now have anti fog technology which is especially convenient to do your toilette after your hot shower. They also have smart touch buttons which enable you to switch a light on at the rim of the mirrors. These mirrors have a back light running all around the mirror which can be adjusted in intensity with a touch of your finger. USB charging stations are also increasingly been seen in bathrooms.

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                  Anti-fog mirror installed with LED backlighting and a touch button in our Epsom home renovation


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                  This bathroom renovation in Parnell was renovated to make it look luxurious and modern which was in line with our client’s urban lifestyle. The mirror installed had an LED anti-fog mirror with a touch button on it. The black floating shelves with sleek lines added to the modern bathroom design.


                  Read more…

                  Urban Parnell home renovation with floating black vanity and interactive bathroom mirror

                  Epsom bathroom renovation with a wet area + interactive LED mirror

                  Trend #11 Bigger and comfier

                  Our changing lifestyles also means that we have changed how we live within our house. Separate toilets and bathrooms were always preferred even a few decades ago. People now prefer to have ensuites in their homes which means that there is more space to work with. Quite a few of our clients now prefer to demolish the wall between their toilet and bathroom in order to convert them into an ensuite.

                  This means that you can now install bigger bathtubs and showers within your bathroom design. Bigger bathtubs means that you relax more comfortably and indeed make your bathroom a place of serenity after a long days work. Open showers have also become increasingly popular compared to older boxed in plastic shower boxes. The growing trend has been to make your bathroom look open and uncluttered. Having open showers or wet areas makes your bathroom look spacious. If you are not yet ready for a wet area in your bathroom then think about installing showers with glass doors that go from the ground till the ceiling.

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                  Free standing bathtub was incorporated in this ensuite in this bathroom renovation in West Harbour


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                  Spacious shower integrated in this bathroom design for a renovation in Westmere


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                  A smaller freestanding bathtub installed in this Ellerslie bathroom renovation


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                  A waterproofed wet area created behind the toilet to make the bathroom look less congested (Bathroom renovation in Epsom)


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                  A glass tiled shower makes this bathroom look more spacious as opposed to a acrylic shower box



                  Spacious Bathtubs and Wet areas

                  Spacious wet area created for a bathroom renovation in Westmere, Auckland

                  A medium sized wet area created for a bathroom in Epsom, Auckland


                  Trend #12 Floating bathroom vanities

                  As we discussed above, contemporary and bathrooms have seen a growing trend in the past few years. These designs often feature floating vanities and shelves. Floating shelves however are now being integrated in all types of bathroom designs. As technology improves bathroom suppliers are making floating vanities with traditional, transitional and industrial styles as well.

                  Floating vanities make the area look less cumbersome and increases storage underneath them.


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                  Floating vanity in Papatoetoe bathroom renovation

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                  Floating wooden vanity in Albany bathroom renovation


                  Trend #13 Underfloor heating systems and lights

                  Adding underfloor heating is not seen as a luxury anymore. The growing trend for bathroom designs has been to make them as comfortable as possible. Hence most recently renovated bathrooms in Auckland now feature underfloor heating which cost about $2500. This might feel like its an expense but the comfort that they offer in winter months is immeasurable.

                  Moreover, you can install underfloor heating under any time of flooring that you choose. You can install it under concrete, tile, Vinyl, wood or tile. You no longer must tip toe or wear warm slippers when walking on tiled bathroom floors. You can also install heating lights on the ceiling for cold winters to add more warmth in your bathroom. This will cost you around $600.

                  Read more…

                  18 Top Bathroom tiling trends in Auckland


                  Trend #14 Textures and patterns on walls

                  Textured and patterned wall tiles do not have to be synonyms to wallpaper. Wallpapers are a thing of the past as they are hard to maintain. Wallpapers however do have an advantage because they come in various patters and designs which can add considerable character to a bathroom.

                  Instead of wallpapers the trend will be to use textured and patterned tiles on the walls to add some drama into a bathroom. Tile depot has a range of Artisan tiles/ patterned tiles that can be used as feature walls for bathrooms.


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                  Mosaic Tiles installed around the mirror in Stanmore Bay

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                  Spanish style Mosaic tiles in Stanmore Bay


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                  A combination of subway tiles and Casablanca green tiles in a glass shower (Project in Westmere)


                  Read more…

                  Mary Stuart’s Spanish style bathroom renovation 

                  Green textured tiles used as an Accent wall for a Westmere bathroom renovation


                  Trend #15 Larger tiles

                  Contrary to popular belief, large tiles make a small bathroom look larger. This is because with larger tiles you will have lesser grout lines which means lesser ‘breaks’ on the bathroom floors. Ruth from Tile depot explains that 600 by 600 or 600 by 900 tiles are becoming increasingly popular with Auckanders and this trend is seeing an upward demands.


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                  Large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors

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                  Large 600 by 900 tiles used on the floors


                  Read more…

                  Ellerslie bathroom renovation with large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors

                  Papatoetoe bathroom renovation with large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors

                  Greenlane bathroom renovation with large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors


                  10 tips for small bathroom ideas for your bathroom design

                  Medium to large bathrooms are easier to design because there is a lot of space to include the fixtures you like as well as to create design elements. But not everyone has the luxury of having big bathrooms and often the smaller bathrooms in our homes are neglected.

                  This, however, does not have to be the case. Small bathrooms can be as functional and visually appealing. The key to a great small bathroom design is planning and a designer who can help you with integrating design elements for your small bathroom design.


                  1.     Choose Soft colours or a neutral palette

                  A neutral palette for your walls and fixtures will give an illusion of space to your small bathroom. Soft colours like beige, off white, soft pinks and other neutral colours will open your space and will create a calming feel within your small bathroom. Having a soft coloured or neutral palette does not mean that your overall bathroom design will be boring. You can create interest and design elements such as colourful towel tails, matte black tapware, brass finish mixers. and accent tiles for your small bathroom.


                  2.     Recessed Lighting

                  Good lighting will always make any small space appear larger. Natural lighting from the windows works great for small bathrooms but if you do not have good natural lighting then you should make sure that you install plenty of lighting.

                  We recommend clients to install recessed lighting if they have a small bathroom. You will already be working with a limited space which means you should avoid installing pendent lighting, chandeliers, or wall mounted lighting fixtures as they will make your small bathroom look closed in.

                  Recessed lighting can be completely hidden in your ceiling and give a sleek look to your bathroom.  Recessed lighting also emits a soft glow which will soften the lines of your fixtures and walls.


                  3.     Add Wall Mirrors or Large mirrors above your basin

                  Use large flat mirrors, if possible, above your vanity or along the wall if possible. Adding large mirrors will visually make your bathroom appear larger and it will also reflect light to add to this illusion of space. Avoid bulky cabinets and if a medicine cabinet is an absolute must for you then choose sleeker styles. St Michel’s has several style options for sleek medicine and side cabinets which are a great choice for small bathroom designs.


                  4.     Wet areas

                  Wet areas are perfect for small bathroom designs as they provide a sleek look and open up the space. If you are planning on creating a wet area for your small bathroom, then you need to get the area waterproofed. Once waterproofing is completed, then the walls and floors are tiled which becomes your ‘wet area’. Wet areas that are completely open do have a disadvantage because you must ensure that all your other fixtures like vanity etc are water resistance as well.

                  Cleaning can also become an issue because you will have to wipe water splashes from the rest of the bathroom. To combat this issue, many of our clients prefer installing a glass divider between the wet area and the rest of the bathroom. You can either install half a glass divider or a glass door according to your preference.

                  5.     L-shaped Tiled showers

                  The corner space of bathrooms is often under utilised in most bathrooms. Small bathroom designs need all the creativity they can get with their layouts. This corner L-shaped space can be used to create a custom tiled glass shower.


                  Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-2-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Bathroom renovation in St Heliers – While this bathroom was not particularly small, we utilised the corner L-shaped space to create a glass shower to maximise the space available.


                  See full project specifications for the above bathroom in St Heliers



                  Use the same tiles in the shower as the rest of your bathroom floor to get a continuous look as this will make your small bathroom appear larger. Use a frameless glass door to add to the illusion of space for your small bathroom.

                  6.     Pocket door/ Barn Door

                  When you have a small bathroom, you need all the space you can get to comfortably accommodate all bathroom fixtures. To maximise space in your bathroom, you can install a pocket door so that the door is not opening into your bathroom.


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                  We custom built a barn door for this full bathroom renovation as the we did not want the door to swing into the bathroom or the corridor outside. We had limited space in the bathroom and had to accommodate a toilet, shower, bathtub and vanity so we needed all the space available – Vintage bathroom renovation in North Shore


                  See full bathroom specifications for the above vintage bathroom in North Shore


                  7.     Use large Tiles for your floors

                  Using large floor tiles will make your small bathroom look larger as it will have fewer grout lines. Ruth from Tile depot recommends using 600 by 600 or 900 by 600 tiles on the floors for small bathroom designs. You can further minimise the appearance of grout lines by matching the colour of your grouting with the tiles.


                  8.     Try a Minimalistic small bathroom design

                  If you have a very small bathroom then opt for a minimalistic look for your bathroom design. Stay away from too many patterns or textures and choose fixtures with clean lines. Opt for white for your flooring, and all bathroom fixtures. Do not use a shower curtain if you have a bath and instead install a clear glass. To elevate the overall design for your small bathroom, add plants near your window or plant creepers along your mirrors.


                  9.     Floating vanities and toilets

                  Installing floating vanities and toilets in your bathroom will allow you to achieve an uncluttered look as the space around these fixtures is freed up. In the past floating vanities available were only in the modern style. Now, however you can find gloating vanities in contemporary as well as other styles.


                  10. Custom built vanities to suit the size of your small bathroom

                  Small bathrooms can sometimes have odd angles or might be too narrow. Building custom vanity is not as difficult as it might sound. In fact, vanities are built the same way as your kitchen cabinets and benchtop are built.


                  Luxury-Bathroom-Design-Redvale-5, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Custom built vanity and countertop for this bathroom in Redvale as the space was narrow.


                  See full bathroom specifications for the above bathroom renovation in Redvale

                  How to create a designer bathroom – Designer bathrooms in NZ

                  At Superior Renovations, we have seen a growing demand from our clients to create bathrooms that have a designer element to them. Bathrooms no longer are just a functional space but a space to enjoy and relax. Having a designer bathroom does not necessarily have to equate to expensive.

                  “There are so many innovative and beautiful bathroom fixtures available today which are easy to maintain, moderately priced but also exude a sense of luxury. Combine beautiful fixtures with gorgeous handmade looking tiles and you can really make your bathroom look elegant. It is all about choosing fixtures, colours, textures and designs that truly complement each other for a cohesive bathroom design” says Cici our in-house bathroom designer.

                  Some of the key questions Cici asks our clients before designing a designer bathroom is as follows:

                  • Is there a specific theme that you have in mind for your designer bathroom? Themes could range from eclectic, classic, traditional, vintage cottage, industrial, retro, contemporary or modern.
                  • Do you want to create a bathroom which is a mix of elements from different styles?
                  • is there a specific colour that you want to incorporate within the bathroom design?
                  • Is this going to be your main bathroom or a guest bathroom?
                  • Who will be using this bathroom the most? Are the children going to use the bathroom too?
                  • How do you feel about textures on materials?
                  • Do you like a matte, glossy finishes for your fixtures? Or do you want a combination of both?
                  • Is there a particular fixture (like a bathtub or wet area) that is a must in the bathroom design?
                  • Does one of the fixtures need to be the star of your bathroom design?
                  • Do you want a layered lighting effect or a bathroom with more natural and bright light?
                  • Any specific brands that you want to specifically include in your designer bathroom?
                  • Do you need a lot of storage in the bathroom?
                  • How do you feel about a feature wall?
                  • What is your ideal choice for flooring?
                  • Any specific tiles that are a must (non-slip etc)?
                  • Do you want a fully tiled wall or would you prefer painting them?


                  “Most of my clients do not know the answer to the all the above questions which is completely fine. The choices out there are plenty and it can quickly get overwhelming. I use these questions as just a starting point, to see what the client roughly wants from the designer bathroom. Most of my clients’ vision for their bathroom design often evolves as we talk more about materials and prospective design.” explains Cici. “It is okay not to know what exactly you want from your bathroom design”.

                  In the next section of the blog we will discuss how to create different styles of designer bathrooms in NZ.

                  Create a contemporary designer bathroom with Fixtures and Large Matte tiles.

                  Fixtures play a key role when creating a designer bathroom in NZ. We mostly work with Reece when renovating bathrooms because of their extensive range in design as well as the quality of their fixtures. Contemporary bathrooms are most popular in Auckland as they are a mix of materials that are popular. Contemporary bathroom designs mostly feature large matte tiles with large free standing bathtubs, wet areas and vanity with a design feature.

                  Kado for bathtubs

                  Cici often uses the KADO range from Reece when styling contemporary bathrooms. The Kado Range from Reece, is inspired by hotel luxury with an emphasis on indulgence and comfort. This bathtub is called Lussi 500 Vessel basin and has the capacity of 7.6L.

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                  The solid case surface of this bathtub exudes a contemporary look as it lets the rawness of the material of the bathtub be the star of the show. Photo credit (


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                  Lussi bathtub from Reece. Photo credit –

                  If you are looking for something slightly more asymmetrical then Cici would recommend the Neue free standing bathtub from Kado. “The curved edge on one side of the bathtub creates interest and is also more comfortable as you can stretch out your legs on the elongated side of the bathtub.


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                  Neue free standing bathtub from the Kado range. Photo credit – you are lookin


                  As seen above, contemporary bathrooms of today have an overall matte finish for all their fixtures and tiles. If you want to add a touch of glossy or shiny finish to your bathroom then we recommend you do them through taps or a feature wall.

                  LAUFEN for basins and tapware

                  There are many options available today when it comes choosing a contemporary style of basin. There isn’t a particular basin that fits the description of a contemporary style. Some of the more popular contemporary designer bathrooms of today have smart features like integrating eco technology that help to save water and electricity.


                  We asked Cici why she recommends Laufen to clients and she says “Laufen has created a unique material called SaphirKeramik which they use to make their basins. It is a revolutionary ceramic material which has exceptional hardness that is blended with corundum (a colourless mineral that has some components of Sapphire). This gives the material the strength that is equal to steel but is flexible enough to be made very thin. This gives you endless design possibilities which is why Laufen has some spectacular designs for their basins.


                  There is also an emphasis on design which does not have any added frills.

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                  The left side of the picture shows how Laufen integrates eco technology within its tapware system that helps you save water and electricity. The right side of the picture shows how their modern mixers lets you hide most of the mixer behind the wall which gives you a sleeker look and also frees up space around the sink. Photo credit –


                  ” There are many options available for tapware as well as basins when it comes to a contemporary bathroom design. Some of my clients prefer a more modern and clean look for their basins while some like a more rugged look which showcases the rawness and earthiness of the material. The beauty of contemporary designs is that you can mix and match various styles as there is no specific design for contemporary designs (like for traditional)” explains Cici when asked about the choice for contemporary bathrooms.


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                  This basin and mixer from Laufen is suited for a more modern contemporary bathroom. This is from Laufen’s Kartell range. Photo credit –


                  The basin seen above is a great example of a contemporary bathroom design with modern and sleek lines. It is a minimalistic look which is also great for bathrooms which have a smaller space to work with.


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                  This contemporary designer bathroom features basins and mixers from Laufen’s Kartell range. Photo credit -


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                  A unique on the counter basin from Laufen from their ‘Val’ series. Photo credit –


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                  A beautiful contemporary basin with curved edges (Laufen from Sonar series) gives softens a contemporary bathroom design. Photo credit –


                  “The bathroom that we renovated in Piha (pictured below0 is a great example of using a sink that shows off its material in its raw form. People often mistake contemporary style with ultra modern. A contemporary bathroom design is all about using materials that are most popular in the current time. This could include elements borrowed from other styles. It is all about highlighting materials” explains Cici about contemporary designs.


                  Our-contemporary-bathroom, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Contemporary designer bathroom in Piha

                  Alape for contemporary and modern designer bathrooms

                  Alape is another great brand from Reece that can be used in contemporary, industrial and modern bathroom designs. It is made of a thin sheet of steel which is the fired with a rich enamel coating to give you an even finish. It exudes a sense of luxury that is hard to match and truly elevates the overall bathroom design to make it look like a designer bathroom.


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                  This vessel sink has a metallic dark iron enamel coating from Alape. This sink can be used in contemporary, industrial and modern designer bathrooms. Photo credit –


                  The vessel sink below has two colours within the sink that provides a beautiful contrast and adds interest to the vanity. The interior white is in a glossy finish against the matte black of the exterior. Our designers do no recommend installing vessel sinks with households where there are very young children. This is because vessel sinks need cleaning around the basin which is not required for insert sinks.


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                  Bi-colour range from Alape. photo credit –


                  The insert sink pictured below, would be a better choice for households with children. This sink also gives a more uncluttered look for the surface of your vanity.


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                  Steel insert sink from Alape. photo credit –


                  Showers in Contemporary bathrooms

                  Showers in contemporary bathrooms often feature wet areas or a tiled shower with a glass door. Most older homes have boxed in showers with an acrylic base which often look too bulky and do not add any aesthetic element to the overall bathroom design.

                  Most of our clients opt for a tiled shower with a frameless glass for a clean look for their contemporary bathroom designs. We often install the same floor tiles and wall tiles in the shower as the rest of the bathroom to provide continuity to the bathroom design which in turn makes the bathroom look larger.

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                  This bathroom renovation in West Harbour features a tiled shower with a frameless glass. The frameless glass makes sure that the shower area does not look bulky.


                  “Some of my bathroom renovation clients prefer a tiled shower that has a raised platform around the perimeter so water does not splash out of the shower when in use. Other clients want a more cleaner and seamless in which case we do not build the raised perimeter”. explains Cici about the types of tiled showers that are popular with our clients.


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                  This is another example of a raised frameless tiled shower for our bathroom renovation in Piha.



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                  The wet area in the above bathroom renovation is a great example of a wet area. The partial glass frame separates the shower from the rest of the bathroom. There is no raised platform that separates the rest of the bathroom from the shower area.


                  The picture below shows a bathroom that we renovated in Westmere (Auckland) where we created a wet area without a raised platform around the perimeter. The same tiles were used throughout the bathroom as well as the wet area to create a seamless bathroom design. While this bathroom has a more rustic style, a similar wet area can be created in a contemporary designer bathroom.



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                  A wet area was created in a rustic bathroom renovation that we carried out in Westmere, Auckland.


                  Flooring and Wall tiles for a Contemporary designer bathroom

                  The great thing about contemporary designs is that there are not many style restrictions or limitations. It is all about combining different styles, textures and materials. We work very closely with Ruth and Kalun from Tile depot who routinely help us with selecting the right types of tiles for our client bathrooms. They have extensive knowledge about the evolution of tiles, new innovative products in styles as well as durability so our designers often seek their advice when designing our client bathrooms.

                  Ruth recommends using large 600 by 600 or 600 by 900 sized tiles on the floors because it makes the bathroom look larger as there are less breaks in terms of grout lines. Contemporary bathrooms of today usually feature matte tiles for the floor and walls. Cici recommends using dark coloured tiles on the floors for a contemporary bathroom. “Using dark coloured matte tiles on the floors instantly makes the bathroom look more luxurious. You can use a slightly lighter shade for the walls if you are tiling them or use a more lighter colour for your tile”.


                  “If you look at the bathroom we renovated below, then you can see how a light veined tile on the walls complements the darker tile on the floor to create a open and spacious bathroom” says Cici about using dark tiles on the floor. “It is a common misconception that dark tiles will close up the space and make the bathroom look small” she adds.



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                  Contemporary designer bathroom in Albany, Auckland. This contemporary bathroom features 600 by 600 large tiles on the floors with an off white veined tiles on the walls.


                  See all pictures + project specifications (for the bathroom pictured above)


                  If you like patterned tiles then install them as a feature element on your walls as a lining or as a full feature wall. A great example of a contemporary bathroom design with small patterned tiles on the floor with white subway tiles for the walls.

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                  Contemporary designer bathroom renovation in Titirangi.


                  See Before and After pictures + project specifications for the bathroom pictured above


                  “When you look at the bathrooms above you can see that a contemporary bathroom design really has no limitations and that is what makes it fun to design. You can see how different the bathrooms look from Titirangi and Albany but they still fit into the mould of contemporary bathrooms. Traditional elements with ornate designs are the only types of fixtures that do not fit into the idea of contemporary” explains Cici when we asked her why these two bathrooms are considered contemporary



                  Our featured Contemporary bathroom design – Redvale, Auckland

                  Our contemporary designer bathroom below is a great example of the different textures, finishes and colours that are used to create today’s contemporary bathroom design. The exterior of the bathtub has a matte finish but the interior has a more polished finish. the real star of the show however, is the combination of dark grey wall tiles against the lighter grey floor tiles.

                  Our client Sarah did not want a generic looking off white bathroom but opted for a dark colour palette.


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                  “People often have the misconception that choosing dark fixtures or tiles will make your space smaller. This does not have to be the case if the darker colour palette is complemented by more lighter colours. If you choose all your tiles, fixtures and other accessories in a dark palette then your bathroom will definitely look smaller and closed in. If you however, choose contrasting colours of light and dark then the result will be a beautiful contemporary space” says Cici about choosing dark colour palettes for bathrooms.


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                  As discussed above, matte textured tiles have become a preferred  choice for designers and clients alike for contemporary designer bathrooms in NZ.  Large 600 by 600 Pirano grey matt glazed porcelain R10 antislip tiles used on the floors from tile depot. Large 600 by 600 MI Incarico tiles used on the walls from Tile depot.


                  “Large 600 by 600 or 600, 600 by 900 or 900 by 1200 are very popular for small as well as big bathrooms. They give a more seamless look and provide continuity to the bathroom design as there are fewer grout lines. They are also easier to install and will be less prone to leakage” says Ruth from Tile Depot when we asked her about the size of tiles best suited for bathrooms.




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                  We created a tiled shower wet area for the bathroom which had the same tiles for its floors and walls to provide continuity to the overall bathroom design. A shower niche was also created to store shampoos and body wash to avoid cluttered floors. A custom glass was cut to fit in the shower’s wet area.


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                  The bathroom had an awkward corner space behind the bathroom door where we installed a toilet. This was it was partially hidden and we could utilise the space well which gave us the freedom to install larger fixtures (the free standing bathtub, double heated towel rail and double vanity) in the rest of the bathroom.


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                  As the bathroom was quite narrow, we custom built the vanity as well as the stone engineered countertop. To add to the spa-like contemporary design of the bathroom we installed top standing basins and chrome tapware.

                  Read full project specifications + Before and After bathroom pictures for the above bathroom



                  Vintage bathroom designs NZ  

                  Vintage bathroom designs exude an old world charm with its patterned tiles, intricate accessories, warm colours and classic timeless fixtures. Vintage does not mean the dated bathrooms that you see in older homes of Auckland. Vintage bathroom designs of today are all about incorporating classic pieces of fixtures into a modern bathroom.

                  For example, vintage bathroom designs include antique looking claw foot bathtubs, free standing vanity in a classic style, tiles with patterns and brushed finish tapware.

                  Vanity for Vintage bathroom designs

                  During earlier times, basins never really had an cabinetry built underneath or above it. This is the reason that our designer Dorothy recommends using free standing basins without any in-built cabinetry for a vintage bathroom design.

                  You can add shelves in form of floating shelves or open cabinetry on the side which are the hallmarks of vintage bathroom designs. The material


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                  Tapware from the Classic collection from the Astra Walker range. Photo credit:


                  The 3 part tapware shown above is a classic example of vintage style fixtures. The separate hot and cold knobs are reminiscent of older times and hence are the perfect choice for a vintage bathroom design.

                  Vintage bathroom designs often include white ceramic vanities with chrome or brushed nickel tapware. Some of our clients also like to include brass fittings to give their bathrooms a more rustic vintage look reminiscent of Spanish Villas.

                  Below is a great example of a modern vintage vanity which uses a ceramic basin with brushed nickel trimmings.


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                  Another example of a free standing vintage vanity from Kitchen Hub. Photo credit:


                  Our client Mary Stuart from Orewa, Auckland (see picture below) wanted her bathroom design to include a flair of Spanish Villas. So she decided to go for a more eclectic vintage look by installing colourful mosaic tiles, brass fittings and wooden vanity.

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                  Rustic bathroom renovation in Orewa using aged brass fittings to give it the flair of a Spanish Villa.

                  See Mary Stuart’s full bathroom transformation + Before and After pictures

                  Bathtubs in a Vintage Bathroom design

                  Bathtubs are an iconic fixture of a vintage bathroom and it should be a free standing one. Think a huge bath with chrome, brushed nickel or brass clawed foot with ornate detailing.

                  What are the best tiling options for a vintage bathroom design?

                  Tiles are definitely a hallmark of any bathroom design when you are designing a bathroom for any particular style of bathroom. Our in house designer Dorothy often helps our clients with choosing the right type of tiles or fixtures to create a designer bathroom in any style.


                  “Vintage can mean so many different things to different people. Some go for a more Moorish look and others for more classic Victorian look. The tiles for for each of these different styles of vintage bathrooms will differ. If you are going for a more Moorish or Rustic look then I would suggest tiles which have lots of colour and patterns. Tile Depot has a great collection of glazed handmade looking tiles that would suit a rustic vintage bathroom well. If it is a more Victorian Vintage design then I would go for more classic Neutrals and combine them with a bit of colour. You won’t see a lot of colour in a vintage bathroom in the Victorian style” explains Dorothy about how different Vintage bathroom designs need very different kinds of tiles in their bathroom design.


                  4. Bathroom Design Trends not to follow


                  1. All-white bathrooms: While all-white bathrooms can look clean and modern, they can also feel sterile and cold. They can also be difficult to maintain, as any stains or dirt are immediately visible on white surfaces. Consider adding some color or texture to your bathroom design to make it more inviting and comfortable. Costs will vary depending on the extent of the changes made, such as new paint, tiles, or fixtures.
                  2. Overly trendy tile designs: While trendy tiles may be appealing now, they may look outdated in just a few years. It’s better to stick with classic tile designs and add interest through accessories like rugs, towels, and artwork. The cost will depend on the type of tile and the size of the bathroom.
                  3. Open shelving: While open shelving can look great in photos, it can be difficult to keep organized and can quickly become cluttered. Consider closed storage options for a cleaner and more organized look. Costs will depend on the type of storage units selected.
                  4. Large bathtubs: While large bathtubs may be luxurious, they can also take up a lot of space and use a lot of water. Consider a smaller bathtub or even a walk-in shower for a more practical and space-saving option. Costs will depend on the type of bathtub or shower selected, as well as any additional plumbing or electrical work required.
                  5. Wall-to-wall carpeting: Carpeting in a bathroom is generally not a good idea, as it can trap moisture and bacteria and be difficult to clean. Consider tile, vinyl, or hardwood flooring for a more practical and hygienic option. Costs will depend on the type of flooring selected and the size of the bathroom.

                  By avoiding these design trends, you can create a bathroom that is both stylish and practical. The cost of making these changes will depend on the extent of the renovations, but in general, it’s better to invest in timeless design elements that will stand the test of time.

                  Further Resources 

                  1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
                  2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
                  3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
                  4. Real client stories from Auckland

                  What type of tiles should i be using for my bathroom?

                  Depending on the lifestyle you have or if you have children or adults then the type of tiles used for your bathroom will defer. Read our article about various tiles from the ladies at Tile Depot to understand more about what is suitable for your family

                  Do i have to get my own products?

                  We provide a full renovation service which means that you get to choose all your fixtures, flooring and renovation materials from our various supplier showrooms in Auckland

                  How much does it cost to renovate a bathroom in NZ?

                  This will depend on whether you are renovating on your own and managing your project or if you are renovating with a company. If you are renovating with a renovation company like ours then we include all labour costs, products, renovation materials and all different trades and project management in our proposals. On an average a bathroom renovation starts from $19,000 is Auckland.

                  Do i have to get my own designer?

                  No you will not if you are renovating with us. We have an inhouse designer who will help you with your bathroom design process.


                  Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations




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                    What is involved in Project Managing a Renovation? Jin Park – Superior Renovations®

                    What’s the difference between us and kitchen design companies?What is involved in project managing a renovation? 1f9d0, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
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                      What is involved in Project Managing a Renovation? Jin Park- Superior Renovations®