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PDL 600 Series vs PDL Iconic by Robert Knight PDL by Schneider Electric – Superior Renovations®

Light switches and surfaces are often the last thing on people’s minds when they renovate their home. This however, is changing because every element of your renovation contributes to the overall design of your renovated space whether its your bathroom or kitchen.
We decided to have a conversation with Robert Knight from PDL by Schneider Electric to understand more about their latest Iconic series and how they elevate the design as well as function of renovations.
In this video Robert explores:
1. PDF 600 Series Vs PDL Iconic Series
2. Different Styles and Finishes from Iconic range that complement bathroom and Kitchen designs
Stay tuned for future videos with Robert to understand more about safety features, Home Automation Features, Wiser Home App and their Designer Range.
Visit our Showroom at Wairau Valley (16b Link Drive, Wairau Valley, Auckland) to explore more options from the Iconic Range by PDL by Schneider Electric. You can also consult our designers to help you choose the right lighting surface for your bathroom or kitchen design.

Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


    Home RenovationKitchen RenovationBathroom RenovationOutdoor RenovationHouse ExtensionCommercialDesign ServicesOther

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    PDL 600 Series vs PDL Iconic by Robert Knight PDL by Schneider Electric – Superior Renovations®

    Discussing Tile Trends with Kalun from The Tile Depot – Superior Renovations®

    Are subway tiles still a popular choice? What are the upcoming tile trends for 2022?

    Hear it from Kalun (Senior Sales Consultant at The Tile Depot). We caught up with her at our Wairau Valley Showroom, check out what she had to say, and tell us what you think is trending right now.

    Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


      Home RenovationKitchen RenovationBathroom RenovationOutdoor RenovationHouse ExtensionCommercialDesign ServicesOther

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      Discussing Tile Trends with Kalun Hodgman from The Tile Depot

      House Renovation

      装修费用–奥克兰2022年的装修费用是多少(已更新)Superior Renovations ®




      家庭装修包括DIY装修在2020年网络搜索中呈上升趋势,并且这一趋势在2021年得以延续。与此同时,对于家庭装修,我们也看到装修贷款的查询增加。这表示,在低利率房屋贷款的推动下 在低利率房屋贷款的推动下,房主们正在将翻新他们的房屋视为一种(增加房屋价值的)可能性。同时,针对出租房产的装修咨询也在增加,虽然房地产市场持续低迷,但房地产投资者仍在寻找增加价值的方法(并利用低息贷款来融资)。




      砖房的粉刷前后对比(新西兰)–一幢位于在West Harbour的砖房外部装修案例,其中包括:屋顶粉刷,新的混凝土车道,墙砖粉刷,新雨水管,整屋升级至双层玻璃窗户,新电动院门,全外观维修以及外墙隔板粉刷。







      2021年,房屋装修如何受到影响 ↓

      在奥克兰确定全屋装修费用的难易程度 ↓

      奥克兰房屋扩建的成本 ↓

      每平方米的装修成本 ↓

      平均房屋装修费用表(厨房、浴室、露台等的装修费用) ↓

      准备阶段的注意事项 ↓

      如何选择合适的装修公司进行装修 ↓

      便捷家庭装修费用计算器 ↓


      QR-code-to-Page, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

      扫描二维码, 在小红书上找到我

      体验家居改造的艺术,选择Superior Renovations!我们是奥克兰首屈一指的浴室、厨房及全屋装修专家。从概念设计到完工,我们的团队确保每个细节都完美无缺。扫描二维码,在小红书上关注我们,获取最新项目、装修技巧和灵感


      想开始您的装修之旅吗?通过微信与Superior Renovations联系,享受便捷、个性化的服务体验。立即扫描,提问、获取专家建议,踏出家居改造的第一步!

      SUPERIOR-RENOVATIONS, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

      1. 2022年的房屋装修情况


      – 用房屋贷款为他们的装修工程融资(低利率)


      – Covid-19的封城,刺激了装修的需求






      – 扩建您的房子。

      – 在您的房子原有基础上加盖一层。

      – 根据您个人喜好,对房屋的内部进行装修。

      – 对厨房或浴室进行升级改造

      – 分割或扩展住宅的不同功能区域。

      – 改善您的日常体验

      – 增加房屋的价值






      Superior-Renovations-Auckland-4-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

      Superior Renovations


      如您所了解到的,奥克兰是以其房产和地理位置而闻名,特别是在传统老区,如Ponsonby, Mt Eden, Sandringham, Glenfield, Howick等,有很多可供装修的房屋。几乎在奥克兰的每一个地区,都有对房屋装修的需求。人们翻新房产的关键目的是希望提高其在市场上的期望值和正确的引导市场以目标售价吸引合适的买家,而考虑到每个地区的人口结构不同,这并不容易。


      2. 2022年在奥克兰装修成本是多少?




      如果您清楚即将装修区域的大小,可以提前计算一些装修费用/费率(但请注意,这仅是一个平均值)。在装修过程中,您需要留有 10% 的应急预算,在装修开始后,可能会有不可预见的支出——也许您想增加更多的产品,或者有需要更换的木头建材。



      奥克兰St Heliers 整屋翻新包含: 洗手间装修,两个卫浴装修,洗衣区装修,整屋内部粉刷,露台翻新,(房屋)内部房间门换新,(房屋)内部楼梯以及玻璃围栏扶手的安装,移除墙纸和墙面批灰,外部粉刷和安装扶手



      为提高(一处)位于St Heliers的房产的售价的整屋翻新


      3. 奥克兰房屋扩建成本




      • 如果您喜欢您所居住的地区,您不一定要搬家。
      • 完成您想做的改变,而不是满足于还可以的事物
      • 扩建房屋可能比搬到更大的房子成本更低
      • 您可能对您目前的房子或地区有感情,不想离开




      想了解自己的扩建项目的定制价格吗?请参照由Superior Renovations开发的免费房屋扩建成本计算器(新西兰)。





      即$150,000 + 50% *$150,000= $225,000,以及加上20%的专业服务费用和15%的消费税。





      1. 向建筑/装修公司进行初步咨询
      2. 由建筑设计师进行可行性研究
      3. 拟建前期费用
      4. 客户同意初始费用
      5. 客户、建筑师和建筑商进行实地(考察)会议
      6. 起草扩建计划草案并向客户介绍情况
      7. 提交最终的扩建计划以获得扩建许可
      8. 扩建许可获批
      9. 建筑商根据经批准的计划生成报价/建议/规格书
      10. 等待客户意见
      11. 建筑合同签署过程
      12. 收到初始定金
      13. 施工开始日期(同时预计完工日期)的确认






      4. 新西兰每平米的装修费用





      Superior-Renovations-Auckland-1-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

      Superior Renovations


      5. 房屋装修均价指南


      房屋装修费用类型  价格区间
      家装设计师费用 $2,000 – $6,000
      测量师/工程师费用 $1,500 – $4,000
      暖风机 $1,500 – $3,500
      翻新管理 $1,200 – $3,000
      电气设备 $2,200 – $4,400
      管道设备 $2,700 – $4,200
      施工团队 $15,000 – $25,000
      精细木工(窗户) $4,000 – $7,000
      保温层 $1,000 – $3,600
      屋顶 $4,400 – $9,600
      屋内翻新 自$41,000起到远超 $100,000
      浴室翻新成本   基本升级$7500起,$12,000 – $19,000为平均装修支出,而全面的重新设计装修要远超$25,000
      厨房翻新成本   一般规模的厨房从$13,000到$22,000纽币不等,中等规模的从$22,000 – $28,000纽币不等,高端设计风格的厨房从$28,000纽币以上。
      房屋扩建成本 $100,000 +
      重装外墙 $150,000 +








      我们还制作了双层玻璃成本计算器(于 2022 年 8 月更新,以反映产品和劳动力的市场价格)——旨在让您根据所提供的信息获得一个预计花费的提示。





      IMG_0866-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

      Renovated Bathroom

      Renovation-Massey-West-Auckland-4, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

      Kitchen and House Renovation






      6. 因此我们准备了一些小提示,可以有助您的房屋装修有个良好的开端。

      • 做调查,弄清楚您想要什么


      • 制定一个详细的计划


      • 为您的装修预留充足的时间


      • 确保您已经考虑了所有的选项







      1.令人印象深刻的过往项目合集 – 了解案例研究和装修的细节(规格),并提出问题。另一(方面的)原因是,您希望选择一个完成过令人印象深刻的过往项目的装修公司。因为一个完成了很多装修项目的公司,也会从中经历很多教训或者错误,可以帮助您避免发生同样的错误。

      2.在类似规模和细节的项目上有可靠的记录 – 确保您选择的公司所做的工作与您所寻找的类似,甚至相同。大多数人犯的错误是选择了一个什么都做,但是却都不在行的公司。

      3.良好的沟通 — 线索在他们的(客户主动的)在线评论,视频推荐(并非所有的公司都有视频推荐,而且要获得热情客户的(反馈)也不容易)。询问该公司(能否)提供乐于接受电话采访的过往客户的详细资料,如果一个公司不能向您提供至少5个客户的名单—这可能是危险的信号。


        1. 他们的销售过程是怎样的?是否系统化?
        2. 他们的推进能力和主动性如何?
        3. 与办公室团队的预约进展如何?
        4. 是否有明确的下一步指引?
        5. 他们根据您的要求提出的建议的准确性如何?




      8. 装修成本计算器


      房屋装修前后(新西兰) by Superior Renovations



      1         在奥克兰我们装修的厨房图库中,了解我们厨房装修的创意

      1. 在奥克兰我们装修的卫浴图库中,了解我们卫浴装修的创意
      2. 特色项目和客户案例,以了解项目规范
      3. 来自奥克兰的真实客户案例






      一般来说,一家完善的装修公司会拥有涉及所有(工种的)工作的安排,以及与他们合作良好的供应商资源,这将会使装修的压力降低并且有更好的成本效益。房屋装修通常需要 8 到 10 个不同的工种参与,如果其中任何一个不可靠,将影响所有其它相关(工种的)工作。因此,如果客户希望单独雇用某个工种的工人,我们很难进行装修翻新

      所有我接触过的建造商都说他们可以做我的工作。是什么让Superior Renovations与众不同

      是的,现在有很多建造商,但Superior Renovations不只是建造商。我们专注于家居装修,这对于将现有房产改造成现代化的现代住宅是非常重要--我们的服务不仅限于装修,我们还负责家装设计,与建筑师的咨询,建筑改造批准书和供应商沟通以及物流












      如果您正在进行房屋建造工程,您可能需要申请建筑许可书。以下是一些需要建筑许可书的工作的例子。任何结构性建筑,包括新建筑、增建、改建、附属建筑(棚)和重新打桩,改变原有的管道和排水系统,建筑工地周围的高于1.5米的挡土墙,或顶部附近有建筑物或车道的挡土墙, 高于2.5米的围栏和任何游泳池围栏, 游泳池,离地面超过1.5米的露台, 如果有疑问,我们建议您打电话给当地议会,与他们讨论您的项目


      利用我们免费的完整的家庭装修指南(48页),无论您是已经在装修还是在决定装修的过程中,这都不是一个简单的过程,这个指南包括一个免费的100多个点的检查表 – 将帮助您避免代价高昂的错误













      还有问题没有解决吗?赶快预约与Superior Renovations团队的免费咨询吧!


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        由Superior Renovations撰写

        Superior Renovations迅速成为奥克兰最受推荐的装修公司之一,这归功于我们友好的态度、透明的定价和公开透明的方式。当您的奥克兰房屋需要装修/改造服务时,Superior Renovations是您可以信赖的团队,我们提供高质量的工艺、高效的进展和具有成本效益的解决方案。

        或致电我们:   0800 199 888



        finance-badge1000x1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

        We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

        Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

        *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



        House Renovation

        Joanne & Steve Hilson – House Renovated While Being on Holiday

        Joanne & Steve Hilson

        Video testimonial by Joanne & Steve Hilson for their House Renovation completed by Superior Renovations ® located in Greenlane, Auckland.

        “Knowing that we weren’t there while it was being done as well was the best part, we were on the beach, and the renovation will be done”

        “Working with Kevin and the team was easy because we weren’t having to ring up different suppliers ourselves, it was like one team does this, another team does that – and everything was done for us under one roof. Kevin had a contact for everything, and the experience was simple. You hear a lot of horror stories about doing renovations and I was like, well that was very easy”

        The renovation included:

        Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


          Home RenovationKitchen RenovationBathroom RenovationOutdoor RenovationHouse ExtensionCommercialDesign ServicesOther

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          Home renovation
          House Renovation

          Family Homes Vs Investment Properties – Renovation Guide for 2021

          Are you looking at adding comfort and convenience to your home? Or renovating for an investment property?

          Intention or motive is a key factor when planning your home renovation.  It will determine your budget, the type of suppliers, raw materials, design and time-frame of your renovation. When you are renovating with the intention of renting it out or selling then your budget can be more limited as you do not have to make the house luxurious.

          As long as it is functional and aesthetically pleasing with everything working well then you can look at getting more medium range supplies. However, if you are going to be living in the house then you might want to splurge more on design and luxury along with making it more functional.

          In this article we will discuss the following:

          We will discuss there broad intentions for renovating a home in Auckland. This guide will provide a comprehensive guide for planning your renovation based on 3 broad categories. It will talk about budget, types of materials that we recommend for the three types of renovations based on your intention to renovate in Auckland.

          1. Renovations for when you want to rent your house in Auckland

          2. When you want to add value to your home to sell in Future

          3. Home Renovations for a family home – to increase functionality and comfort

          1. Intention of renting your property

          When you are renting your property your two aims should be aesthetics and functionality. When it comes to aesthetics you want to renovate your kitchen and bathroom with a medium range budget. Tenants are looking for a place which is modern and with minimal wear and tear. They also look for homes that are functional so they face the least amount of inconvenience.

          Kitchen renovations in Auckland for rentals

          Kitchen is one of those places that should always look and feel clean and hygienic. Old Auckland kitchens usually have a dated look about them which make them look aesthetically unappealing. No matter how any times you clean them they always appear slightly worn out and yellow. Hence, giving your kitchen a makeover greatly increases its chances of being rented at a good price. An easy way to renovate old kitchens is to replace the flooring, counter tops and work benches.

          You can use mid-range materials for counter tops which will look nice and are durable but will not break your bank. Materials such as laminate, Engineered stone and glass counter-tops could be a great option for the kitchen if you are looking at renting the house out. They look great and will instantly make the home look much more appealing to the tenants. Laminate flooring is also a good option for such kitchens as they look great, are good for the budget and are durable.

          Read more…

          10 ways to increase rental yield through renovations and upgrades

          Bathroom renovations in Auckland for rentals

          If your bathroom is looking grimy then it is best to get it renovated before renting it out. An average bathroom renovation costs about 15K if you are replacing the shower, toilet, adding a vanity and replacing the floors. You can use Vinyl floors or simple tiles for the bathroom at a very reasonable cost. Basic showers and toilets can also be found at a reasonable price. If you are not changing the pluming around then bathroom renovation costs can be done at a very minimal cost.

          Adding Rooms

          One of the tricks for getting most out of your rental property is to make larger rooms into two different rooms. If you have a two bedroom home then it would be rented for about $550 on an average in most Auckland suburbs. But if your lounge is very spacious, you could erect a wall making a small study out of the lounge. This would give you a third bedroom or study. This would effectively let you increase the rent of your place. The added wall would cost you as much and is almost always possible because there is no structural change if the wall is added inside the house.

          Read more…

          Rental Full house Renovation in Hillsborough to get better rental yield

          Painting in Auckland for rentals

          If your home has started looking worn down then a good paint job throughout the house can also prove to be a good investment. The important thing is getting it done by a professional. A good paint job will make all the difference to your home and overall aesthetics of your rental property.

          2. Intention of reselling or adding value to your property

          If you are thinking of selling your house in the future then you should renovate with the intention of adding value to your home. Adding value does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money to ‘add value’. The perceived value of your home is the buyer’s perception of your home.

          They want the foundation and structure of your home to be sound as they do not want to buy something that they will have to put more money into ‘fixing up’. Some of the key elements of the house like kitchen, and bathroom also need to be in good condition so that they do not have to spend money in maintenance like fixing leakages etc or even renovating.

          Kitchen renovations and Bathrooms renovations to add value

          When trying to sell your home you want to make sure that your bathroom has no plumbing issues, leakage or damage. That is the first thing that you should fix. You do not have to install the latest fixtures or accessories if your present toilet and shower are still in good shape. If they are however dated then it would be a good idea to pull the old bathtub out and install a new shower. The idea is to make the buyer have a higher perceived value of the home.

          The kitchen is another aspect of the house that should be looked into before selling your home. If your kitchen is very outdated and has started to look shabby then a change is in order. Change the flooring and pull down the old cabinets to give your kitchen a fresh new look. There is no need for customisation; simply use the most basic cabinets and counter-tops to make it look modern.

          Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-14-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Todd Chandler’s Home renovation in Saint Heliers to Add Value before Selling (see case study below)

          Read more…

          Todd Chandler’s renovation in St Heliers to add value before selling

          Stay away from themes

          When selling your home it is good to stay away from modelling your rooms after certain themes. This might actually become detrimental to the sales process as your personal themes might not appeal to the buyer. If you are going for classic themes then it would be okay as classic timeless themes do appeal to most people. We would however not recommend renovating your home keeping a theme in mind as the return on investment for a project like that would not be great.

          Painting in Auckland for Adding value

          Adding a fresh coat of paint to the exterior and interior of your home can also add considerable value to your home in the minds of the buyers. Again, we would advise you to paint in neutral colours as opposed to bold colours. Buyers will be willing to buy a house at a higher price if the house is well painted and looks striking.

          Adding a deck to add value to a house

          Add a deck to the house to instantly increase the value of your home. If you do not have a deck but do have the space on the outside of your home then we would recommend you to add a deck. The return on investment for building a deck is exponential as buyers would pay much higher for a home which provides them outdoor living.

          3. Intention of giving your Family home to add comfort

          When it comes to doing your own home renovation, then the options are unlimited. You can renovate your home based on your priority and needs of your family. If modernising your home is a priority then kitchen and bathroom would be the first few things to consider renovating. If you want a stylish makeover then you have plenty of options based on your budget, trends and personal preference for your home renovation.

          DSC06685-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Kitchen renovation in Blockhouse Bay for a family home (see case study below)

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          Full Kitchen transformation in Blockhouse Bay of an old dated kitchen to an open plan space

          Kitchen Renovations in Auckland for a family home

          If you want more functionality then consider changing the interior of your cabinets to the current shelf storage system trend. These cabinets have custom built shelves in cabinets for different types of appliances. This saves space and adds functionality to your kitchen. There are also numerous styles and designs available for designer kitchens if you want to add a touch of luxury to your home. Most renovation companies have an in-house designer that can help you with the design process and source supplies to complement the style of kitchen you are after.

          DSC07012-1200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Lynette and Henry’s Kitchen renovation was done keeping their lifestyle in mind (see case study below)

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          Lynette and Henry’s kitchen in Bucklands Beach was renovated to make it more functional for their family

          Bathroom Renovations in Auckland for a family home

          You could renovate your bathroom based on the needs of your family. If you are a growing family then you could convert your en-suite into a separate bathroom and toilet. Or you could convert the bathroom and toilet to make a luxurious en-suite. This type of renovation will really depend on your budget and your needs.

          Adding Rooms

          You could add or pull down walls to either add rooms or make your current rooms more spacious depending on what you want out of your house renovation.

          When doing your own home renovation, you should first ask yourself what you want and how much are you willing to spend. When you have a limited budget then drawing up a priority list is a must. If you have any problem areas like leakage then it is best to tackle that first as opposed to giving your home a makeover. If next on your list is the kitchen due to limited functionality then the best way to go forward would be to increase functionality rather than getting a makeover in terms of design.

          mmexport15637605084423-1000-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Before the kitchen renovation

          DSC05545-1000-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          After completion (see case study below)

          Read more…

          Amber and Craig’s full home renovation (picture above) 

          Materials for family home renovations

          When doing your home renovation we recommend using premium materials and supplies even if it means doing your renovation in stages. For example use granite or marble or solid wood for your kitchen counter-tops rather than laminate as you want to be able to enjoy the luxury of your home.

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          Guru and Neeta’s Kitchen renovation (Kitchen area + Bar area)

          DSC07212, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          (see case study below)

          Read more…

          Guru and Neeta’s full Kitchen renovation to add luxury, comfort and convenience


          Featured Projects for Family Homes and Investment Properties

          Investment Property to increase rental yield in Hillsborough

          Our client had a 2 bedroom house in Hillsborough which fetching very little rent due to its state. It was an old house with a very old and dilapidated bathroom and kitchen. Our client renovated the entire house in accordance with the current tenancy laws. The bathroom and kitchen was renovated with mid-range durable and easy to maintain materials see full project specifications

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          6-300x169, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland 15-300x169, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


          Todd Chandler’s renovation in St Heliers to add Value before Selling

          Todd Chandler initially started his renovation for the family but then decided to just add value to sell it. We renovated 3 of his old leaky bathrooms with mid-range materials. The entire house was painted and the decks were re-built in accordance to the code of compliance see project specifications

          Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-6-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-4-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-14-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Full home renovation in Avondale for a 3 generational family living together

          A full home renovation with structural changes, making space and room for 3 generations to live with comfort and convenience. This home needed to accommodate three generations with each generation having its unique needs in terms of convenience, comfort and aesthetics see full project specifications


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          What are the best rental renovations for my investment?

          Rental renovations are very different from Family home renovations. This guide discusses these differences in terms of budgets, materials used and customisation. Kitchen and bathroom renovations are the top two renovations that increase rental return for investment properties. You can also read our article on 10 best ways to increase rental returns on our article https://superiorrenovations.co.nz/rental-renovation-and-upgrades/

          Do I have to manage my own renovation?

          Renovation companies like ours provide a project manager for every renovation who manages the entire renovation as well as all different trades involved.

          Do i have to get my own builder, electrician or plumber?

          If you are doing your renovation on your own and sourcing all trades then yes. However renovation companies like ours provide our clients with all the different trades which go into any renovation. So we would provide electricians, plumbers, tilers, builders, grouters, painters, plasterers, installers, waterproofer, and project management.

          Do i have to get my own products?

          Our company will provide all products required to renovate any given area of your home. We have longstanding relationships with our suppliers. We take you to our various supplier showrooms so you can pick and choose your fixtures, flooring, lighting, tiles. For kitchens we built custom cabinets.


          Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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            Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

            Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

            Request Your In-home Consultation 

            Or call us on   0800 199 888







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            Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

            We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

            Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

            *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



            Bathroom Renovation

            Colin White – Bathroom Renovation – Video Testimonial

            Colin White

            Full Bathroom Renovation

            “These guys are very very professional, every single one of them. They came around, they’re courteous, they put down drop sheets on the vinyl floor and put down sticky carpet covering through to the bathroom to make sure there was no mess and they’re just hard-working.

            When you have people working in the house, that can be kind of annoying you know but with these guys it wasn’t annoying because you really didn’t know they were there, there was no upheaval, there was no chaos for weeks, it was just so smooth and that’s the bit that impressed me…”

            Glen Eden, Auckland

            Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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              House Renovation

              Kamalpreet Kaur – Bath & Tile (NZ) Ltd – Video Testimonial

              Kamalpreet Kaur

              Bath & Tile (NZ) Ltd

              “As I have seen them with dealing with their client, I have seen their professionalism in their work, so we can recommend them confidently to people to deal with them – very confidently because we have seen how hard working they are, and as I mentioned the word patience they do have….”

              Albany, Auckland


              Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                House Renovation

                Todd Chandler – Full House Renovation, Glendowie – Auckland

                Todd Chandler

                Full House Renovation

                “It now feels like a big, simple, inspiring space, whereas before it was a big space but it was very dated and there was a lot of distractions around – now it’s quite a nice clean, modern, minimalist feel to it. It felt like before, it was a 1980’s home, but now when you walk in, the house is impressive, it’s a lovely space to be in, it feels impressive and everyone who comes here are impressed and enjoys it – but it still feels like a home..”

                Glendowie, Auckland

                Todd’s Full House Renovation Project included:

                ☑️ Renovation of the toilet
                ☑️ Bathroom Renovation x 2
                ☑️ Laundry Renovation
                ☑️ Full Interior Painting
                ☑️ Desk Renovation
                ☑️ Interior door replacements
                ☑️ Interior Stairs and Balustrade Installation (Glass)
                ☑️ Wallpaper Removal and Plaster
                ☑️ Exterior Painting and installation of Balustrade

                Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                  renovated bathroom
                  Bathroom Renovation

                  Expert Tips For a Modern Renovated Bathrooms

                   Here are our 5 must-know bathroom remodelling ideas and tips.

                   A beautifully renovated bathroom can not only be a reflection of your personal style; it can also boost the value of your Auckland home. In fact, a bathroom overhaul can give you

                  the highest return of any home improvement! Here are our top 5 expert tips for a modern, luxurious renovated bathroom:

                  1.   Know how much it costs

                  The first step is to determine how much money you’re willing to spend. Knowing your budget will help make better decisions on the scale of your remodelling project, the materials you’re going to use and what details you can splurge on. As you plan your budget, it’s always a good idea to allocate a little extra cash for any unexpected costs that might add up later. Your initial budget planning will go a long way as you move towards a better, renovated bathroom.

                  2.    Plan your bathroom layout

                  The next step is to finalize your new bathroom layout. To start, we usually recommend thinking about who is going to be using the space and what functionality and features that person might want to have. Adding an extra sink might be a popular choice for many Aucklanders, especially if your renovated bathroom is going to be used by more than one person. Aside from aesthetics and decor, it’s also a good idea to plan for functional storage and use your bathroom space wisely. Do not hesitate to speak to your contractors if you need any layout ideas and planning. Our experienced interior designers can help you come up with beautiful renderings of your renovated bathroom while keeping functionality and comfort in mind!

                  3.    Add a few high-end materials

                  Here’s a little designer secret: adding a few high-end finishing touches might take your bathroom from great to luxurious! Look for wall coverings, countertops and sink fixtures that are on the higher end of the spectrum. Because bathrooms are usually smaller spaces, you’ll be surprised to discover that this extra step is actually within your budget.

                  4.     Convert your tub into a shower

                  If you don’t take baths, having a bathtub might be the waste of your precious space. Converting an old tub into a modern, spa-like shower might be very cost effective because you won’t need to reroute your plumbing. While it makes for better use of space, it can also drive the value of your home when it’s time to sell.

                  5.    Get an automated fan

                  Installing a quality fan is definitely worth every penny. From ensuring an optimum air quality to sucking all the moisture, having a fan is crucial to your bathroom remodel. Those Aucklanders who have younger kids or simply do not want to turn the fan time and time again, consider installing a fan that comes with a motion sensor. You could also get a remote controlled timer so that you could turn on your fan anytime and anywhere.

                  Whether you’re planning on putting your house up for sale in a few years or living in your home for many years to come, a bathroom renovation is a sure-fire way to add comfort and style to your everyday. It’s also a great way to add value to your house if you decide to sell later on.

                  Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                    Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                    Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

                    Request Your In-home Consultation 

                    Or call us on   0800 199 888




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                    Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

                    We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

                    Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

                    *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



                    Renovation ideas NZ
                    House Renovation

                    Your Top 5 Renovation Ideas for NZ homes

                    Are you planning on selling your house?

                    Here are some of our best renovation ideas to help you increase the resale value of your home.

                    So you’ve decided to take on a house renovation project? Great idea! Breathing new life into a place you call home, rescuing a rare period gem, or simply making your house more comfortable to live in can be incredibly rewarding. It’s also a great way to enhance the value of your property when it’s time to sell. Since major upgrades can come with significant costs, it’s helpful to know what exactly you can do to get the highest return on your investment.

                    Here are our top 5 renovation ideas NZ that will result in the increased resale value:

                    1.   Kitchen remodel

                    We can all agree that a kitchen is not just for cooking and entertaining friends. Creating a modern-looking kitchen space is one of the sure-fire ways to add value to your home. From upgrading appliances to refacing cabinets, there are a lot of things you could do to make your kitchen more functional and aesthetically pleasing. Some of the best renovation ideas NZ are installing new countertops, changing flooring, Cabinets, painting and adding modern sinks and faucets.

                    Costing around $25,000, a kitchen remodel can recoup a whopping 80% of the cost making it one the most popular renovation ideas NZ.

                    2.    Deck addition

                    If you’re one of those lucky Aucklanders that own a house with a big yard, you can consider adding a wooden deck. You won’t be the only one to enjoy the outdoors around your home, as your potential buyers will appreciate it as well. In average, adding a wooden deck from scratch can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000. The good news? This improvement can hold more than 75 per cent of its value come sale time!

                    3.    Building a master suite

                    Many modern homes feature a spacious master suite that speaks to the Auckland homeowners taste and style. So if you happen to have a small bathroom by your master bedroom, it might be the time to upgrade. Typically, elaborate master suite amenities include a walk-in closet, separate bathing areas and built-in functionality. Despite being a costly undertaking, this feature may drive up to 80% ROI when it’s time to sell.

                    4.     Bathroom update

                    It’s all in the little details when it comes to home resale. If your bathrooms have seen better days, selling your house might be an excellent opportunity to take on minor renovations. Installing a new vanity or adding trendy tiles won’t break the bank, and you can expect to see the full 100% return on your investment. With such a high yield, what is there not to love?

                    5.    Upgrade your basement

                    One of the most underrated renovation ideas NZ is updating your basement. It comes especially handy if you don’t have enough space to add a room to your house. A well-designed basement can be easily turned into an upscale bar or a functional media room and can serve as a playroom for children. You can also add a bathroom if you decide to remodel your basement, as this can increase the resale value even more. The key idea is to keep the space as open as possible to avoid making it look too dark or cramped.

                    Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                      Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                      Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

                      Request Your In-home Consultation 

                      Or call us on   0800 199 888




                      finance-badge1000x1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                      Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

                      We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

                      Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

                      *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



                      Vilma Arcos
                      Vilma Arcos
                      Thanks Superior Renovations for doing our house, it definitely looks a lot better now! Special thanks goes to Alison and Jacob for their excellent effort and good manners in handling the construction process, it wasn't easy but with them around it definitely became easier to handle. Cheers🥂
                      F J Bandukwala
                      F J Bandukwala
                      Absolutely thrilled with the outcome of our renovation of two bathrooms and kitchen in a double level home. Kevin and his entire team were an absolute pleasure to work with from the get-go. Every minor detail was attended to, and all our requests were accommodated. Cyrus deserves a special mention as under his watchful eye and expertise, nothing could go wrong.
                      I have recently finished a renovation in our 1930’s bungalow, updating the original (and I do mean original) kitchen and bathroom. Plus creating a new laundry and removing three fireplaces which created two new spaces including an office. From the initial appointment with Alison who came over and then provided drawings and a quotation, to the work with Frank, our project manager and the team, this has been a wonderful renovation experience. I would have described myself as a nervous-renovator prior to doing this, as I had never done a renovation before, but Frank, Alison, Sunny and all the team have worked so tirelessly and generously to create spaces that we love. Superior’s care in managing the project has meant that we have come away with much more than we originally sought to achieve and without the stress I hear others lament about when they renovate. I would recommend Frank, Alison, Sunny and the team at Superior Renovations wholeheartedly.
                      Ike Harris
                      Ike Harris
                      We engaged with three companies to completely renovate our downstairs and ensuite bathrooms. We elected to go with Superior Renovations as they provided us with a fixed price and specific timeline to complete the project (which two other companies could not do), and we were absolutely delighted with the end result. We love everything from the floor and wall tiles to the heated towel rails and from the LCD mirrors to the underfloor heating and soft close lids. We especially loved replacing the old tub in our ensuite with a walk-in shower.The entire process went incredibly smoothly, with the project being completed on budget and ahead of schedule. From the initial design phase to the final touches, nothing was too much trouble for the team. Superior Renovations conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every detail was perfect.Frank (Project Manager) and the team did such an amazing job. Totally professional outfit, top notch communication, all tradies were courteous, polite and respectful. Alex (Builder) was especially knowledgeable and offered great solutions as minor issues unfolded. Each stage of the renovation was completed on the day it was scheduled. The crew were always on time and mindful of our work from home arrangements. And I was also impressed with the floor protection that was laid out on the first day.Through no fault of Superior, we did encounter a major, unforeseen setback that delayed our renovation on the downstairs bathroom. Superior were patient with us while we sourced specialists to remedy the issue. But once that was all sorted, Frank and the team picked up the baton and charged ahead to the finish line, delivering two beautifully ‘superior’ bathrooms. We also experienced a minor electrical issue post-build. And even though it was unrelated to their renovation work, Frank promptly dispatched an electrician who quickly fixed the problem. Talk about above and beyond!In summary, we highly recommend Superior Renovations for anyone looking to undertake bathroom renovations in their home. We’re already talking about renovating the kitchen next and we’re so confident in Superior Renovations that we will most certainly be engaging with them to complete the task.A huge thank you to Frank, Alex and all the wonderful team at Superior Renovations:)
                      Kalina Hristova
                      Kalina Hristova
                      Superior Renovations did an amazing job we would definitely recommend them for anyone looking for a high quality outcome. Our Project Manager Jacob was amazing, taking care of any minor adjustments we wanted, nothing was too much trouble.
                      Melanie Whittaker
                      Melanie Whittaker
                      Absolutely love my new ensuite bathroom. Superior Renovations made the process so enjoyable, I'm truly delighted with the transformation from an old tired room to modern functionality.Jacob led a wonderful team of professionals who were considerate and efficient. He answered any query with reassurance and patience.I'm now looking at engaging them again for my main bathroom because I'm not fearful of renovating anymore and confident I'll get a superior outcome. They definitely lived up to their name!
                      Carolina Guerra
                      Carolina Guerra
                      Superior Renovations transformed our bathroom, and we couldn’t be happier. Cici, Jacob, Alex, and Ray were a fantastic team (Ray, our dog, is going to miss you). They tackled our old house’s quirks with creativity and attention to detail. We were especially impressed that they stayed within budget, even with a few surprises along the way. We’d definitely choose Superior Renovations again and highly recommend them.
                      Regina Cho
                      Regina Cho
                      Thanks Sunny, Jacob and the team for a great renovation. We had 2 bathrooms, the laundry room and front door re-done and very pleased with the results.
                      Kalpana Iyer
                      Kalpana Iyer
                      Superior Renovations did a good job for our deck, they are professional and took on board any changes suggested by us and gave good ideas and advice.They took care of cleaning up all the mess after every job.Good value for money.Special mention to Cici, Frank & all the workers.😊 Thank you so muchHighly recommended 👍😊
                      Narelle Silwood
                      Narelle Silwood
                      It was a pleasure to work with Jacob and his team. They installed a lovely new kitchen which met all my requirements, it arrived on schedule and I was kept informed all the way through the project. Thanks Jacob ... you did a great job. Narelle
                      Gavin Botica
                      Gavin Botica
                      I recently engaged the services of Superior Renovations for a complete renovation of my kitchen and bathroom, and I couldn't be happier with the results. The entire process went incredibly smoothly, with the project being completed on budget and ahead of schedule. From the initial design phase to the final touches, nothing was too much trouble for the team. They conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every detail was perfect. I highly recommend Superior Renovations for anyone looking to renovate their home.
                      Chinchien Lin
                      Chinchien Lin
                      We have our bathroom renovation scheduled later this week. Everything so far is awesome. They are very patient and nice to work with!My wife's dream of a bathtub is finally happening. Can't wait to see the final result!
                      Rajesh Kumar
                      Rajesh Kumar
                      Great work done by Superior Renovation.Great service and efficient job.Big thanks to Jacob andthey team.Highly recommend.Got my 2 bathrooms renovated.
                      Narene Orchard
                      Narene Orchard
                      We had the best experience using Superior Renovations. They had a good range of products available making it easy to pick the fixtures and fittings. The team were experienced and had great pride in their work, from the office to onsite we were treated like valued customers. The product we ended up with exceeded our expectations.
                      Dhruv Mehta
                      Dhruv Mehta
                      Great experience with Superior renovations. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to renovate their house.
                      We engaged Superior Renovations to transform our 30-year old, tired looking and problematic bathroom into something world class - and wow! The end result is simply stunning. The team led by Frank did an absolutely fantastic job. This was our first major renovation project and the entire process was easy and hassle free. The team delivered on schedule, within budget and the quality of their work is outstanding. If you are considering renovating - do not go past these guys.
                      Linda Meyer
                      Linda Meyer
                      Wish I had given more of my renovation project to Superior earlier in the process. Superior team was knowledgeable, skilled and exception to work with. Will certainly be a repeat customer if ever a need comes up.
                      Emma Mildon
                      Emma Mildon
                      From design to completion the team were professional and always keen to get the project right. We will definitely be using their services again. Even finished the job with a spotless clean.
                      Henry Popplewell
                      Henry Popplewell
                      My wife and I are absolutely delighted with the team at Superior Renovations - and the "superior" job and experience they delivered for us in renovating our ensuite and main bathroom. We are so pleased we chose them for our renovation.Everyone from Cici the designer, and Frank our wonderful and attentive project manager, down to the team of guys doing the heavy lifting were a real pleasure to deal with. We were kept informed every step of the way and everything was done to a very high standard. Nothing seems too much trouble for your crew (in fact Frank even became quite good at running after and catching our dog when the naughty little boy escaped), and they even helped me out with a couple of small extras around the house at no additional cost.Their pricing was very fair - no hidden extras, and they are such hard workers! But I think what impressed me most was that everything they promised was done exactly on the day they said it would be done, and at the time they said it would be done. They were a very respectful, friendly team who obviously take immense pride in their work.Thank you Superior team! Recommend 100%
                      Libby Sumnz
                      Libby Sumnz
                      This place is excellent. The service is fantastic. Eunice was amazing. She is efficient, knowledgeable and professional. Their prices are excellent. We have chosen to go with them for an ensuite renovation.We have now had the pleasure of Superior completing our ensuite. It's a big WOW from us.Communication, professionalism, making sure they checked in with us about preferences, quality of workmanship, quality of materials are all 5 stars.They completed the job early. Payment structure was excellent. The staff were polite and respectful. If there was an issue it got sorted immediately. Follow-up was prompt. There was no lingering to tidy up loose ends. Rubbish taken away immediately. Full respect of our neighbours using a shared driveway with us. Finally Jacob our project manager was the best. He held the job together from beginning to end.To be honest...we were 'blown away' by how smoothly it all ran.