욕실 이노베이션은 어쩌면 심플하고 단순해 보일 수 있습니다. 그러나 이것은 진실과 그렇지 않습니다. 사실 욕실 공사는 비교적 좁은 공간에 관련된 많은 시공 작업으로 인해 모든 인테리어 공사 중 가장 복잡합니다.
202년 오클랜드의 평균 욕실 수리비용은 다양한 요소를 고려하여 결정할 수 있습니다. 욕실 리노베이션에는 디자이너, 해체공, 배관공, 전기공, 타일러, 방수공, 설치공, 페인트공, 그루터, 도장공이 포함됩니다. 작은 공간에서 위의 모든 사람을 관리한다고 상상해 보면 욕실 공사에 조직과 계획이 얼마나 중요한지 쉽게 이해가 갈 것입니다. 일반적으로 현장에 프로젝트 매니저가 상주하며 거래를 관리하는 경우에도 욕실리노배이션이 완료되는 데는 2-3주가 걸립니다.
스스로 현장을 관리하는 것은 매우 다양한 회사와 거래를 해야 하기 때문에 예산을 낭비하거나 프로젝트의 일정을 연장할 위험이 있습니다. 우리의 첫 번째 조언은 프로젝트 매니저를 제공하는 회사를 찾는 것입니다.
프로젝트 관리에 앞서 욕실 시공과 관련된 비용에 대해 먼저 이야기해보겠습니다.
욕실을 리노베이션 하기 전에 그 이유와 계획을 스스로에게 물어보세요. 욕실 시공에 관한 계획과 예산은 시공의 목적을 알아야 책정할 수 있습니다.
1.오클랜드에서 평균 욕실수리비용은 얼마인가요?
2. 공사 비용은 왜 욕실 수리가 필요한지에 따라 결정됩니다.
3욕실 리노베이션 비용 절감 요령
4. 타일 샤워기 설치비용
5. 새 변기 설치 비용
6. 기본, 중간 그리고 고급에 따라 나뉘는 평균 욕실 수리 비용
7. 시각화 된 정보 안에서 공유할 수 있는 요약된 기사
오클랜드에서 시공된 욕실 예시
1. 오클랜드에서 욕실시공은 얼마나 들까요?
여러분이 몇 년 동안 같은 집에서 살았든 더 오래된 집을 샀든 간에 여러분은 오래된 욕실을 수리해야 할 필요성에 놓였을지도 모릅니다. 대부분의 오클랜드 사람들이 알고 있듯이, 욕실수리는 많은 비용이 드는 공사입니다. 따라서 사람들이 욕실을 바꾸려고 마음을 먹었을 때 가장 먼저 던지는 질문 중 하나는 새로운 욕실 공사의 평균 비용이 얼마인가 하는 것입니다.
하지만, 다양한 사람들이 다양한 이유로 시공을 하기 때문에 대답하기 가장 어려운 질문들 중 하나입니다.
예를 들어, 주요 욕실 리노베이션에는 욕실 배치 변경, 새 욕실 가전제품 구입, 고정장치 구입, 바닥 교체, 새 페인트 교체, 배관 교체 및 전기 작업이 포함될 수 있으며, 중간 범위로 시공했을 때 18,000달러에서 22,000달러 사이일 수 있습니다(가장 인기 있는 선택으로 보입니다.)
반면에 당신이 페인트 칠만 새로 하고 아주 소소한 것들만 바꿔야 한다면 욕실 리노베이션의 비용은 단지 몇 천 달러밖에 들지 않을 것입니다..
그러나 대부분의 욕실 공사 비용은 이 두가지 비용의 사이의 범주에 있으므로 새로운 욕실시공 비용도 이 금액 사이에서 이루어 질것입니다.
욕실 시공의 목적을 결정하는 것부터 시작하세요. 공간이 더 필요하신 가요? 욕실이 집에 맞게 현대화되어야 하나요? 일단 목적을 결정하면 당신은 그 목표를 성취하기 위해 무엇이 필요한지 더 명확하게 알 수 있을 것입니다.
• 집기, 조명, 페인트, 타일, 장식장, 바닥재 등 리모델링에 필요한 모든 것의 목록을 만드세요.
• 필요한 인원의 인건비를 계산해 보세요.
먼저 가장 크게 수리할 부분을 선택하고 세부적은 디테일을 추가하시면 전체수리비용을분산시킬 수 있습니다.
계획을 세우면 공사비가 적절히 쓰이고 있는지 확신할 수 있습니다.
집집마다 필요한 욕실공사의 이유가 다르듯이 적절한 제품을 고르고 욕조를 시공할지 샤워부스를 할 지의 선택은 당신이 욕실공사를 하려는 이유에서부터 결정됩니다.
1. 신혼부부
신혼부부나 젊은 연령대의 가족들은 중년층과는 필요사항이 다릅니다. 만약 아기가 있거나 아기를 계획하고 있다면 욕실 시공에 욕조를 포함하는 것은 현명한 선택일 것입니다.
가족이 늘어난다는 것은 성인이 집에서 편안하게 살 수 있는 더 많은 공간이 필요하다는 것을 의미합니다. 별도의 화장실을 만들거나 기존의 욕실을 화장실과 샤워로 분리할 필요가 있다는 것을 의미이기도 합니다. 집에 공간이 있다면 욕실 전체를 추가해 편의성을 높일 수 있습니다
만약 집을 팔거나 임대하기 전에 가치를 더하려고 한다면, 우리는 고객들에게 너무 많은 돈을 쓰지 말라고 충고합니다. 임대인과 구매자들은 모두 개조할 필요가 없는 집을 선호합니다. 그들은 수리할 필요가 거의 없거나 조금이라도 업데이트된 집을 원합니다.
일반적으로 말해서, 욕실 리노베이션에는 1달러당 1.50달러가 추가됩니다. 집을 팔려고 한다면 심플한 신제품과 붙박이를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 집을 팔기 위해 3,000달러짜리 디자이너 싱크대는 살 필요가 없습니다. 그렇게 하면 투자 수익이 나지 않기 때문입니다.
욕실시공의 평균비용은 단지 어림잡은 것이라는 것을 명심해야 합니다. 그러나 아래 목록을 참고하여 시공비를 줄일 수 있는 방법은 있습니다.
욕실캐비닛– 욕실 캐비닛을 교체하는 대신에 새로 색을 칠하는 것을 고려해보세요. 세면대와 욕조도 도색을 하여 새것처럼 보일 수 있습니다.
모든 욕실제품을 바꾸는 대신 손잡이와 수도꼭지만 교체하세요. 단순히 싱크대, 욕조 손잡이와 수도꼭지를 바꾸는 것만으로도 욕실이 더 현대적으로 보입니다.
밝게하기 – 실제로 화장실을 넓어 보이게 하기 꼭 공간을 넓힐 필요는 없습니다. 좀 더 밝은 노란색이나 베이지색으로 칠하면 벽을 허물지 않고도 넓어 보이는 효과가 있습니다.
전체적으로 욕실리노베이션을원하시거나, 좀더 현대적으로 바꾸길 원하신다면, , 0800-199-8889로 9시에서 5시 사이에 전화주세요. 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다.
Superior Renovations
뉴질랜드의 샤워시설 교체 평균 비용
평균 샤워부스 교체 비용은 원하는 크기와 기능에 따라 1,150달러에서 8,850달러 사이일 수 있습니다. 아크릴 샤워 박스를 설치한다면 1150 달러 정도가 비용이 소요됩니다. 고급스러운 타일로 시공하 수도 있지만 시간이 부족한 사람들은 청소가 쉬운 아크릴 박스를 선호할 수 있습니다. 배관을 추가해야 하거나 값비싼 재료를 사용하고자 하는 경우, 특히 타일 전체 교체를 하실 경우에는 비용이 더 많이 들어갑니다.
인건비와 자재비
아크릴 샤워시설
$700 – $1,600
맞춤 샤워시설
$1,200 – $3,200
샤워실 유리문
$800 – $2,000
새 수전
$100 – $1,200
배관 추가
$700 – $1,800
4. 샤워시설 교체비용
타일샤워 시공은 높은 가격대에 있으며 시공비는 1,550달러에서 8,250달러 사이입니다. 만약 방수처리 없이 벽과 바닥재만 교체한다면 1,500달러에서 3,500달러입니다 다양한 무늬와 색상을 선택하실 수 있으며 잘 디자인되어 시공된 타일벽은 세련된 멋을 선사합니다. 세라믹 타일은 평방미터당 약 25달러이며 천연석이나 다른 고급 옵션들은 평방미터당 75달러까지 오를 수 있습니다.
샤워시설 교체비용
기존제품 철거비용
$100 – $200
폐기물 처리
$200 – $400
표면 평탄화
$400 – $900
새제품 설치
$850 – $6,750
$1,550 – $8,250
5. 평균적인 화장실 수리비용
오클랜드 대부분의 가정에는 방치되거나 분리된 화장실이 따로 있습니다. 구식장판이 깔려진 좁은 화장실은 자랑하고 싶은 공간은 아닐 겁니다. 만약 여러분이 욕실을 수리하고 있다면, 지금이 여러분의 화장실도 함께 바꿀 수 있는 좋은 기회일 것입니다. 화장실과 욕실을 동시에 수리하면 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 욕실과 화장실 리모델링이 동시에 이루어지면 인건비/자원 및 제품이 이중으로 증가하지 않기 때문에 더 저렴 해집니다.
여기에는 타일링을 다시 만들기 전에 욕실의 모든 고정 장치, 화장실, 세면기(있는 경우) 및 부속품을 제거하는 작업이 포함됩니다. 화장실 한 개당 5-10일 정도 소요되며, 새 부속품을 구입해야 합니다.
아래는 대략적인 화장실 수리비용과 작업범위 가이드입니다.
천장과 벽 타일 시공 — $1900-$3150 (크기와 복잡성에 따라 다름)
화장실 바닥타일 시공 — $800 – $1000
제품&시공 01 변기와 비데 스프레이 — $520 – $850 (모델에 따라 상이함)
제품&시공 01 세면대와 — $250 – $420 (제품에 Elk라 상이함)
스텐레스 파이프 교제 시공 — $450 – $800 (냉/온수 여부에 따라 상이함)
잔해물 처리 운반 비용 — $350 – $600
제품 구매비
새 변기 및 화장실 수리 악세라이 구매비용 — $200 에서 $300
예상 화장실 수리 비용 :전체 수리여부에 따라 $6xxx.xx 이상
예상소요일 :평일 기준 5-6일
6. 욕실 리노베이션에는 얼마가 들까요? -뉴질랜드 평균- 에서 제공하는 욕실 시공비용
2023 년 가격 가이드
일단 여러분이 개조해야 하는 정확한 이유를 알게 되면, 여러분은 개조를 위한 예산을 계획하기 시작할 수 있습니다. 리노베이션 회사를 통해 리노베이션 작업을 수행할 경우 리노베이션에는 철거, 제품 및 고정 장치의 공급, 설치, 방수, 바닥재, 도장 및 가장 중요한 프로젝트 관리가 포함됩니다.
욕실 인테리어 타입
평균적인 욕실 수리 비용
변경이 적은 기본욕실( 전체교체 없음)
욕실 수리 비용 예산을 평균 비용보다 적게 잡고 싶다면, 선택할 수 있습니다. 욕실을 완전히 새로 고치는 대신에, 싱크대, 욕조, 샤워기, 화장실을 위치 변경없이 교체만 하는 것입니다.
$8,000 – $13,000
중간가격대의 욕실 수리
화장실을 개조하는 것은 방을 더 좋게 보이게 하고 기능을 향상시키는 것 외에도 집주인에게 몇 가지 이점이 있다. 마스터 욕실에 세면대를 하나 더 추가하고, 조명을 개선하고, 샤워 기능을 더 좋게 만드는 것은 장기적으로 효과가 있는 욕실 업데이트의 몇 가지 예이다.
$18,000 – $22,000
맞춤 욕실 리노베이션(최고급)
예산이 넉넉하다면 몇 가지 업그레이드한 방법으로 시공을 할 수 있습니다. 더 높은 품질의 제품에 투자하고 싶다면 쿼츠(석영, 광물함유제품)나 맞춤 제작 화강암과 같은 고품질의 상판을 제작하거나, 청동 또는 동으로 만든 수도꼭지와 단단한 나무, 유리로 된 캐비닛과 같은 제품을 사용할 수 있습니다.
$23,000 – $26,000 +
7. 이 글의 요약본
완공된 욕실 시공사례
Completed by Superior Renovations
오클랜드 레드빌에 사는 세라씨의 고급 욕실 시공사례
이 두개의 욕실은 고급스러운 느낌으로 시공하였는데 실제로는 중간 가격대의 욕실입니다. 이 욕실은 집을 팔기전에 전체적으로 수리를 진행하였습니다. 이 프로젝트의 하이라이트 중 하나는 욕실의 공간을 극대화하기 위해 맞춤 제작된 세면대 장입니다. 전체프로젝트사양 + 사진보기
세인트힐러에 사는 토드 챈들러씨의 중간가격대의 욕실 시공
우리는 나무 느낌의 타일과 캐비닛으로 물이 새던 토드씨 댁의 욕실 3개를 현대적으로 바꾸었습니다. 나무 느낌이 타일은 흰색 붙박이 가구들과 어우러져 넓고 현대적으로 보입니다. 프로젝트참조
오클랜드 티티랑기의 고급스럽고 현대적인 욕실 리노베이션
Our client wanted to renovate her bathroom to match the aesthetics of the rest of her home. The highlight of this renovation was the clever use of patterns for their tiles to give it a contemporary artisan look. See full project specifications + Photos.
우리 고객은 욕실이 집과 미적으로 잘 매치가 되기를 원하셨습니다. 이 프로젝트의 하이라이트는 타일의 패턴을 잘 이용하여 현대적이면서도 장인이 만들어낸 느낌을 준 것입니다. 전체프로젝트사양 + 사진을참조
모자이크 타일을 이용한 메리스튜어트씨의 스페인 스타일 욕실
스탠모어 베이에 있는 메리씨의 주방과 욕실은 스페인 빌라를 염두해 두고 디자인되었습니다.욕실은 벽은 모자이크 타일과 파란색으로 칠했습니다.. 세면대 수전등은 스페인 시골 별장의 느낌의 제품을 사용하였습니다.. 프로젝트사양을참조
뉴질랜드에서 욕실을 바꾸려면 얼마가 들까요?
샤워시설 교체비용은 평균 $1,150에서 $8,850이 듭니다.
타일 샤워실 설치 비용은 얼마나 드나요?
타일샤워는 고급시공으로 $1,550 에서 $8,250의 비용이 듭니다.
변기만 있는 화장실 교체비용은 얼마나 드나요?
뉴질랜드에서 변기만 있는 화장실의 교체비용은 배관, 설치 등의 인건비를 포함하여 $6,000달러 정도가 듭니다.
중간 가격대의 전체 욕실 리모델링 비용은 얼마나 드나요?
욕실 리노베이션에는 욕실 구조 변경, 새 욕실 가전제품 구입, 장비 구입, 바닥 교체, 페인트 시공, 배관 교체 및 전기 공사를 포함할 수 있으며, 중간 규모의 욕실시공은 평균 $18,000에서 $22,000가 소요될 수 있습니다
Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services, Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.
Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.
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“I just had a very pleasant experience with my dealings with Superior Renovations from start to finish; the communication, price, quality of the work, and the speed of the work, everything was just terrific…. I needed it to be easy for me as I have a full-time job and I couldn’t really be here dealing with tradies and scheduling things, I needed something to be easy and that would work with my lifestyle and it did, it was great!”
Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations
This article has been updated with further content to reflect bathroom tile trends for 2023
Nowadays, picking out the best tile for bathroom renovation is an overwhelming task because of a variety of factors you need to consider, such as texture, color, shape, and design. In the past, it was easy to choose the best tile for remodeling purposes since functional benefits such as low maintenance, durability, and water resistance were the only things considered. However, this is the opposite of this era. Today, the tile’s aesthetic impact has the same weight as its functions. As a result, manufacturers have made several changes on their selections to provide unique tiles to the homeowners. From the current research, we have come out with the top trends in bathroom tiles in 2019 that every homeowner should consider when deciding to renovate their home. These tile trends essentially covers the tiles’ patterns, finishes, shapes, and colors.
Most people prefer statement tiles for their bathroom renovations, but it’s not such easy to choose the best brand as per their desires because of the variety of colors and shapes available in the market. Worry no more! With the currents trends, it will become easy to choose the best bathroom tile for your renovation task.
However, you should note that choosing a riotous pattern or brash color is the best way the best option for making a statement with your bathroom tiles. Considering also variation, shape, and the texture of your bathroom tile is essential in selecting the one capable of creating a stimulating effect. Here, you need to go for things like the quirky arrangement or a single color.
A featured wall, tiled floor, or splashback is not an option if you want to invest less but create a statement look that has a significant impact. Considering the effect the tile will bring is essential for anyone who’s after tiling the entire room. Check the image the tiles are likely to bring. Will they make the space to look larger and lighter or they’ll make it moodier and more intimate? Are the tiles eye-attractive? Do they create a sense of height?
What are the different types of Tiles available?
There’s actually a lot to choose from that not many people are aware of, we’ve come up with a list of 20 different types.
Ceramic Tiles
Terracotta Tiles
Vinyl Tiles
Stone Tiles
Marble Tile
Granite Tiles
Limestone Tiles
Wood Floor
Linoleum Floor Tiles
Cork Tiles
Glass Tiles (including Mosaic)
Metal Tile
Cement-Bodied Tile
Slate Tiles
Porcelain Tiles
Pebble Tile
Vibrant Tiles featuring a Casablanca collection
Large Slab tiles
Textured Tiles
Artistic Statement
What is the most common/popular tile type?
Porcelain Tile (most popular)
Ceramic Tile
Later in the article we will also discuss 6 common tilling mistakes that you should avoid for renovated bathrooms.
Below are the top 20 tile trends in bathroom design that every Auckland homeowner should consider.
Tile Trend #1: Subway Tiles
Subway tiles are the best option if you want to get a clean neutral look for your bathrooms. They’re rectangular, brick-like tiles coming with a wide range of colors. They are the most preferred tiles because they can fit any style, be it, the traditional or the contemporary one.
Other than this, subway tiles are the best option because they’re fashionable. It should be an alternative if you want to create an excellent look for your bathroom and keep the value of its decoration for several years.
A growing trend has also been to use colourful subway tiles as a feature wall to add some colour and character to an otherwise neutral space. We sat with Tile depot’s Ruth and Kitty who shared top tile trends for 2021 and colourful tiles was big part of trends for coming years.
Now everyone can come up with a delightful wall mosaic for their bathrooms by coupling different colors of a subway tile either in horizontal or vertical bands or incorporating various patterned tiles. Nowadays, it’s common to come across homeowners installing patterns or textures of tiles that don’t match to get a unique bathroom as per their desires. Therefore, subway tiles give rise to a wide range of possibilities since you can mix and match them with many sorts of interesting variations.
As mentioned above, Vibrant tiles have become a growing trend in bathrooms as well as kitchens. People do not want contemporary bathrooms with a neutral palette. More and more people are opting to add a splash of colour to their otherwise neutral bathrooms.
The best way to add a bit of colour is accented tiles or feature walls with a pop of colour. Tile Depot’s Casablanca collection has become very popular with our clients to add colour to their bathrooms. Add a pop of dull red to a neutral bathroom to achieve a rustic bathroom.
Tile Trend #3. Hexagonal Tiles
Hexagonal tiles are the best option for the creation of a honeycomb effect, which can create a lasting statement. They work best as the feature walls, and you can customize them to suit any home by varying their patterns, size, and even tone.
You can take hexagonal tiles to another level by adding texture as well as a 3D effect to give it an interesting illusion. These type of tiles can give your bathroom an industrial or New York style bathroom look. To complement the tiles, you can have your bathroom fixtures a monochromatic black and white look. This would add to the overall feel of an industrial style bathroom.
Tile Trend #4. Large slabs of tiles for the bathroom floors
Using larger tiles on bathroom floors is not so much as a trend than it is a practical solution for tiling smaller bathroom spaces. Contrary to popular belief, using large tiles in a small bathroom can in fact make your bathroom appear larger. This fact was revealed to us by Kitty and Ruth from Tile Depot. Using larger tiles means that there will be lesser grout lines which means there be fewer ‘breaks’ on the bathroom floor. Fewer ‘breaks’ means more continuity which would make your bathroom look more spacious.
Kitty says that people should not be afraid to use large slabs of tiles and could use 600 by 600 or even 600 by 1200 in their bathrooms.
There are high chances to create a real statement using your tiles if you keep repeating the dramatic angles and sharp corners. Now you can pull your bathroom space together to add interest and depth by using the geometric tiles.
Geometric tiles are the best option for setting the tone for your entire flooring or all your bathroom walls. Other than this, they work best on an accent wall, and you can use them to create a definite pivot from the rest of your bathroom.
You can use geometric tiles in small bathrooms to improve the perception of that place by matching them with neutral colors. For the large bathrooms, these tiles are the best option for forming artful accents in different areas such as the makeup station or spa area.
Tile Trend #6. Dark And Stormy Tiles
A dark bathroom is the best option for an area that receives little natural light. Blacks and dark grays are the best options for enhancing a moody look filled with a luxury feeling. However, if you do have a small bathroom then refrain from using dark tiles on your floors and walls. This can make the space looked closed in. Dark tiles are mostly suited for large bathrooms which have plenty of space.
If you have a small bathroom and want the same dark and luxurious feel then use more greys as opposed to black tiles. Light greys can give you a similar luxurious feel when accented by black fixtures.
This style is the best option for any tile referencing the traditional geometric patterns but expressing them out in a modern way. Using a neutral color palette is the best option if you are going for a subtle Moroccan feel for your bathroom.
Moroccan tiles are often used as a feature wall or as accent tiles to add character to a bathroom. If you are not afraid of colour and are going for a moorish look for your bathroom then you can use a colourful palette for your Mosaic Moroccan tiles.
The bathroom below was renovated by us as the client wanted a Spanish Villa type feel for her bathroom. She was not afraid of colour and hence her bathroom features blue walls, Moorish colourful tiles and brass fixtures to add a Spanish Villa charm to her home.
Read more about our client Mary Stuart from Stanmore Bay about her renovation details and experience while renovating her bathroom and Kitchen to add a Spanish Villa charm to her home.
Mosaics are the sheets featured by small, glass tiles. They’re the best for attracting attention because of their reflections. For the best experience, you can mosaic one feature wall or your entire bathroom for glitter and texture addition.
Tile Trend #9. Brick Tiles
Yes, we’re used to several types of tiles featuring brick shapes, but now there is a new design that works best when used as a wall tile. Now you can get these tiles in a wide range of colors, with the District Track Brick being the best brand.
Tile Trend #10. Baltimore Natural Tiles
Do you want a contemporary home? If yes, then Baltimore natural must be your best option in this case. However, you should go to the Newport and newcomers Rhin options if you’re after a more random design with an aged appearance.
Tile Trend #11. Plant Ash Tiles
Venis Ferroker is the most preferred floor tile that works great with everything. Most people love it because of its ability to make a remarkable statement look for your bathroom floor. For those who want an aged look, Plant is the best option. You can get it in a variety of colors that works best in the New Zealand market.
Tile Trend #12. Deck Day Tiles
Almost everyone has indeed come across a wood looking tile. These are the most popular tiles that keep attracting the attention of most people from time to time. However, their quality depends on the designer and your budget. If you want a natural, modern look, Deck is the best option for shorter lengths while Montana is the best for longer stretches.
Tile Trend #13. Petra Pacific Grey Tiles
In the past, everyone loved the natural stone for the floor and wall covering because of the luxurious feel it bestowed. As a result, several manufacturers have been at the forefront in adjusting the texture and appearance of the natural stone to create a more welcoming look from the porcelain tiles.
Tile Trend #14. Matte Finish Tiles
Matte finish tiles have always been recording an impressive record for several years now. They’re the most preferred option because of their soft and sturdy beauty-style. If you compare these tiles with the glossy ones, you’ll realize that it’s rare for them to show water marks and smudges. As a result, matte finish tiles are the best option for busy bathrooms.
Also, most people prefer matte finish tiles because the low sheen makes it easier to maintain them. It is always essential to ensure that there is enough lighting whenever installing these tiles since they’re not the best for reflecting light.
For a dramatic effect, Glossy tiles are the best option to install in your bathroom. These are the most preferred because of their ability to create a highly polished look. They work best for the small bathrooms since they reflect much light, and they create a perception of a larger space. Mostly, these tiles work best whenever installed in a bathroom with low traffic or on the walls because they require more maintenance.
Matte finish tiles are the best option for those who’re after an understated elegance. They work best for those who want to create an earth style on their bathrooms. However, you should consider going for the glossy finish tiles if you’re after an attention-grabbing and more dramatic look.
Tile Trend #15. Neutral Bathroom Tiles
Neutrals colors are the popular features for a contemporary design. It’s rare to come across a homeowner installing bright colors such as yellow, blue, and red in their bathrooms. Instead, you’ll find most homeowners installing neutrals such as creams and grey. Nowadays, grey and beige are the most popular colors used as complementary neutrals.
White is the best option if you want your bathroom to be more bright. Since a bathroom is one of the relaxing places, you should install neutral since they play an essential role in reinforcing this atmosphere. Natural color is the best option for any bathroom since it keeps the mind calm and relaxing, hence creating a sanctuary in this atmosphere. For the best experience, consider using these colors from the bathroom floors up to the ceiling.
Also, layering in various shades of neutral finishes, colors, shapes, or textures is essential to create a more active bathroom since these installations give a new and lovely look to everything.
Woods planks are other trends emerging in the tiles’ market. Most people go for these tiles whenever customizing the size of their bathrooms. Also, wood grained tiles are the most preferred option because they enhance the creation of ornate patterns like herringbone. Most of the wood-grained tiles have their widths measuring 6 inches as their lengths vary from 12 inches to 48 inches. However, wood grained tiles can become distressed, whitewashed, and even weathered because of the effects other finishes in the market.
Porcelain wood grain tiles work best for any bathroom because of their ability to provide significant water resistance and stain without the cases of sacrificing the design aesthetics. Make a step of using the wood grain tiles if you’re after improving the organic feel required in every bathroom space. Also, consider matching natural stone planks with other materials in the market such as wooden grains and concrete, if you’re after a compelling look. By doing this, you’ll add an unexpected and welcoming style to your bathroom flooring.
Tile Trend #17. Textural Finished Tiles
Now it’s easy to add surface interest, color depth, and variation to your bathroom. You only need to incorporate a textured field tile and create that compelling look you want. But you should note that textures can appear in two forms depending on the color you want, the finishes applied, and the material used. They either appear subtle or pronounced.
3D dimensional tiles are the best option in this case because of their ability to inspire everything from an object or place up to a feeling. You can get these pieces of art in a wide range of shapes, styles, and sizes. Other than this, these tiles are the best option if you’re after creating new focal points in your home. They make this possible by using distinctive pieces of tiles. Also, they’re the most preferred because they work best in different areas within the house, including in the wall in your dining room.
Tile Trend #18. Metallic Finishes
Metallic is also another thing that has attracted the attention of most people. Most prefer it because of the shining effect it creates on their bathrooms. It is a shiny and reflective material that gives any bathroom a gorgeous look for everyone’s desires. It’s amongst the modern look for bathrooms, that’s expected to pop up more and more for the next few years.
Tile Trend #19. Textured Tiles
Tile trends have been shifting towards more irregular and textured surfaces in recent years, and this trend is particularly popular in bathroom tile ideas. Bathroom tiles with textured finihses that mimic the natural beauty of wood are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners. One example of this trend is the new organic range of panels offered by our supplier Melteca, which can be used to create a textured look in any bathroom space. These bathroom tile ideas and tile trends allow homeowners to add a unique and individual touch to their bathroom decor, and can be used to create a textured look in any bathroom space.
Tile Trend #20. Artistic Statement
Tile trends for bathroom tile ideas are indicating that bold colours and patterns will continue to be popular among homeowners this year as they look to incorporate their own personal style into their home. Instead of sticking with neutral or subdued colour schemes, many are opting for more vibrant and bold colour palettes in their tiled bathroom ideas. One example of this trend is using patterned tile backsplashes to add unique character and flair to the space. The use od tile trends for bathroom tile ideas and tiled bathroom ideas homeowners to add a touch of individuality and personality to their homes.
What Determines The Cost Of A Tile?
It’s evident that most people don’t know the difference between a designer tile and a budget-friendly tile. For the budget-friendly tiles, they go at around $50 per square meter as the designer tiles go at approximately $100 per square meter. However, there are cases where the designer tiles go up to $150 per square meter. But they can also cost more than this depending on the size and finish you want.
Quality, depth, and colors are the main things that dictate the price of a tile. You’ll realize that a cheaper one usually looks flat, features fewer colors, and sometimes has a lower pixel on its printed image, resulting in a blurred look. Also, a tile that costs less features a noticeable pattern that keeps repeating across it. For an expensive tile, you’ll realise that it features a fresh design, has a more realistic look, and better color depth.
6 Mistakes to Avoid when Tiling a shower
Not water proofing your shower well or having minor leakage in your tiled bathrooms can cause major damage to the structure of your walls and floors. Doing a DIY job might seem simple after you have watched a few YouTube videos but in reality a small mistake can prove to be detrimental.
There are quite a few tenchicalities that you might not be aware of while tiling your shower and bathroom. Our first advice would be to get a professional tiler to tile your bathroom. We had a conversation with our tiler and put together a list of top 6 mistakes you should look out for when tiling your bathroom.
Mistake 1 – choosing the wrong tile for your shower
Not all type of tiles can be used in your shower. Shower tiles have different ratings to the ones that you can use on your walls or floors. There are some tiles that can be used for both your shower wall and floor. Make sure you check with your tiler as well as tile manufacturer before purchasing the tiles.
Select a shower tile is rated for wet applications as some tiles are not rated for wet applications.
It would also be a good idea to reapply sealant to the tiles and grouts regularly to your renovated bathroom.
Mistake 2 – Tiles, sealers and Grout are not enough for waterproofing a shower
Tiles and grouts are water resistant but that does not mean that it is enough to keep the water out. You need to properly prepare the shower properly and correct installation is key to have a water proofed shower.
It is good to stick to the same manufacturer for all the components such as waterproofing, shower pan etc as the different components might not be compatible with one another.
Also ensure that the person tiling and waterproofing your shower is certified and has the skill set to carry the task out.
Mistake 3: Inaccurate calculation of drainage slope
The correct slope for your shower floor will enable the water to drain properly without causing any future leaks or pooling of water.
Install pea gravel or spacers around the drain with weep holes to enable drainage. Use a professional renovation company to measure the drainage slope to avoid any future issues.
Mistake 4 – Not doing a flood test before installing the tiles
Once you have prepared the shower space, carry out a flood test before you install the tiles. Most holes that would lead to future leakage cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Carry out a flood test for 24 hours by filling up your shower pan with water and plugging all drainage spaces and weep holes. Periodically check the water level for the next 24 hours. If the water level decreases then you have a leak.
Fix any leaks before you install the tiles.
Mistake 5 – Breaching the water proofing membrane
As mentioned above, waterproofing your shower is an important and technical step to avoid future leaking disasters. Set out a strict waterproofing zone and do not breach the waterproofing zone when tiling your shower. Do not use nails, screws or cement boards when tiling the shower wall.
Mistake 6 – Poor Mortar coverage
Mortar is made of cement, silica sand and moisture retaining agents. Tiles require atleast 95% mortar coverage to work effectively in wet applications. If there are any empty spaces behind the tiles then there is a risk of water getting through.
Recommended tile suppliers in Auckland
Bath and Tile – https://www.bathandtile.co.nz/
Tile Depot – https://www.tiledepot.co.nz
Tile Space – https://www.tiles.co.nz/
Tile Trends – https://tiletrends.co.nz/
Tile Warehouse – https://www.tilewarehouse.co.nz/
Final Thoughts
The wide range of tiles in the market makes it almost impossible or hard to choose the right brand for your bathroom. The best way to handle this challenge is to consider the material, color, shape, and finish you want. Also, by putting the above trends into practice whenever purchasing a tile for your bathroom, it’ll become easier to land on the best brand as per your desires and needs.
Featured Projects
Gary Flemming’s home renovation in Ellerslie (subway wall tiles + dark tiles on floor)
Gary’s home in Ellerslie boasted a separate bathroom and toilet. We demolished the wall between the bathroom and toilet to create an ensuite. The ensuite now boasts a shower, bathtub, toilet, a her and his wash basin, subway tiles and dark stormy tiled floors see full project specifications
Mary Stuart’s Spanish style bathroom with Mosaic tiles
Mary’s kitchen and bathroom in Stanmore Bay was renovated by keeping the design of Spanish Villa’s in mind. The bathroom was painted Blue with Mosaic tiles as feature on the walls. A brass sink and tap-ware added to the feel of a Spanish rustic villa see project specifications.
Todd Chandler’s Bathroom renovation in St Heliers (wooden looking tiles used)
We renovated Todd’s 3 leaky bathrooms in a contemporary style with wooden looking tiles and cabinets. The wooden looking tiles against the white fixtures made the bathroom look spacious and modern. See project specifications
Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.
Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.
*Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
Video testimonial by Joanne & Steve Hilson for their House Renovation completed by Superior Renovations ® located in Greenlane, Auckland.
“Knowing that we weren’t there while it was being done as well was the best part, we were on the beach, and the renovation will be done”
“Working with Kevin and the team was easy because we weren’t having to ring up different suppliers ourselves, it was like one team does this, another team does that – and everything was done for us under one roof. Kevin had a contact for everything, and the experience was simple. You hear a lot of horror stories about doing renovations and I was like, well that was very easy”
Meet Maria Chubb (Showroom Consultant) from Reece – Our Trusted Local Supplier – we’ve put together a video featuring their showroom in Albany, Auckland.
When you’re renovating your home, you will no doubt be working with a variety of suppliers; we’ve forged valuable relationships with a range of reputable experts in their respective fields with a great attitude towards the end result and who also share the same values as Superior Renovations – putting client experience first.
After confirming your project with Superior Renovations, you will be personally taken to our supplier showrooms (dependant on your requirements) like Reece to feel and choose the materials you want/need for your renovation – you’ll also receive advice from our project manager along the way to ensure you’re choosing the correct fittings/products that fits your space.
For more information about Reece, visit https://www.reece.co.nz/
Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations
When it comes to renovating your bathroom, most people cannot make up their mind on whether they want a walk in shower or a bathtub. A bathtub is great for a nice relaxing bath but a shower is a blessing when you are getting late for work in the morning.
Choosing between a walk-in shower renovation and bathtub installation could be a daunting task when it comes to getting a bathroom renovation. Weighing features, pros, and cons can make things complicated. We’ve put together a guide on how to choose between bathtub and walk-in showers, and how one of them can be a value adding element to have a renovated bathroom.
Do You Have an existing Bathtub?
Walk-in showers are trendy and look beautiful but ripping out tubs will isolate couples having small children. So if you want to sell your home, you need to consider this factor. It’s important to know that houses with one fully equipped bathroom are the best for having multiple combination shower/tub bathrooms in your home.
If you have a tub installed in the small guest room’s bathroom, then you should replace it with a walk-in shower so that one can have enough space to change.
But if you have a bathtub in your master suite, then you can keep it or update it for resale purpose. Moreover, if it is in your forever lovely home, and you never use it, then maybe you can replace it with a luxury sauna.
Who Is Going To Use This Bathroom The Most?
Bathroom renovation in Auckland is costly. So it is always best to go for a bathroom renovation option which is budget-friendly but also serves a purpose/function. Which is why the best way to start a bathroom renovation is to determine how you’re going to use it. Like, if someone elderly or disabled person in your home will use it, then it is better to go with walk-in shower. The benefit is it is convenient for them to take a shower. It is super-easy, fast, and efficient. Many mothers with young kids prefer tubs so that they can give a proper bath.
Are You Selling The House?
According to various real estate agents, it’s always recommended to have one bathroom with attached bathtub. Sellers show interest in those houses who have at least one bathroom with a beautiful bathtub. So if you have a plan of selling your house, then it is recommended to consider this option. Check out our article when we sat down with Linda from Loan market – If you’re looking atfinancing your renovation through a home loan.
Always check your budget before making a crucial decision
Yes, this is very important. Always check if your needs and requirements are aligned with your specified budget, or you need to hold off on your bathroom renovation.
Does Your Bathroom Have Enough Space?
How much space does your bathroom have? Will it be easy to install a bathtub? If your bathroom has enough space, then it’s fine to go with the tub option. But if it is not, then it’s advisable not to make your space weighty.
Do You Need to Make an Eco-Friendly Choice?
Nowadays, people are concerned about the eco-friendly environment. They are opting for every possible option that could support the eco-friendly environment. Below are some benefits of installing walk-in showers.
It saves electricity and water bills.
A bathtub is not an energy-efficient solution, and it doubles the water wastage ratio.
In an average estimate, the walk-in the shower takes 20 gallons water while tubs demand 30 gallons.
Quick and Convenient Access
A walk-in shower is super convenient and super easy to use, especially if you don’t have enough time for taking a tub bath. You can have instant hot and cold water.
Other than this, bathtubs are not convenient. Firstly, you need to wait for it to fill up; you need to sit in and rinse off yourself. But if you are a person with a busy schedule, then surely this option is not for you.
Is Relaxation High On Your Priority List?
Having a bathtubs can be a blessing for many people, it’s a nice option to relax, and destress. It gives a spiritual experience and study also shows tha warm water bath relaxes your muscles and softens your skin. So yes, if relaxation is high on your priority list, then we recommend you to have a bathtub.
New Bathroom Renovation and Design
Pros & Cons of Having A Walk-In Shower
Undoubtedly, walk-in showers are the symbol of class and trendy. But it comes with pros and cons. Many times, unique designs can compromise the functionality of a bathroom. So now have a look on the pros and cons and then decide.
Walk-in showers are made with glass, and so the continuous design without moving parts eliminates the chances for anything to break.
These showers are easy to clean. These don’t get rushed. Moreover, you even don’t need to clean them all the time expect the corners where water can gather.
It adds to the beauty of bathroom décor. As these are purely made of glass, without rails, so no element will distract others intention from your bathroom décor.
A #1 disadvantage of having a walk-in shower is a slip hazard. Yes, when water comes out and gathers, it can make floor slippers, and anyone can get hurt when getting out of a shower.
It is an open shower, so hot air is free to circulate into your bathroom, which however makes the environment less relaxing while taking a bath. It can create humidity in the whole bathroom.
Walk-in showers are more expensive than regular ones due to needing for tiling and custom shower glass.
When Is The Last Time You Actually Took A Bath?
If you are a one who rarely takes a bath in a tub, then this option is not a worthy option for you. According to 2014, Houzz Poll indicates 39% of people aged 23-34 years skip tub bath anywhere in the house.
However, if you are going to sell your home, then tubs removal can affect the worth of it.
Bathtub Guidelines:
If your home has multiple bathrooms, then any of them should have one tub installed in it.
If you have cute little kids, then it’s a must to have a tub.
If you like soaking up yourself in the water, then a tub is a must.
The resale value of a house can be affected with tub-less bathroom. Because usually, buyers like to have a bathroom with a tub. But it is up to you. It’s better not to consider future predictions and trends, and should never compromise on your comfort and preferences.
Walk-in Shower Cost
A normal walk-in shower costs $750 to $6850, and it mostly depends on the style, material, size, and features you look for. You can pay $750 for a simple stall with new faucets.
What Are Average Bathtub Prices?
A new bathtub can cost between $300, for fiberglass tubs, to almost $3,000 for marble tubs. However, the cost depends on the style, type, and size you choose; however, material like steel, acrylic, cast iron, all these costs differently.
We hope this guide has somewhat helped you with your decision between bath tub or walk-in shower. There isn’t really a wrong or right decision and it all comes down to personal preference and circumstance. It is not always necessary to follow trends which make you feel uncomfortable or which can be heavy on your pocket; so think about it carefully and make an informed decision that you won’t regret later on.
What Are Average Bathtub Prices?
A new bathtub can cost between $300, for fiberglass tubs, to almost $3,000 for marble tubs. However, the cost depends on the style, type, and size you choose; however, material like steel, acrylic, cast iron, all these costs differently.
What is the cost of a walk-in shower?
A normal walk-in shower costs $750 to $6850, and it mostly depends on the style, material, size, and features you look for. You can pay $750 for a simple stall with new faucets.
Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations
Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.
Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.
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“These guys are very very professional, every single one of them. They came around, they’re courteous, they put down drop sheets on the vinyl floor and put down sticky carpet covering through to the bathroom to make sure there was no mess and they’re just hard-working.
When you have people working in the house, that can be kind of annoying you know but with these guys it wasn’t annoying because you really didn’t know they were there, there was no upheaval, there was no chaos for weeks, it was just so smooth and that’s the bit that impressed me…”
Glen Eden, Auckland
Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations
A unique on the counter basin from Laufen from their ‘Val’ series. Photo credit – 来自Laufen的 “Val “系列的独特台上盆。照片来源 – https://digitalassets.reecegroup.com.au/m/53ef3d9bff149820/original/LAUFEN-NZ-Brochure.pdf
As the bathroom was quite narrow, we custom built the vanity as well as the stone engineered countertop. To add to the spa-like contemporary design of the bathroom we installed top standing basins and chrome tapware.
*Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
“As I have seen them with dealing with their client, I have seen their professionalism in their work, so we can recommend them confidently to people to deal with them – very confidently because we have seen how hard working they are, and as I mentioned the word patience they do have….”
Albany, Auckland
Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations
Are you faced with the question of choosing between Epoxy Grouting or Cement Grouting for tiling?
No doubt, kitchen and bathroom tiling can look dull and begrimed when grout begins to flake or discolored. Over time due to wear and tear, some surfaces require an excellent type of sealing between dissimilar surfaces like countertops, and underneath basins and sinks. For these areas, we need to choose the best grout for tiling. Do you know the difference between cement grout and epoxy grout? If not, then continue reading this article because we will compare both these options, and help you choose the best one.
No doubt, Epoxy grout has become the most widely used option for grouting. Various renovation companies around the world, especially in New Zealand are using Epoxy grouting in tiled showers, and floors. However, there must be a reason for it. Are you interested in knowing what that is? Then continue reading this article, we have a lot to share with you.
Why Do Bathroom or Kitchen Grout Crack?
No doubt, grout crack is common and happens mainly due to movement between two surfaces. Homes are continually moving in tiny increments as a result of humidity, foundation settling, temperature, and many other factors. However, if the grout in the kitchen or bathroom is a rigid material, then it results in cracks when a bathtub moves on the way while the installed tile wall moves another way.
There are various ways in which installation can doom grout to failure, so it is vital to give your bathroom tile project in the professional hands. For instance, if the grout is indecorously mixed with too much water concentration or additives, then it could leave air pockets after the grout has fully dried. That could make the grout frail and extremely weak, and eventually lead to cracks.
Grout can also be cracked if too little adhesive is used in tiles installation. If a tile pulls away from the wall after the adhesive dries, then it is up to the grout to hold in the right place, and that stress is likely to cause cracks.
Even old or damaged grout can make the most beautiful looking tiles ugly. It also causes structural damage to your home. However, re-grouting is a process of removing the old and poorly installed grout with the new one for better results.
So now you know the main reasons why you may need re-grouting, here are two forms of grouting you may need to know. However, if you are looking for the professional grouting services, then we are here to help you. We have been in this industry for the past many years, and has helped thousands of residential and commercial buildings with the best services.
Epoxy Grout
Unlike cement grout, Epoxy grout is made from two-part epoxy resins. These two are mixed with filler powder. This grouting option has been used for renovation companies for many years because of its durability, non-porous, and stain-resistance nature.
Cement Grout
Cement grout is a mixture of sand and water and often comes in un-sanded varieties. It is the injection under pressure of cement to fill fractures or voids in the soil or concrete structure. It is a process used to fill voids with cement injected under pressure.
So, What Is The Main Difference Between Epoxy Grout and Cement Grout?
As we know, cement grout is made up of some cementitious powder mixture. While epoxy grout is made from epoxy resins, and a filler powder, which however makes epoxy grout extremely durable, non-porous and stain proof. When it comes to cement grout, then this is the cheap grouting option as compared to epoxy grout because of its porous nature. It can easily absorb water and so stain that results in discoloration over time.
Most people ask a question about epoxy grout, whether it is waterproof or not, so here is the answer.
Is Epoxy Grout Waterproof?
The answer is yes, it is waterproof.Its non-porous nature makes it waterproof. It is resistant to staining, which makes it the first choice of many people. However, it is not recommended to combine it with cement grout as it can result in stain non-resistance.
Now you have the basic idea of cement and epoxy grout; now we will discuss each one in more detail to help you decide the best grout for tiling.
Detailed Overview
What Is Cement Grout?
Portland cement is the most common type of cement, manufactured from clay and chalk which hardens when undergoes water, and upon getting harden resembles Portland stone in color. Cement grout contains filler particles of various sizes and water-retention additive. No doubt, cement grout has been used for residential and commercial applications because of its multiple properties.
It comes in various colors to let the users match it with the tile color. For applying cement grout on a surface, it is first mixed with water and then applied with a trowel. However, the presence of a water-absorbent agent in it impedes the drying, and let the cement set and dry slowly for maximum hardness. Drying time is one of the main reasons why people don’t like cement grout.
It is formed by mixing cement powder with water in the same ratio. No doubt, setting, and hardening are the two main features always to consider while looking for grout for tiling. Cement grouting is more time consuming and so it affects its performance. Its efficiency also gets decrease because of excessive voids that hit its stiffness, porousness. But anyway, it is still used as an excellent traditional option to fill voids and gaps in the structures. It is not recommended to use cement grout with porous tiles like natural stone, quarry, and many more because this combination can stain the surfaces.
Cement grouting has various variations, like sanded and unsanded. Let’s discuss what these are.
Sanded vs. Unsanded
The main difference between sanded and unsanded is sanded one contains more sand particles, while the other one has a smooth texture with less fine powder particles.
The big sand particles of sanded cement grouts look and feel resolute. Sanded cement is recommended where the voids are about 1/8 inch wide, and especially for its durability and power to prevent cracking. One needs to be careful while applying this type of cement as it can scratch the surfaces
Unsanded grouts don’t have visible grit. These are the best for filling 1/16 to 1/8 inch wide voids in the structures. It is not recommended to use it with more full seams because it can result in cracks due to lack of binding power of sanded grouts.
Latex-Modified Grout
Formulation of sanded grouts can be done with a latex polymer additive. This process can be made possible by including latex polymer additive in the dry mix or by adding it while mixing grout with water. This additive plays an essential role in enhancing the grout’s water-proof nature and increasing its strength.
Maintenance of Cement Grout
Cement grouts are the most popular grouts for tiling, and it works best in any area where there’s a need for title installation. However, the latex additives grouts can stain and feature the porous properties. Therefore, it is essential to seal all the cementitious grouts. This sealing can be done with a penetrating sealer once or twice in a year. This step is the right choice since it keeps the cement grout free from stains and ensures that it’s fully waterproof.
What is Epoxy Grout?
Epoxy grout is a unique and popular grout for tiling that does not use Portland cement or water in the mixing process. It features a hardener, pigments, epoxy resin, and silica fillers. Epoxy grout is less porous compared to the cementitious grout. Also, epoxy grouts work best in areas containing greases and acids such as kitchens.
The construction sector applies a variety of epoxy resins such as polyurethane, epoxy, and many more. Yes, epoxy has a name that implies the presence of cement material, but it does not feature any cement percentage. For the epoxy hardener, it plays an essential role in initiating epoxy grout’s hardening process. Also, the epoxy hardener is vital in repairing cavities and hairline cracks in concrete structures. Other than this, this element can work best as a primer or bonding agent.
There are two primary forms of epoxy grouts
Which include sanded and unsanded epoxy grouts. However, a vast difference exists between the sand used for these forms and the one used for the cementitious grouts. Also, epoxy grouts give a little challenge to the amateurs since they set up reasonably fast. Other than this, epoxy grouts go at a relatively high price compared to the cement grouts. They cost around $12 per kg as the cement grouts cost between $2 and $4 per kg. But epoxy grout is the right choice in any place where there’s a need for maximum stain resistance.
However, there are high chances for epoxy grout to stain the unglazed and porous surfaces badly. Examples of these surfaces include the limestone and quarry tiles. It is essential to seal the epoxy grout before grouting if there’s a need to use them on these tiles.
Epoxy grout is a product of two different resins that contain a filler in their mixer. This feature is the main behind epoxy grout’s waterproof nature. Also, this is the reason why epoxy grout works best with the harsher cleaning products. Other than this, the thin sets property of epoxy grout gives higher chemical resistance and bond strength compared to cementitious grouts.
Maintenance of Epoxy Grout
The main benefit of epoxy grouts is that they don’t have to get sealed as for the case of cementitious grouts. But, there are high chances for them to get stained. Scrubbing epoxy grouts with a mixture of water and vinegar, or bleach and water is the right way to clean them. It is important to take care the epoxy grout, as it can easily be stained due to various factors.
Modified Epoxy Grouts
Epoxy grout modified with Portland cement is another hybrid grout available for tiling. This grout shares the same characteristics with the standard Portland cement. Therefore, this means that this grout requires regular sealing. However, this hybrid grout is more stain-resistant, harder, and stronger compared to the standard cementitious grouts.
Why Use Epoxy Grout?
Yes, epoxy grout features a variety of benefits, but it’s more challenging to work with compared to the regular grout for tiling. Also, epoxy grout tends to feature a plastic look, which a certain percentage of homeowners who are renovating their home don’t like. Other than this, epoxy grout goes at a high cost, and most tilers charge more for using it as opposed to the regular grout.
Regular grout is the most preferred for other individuals since it’s easy to design in outside corners. These include the places where the tile wraps around the shower niche, wall, or kerb. Some people don’t like epoxy grout since they find it hard to achieve the same effect with it. Epoxy takes much time to set up in a grout joint. Also, epoxy grout consumes less time and requires a smaller mix to work with since it sets quicker compared to the regular grout.
Other than this, epoxy grout needs an acid wash, which is essential in removing any excess resin residue from the tile surfaces. Also, some epoxy grouts work well only with glass. Here, most brands feature a unique glass epoxy and regular epoxy. The filler used in the mixture is the only thing that creates a difference between these two. For the glass tiles, they have a smoother filler, meaning it will not scratch the delicate tiles.
What Are The Key Differences?
The cleaning and installation time is the primary thing that creates a big difference between regular grout and epoxy grout. Also, the cost is another factor that separates the two. For epoxy grout, its price can be three to four times higher compared to the regular grout. This cost explains the main reason why some installers don’t prefer epoxy grout.
Which Are The Places To Use Epoxy Grout Versus Cement Grout?
Epoxy grout is the choice for tiled floors and showers. It is the most preferred option for these areas since adds a second layer of protection for the moisture that’s under the tile. The first protection layer is the waterproofing section. Also, epoxy grout works best for splashback tiling over vanities.
Color is another essential thing that attracts most people to epoxy grout. This color originates from epoxy grout’s filler and remains constant throughout. For the regular grout, it is possible to remove its pigment during the cleaning process.
There is a vast difference between using epoxy grout and regular cement grout. The main difference is that the two feature unique processes. This uniqueness covers everything from mixing up to cleaning.
For the case of bathroom tiling, it is essential to bathroom professionals who possess the right experience. Ensure that they have a deep understanding of either epoxy grout or regular cement grout and their applications. Also, don’t forget to note the cost difference between regular cement grout and epoxy grout. Yes, epoxy grout goes at a relatively high cost but is the right choice for most people because of its durability, waterproofing, and staining features.
Why No One Loves Regular Cement Grout
Yes, most people use cement grout in tile work, but it is not the right option. They prefer cement-based grout products because of their thinner properties compared to the mortar and building cement. This feature makes it possible for this regular grout to flow better into cracks and any other area. However, their porous nature is one thing that destroys the impression of all these benefits. The cement grout mixture features several undetectable openings, which becomes evident even after it dries.
Through these pores, dirt and other elements from the outside find access to the grout, making it embedded. They result in staining and gives a chance for the embedding of mold and mildew into the cement grout. Cement-based grout act as the conduit for stains. Also, cement makes it possible for the stains to adhere to the grout lines. Therefore, there are high chances for the new grout lines to start taking on discoloration whenever they get exposed to the staining materials.
Other than this, cement-based products do not feature waterproof properties. Therefore, there are high chances for excess water and moisture found in tiled showers to cause damage to this type of grout for filing. Also, this explains the main reason sealing is an essential requirement for all projects using the cement-based grout.
Features That Make Epoxy Grout The Right Choice
Most people prefer epoxy grout because it’s sturdy and durable. It’s a grout for tiling that’s highly resistant to climatic changes, stains, harsh weather conditions, cracks, and stains. These features make epoxy grout the right choice for those individuals looking for the efficient and most durable way to do tile work. Its strength is the main reason it works perfectly for outdoors, indoors or tile job.
Also, it is an excellent option for areas with high traffic because of its chemical, stain, and crack-resistant properties. Other than this, resistance to climatic changes and harsh weather conditions makes epoxy grout the right choice. Therefore, it’s the most preferred option in areas where it’s likely to get subjected to severe cold or excessive amounts of humidity.
It’s common to come across people talking about how it’s challenging to work with epoxy grout
Yes, epoxy products were so complicated in the past, but now that’s history. Nowadays, it’s easy to work with epoxy because of changes in its formulation. Advancement in various products such as Litokol Starlike Grout makes using epoxy grout a more manageable task compared to when using other grouts for tilling. The establishment of Starlike Grout is essential for easy clean-up. Other than this, Starlike Grout is 100% safe and non-toxic. Therefore, it is the right choice for the installers, environment, people, and pets.
Yes, epoxy grout costs more than cement-based grout, but that’s not a big issue in the long run. Also, there are several reasons why you need to go for the epoxy grout as opposed to the traditional grout. It’s not expensive to upgrade from the cement-based grout to epoxy grout. A good example is the 20SQM bathroom renovation project. Here, tile and professional installation cost go at $1,500. The same job can get upgraded from cement-based grout to epoxy grout with an additional fee of 5%, which is less than $75. Therefore, this shows why everyone needs to go for epoxy grout.
Epoxy grout is more durable compared to the traditional grout. Therefore, this means that epoxy grout is worth the higher expense. There are minimal to zero chances for this grout to crumble and start falling apart over time. For the case of cement grout, it tends to weaken. Thus, this means that there are high chances to incur additional expenses while redoing the tile. Epoxy grout requires only light maintenance, and it can last a lifetime.
Is It Possible To Put Epoxy Grout Over Cement-Based Grout?
Yes, it is possible to put epoxy grout over cement-based grout. However, it is essential to dig the existing cement out of the joints until its halfway the tile’s depth before doing this process. Scraper or the grout saw is the most appropriate tool to use for this case. This depth is vital for the new epoxy grout so it can adhere to the tile edges and the remaining sanded grout. For overhead installation, it is crucial to leave the epoxy in the bucket for a few minutes after mixing so it can set up. Through this, the epoxy mixture becomes stiffer and tackier.
Summary – Pros vs Cons
Cement Grout
It’s easier to work with
It works perfectly for any width grout joint
Cement grout is a better choice for DIY as it’s every forgiving
It takes only a few to set up as opposed to epoxy grout
It’s much cheaper as compared to epoxy grout
Cement grout seals to protect from bacteria, water, mildew, chemicals, and mold
It works best for most applications such as submerged indoors, outdoors, wet, residential, dry and commercial areas
It features a few slump cases on vertical surfaces. Cement grout has a thicker consistency, meaning it can hold up well on any wall installation, even in the cases with wider gaps
Cement grout is easy to clean
It works best for joints that are greater than 1/8-inch. Cement grout is the right choice for the broader joints since it shrinks less and bonds well.
It can get vulnerable whenever exposed to high-traffic environments or high impact
Most of the cement grouts get deteriorated whenever subjected to alkali or acid compounds
There are high chances for it to feature inconsistent color because of inconsistent drying
It features a salty look
It is not highly resistant to chemicals or stain
Always need a variety of equipment such as tools and sponges since the grout is hard on them
Presence of porous features which makes it possible for water to seep down into the cement grout. Therefore, the material is not good since it can cause the growth of bacteria, mold, or mildew under the grout’s surface
It cannot work best in narrow joints.
Epoxy Grout
Low porosity features, meaning it is not possible for bacteria, mildew or mold access the area beneath the surface
It’s highly resistant to breakage, stains, and abrasions
It is the right option for light-colored grouts since it is easy to clean
Epoxy grout is highly resistant to chemicals, hence the right choice for substantial commercial, industrial and commercial
It is the best option for harsh locations where there’s regular use of harsh chemicals such as schools, healthcare, and commercial kitchens
It features consistent color
Epoxy grout is a waterproof grout for tiling because of its impermeable nature of plastic. Therefore, this explains why it’s not recommended to seal epoxy grout
It is the right choice since it cannot scratch the delicate metal, marble, or glass tiles
It has an excellent bond strength
Epoxy needs low maintenance compared to cement grout.
It goes at a relatively high cost compared to cement grouts
It’s not useful sealing epoxy grout since this process can compromise its safety and effectiveness
The epoxy grout need to be mixed in small batches, and there’s limited working after mixing this grout
There are high chances for light colors to turn yellow whenever exposed to sunlight
It’s more challenging to work with
It consumes much time to apply compared to cement grouts
There are high chances for it to degrade whenever it interacts with chemical substances
It looks the same even after setting it up. It features a shiny, plastic look, which most of the clients cannot appreciate over a large span
There are high chances for it to ruin porous tiles such as natural stones. The epoxy resins are likely to soak into the unglazed tiles or natural stones’ pores, and it’s hard to remove them
It’s possible for the epoxy grout to slump down through the vertical joints in the absence of the thicker viscosity and if they are too wide.
Quick overview
Why Do Bathroom or Kitchen Grout Crack?
No doubt, grout crack is common and happens mainly due to movement between two surfaces. Homes are continually moving in tiny increments as a result of humidity, foundation settling, temperature, and many other factors. However, if the grout in the kitchen or bathroom is a rigid material, then it results in cracks when a bathtub moves on the way while the installed tile wall moves another way.
What Is The Main Difference Between Epoxy Grout and Cement Grout?
As we know, cement grout is made up of some cementitious powder mixture. While epoxy grout is made from epoxy resins, and a filler powder, which however makes epoxy grout extremely durable, non-porous and stain proof. When it comes to cement grout, then this is the cheap grouting option as compared to epoxy grout because of its porous nature. It can easily absorb water and so stain that results in discoloration over time.
Is Epoxy Grout Waterproof?
The answer is yes, it is waterproof. Its non-porous nature makes it waterproof. It is resistant to staining, which makes it the first choice of many people. However, it is not recommended to combine it with cement grout as it can result in stain non-resistance.
What Is Cement Grout?
Portland cement is the most common type of cement, manufactured from clay and chalk which hardens when undergoes water, and upon getting harden resembles Portland stone in color. Cement grout contains filler particles of various sizes and water-retention additive. No doubt, cement grout has been used for residential and commercial applications because of its multiple properties.
What is Epoxy Grout?
Epoxy grout is a unique and popular grout for tiling that does not use Portland cement or water in the mixing process. It features a hardener, pigments, epoxy resin, and silica fillers. Epoxy grout is less porous compared to the cementitious grout. Also, epoxy grouts work best in areas containing greases and acids such as kitchens.
Why Use Epoxy Grout?
Yes, epoxy grout features a variety of benefits, but it’s more challenging to work with compared to the regular grout for tiling. Also, epoxy grout tends to feature a plastic look, which a certain percentage of homeowners who are renovating their home don’t like. Other than this, epoxy grout goes at a high cost, and most tilers charge more for using it as opposed to the regular grout.
Which Are The Places To Use Epoxy Grout Versus Cement Grout?
Epoxy grout is the choice for tiled floors and showers. It is the most preferred option for these areas since adds a second layer of protection for the moisture that’s under the tile. The first protection layer is the waterproofing section. Also, epoxy grout works best for splashback tiling over vanities.
Is It Possible To Put Epoxy Grout Over Cement-Based Grout?
Yes, it is possible to put epoxy grout over cement-based grout. However, it is essential to dig the existing cement out of the joints until its halfway the tile’s depth before doing this process. Scraper or the grout saw is the most appropriate tool to use for this case. This depth is vital for the new epoxy grout so it can adhere to the tile edges and the remaining sanded grout. For overhead installation, it is crucial to leave the epoxy in the bucket for a few minutes after mixing so it can set up. Through this, the epoxy mixture becomes stiffer and tackier.
I hope this detailed guide on epoxy grout VS cement grout for tiling will help you understand the use of right form grouting for your home and office. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to you whatever you want to choose for your property. We are always here to help you.
Recommended suppliers for grout
Bunnings – https://www.bunnings.co.nz/
Mitre10 – https://www.mitre10.co.nz/
Ardex – https://www.ardex.co.nz/
Cemix – https://www.cemix.co.nz/
Need more information?
Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.
Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.
Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.
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Thanks Superior Renovations for doing our house, it definitely looks a lot better now! Special thanks goes to Alison and Jacob for their excellent effort and good manners in handling the construction process, it wasn't easy but with them around it definitely became easier to handle. Cheers🥂
F J Bandukwala
Absolutely thrilled with the outcome of our renovation of two bathrooms and kitchen in a double level home. Kevin and his entire team were an absolute pleasure to work with from the get-go. Every minor detail was attended to, and all our requests were accommodated. Cyrus deserves a special mention as under his watchful eye and expertise, nothing could go wrong.
I have recently finished a renovation in our 1930’s bungalow, updating the original (and I do mean original) kitchen and bathroom. Plus creating a new laundry and removing three fireplaces which created two new spaces including an office. From the initial appointment with Alison who came over and then provided drawings and a quotation, to the work with Frank, our project manager and the team, this has been a wonderful renovation experience. I would have described myself as a nervous-renovator prior to doing this, as I had never done a renovation before, but Frank, Alison, Sunny and all the team have worked so tirelessly and generously to create spaces that we love. Superior’s care in managing the project has meant that we have come away with much more than we originally sought to achieve and without the stress I hear others lament about when they renovate. I would recommend Frank, Alison, Sunny and the team at Superior Renovations wholeheartedly.
Ike Harris
We engaged with three companies to completely renovate our downstairs and ensuite bathrooms. We elected to go with Superior Renovations as they provided us with a fixed price and specific timeline to complete the project (which two other companies could not do), and we were absolutely delighted with the end result. We love everything from the floor and wall tiles to the heated towel rails and from the LCD mirrors to the underfloor heating and soft close lids. We especially loved replacing the old tub in our ensuite with a walk-in shower.The entire process went incredibly smoothly, with the project being completed on budget and ahead of schedule. From the initial design phase to the final touches, nothing was too much trouble for the team. Superior Renovations conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every detail was perfect.Frank (Project Manager) and the team did such an amazing job. Totally professional outfit, top notch communication, all tradies were courteous, polite and respectful. Alex (Builder) was especially knowledgeable and offered great solutions as minor issues unfolded. Each stage of the renovation was completed on the day it was scheduled. The crew were always on time and mindful of our work from home arrangements. And I was also impressed with the floor protection that was laid out on the first day.Through no fault of Superior, we did encounter a major, unforeseen setback that delayed our renovation on the downstairs bathroom. Superior were patient with us while we sourced specialists to remedy the issue. But once that was all sorted, Frank and the team picked up the baton and charged ahead to the finish line, delivering two beautifully ‘superior’ bathrooms. We also experienced a minor electrical issue post-build. And even though it was unrelated to their renovation work, Frank promptly dispatched an electrician who quickly fixed the problem. Talk about above and beyond!In summary, we highly recommend Superior Renovations for anyone looking to undertake bathroom renovations in their home. We’re already talking about renovating the kitchen next and we’re so confident in Superior Renovations that we will most certainly be engaging with them to complete the task.A huge thank you to Frank, Alex and all the wonderful team at Superior Renovations:)
Kalina Hristova
Superior Renovations did an amazing job we would definitely recommend them for anyone looking for a high quality outcome. Our Project Manager Jacob was amazing, taking care of any minor adjustments we wanted, nothing was too much trouble.
Melanie Whittaker
Absolutely love my new ensuite bathroom. Superior Renovations made the process so enjoyable, I'm truly delighted with the transformation from an old tired room to modern functionality.Jacob led a wonderful team of professionals who were considerate and efficient. He answered any query with reassurance and patience.I'm now looking at engaging them again for my main bathroom because I'm not fearful of renovating anymore and confident I'll get a superior outcome. They definitely lived up to their name!
Carolina Guerra
Superior Renovations transformed our bathroom, and we couldn’t be happier. Cici, Jacob, Alex, and Ray were a fantastic team (Ray, our dog, is going to miss you). They tackled our old house’s quirks with creativity and attention to detail. We were especially impressed that they stayed within budget, even with a few surprises along the way. We’d definitely choose Superior Renovations again and highly recommend them.
Regina Cho
Thanks Sunny, Jacob and the team for a great renovation. We had 2 bathrooms, the laundry room and front door re-done and very pleased with the results.
Kalpana Iyer
Superior Renovations did a good job for our deck, they are professional and took on board any changes suggested by us and gave good ideas and advice.They took care of cleaning up all the mess after every job.Good value for money.Special mention to Cici, Frank & all the workers.😊 Thank you so muchHighly recommended 👍😊
Narelle Silwood
It was a pleasure to work with Jacob and his team. They installed a lovely new kitchen which met all my requirements, it arrived on schedule and I was kept informed all the way through the project. Thanks Jacob ... you did a great job. Narelle
Gavin Botica
I recently engaged the services of Superior Renovations for a complete renovation of my kitchen and bathroom, and I couldn't be happier with the results. The entire process went incredibly smoothly, with the project being completed on budget and ahead of schedule. From the initial design phase to the final touches, nothing was too much trouble for the team. They conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every detail was perfect. I highly recommend Superior Renovations for anyone looking to renovate their home.
Chinchien Lin
We have our bathroom renovation scheduled later this week. Everything so far is awesome. They are very patient and nice to work with!My wife's dream of a bathtub is finally happening. Can't wait to see the final result!
Rajesh Kumar
Great work done by Superior Renovation.Great service and efficient job.Big thanks to Jacob andthey team.Highly recommend.Got my 2 bathrooms renovated.
Narene Orchard
We had the best experience using Superior Renovations. They had a good range of products available making it easy to pick the fixtures and fittings. The team were experienced and had great pride in their work, from the office to onsite we were treated like valued customers. The product we ended up with exceeded our expectations.
Dhruv Mehta
Great experience with Superior renovations. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to renovate their house.
We engaged Superior Renovations to transform our 30-year old, tired looking and problematic bathroom into something world class - and wow! The end result is simply stunning. The team led by Frank did an absolutely fantastic job. This was our first major renovation project and the entire process was easy and hassle free. The team delivered on schedule, within budget and the quality of their work is outstanding. If you are considering renovating - do not go past these guys.
Linda Meyer
Wish I had given more of my renovation project to Superior earlier in the process. Superior team was knowledgeable, skilled and exception to work with. Will certainly be a repeat customer if ever a need comes up.
Emma Mildon
From design to completion the team were professional and always keen to get the project right. We will definitely be using their services again. Even finished the job with a spotless clean.
Henry Popplewell
My wife and I are absolutely delighted with the team at Superior Renovations - and the "superior" job and experience they delivered for us in renovating our ensuite and main bathroom. We are so pleased we chose them for our renovation.Everyone from Cici the designer, and Frank our wonderful and attentive project manager, down to the team of guys doing the heavy lifting were a real pleasure to deal with. We were kept informed every step of the way and everything was done to a very high standard. Nothing seems too much trouble for your crew (in fact Frank even became quite good at running after and catching our dog when the naughty little boy escaped), and they even helped me out with a couple of small extras around the house at no additional cost.Their pricing was very fair - no hidden extras, and they are such hard workers! But I think what impressed me most was that everything they promised was done exactly on the day they said it would be done, and at the time they said it would be done. They were a very respectful, friendly team who obviously take immense pride in their work.Thank you Superior team! Recommend 100%
Libby Sumnz
This place is excellent. The service is fantastic. Eunice was amazing. She is efficient, knowledgeable and professional. Their prices are excellent. We have chosen to go with them for an ensuite renovation.We have now had the pleasure of Superior completing our ensuite. It's a big WOW from us.Communication, professionalism, making sure they checked in with us about preferences, quality of workmanship, quality of materials are all 5 stars.They completed the job early. Payment structure was excellent. The staff were polite and respectful. If there was an issue it got sorted immediately. Follow-up was prompt. There was no lingering to tidy up loose ends. Rubbish taken away immediately. Full respect of our neighbours using a shared driveway with us. Finally Jacob our project manager was the best. He held the job together from beginning to end.To be honest...we were 'blown away' by how smoothly it all ran.
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