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Jin Park from Superior Renovations

What is involved in Project Managing a Renovation? Jin Park- Superior Renovations®

What is involved in Project Managing a Renovation? Jin Park – Superior Renovations®

What’s the difference between us and kitchen design companies?What is involved in project managing a renovation? 1f9d0, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
We had a sit down with Jin (from our sales department) at our Wairau showroom to see what he had to say about this.
Stay tuned by following our facebook page for more videos like this from our showroom.
Visit our Showroom at Wairau Valley (16b Link Drive, Wairau Valley, Auckland) to explore our spaces.

Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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    PDL Schneider

    PDL 600 Series vs PDL Iconic by Robert Knight PDL by Schneider Electric – Superior Renovations®

    PDL 600 Series vs PDL Iconic by Robert Knight PDL by Schneider Electric – Superior Renovations®

    Light switches and surfaces are often the last thing on people’s minds when they renovate their home. This however, is changing because every element of your renovation contributes to the overall design of your renovated space whether its your bathroom or kitchen.
    We decided to have a conversation with Robert Knight from PDL by Schneider Electric to understand more about their latest Iconic series and how they elevate the design as well as function of renovations.
    In this video Robert explores:
    1. PDF 600 Series Vs PDL Iconic Series
    2. Different Styles and Finishes from Iconic range that complement bathroom and Kitchen designs
    Stay tuned for future videos with Robert to understand more about safety features, Home Automation Features, Wiser Home App and their Designer Range.
    Visit our Showroom at Wairau Valley (16b Link Drive, Wairau Valley, Auckland) to explore more options from the Iconic Range by PDL by Schneider Electric. You can also consult our designers to help you choose the right lighting surface for your bathroom or kitchen design.

    Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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      Discussing Tile Trends with Kalun Hodgman from The Tile Depot

      Discussing Tile Trends with Kalun from The Tile Depot – Superior Renovations®

      Are subway tiles still a popular choice? What are the upcoming tile trends for 2022?

      Hear it from Kalun (Senior Sales Consultant at The Tile Depot). We caught up with her at our Wairau Valley Showroom, check out what she had to say, and tell us what you think is trending right now.

      Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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        House Renovation

        装修费用–奥克兰2022年的装修费用是多少(已更新)Superior Renovations ®




        家庭装修包括DIY装修在2020年网络搜索中呈上升趋势,并且这一趋势在2021年得以延续。与此同时,对于家庭装修,我们也看到装修贷款的查询增加。这表示,在低利率房屋贷款的推动下 在低利率房屋贷款的推动下,房主们正在将翻新他们的房屋视为一种(增加房屋价值的)可能性。同时,针对出租房产的装修咨询也在增加,虽然房地产市场持续低迷,但房地产投资者仍在寻找增加价值的方法(并利用低息贷款来融资)。




        砖房的粉刷前后对比(新西兰)–一幢位于在West Harbour的砖房外部装修案例,其中包括:屋顶粉刷,新的混凝土车道,墙砖粉刷,新雨水管,整屋升级至双层玻璃窗户,新电动院门,全外观维修以及外墙隔板粉刷。







        2021年,房屋装修如何受到影响 ↓

        在奥克兰确定全屋装修费用的难易程度 ↓

        奥克兰房屋扩建的成本 ↓

        每平方米的装修成本 ↓

        平均房屋装修费用表(厨房、浴室、露台等的装修费用) ↓

        准备阶段的注意事项 ↓

        如何选择合适的装修公司进行装修 ↓

        便捷家庭装修费用计算器 ↓

         1. 2022年的房屋装修情况


        – 用房屋贷款为他们的装修工程融资(低利率)


        – Covid-19的封城,刺激了装修的需求




        Superior-Renovations-Auckland-2-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Superior Renovations – Kitchen Renovation



        – 扩建您的房子。

        – 在您的房子原有基础上加盖一层。

        – 根据您个人喜好,对房屋的内部进行装修。

        – 对厨房或浴室进行升级改造

        – 分割或扩展住宅的不同功能区域。

        – 改善您的日常体验

        – 增加房屋的价值






        Superior-Renovations-Auckland-4-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Superior Renovations


        如您所了解到的,奥克兰是以其房产和地理位置而闻名,特别是在传统老区,如Ponsonby, Mt Eden, Sandringham, Glenfield, Howick等,有很多可供装修的房屋。几乎在奥克兰的每一个地区,都有对房屋装修的需求。人们翻新房产的关键目的是希望提高其在市场上的期望值和正确的引导市场以目标售价吸引合适的买家,而考虑到每个地区的人口结构不同,这并不容易。


        2. 2022年在奥克兰装修成本是多少?




        如果您清楚即将装修区域的大小,可以提前计算一些装修费用/费率(但请注意,这仅是一个平均值)。在装修过程中,您需要留有 10% 的应急预算,在装修开始后,可能会有不可预见的支出——也许您想增加更多的产品,或者有需要更换的木头建材。



        奥克兰St Heliers 整屋翻新包含: 洗手间装修,两个卫浴装修,洗衣区装修,整屋内部粉刷,露台翻新,(房屋)内部房间门换新,(房屋)内部楼梯以及玻璃围栏扶手的安装,移除墙纸和墙面批灰,外部粉刷和安装扶手



        为提高(一处)位于St Heliers的房产的售价的整屋翻新


        3. 奥克兰房屋扩建成本




        • 如果您喜欢您所居住的地区,您不一定要搬家。
        • 完成您想做的改变,而不是满足于还可以的事物
        • 扩建房屋可能比搬到更大的房子成本更低
        • 您可能对您目前的房子或地区有感情,不想离开




        想了解自己的扩建项目的定制价格吗?请参照由Superior Renovations开发的免费房屋扩建成本计算器(新西兰)。





        即$150,000 + 50% *$150,000= $225,000,以及加上20%的专业服务费用和15%的消费税。





        1. 向建筑/装修公司进行初步咨询
        2. 由建筑设计师进行可行性研究
        3. 拟建前期费用
        4. 客户同意初始费用
        5. 客户、建筑师和建筑商进行实地(考察)会议
        6. 起草扩建计划草案并向客户介绍情况
        7. 提交最终的扩建计划以获得扩建许可
        8. 扩建许可获批
        9. 建筑商根据经批准的计划生成报价/建议/规格书
        10. 等待客户意见
        11. 建筑合同签署过程
        12. 收到初始定金
        13. 施工开始日期(同时预计完工日期)的确认






        4. 新西兰每平米的装修费用





        Superior-Renovations-Auckland-1-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Superior Renovations


        5. 房屋装修均价指南


        房屋装修费用类型  价格区间
        家装设计师费用 $2,000 – $6,000
        测量师/工程师费用 $1,500 – $4,000
        暖风机 $1,500 – $3,500
        翻新管理 $1,200 – $3,000
        电气设备 $2,200 – $4,400
        管道设备 $2,700 – $4,200
        施工团队 $15,000 – $25,000
        精细木工(窗户) $4,000 – $7,000
        保温层 $1,000 – $3,600
        屋顶 $4,400 – $9,600
        屋内翻新 自$41,000起到远超 $100,000
        浴室翻新成本   基本升级$7500起,$12,000 – $19,000为平均装修支出,而全面的重新设计装修要远超$25,000
        厨房翻新成本   一般规模的厨房从$13,000到$22,000纽币不等,中等规模的从$22,000 – $28,000纽币不等,高端设计风格的厨房从$28,000纽币以上。
        房屋扩建成本 $100,000 +
        重装外墙 $150,000 +







        我们还制作了双层玻璃成本计算器(于 2022 年 8 月更新,以反映产品和劳动力的市场价格)——旨在让您根据所提供的信息获得一个预计花费的提示。




        IMG_0866-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Renovated Bathroom

        Renovation-Massey-West-Auckland-4, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Kitchen and House Renovation






        6. 因此我们准备了一些小提示,可以有助您的房屋装修有个良好的开端。

        • 做调查,弄清楚您想要什么


        • 制定一个详细的计划


        • 为您的装修预留充足的时间


        • 确保您已经考虑了所有的选项







        1.令人印象深刻的过往项目合集 – 了解案例研究和装修的细节(规格),并提出问题。另一(方面的)原因是,您希望选择一个完成过令人印象深刻的过往项目的装修公司。因为一个完成了很多装修项目的公司,也会从中经历很多教训或者错误,可以帮助您避免发生同样的错误。

        2.在类似规模和细节的项目上有可靠的记录 – 确保您选择的公司所做的工作与您所寻找的类似,甚至相同。大多数人犯的错误是选择了一个什么都做,但是却都不在行的公司。

        3.良好的沟通 — 线索在他们的(客户主动的)在线评论,视频推荐(并非所有的公司都有视频推荐,而且要获得热情客户的(反馈)也不容易)。询问该公司(能否)提供乐于接受电话采访的过往客户的详细资料,如果一个公司不能向您提供至少5个客户的名单—这可能是危险的信号。


          1. 他们的销售过程是怎样的?是否系统化?
          2. 他们的推进能力和主动性如何?
          3. 与办公室团队的预约进展如何?
          4. 是否有明确的下一步指引?
          5. 他们根据您的要求提出的建议的准确性如何?




        8. 装修成本计算器


        房屋装修前后(新西兰) by Superior Renovations



        1         在奥克兰我们装修的厨房图库中,了解我们厨房装修的创意

        1. 在奥克兰我们装修的卫浴图库中,了解我们卫浴装修的创意
        2. 特色项目和客户案例,以了解项目规范
        3. 来自奥克兰的真实客户案例






        一般来说,一家完善的装修公司会拥有涉及所有(工种的)工作的安排,以及与他们合作良好的供应商资源,这将会使装修的压力降低并且有更好的成本效益。房屋装修通常需要 8 到 10 个不同的工种参与,如果其中任何一个不可靠,将影响所有其它相关(工种的)工作。因此,如果客户希望单独雇用某个工种的工人,我们很难进行装修翻新

        所有我接触过的建造商都说他们可以做我的工作。是什么让Superior Renovations与众不同

        是的,现在有很多建造商,但Superior Renovations不只是建造商。我们专注于家居装修,这对于将现有房产改造成现代化的现代住宅是非常重要--我们的服务不仅限于装修,我们还负责家装设计,与建筑师的咨询,建筑改造批准书和供应商沟通以及物流












        如果您正在进行房屋建造工程,您可能需要申请建筑许可书。以下是一些需要建筑许可书的工作的例子。任何结构性建筑,包括新建筑、增建、改建、附属建筑(棚)和重新打桩,改变原有的管道和排水系统,建筑工地周围的高于1.5米的挡土墙,或顶部附近有建筑物或车道的挡土墙, 高于2.5米的围栏和任何游泳池围栏, 游泳池,离地面超过1.5米的露台, 如果有疑问,我们建议您打电话给当地议会,与他们讨论您的项目


        利用我们免费的完整的家庭装修指南(48页),无论您是已经在装修还是在决定装修的过程中,这都不是一个简单的过程,这个指南包括一个免费的100多个点的检查表 – 将帮助您避免代价高昂的错误











        Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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          Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

          Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

          Request Your In-home Consultation 

          Or call us on   0800 199 888




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          Bathroom Renovation

          在新西兰装修一个浴室需要多少钱 – 2022年



          浴室装修可能看起来是一项很简单直接的工作, 其实并非如此。事实上, 浴室装修往往是所有装修中最复杂的,因为它涉及到许多工种在一个相对狭小的空间里施工。





















          1. 在奥克兰翻新一个浴室需要多少钱?




          改变地板、新油漆、改变水管和电气工程,这可能意味着中档浴室的平均费用21,000纽币    ~24,000纽币之间(这可能是最受欢迎的选择)








          另一方面,如果您只打算刷一层新的油漆,并做一些其他的小改动,那么新浴室装修的平均  费用可能只有几千纽币。



          House-Renovations-Auckland-79-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Superior Renovations



          虽然新浴室装修的平均费用会因工作和情况的不同而变化,但您可能想知道您的浴室装   修要花多少钱。在Superior Renovations我们有一些提示,可以帮助您确定浴室装修的费用。

          • 首先要确定您装修浴室的目的。您需要更大的空间吗? 您的浴室是否需要进行现代化改造,以便与您家其他地方的装饰风格保持一致? 一旦您确定了目的,您就会对实现目标所需的东西有更清晰的认识。
          • 将您需要改造的所有东西列一个清单,如灯具、照明、油漆、瓷砖、橱柜、地板等。
          • 把雇人做装修的费用算进去。

          请记住,您可以先做浴室装修的大项目,然后再加入一些小细节来帮助您分摊该装修工作  的费用。


          2. 为什么你需要重新翻新你的浴室?


          不同的家庭对浴室翻新的需求也不同. 人们对配件的选择,以及是选择浴缸还是淋浴间或是两个都选,都由他们的装修理由来决定。

          1. 一个年轻的家庭

          一个年轻的家庭和一个有着大孩子的家庭相比,装修的需求是非常不同的。如果你有一个 蹒跚学步的孩子或一个即将出生的新生儿,而你的浴室里没有浴缸,那么在装修中加入一个浴缸将是一个明智的选择。



          1. 成长中的家庭/增加便利

          家庭的成长可能意味着你需要更多的空间让成年人更舒适地在房子里生活。这也可能意味  着需要再建一个独立的厕所,或者将一个套房分成一个厕所和一个浴室。如果你的家里有空间,那么你可以增加一个完整的浴室来增加便利。



          1. 增加再出售的价值



          St Heliers的浴室翻新,增加销售价值


          1. 提高生活质量,增加一个豪华浴室






          你还需要记住,新浴室装修的平均费用只是一个估算的数字。 但是,有一些方法可以降低浴室装修的成本,包括:

          • 浴室橱柜–与其更换浴室橱柜,不如考虑对其进行修复,或将其粉刷成新的现代颜色。您还可以对浴缸和水槽进行修复,使其焕然一新。
          • 使用新的水龙头和把手,而不是所有新的浴室装置–很多时候,仅仅改变水槽和浴缸的把手和水龙头,就足以让您的浴室看起来更加现代。
          • 轻装上阵—实际上,您不必为了让浴室看起来更宽敞而扩大其面积。其实,将您的浴室刷成浅黄色或米色,也可以使它看起来很宽敞,而不是通过拆掉一堵墙。




          House-Renovations-Auckland-81-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Superior Renovations




          项目 人工和材料花费
          亚克力 $700 – $1,600
          定制淋浴器 $1,200 – $3,200
          淋浴房玻璃门 $800 – $2,000
          新水龙头 $100 – $1,200
          增加水管设施 $700 – $1,800






          拆除旧设备 $100 – $200
          清理杂物 $200 – $400
          表面准备 $400 – $900
          新的淋浴器 $850 – $6,750
          总共 $1,550 – $8,250







          1.供应和铺设墙砖至天花板高度 – 1900-3150纽币(取决于尺寸和复杂程度)

          2.供应和铺设厕所地砖 – 800纽币 – 1000纽币


          1.供应和安装01套马桶和坐便器喷头 – 520纽币 – 850纽币(取决于型号)

          2.供应和安装01套洗脸盆和水龙头-$250 – $420 (视型号而定)

          3.供应和更换马桶的不锈钢管道 – $450 – $800(取决于冷/热)。


          1.运输和处理产生的垃圾 – 350纽币 – 600纽币


          1.购买新马桶和马桶翻新的配件 – 200纽币至300纽币及以上







          浴室装修类型      平均浴室装修费用



          $10,000 – $15,000


          $21,000 – $24,000




          $27,000 – $32,000 +





          7. 本文的压缩版本

          How much does it cost to renovate a bathroom in NZ 2021

          8. 浴室翻新完成的案例

          由Superior renovation完成

          莎拉(Sarah)在奥克兰雷德维尔 (Redvale, Auckland)的豪华浴室装修


          Luxury-Bathroom-Design-Redvale-7, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Luxury-Bathroom-Design-Redvale-24, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


          托德·钱德勒(Todd Chandler)在圣赫里尔斯(St Heliers)的中档浴室装修

          我们用现代风格的木质瓷砖和橱柜翻修了Todd 三间漏水的浴室。木质外观的瓷砖与白色装置相映成趣,使浴室看起来宽敞而现代。


          d064-H2105474-hires.20233-WEB12-1024x683, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-6-1-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland





          DSC00169, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC00120, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


          玛丽·斯图尔特 (Mary. Stuart)的西班牙风格浴室,镶嵌着马赛克瓷砖

          玛丽在斯坦莫尔湾 (Stanmore Bay)的厨房和浴室的翻新风格牢记了西班牙别墅的设计。浴室被刷成蓝色,墙上贴着马赛克瓷砖。黄铜水槽和水龙头增加了西班牙乡村别墅的感觉



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          To summarise









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            Master Bathroom Small Bathroom
            Bathroom Renovation

            How To Make The Most Out Of Your Small Bathroom with Design

            Small bathrooms are often a determining factor that decides whether you purchase a house or apartment. Renovating a small bathroom can sometimes seem pointless as you might not be staying there for too long or you might just not have any ideas. But even so, there are plenty of tips to design your small bathroom to give an illusion of space.

            There are many different bathroom designs that would best suit your and your family’s taste. Our small bathroom design tips have been curated based on advice from our in-house designers as well as the trend we have seen with Auckland home owners.

            In this article about small bathroom renovations:

            • 17 Tips to Design your small bathroom design
            • Dos and Don’ts of Tilling Your small bathroom design
            • Design mistakes to avoid for a small bathroom design
            • 10 Small Powder Room Design Ideas

            How to make the most out of your Small Bathroom Design

            Found the perfect place? Is the bathroom too small for your liking?

            No matter where you live, bathrooms are always lacking in square footage. You want a home that you love in every room including the bathroom. Just because the bathroom is small. It just means it gives you a little side project to redecorate and design a bathroom to your liking.

            But there’s no reason why having a small bathroom should stop you from creating a space that you love and enjoy spending time in. All it takes to improve your small bathroom is the right type of storage space. Some carefully placed decorations and a bit of optimism and effort to make it happen. Down below are 17 tips that we think will help you design your small bathroom and ways you can make it feel more open and spacious.

            17 Tips To Designing and Renovating your Small Bathroom

            1. Don’t Block the Sunlight

            Natural light is best proven to style your small bathroom to make it feel open and spacious. Dark bathroom can dampens your mood and doesn’t look as nice compared to natural sunlight and having a dark bathroom won’t help make your bathroom feel open and spacious.

            The combination of white wall and an abundance of natural light can make a space look a lot bigger. I your bathroom has a window, consider blinds, and get rid of your curtains. Especially if you have a mirror in the bathroom. The natural light will reflect and provide your bathroom with a sense of peace and makes it feel more open and spacious.

            Luxury-Bathroom-Design-Redvale-5-1-1024x683, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Natural light from windows with blinds in Redvale

            See the full bathroom renovation in Redvale. 

            2. Keep it Simple

            Using larger tiles also helps make your small bathroom look more bigger. Especially with a simple design as well as using subway tiles and hardware. Keeping your bathroom simple also implies sticking with one or two colors as having too many colors won’t make your bathroom look more spacious. Here is an example of one of our renovated bathrooms keeping it simple with sticking with one or two colors.

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            Simple colors used in bathroom renovation

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            Simple bathroom tiles in Greenlane

             See full bathroom renovation at Joanne and Steve’s in Greenlane. 

            3. Use Dark Accents

            A style success that works well with designing a bathroom to make it look more spacious is using black and white with metallic hardware. When designing your bathroom, it’s good to keep dark accents in mind as they can help provide a pop of contrast in a white bathroom.

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            Dark accents used in bathroom renovation in Redvale

            Design tip: This vanity set was custom built to fit within this small bathroom design which utilizes the space well and provides more storage space.

            4. Try Something Different

            If you’re going for a more modern style in your bathroom, you should try mixing it up with traditional elements which can help create a rich and colourful bathroom. If you’re styling a bathroom based on a budget, invest on wallpaper as they are a great way to play with pattern or add a fun little flair without having to spend a ton of money and can fit within your budget. Just because the bathroom is small, don’t limit yourself to how much you can really do with the style.

            If you’re feeling bold, go ahead and arrange a gallery wall on your bathroom walls.

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            Spanish style mosaic tiles and brass gold sink

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            Mosaic tiles in Hillsborough

            Read more… 

            Rustic style renovation in Stanmore Bay 

            Full home renovation in Hillsborough 

            5. Opt for a Monochromatic Palette. 

            Finding the perfect colour for your small bathroom may be the hardest part of designing your bathroom. It can often feel overwhelming and to help minimise your stress by picking just one colour, switch to choosing a monochromatic palette instead. That way you have different shades of colour which would also work well with bathroom sinks, tiles, shower, etc.

            6. Swap your Shower Curtain for a Glass Door

            Ever notice how lucite and acrylic furniture tends to disappear and make the space look much bigger? Glass shower doors have the same effect. To make the most out of your space in your small bathroom, considering swapping out your shower curtain for glass doors as this will help make your bathroom feel bigger.

            bathroom-ideas-by-superior-renovations-17-1-1024x683, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Glass Shower Door in West Harbour

            Read more

            Glass shower door in a project in Westmere

            Bathroom Renovation in Greenhithe 

            Black and White Bathroom Renovation in Rosedale, Albany 


            7. Even if there’s room for two, consider a single sink to increase counter space.

            Although having two sinks are nice, realistically how often do you really use two sinks? Even if there is enough space for two sinks, consider only getting one as you’ll be able to have more counter space allowing you more storage space for your skincare/beauty products. Most people use counter space more than the sink when getting ready, therefore eliminating the need for two sinks. To make your small bathroom feel larger, consider only purchasing one sink. Storage space is important!

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            Single sink in contemporary design in Titirangi

            See full contemporary bathroom renovation in Titirangi 

            8. Hang a medicine cabinet above the toilet.

            Most medicine cabinets are always hung above the sink with a mirror at the front which eliminates you the chance of having a big, beautiful mirror above the sink which can also help reflect natural light and make your small bathroom feel bigger. To solve this problem, you should hang your medicine cabinet above the toilet as it keeps it out of your way and provides you with another option for storage space.

            9. Use open shelving to store towels or other pretty essentials.

            Using open storage is a perfect way to make your bathroom look bigger and more open. In a small bathroom there is plenty of space on the wall for open shelves compared to having cabinets which can make the space feel compact and small. They also give you an option to redecorate where you put your bathroom essentials whenever you feel like it.

            10. Take your shower tile all the way to the ceiling.

            Experts agree that you should always take you shower tile all the way to the ceiling as it adds a feeling of height and draws your attention away from how close the walls are. Doing this will also help make your small bathroom feel more modern and make the shower space look larger. If you’re designing your small bathroom on a budget, consider purchasing white subway tiles as they’re an affordable and classic option for this look.

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            Tiling to the ceiling in vintage bathroom renovation

            Modern Vintage Bathroom Renovation in Greenhithe

            11. Decorative Waste Baskets

            Whilst creating an illusion to making your bathroom look bigger, there is only so much decorating you can do to keep up that illusion. One of the things you can decorate however you want is waste baskets. Waste baskets are nice and small and doesn’t take up space which is perfect for your small bathroom as every bathroom needs a waste basket.

            There are several different ways to use a decorative waste basket in your bathroom. First, you can choose a beautiful leather waste basket which is an incredibly elegant option. Leather is very beautiful and quite versatile in terms of looks. Leather is mainly known to be a traditional brown or black colour. But those aren’t the only colours that can help decorate your bathroom. Colours like white, grey, pink, etc are also good in terms of boosting your design quality and there many other options for decorative waste baskets.

            Another popular option that people have in their bathrooms for waste baskets is stainless steel waste baskets. Chrome is a great example of a stainless-steel waste basket as they are extremely versatile in bathroom design, due to their durability, reliability, and affordability. The shine of these metallic finishes is very attractive and can often serve as a small focal point of a smaller bathroom design.

            12. Decorative Towel Hooks

            Another decorating option for you when designing your small bathroom is towel hooks. Although they are some of the smallest bathroom accessories, that doesn’t mean you can’t find the most decorative towel hooks. For a bathroom that is mainly white, finding black towel hooks would give the bathroom more contrast and make it pop due to the dark accents. There are different styles that towel hooks come in like chrome, stainless-steel, matte black or white and many more. Each of these different designs will offer a unique yet traditional element to your small bathroom design.

            Bathroom hooks have more than one purpose and there are many ways you can use them for. Since you are designing your bathroom, don’t limit yourself to different decorative ideas. Here are just a few examples on the different ways you can use bathrooms hooks. You can use bathroom hooks to hang shelves, mesh bags for storage, loofahs, and shower scrubs, hanging baskets, etc. Bathroom hooks are incredibly versatile and are worth using when decorating a small bathroom area so let your creativity shine through here!

            13. Wall Mounted Bathroom Sinks

            Wall mounted bathroom sinks are crucial to have when designing your small bathroom as you’d want to have as much storage space as you can and having a wall mounted bathroom sink opens up space underneath the sink for you to store bathroom essentials. Not only does having a wall mounted sink opens more space, but it also helps make your bathroom feel bigger which is what we want. There are plenty of various shapes and designs that can add a great level of sense to your small bathroom design.

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            Wall mounted sink in Papatoetoe bathroom renovation

            14. Bathroom Vanity Accessory Sets

            There’s only so much creativity input that you can put into designing your small bathroom. But what all bathroom needs are vanity accessory sets which includes soap dishes, soap dispensers, toothbrush holders and other similar small accessories. Purchasing a bathroom vanity accessory set with increase the cohesiveness of your vanity area and is another thing you can decorate to your liking.

            When purchasing bathroom vanity accessory sets, it’s important to find colours that best match your bathroom theme. It would be good to pick dark colours for your bathroom vanity accessory set if the theme of your bathroom is bright, as it will bring a bit of contrast and bring some colour to the room. Some common materials and finishes include ceramic, solid brass, chrome, brushed nickel, gold, and many more.

            15. Magnifying Mirrors

            You can never have too many mirrors, right? Magnifying mirrors are another small bathroom decoration that you can either put away or keep it on the counter. The mirror is perfect for the ladies when getting ready and applying their makeup. Since magnifying mirrors don’t take much space even if they were mounted on the wall. This is the preferred installation method for small bathrooms. To decorate the magnifying mirror some more, consider purchasing ones that have LED lighting which is useful for shaving, makeup, and similar things you may need it for.

            Not only are the extremely useful, but they also come with a series of elegant design features that make a great addition of décor to your small bathroom. Main colours they come in are chrome, matte black, matte white. This is a great feature to consider as they’re highly likely to match well with your other bathroom accessories. This will create the perfect bathroom vanity area for yourself or a guest and receive compliments for your bathroom design. This magnifying mirror will be an additional with a wall mirror for better comfort as no bathroom is complete without a wall mirror.

            16. Wall Décor

            Wall décor is one of the best ways to decorate your small bathroom as there is limited space. Keeping your wall space empty eliminates potential storage space. Which limits you to how much decorating you can do for your bathroom. One of the most common wall décors in a small bathroom is wall art as they come in many different forms. Therefore, providing you with plenty of options to choose from. It’s important to choose a wall art that goes with the theme of your bathroom design to create a cohesive and comfortable space.

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            Featured tile wall in Westmere

            Read more…

            Green textured tiles used as an Accent wall for a Westmere bathroom renovation

            18 Top trends in Bathroom Tile Design for 2021 in Auckland

            17. Ceiling Décor

            Nowadays plants and succulents are very popular in households. They give people more creativity when it comes to decorating their house and provides a touch of colour. So why stop there? Add some hanging plants that thrive in humidity from the steam in the shower. It provides a touch of colour and gives you more decorating opportunities. Some plants that thrive well are aloe vera and ferns which is the perfect ceiling décor that you could have in your bathroom as finishing touches.

            Another ceiling décor is lighting as that is another creativity opportunity for you to find the perfect lights for your bathroom that goes with your design. LED lights are most known to be used for bathrooms, but they might not suit your bathroom design. Ceiling décor is usually the last thought, but they are the most useful and most needed. Take your time and explore your options and pick what works best for your bathroom theme or style.

            Dos and Don’ts of Tiling a Small Bathroom Design

            When designing your small bathroom, there are many of tiles to choose from and different ways you can install them into your small bathroom. But there are many mistakes that are often made. These tips will help make your small bathroom look more attractive and spacious.

            Due to the abundance of design and colors in the market nowadays. Choosing the perfect tiles for you can help make your small bathroom look bigger. Picking correct tile for your small bathroom takes planning and deliberations. This may be the biggest task you’d need to do before you can decorate your bathroom and requires a huge amount of patience. Before you invest into any materials, consider the following guidelines to help avoid an expensive mistake or something you’ll regret.

            Do Carefully Measure the Space

            Before you start making any major changes in your small bathroom, it’s best to measure the space beforehand and write it down which would help you find the right tiles you need, etc. Especially with smaller bathrooms, you’d want to make sure that the numbers are right to make the most out of the space. When calculating the amount of tile needed for floors or walls, you need to multiply the lengths of the area you are covering by the width to find the square footage. Double check your numbers before ordering and always purchase more than you need in case it’s not enough.

            Don’t Scrimp When Buying Tiles

            Why should you buy extra tiles? It’s always good to purchase more than you need as you never know when you might run out of material, and it can be frustrating as you’d have to pause the task to purchase some more and if you’re after custom tiles then it could take the supplier a few weeks to get more before you can finish your tiling. Ordering extra tiles are always useful as you might’ve miscalculated, or some tiles broke and cutting them up to fit into spaces. There are many reasons as to why you should always have extra tiles for future purposes. Check to see if your retailers offer refunds or exchanges on unopened boxes of tiles.

            Read more…

            Emerging tile treads (2021) by tile depot (common mistakes to avoid)

            Do Think Small-Scale

            If large tiles aren’t your style, there are many small-scale tiles that are the perfect fit for you that can make your small bathroom feel bigger. Using mosaic tiles are a great way to visually expand your small bathroom as they come with a variety of colors and style. Consider using glass mosaics tiles as they help deepen the illusion of having a bigger bathroom with more reflected light.

            Don’t Underestimate Large Tiles

            You may think large tiles won’t look good in a small bathroom due to the lack of square footage. You should think about using large tiles when designing your small bathroom. Because it can actually make your bathroom look bigger. Since our brain associates big tiles with a larger space, it gives off an illusion that a room is bigger than it is. If you’re considering large tiles treatment to your floors, consider continuing them up the wall to the height of a chair rail.

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            Large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors

            More examples… 

            Ellerslie bathroom renovation with large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors

            Papatoetoe bathroom renovation with large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors

            Greenlane bathroom renovation with large 600 by 600 tiles used on the floors


            Do Keep It Simple

            Select a variety of soft-hued colors that are a few shades lighter or darker than each other when selecting tiles as this will keep the bathroom simple compared to having different colors and patterns as that will overwhelm the space and make it seem cramped which is not what we want. Keep it simple, consider smaller-scale design.

            Don’t Skip the Preparation

            This is an extremely important step that you shouldn’t skip when tiling a small bathroom. Before you start, ensure that the surface you’re working on is clean, smooth, and solid, otherwise it will cause tiles to crack of loosen and allows moisture to get behind tiles from uneven walls which can cause them to loosen and fall off. Which would be disappointing to see after completing this labor-intensive project. Also remember to remove any wallpaper from walls and sand the surface before applying tiles to prevent those things from happening.

            Do Set Tiles in a Diagonal Pattern

            Another way you can make your small bathroom be perceived as bigger is by tiling your tiles in a diagonal pattern which gives off an illusion that your bathroom is bigger than it actually is. Although doing diagonal tile patterns require more planning, precise measuring, and cutting and may seem easier to not diagonal patterns, this is something to think about as it would make your small bathroom feel larger.

            Key tip before starting – Use a graph paper to lay out a scaled diagram of your floor.

            Don’t Use Shiny Tiles for small floor tiles

            When thinking about tiles for your bathroom, don’t consider glossy tiles or polished stone as they can be a hazard for you. Although they may look nice and luxurious in your bathroom, you will more likely injure yourself more in your bathroom than anywhere else in your house. Once those tiles get wet, they become slippery and when rushing in the morning you can forget that they get slippery. But if you are 100% sold on glossy tiles, there are tiles that have a low slip resistance which can help minimize risk of falls/injuries. Be sure to check with your retailer before purchasing.

            7 Design mistakes to avoid in Renovating a Small Bathroom

            Small bathrooms aren’t always ideal but we just have to make do. But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve it the second you get in there. Our bathrooms are supposed to be a relaxing space to end our days.

            Thinking of designing your small bathroom to your style and standard? Don’t let your lack of square footage discourage your creativity side. Design and organization experts explained the mistakes people make in their small bathroom design that aren’t doing any favors to make your small bathroom look more open and spacious.

            Down below are 7 mistakes you should avoid when designing your small bathroom.

            1. Thinking Everything Needs to Be White

            Nowadays a lot of people are going for a more modern design for their bathroom regardless of the size which entails having white sinks. White counters. White bathtubs, and white walls. Although using white isn’t a bad thing but using dark colours and bold patterns in a small space can make a huge impact in a small room and bring colour into it. Don’t be afraid to use colours!

            Although you have limited space, don’t hold your creativity back!

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            Use of colour on the floor and bathroom vanity

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            Spanish Style mosaic tiles in Stanmore Bay

            Read more…

            Mary Stuart’s Spanish style bathroom renovation 

            Modern Bathroom Renovation in Albany 

            Sarah’s Dark Accent Bathroom in Redvale 

            2. Keeping Everything Out in the Open

            Storage is one of the most crucial things that you need in your small bathroom. Clutter has always been the enemy of small spaces. Without the proper storage space, you will end up having a cramped-up area eliminating your goal of making you small bathroom look bigger. This would be a good idea to purchase bathroom vanity accessories set that go with your colour theme as you can put your toothbrush, soap, toothpaste, etc. Minimizing the items on your bathroom counter, stick to 3 things which most of them include what you need in a bathroom vanity accessory set. Add a decorative item like a plant or succulent.

            Often, we forgot to utilize our storage space under our sink as we tend to put our bathroom stuff on the sink counter. Have them on shelves that we have scatter around the bathroom. To avoid making this mistake, invest more into looking at storage spaces to hide your bathroom essentials to make the room look more organized and less cluttered.  Remember to use the space under your sink.

            3. Focusing on Décor Without a Purpose

            Designing a small bathroom can be overwhelming as there’s only so much decorating you can do, and you can either have a bathroom that is overflowing with decorations or have a bathroom that barely has any decorations. Even if you don’t want to over decorate your bathroom with flowers, wall art or succulents you can purchase an open storage shelf and place functional items like towels. Gathering inspiration from Pinterest on how to decorate your small bathroom is also extremely helpful.

            4. Limiting Yourself to Bathroom Specific Items

            If other houses in your room have wall art, or flowers, consider purchasing some to put in your bathroom. Another design mistake to avoid is limiting yourself to ONLY bathroom decorations and let’s be honest here. Bathroom decorations aren’t always the best. Using decorations in the bathroom that you can find anywhere else in the house makes it feel homier.

            Based on previous small bathroom designs. The best non bathroom decoration you could put in your bathroom are plants that thrive well with the humidity of the bathroom. Hanging plants are a most popular one.  

            5. Not Thinking Beyond the Vanity

            Counter space is not the only storage space available! Skincare products, makeup tend to fill up counter space which creates more clutter and makes your small bathroom feel more cramped that it is. Although it’s easy to put most products near the vanity/counter because it’s easier for you to reach, they aren’t the most helpful. Consider getting a medicine cabinet with storage space or install some floating shelves to utilize that wall space.

            6.Going Small Because the Room is Small

            Go big or go home! Just because you have a small bathroom doesn’t mean you can’t purchase big items for your bathroom. In fact, only purchasing small items can make your small bathroom feel crowded and create clutter which is not what we want. Purchasing medium/big decorations can make a huge difference in a small space.

            7. Letting the Room Flatter You

            A key point to always remember is that you’re designing the bathroom towards your needs and your standards. Bathrooms are always a space that’s about taking a moment for yourself and self-care no matter the size. It’s a place where we go every night to relax.

            Key tips – create good lighting using natural light. A dim bedroom may be nice, but a dim bathroom is not. A brighter space can brighten up your mood more so than a dark space.

            10 Small Powder Room Design Ideas

            Powder rooms only contain the essentials like a toilet, sink and a mirror. It’s mainly used for guests when they stay over or when you host get togethers. It’s a place where you and your guests can get ready. Touch up on their makeup or for people to recharge themselves. Powder rooms are a lot easier and cheaper to design as it’s a small space and won’t suffer from steam or humidity. Which opens a range of options when thinking about designing it. To gather inspiration for your powder room design, here are 10 small powder room ideas.

            1. Eclectic

            There are many ways you can decorate your powder room with the eclectic theme. Eclectic powder rooms mainly consist of vintage decorations. This would be a perfect chance for you to transform a period dresser into a washbasin. If you are very interested in vintage items, and vintage theme rooms, then this is the perfect design for you.

            2. Metallic

            Metallic finishes on your powder room gives it the perfect touch to bring the whole room together. These finishes are currently trendy, and these touches can be applied to any rooms in your house. Using gold, copper, and bronze with polished nickel and chrome metal will give the room warm. But for a more luxurious upscale look, use marble and dark wood accents to compliment your metallic powder room.

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            Example of metallic finishes | (Photo credit: Tile Depot)

            3. Minimal

            If you’re after a simpler design, then this minimal powder room idea is perfect for you. This design only requires a single colour to tie walls, fixtures and finishing touches together. Using a darker wall colour will create a dramatic and intimate atmosphere and a metal washbasin creates focus. When creating a minimal design, always opt for a light-colours floor as it bounces light around and will help keep the room from feeling small.

            4. Oriental

            After a more eastern décor? This oriental theme powder room design is the right fit for you. Create a custom vanity with a mosaic design and combine it with a patterned tile accent wall. Using a dark red wall colour will create a rich backdrop that invokes oriental designs and will help highlight the accent wall. Include an eastern-influenced vanity mirror and decorative lightning to complete the look.

            Still stuck on ideas for your oriental design power room? Check out Pinterest for more ideas and inspiration.

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            Red accent wall |(Photo credit: Tile Depot)

            5. Rustic

            Rustic powder room design has finishing touches that include wood and. You can create a more modern design to this rustic powder room look by using a natural wood vanity and a black metal mirror. To avoid a heavy cabin like feel to your powder room. Opt for lighter wood finishes, and white tiles to bring the room together.

            6. Colourful

            Be creative and have fun designing your powder room by making it colourful! Use bold colour wallpaper to create a theme and choose different colours for bath accessories that complement the wallpaper well to create a fun, simple, and colourful room. Go bold and have a different colour washbasin instead of sticking with the usual white colour ones. Contrast the room with simple white fixtures and finishes to keep it from overwhelming the room.

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            Example of adding colour to bathroom |(Photo credit: Tile Depot)

            7. Playful

            Create a playful powder room by using fun wallpaper with different patterns and colour that provides the room with a  more playful feel. Using an interesting wallpaper will add colour and interest as well as character to your powder room without overwhelming it and making it look busy and cramped.

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            Playful wallpaper in bathroom | (Photo credit: Tile Depot)

            8. Mid-Century Modern

            Sick of the modern powder room design? With the mid-century modern design twist, you are sure to spruce up your powder room with this theme. Add a pop of colour to your walls, even your floors. Add in a nice rug to give it some colour. Make it interesting and include fun details like retro wallpaper, mid-century artwork and include some vintage vibes.

            9. Organic

            Love natural light? Love plants? This organic design is perfect for your powder room. Using light colour wood with earth-tone finishes and textures would make the room lighter. Include plants and river stone pebbles to tie the room together and make it more organic.

            10. Urban

            Make your powder room have characteristics of a city you love by using colours like black and white. Use dark walls and furnishings to visually expand the room. Also consider using large scale tiles to create a graphic pattern. To finish it off, use white in contrast to draw attention the key features in your powder room.


            As you can see, there are many different creative ways to design your small bathroom and 17 design tips to design your small bathroom to make it more open and create the illusion of space. We have also included 7 mistakes that you should avoid when designing your small bathroom to help you avoid cluttering up the small space. If you’re on a budget and decided to DIY your own tiles in your small bathroom, we have also given a few dos and don’ts when it comes to tilling your small bathroom. Not only do we have tips for small bathrooms, but we also have 10 small powder room ideas to help make it more look more appealing and towards your liking.

            With our helpful tips, you’ll be sure to design a beautiful bathroom and make your small bathroom look more open and spacious as the lack of square footage shouldn’t discourage you from designing a small bathroom towards your liking.

            Read more

            Kitchen Renovation

            How To Choose Your Kitchen Tiles & Backsplash by Tile Depot

            While the bathroom might be the most used room in the house, a kitchen is easily the most hardworking room of a home. It is more prone to wear and tear because of high foot traffic with constantly having to withstand spills and cooking mess which means that your kitchen floor must be durable.

            The evolution of our lifestyles also means that more homes in Auckland have an open planned kitchen which is connected to the living and dining room. The kitchen of today is easily visible from other living areas of the house which means that it must be uncluttered and aesthetically pleasing.

            If you spend quite a bit of your time in the kitchen then you should choose a kitchen flooring that is comfortable to stand on. Today’s kitchens therefore wear several hats and need to be durable, strong, beautiful as well as comfortable on your feet.

            In this article we will talk about how you to choose the right type of flooring for your kitchen with a special focus on Tiles as they have been the most popular with our clients.

            Why tiles?

            Tiles have been a natural choice for kitchen flooring because they are water-resistant, do not stain easily and come in various styles to create a functional yet beautiful kitchens. Using certain tiles can however be hard and cold which could be uncomfortable in winter or when you are cooking for an extended period.

            So then how do you choose the right type of tiles for your flooring especially since there is such a variety in materials, patterns, and textures? We work very closely with Tile depot for your renovation projects so we thought it would be a good idea to have a chat with Ruth from Tile depot to understand more about Tiles for kitchens.

            Tiles are also often used as splashbacks and as feature walls in a kitchen, so we decided to include them in the article. If you are looking at renovating your kitchen or simply planning on changing its flooring, then this article will be useful to understand how to choose the correct tiles for your family.


            Table of contents


            1.) Materials of tiles available today – Pros and cons for each

            2.) Properties of Tiles that affect the choice of your kitchen tiles (Water resistance, Texture, Durability/PEI rating, Underlay and Natural lighting)

            3.) In discussion with Ruth – 6 Questions to ask yourself before choosing the correct tiles for your kitchens- What is your budget?

            – How much cooking happens in your kitchen? How much time do you spend in your kitchen?

            – Is your kitchen a high traffic area?

            – Is it an open planned kitchen or a separate room?

            – Do you have young children?

            – Do you need non-slip tiles?

            4.) 5 top Tile trends for backsplash in Auckland – by Ruth

            5.) 5 Top tile trends for kitchen flooring in Auckland – by Ruth

            6.) 6 Top ideas for Feature walls by Ruth



            Materials of Kitchen Tiles Available today – Pros and cons for each

            There are many materials of tiles available today and it is always good to know as much as possible about each material. Knowing about the materials will give you a better idea of what works for your kitchen. Tiles can be broadly categorised into manufactured and natural stone tiles.

            Examples of Manufactured tile materials:

            • Ceramic tiles
            • Porcelain ceramic tiles
            • Terracotta
            • Glass
            • Cement

            Examples of Natural stone tiles

            • Marble
            • Granite
            • Limestone


            Non porcelain Ceramic Kitchen Tiles

            Ceramic tiles are one of the most cost effective type of kitchen tile available and have an extensive range of styles to choose from. Ceramic tiles are a mix of minerals and clays which are baked and then the pattern or texture is printed on them.

            Ceramic tiles are however quite hard and can be very cold in winter. They also can be chipped easily and have sound reflective properties which means that they should be avoided in open plan kitchens. We would also recommend clients to use larger tiles as this means that there will be lesser grout lines to clean as grout does get stained quite easily.

            Tip: We would recommend our clients to use ceramic tiles as feature walls or splashbacks but not the floors unless you have underfloor heating. Installing underfloor heating can however be expensive.


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            Luxury Ceramic tiles from the Vein cut series from Tile Depot (Tile Depot 2021)

            Porcelain Kitchen tiles

            Porcelain Kitchen tiles are more expensive than ceramic tiles but are non-porous which means that they are harder to damage. They are made of high quality clay and minerals that are compressed under high temperatures.

            They are harder than ceramic tiles which means that they are harder to cut and heavy. They do however can be made to look like stone engineered marble, Cement or wood which makes them a great design option. They also make for good outdoor tiles which means that you can achieve a great indoor and outdoor floor if your kitchen is extended to the outside of your home.


            Glazed Vs Non Glazed Porcelain Kitchen Tiles

            All porcelain tiles are made by using natural clays and pigments which are then fired to harden them. This gives you an unglazed tile which looks more natural, has a textured look with a matte finish. Glazed tiles go through a second firing process, where a protective liquid glass coating is applied and a variety of colours or designs are printed upon this before firing them yet again. This give glazed tiles a slick look and they are often seen in more modern designs.


            Unglazed porcelain tiles are textured and hence better for wet areas such as bathrooms, kitchen floors and laundry areas. They also feature more anti-slip properties when compared to glazed porcelain tiles. They are however harder to clean and are not ideal for kitchen splashbacks or as cabinet fronts. Glazed porcelain tiles are however more popular as they have a lot more variety in designs and colours. They are also easier to clean due to their non-porous surface and are often used as splashbacks, cabinet fronts and flooring for modern and contemporary designs.


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            Non-glazed tiles from the Heritage Collection (Tile depot 2021)

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            Pieno Perla Vernata Glazed Porcelain Tiles (Tile depot 2021)

            Glass tiles

            Glass tiles have traditionally been popular as splashbacks, countertops, backsplash, and feature walls. Glass tiles have always been used as a decorative tile and are mostly used in mosaics for truly beautiful look. They are non-porous so they will not let any dirt or grime get into it. They are however easy to scratch, and the surface can look dusty easily and are extremely difficult to install which means that they are not the best option as kitchen flooring.

            Mosaic tiles are small bits of glass that are put together to elevate a kitchen design. We recommend clients to use mosaics as accents on the wall with details like horizontal line etc to elevate the overall design of the kitchen.


            Tip: Use it as a feature wall or detailing on walls but avoid using them as a flooring or a backsplash.

            Read more…

            10 Mistakes to Avoid in your kitchen design – expert opinion from our Kitchen designers 

            How much does it cost to renovate a kitchen in 2022?


            Stone Kitchen flooring Tiles

            Stone tiles are made of natural stone and are not manufactured in the factory. Stone tiles are made of either limestone, granite, slate, or the more popular marble. Stone tiles are porous which means that they must be sealed every two years or so. They are usually polished so their natural design shines through, but they can be slippery when wet which can be a hazard for older people. While stone is durable, they can be a bit expensive to maintain as they must be resealed every 2-3 years. They will however last you a long time and give your kitchen a look of luxury which is hard to match with ceramic or porcelain tiles.


            Marble flooring Tiles

            Marble is the most common type of stone tiles used in New Zealand. They add a touch of understated elegance that will transform your kitchen into a luxurious space. As marble is a natural stone, you can expect some of your tiles to have different patterns which are natural to that marble tile. Marble tiles are however expensive so they might not suit every budget. You can however incorporate marble in smaller areas to save cost like the kitchen floor or splashback.


            Granite Tiles

            Granite tiles also have the naturally occurring flecks as marble, but they look a lot less luxurious as compared to marble. While marble exudes a sense of luxury, granite often does not add a sense of luxury. It is a cheaper alternative to marble tiles and choosing the right type of design is essential, so your flooring does not look dated. Granite tiles are not very popular as kitchen floor tiles in New Zealand but are often used outdoors.

            Limestone Tiles

            Limestone is almost never used as a kitchen flooring in New Zealand. It is often found as an outdoor tile, around the fireplace or as a feature wall.

            Metal Tile and Resin Tiles

            Using metal tiles is another great way to add some depth into your kitchen space as it elevates the over all kitchen design. They come in various shapes, sizes and finishes which make them a perfect addition as wall accents as well as feature walls.

            Resin tiles add depth and dimension to a feature wall but they are prone to chipping so they should not be used in homes with very young children.



            5 things to think about before choosing your kitchen flooring tile material


            Now that you know the types of materials available in tiles, you should consider the following factors before deciding on your kitchen tiles.

            1. Water resistance:

              Kitchens need a good water resistance flooring, so you are not always worrying about your flooring getting damaged. When using tiles on your kitchen floors we recommend using tiles that are unglazed with an absorption rate of 0.5% and unglazed tiles wit a maximum rate of 3%.

            2. Texture:

              If you have elderly people in your household then you should go for more textured tiles as they are less slippery when wet. Textured tiles can however be quite hard to clean so they should be avoided in households that have young children as they are harder to maintain. If you have young children, then we recommend using mats in front of your sinks or wet areas.

            3. Durability and measure of PEI:

              Durability refers to how well your tiles can withstand wear and tear. So how do you check the durability of a particular tile? The best way to check the durability of a tile is to check its PEI rating. The PEI rating of a tile is the measure of its resistance to abrasion. The higher the PEI rating the more it can withstand wear and tear before showing signs of deterioration. In most households, kitchens are considered a high traffic area and hence should have flooring that has a high PEI rating. We recommend our clients to use kitchen tiles that are rated at PEI 3 or PEI 4 as they are the best for high traffic areas. You can however use PEI 1 or PEI 0 rated tiles for feature walls as they do not have any foot traffic.

            4. Underlay:

              Tiles should always be installed on a surface that is smooth, even and level. If your floor is not even then you might have to install a subfloor that is even, smooth and hard before you lay your tiles. It is always good to get your subfloor checked before you decide on your kitchen flooring.

            5. Natural Lighting:

              People often do not think about the amount of natural lighting in their kitchen and the importance of it before purchasing their tiles. A tile in a well lit showroom or online on a website can look very different when compared to the tile within your kitchen.Glossy tiles for example are work well in smaller spaces with less natural lighting as reflect light and make the room look more lit up. This is also true with lighter coloured tiles as they reflect light and make the space appear larger.



            In Discussion with Ruth from Tile Depot

            As our preferred tiles supplier, we work very closely with Tile depot for flooring and tiling needs of our clients. Our project managers often seek advice from Ruth when it comes to choosing the right type of tiles for our client home renovations.

            With this article our aim is to educate our clients on the type of tiles suited for their floors, backsplash, and feature walls so we decided that it was time to have a chat with Ruth. Ruth has over 16 years of experience with Tile depot, and she has extensive knowledge on the myriad of options available for tiles.

            It is often very overwhelming when you walk into a tile showroom because there are so many options, and it is hard to make a choice.

            When choosing kitchen tiles for our clients we believe that there are a few things that need to be considered before selecting a tile.

            6 Questions to ask yourself before you choose your Kitchen tiles

            1) What is your budget?

            When renovating your kitchen, it is important to have an idea on what you want to be spending for tiling your kitchen. Tiles can really transform the look of your kitchen and some clients often feel that they would prefer making a statement through the clever use of tiles. For such clients we often recommend using porcelain tiles as they can be manipulated to look like wood, cement, or natural stone. They are more expensive than ceramic tiles but are more durable and of a higher quality so will last you a longer time.


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            Foil Porcelain tiles are installed in the Splashback as well as the floors and give a sense of Urban Luxury. A contrasting cement finish tiles are also used as the front of cupboards to add to the industrial kitchen design (Tile Depot, 2021)


            If your budget allows, then we would recommend using natural stone tiles which add a sense of luxury and elegance to your kitchen. If you do however have a rental property, then you are looking for a return of your investment. For rental property renovations we recommend using tiles that are durable but also cost effective which could make ceramic tiles the best option for you.

            You should always have an honest chat with your project manager about your budget so they are able to suggest the right options for your kitchen tiles. The good news is that tiles have evolved dramatically over the years and there are a lot of texture and design options no matter what your budget is.

            2) How much cooking happens in your kitchen? And how much time do you spend in your kitchen?


            Pro tip: Choose tiles that are easy to clean + Soft on your feet


            Kitchen tiling needs for households that cook a lot is very different from the ones that do not cook as much. If you do cook a lot in your kitchen then will want to choose a backsplash which is easy to clean with a simple wipe. You might also want your flooring to be soft on your feet, so you do not tire easily when cooking for extended periods of time.

            Kitchen flooring to consider

            Most tiles are hard on the feet and can cause foot fatigue so no matter what tiles you chose your floors will be hard on your feet. You can remedy this situation by adding rugs on your kitchen floor or wearing comfortable shoes.

            Ruth explains that there are alternatives to using tiles on kitchen floors if you do not want to add rugs and if you want a flooring that is softer on your feet. Laminate and wooden flooring care softer on your feet and will not make you as fatigues compared to tiles.

            She also recommends a new hybrid flooring called SPC by Neptune which is becoming increasingly popular with Aucklanders for their kitchen floors. SPC stands for stone (limestone) polymer composite and has many benefits over tiles for your kitchen flooring. It is a mix of limestone and Vinyl and is manufactured in a way that it carries the benefits of both these materials.

            Benefits of Neptune SPC

            • It is 100% waterproof which means that they are perfect for kitchen floors
            • It is softer on your feet as it embodies the qualities of limestone
            • It does not echo the sound of footsteps and reduces the noise of any foot traffic. This is great for kitchens which are on the second storey of the house as you will not be able to hear any footsteps even if you are directly below the room.
            • It is easy to clean and maintain
            • It is much warmer than tiles so you will not require underfloor heating, warm rugs, or shoes while cooking.

            If you do however prefer tiles for your kitchen floor, then opt for porcelain or natural stone tiles instead of ceramic. Also consider installing underfloor heating for the colder winter months.


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            Neptune Stone Polymer composite tiles (SPC) used in the kitchen. (Tile Depot 2021)


            Read more…

            See pictures of SPC Neptune flooring used in all our kitchen displays in our kitchen showroom in Wairau Valley

            Kitchen Splashback tiles to consider

            If you do cook a lot, then install a kitchen backsplash tile with fewer grout lines or grout lines that are sealed. If your grout lines are not sealed, then you will have to keep cleaning your grouting as they are easily stained.

            It is also a good idea not to choose textured, 3D or handmade tiles as you will not be able to wipe off the stains easily. If you do however like handmade tiles, then we suggest using tiles that look man made and textured but are in fact have a smooth surface that is easy to clean.


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            This tiled splashback is textured and has grout lines, however the surface is smooth to touch and the grouting is sealed which makes cleaning easy. This is from the Hexa tile collection at Tile Depot (Tile depot 2021)


            An example of this is the handmade looking tiles from Tribeca. These tiles look like they are handmade and have textured patterns but are in fact smooth on the surface and very easy to clean. They will also add an interesting design element to your kitchen.


            Tribeca tiles are however on the more expensive side so if you are looking for a more budget friendly kitchen splashback tile then opt for either a glass splashback or white subway tiles as they are very cost effective. You can also install one large piece of ceramic or stone tile as a splashback if you do not want grout lines at all. Do not use porcelain as a splashback because they are very heavy and installation might be a problem.

            See pictures of different splashbacks used in our kitchen renovations

            Black glass splash back used in an Entertainer’s kitchen renovation in Massey

            White subway tiles used in a Classic kitchen renovation in Epsom 

            Hexagonal 3D white frozen tiles used for texture and depth in this Kitchen renovation in Parnell

            A combination of dark grey, white, black hexagonal tiles used to give a retro feel to this kitchen renovation in Bucklands Beach

            3) Is it a high traffic area for your family?

            You might not cook a lot but your kitchen could still be considered a high traffic area if several members of your family are always coming in and out of the kitchen. This could be to simply have a tea or use the island as a breakfast nook. If you have an open plan kitchen then there are higher chances that the kitchen will be a high traffic area.

            If you kitchen is a high traffic area then your kitchen flooring should be easy to clean and also not echo your footsteps. For high traffic kitchens Neptune SPC flooring would be best for your kitchen as they are waterproof and do not echo sounds when people are going in and out of the kitchen.

            Porcelain kitchen tiles and stone kitchen tiles will also be better compared to ceramic tiles as they are more waterproof than ceramic. You could also add rugs to the kitchen to control the noise made by footsteps. The sound of the footsteps should not be much of an issue if your kitchen is on the ground floor of your house. The noise mostly becomes an issue when the kitchen is on the 1st floor and if there are bedrooms or living areas underneath it.


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            Neptune SPC used as Kitchen flooring for this open plan kitchen. This flooring is 100% water resistance, soft on your feet, durable, and warmer compared to tiles


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            Aspen wood Neptune SPC used as a kitchen flooring


            For more budget friendly options, you could opt for luxury laminate for your kitchen flooring as they are softer on the feet, easy to clean and do not echo the sounds of footsteps. If you are installing laminate floors, then do remember to clean the floors immediately in case of any water spillage as they are not waterproof.


            4) Is it an open planned kitchen or is your kitchen a separate room?

            Open planned kitchens pose a unique challenge when choosing the materials for the kitchen. As your kitchen will be visible from the living and dining area, you want to make sure that your kitchen is renovated in a similar style as the rest of the living space.

            Our kitchen designer Cici says that the two most important things about an open planned kitchen is to have a continuity in design with the rest of the living room area. When choosing splashbacks, flooring, feature walls, countertops, and tapware, always make sure that they complement the rest of your living space.

            Before starting your renovating, ask your kitchen designer to come over to your home for a visit so they can see the overall design of your living space. Try and have a similar colour scheme for your walls or go for a contrasting style which still complements the style of the rest of the space.


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            The same glazed porcelain tiles are used in the kitchen as well as the dining area which makes the design more cohesive.  These porcelain tiles have a matte stone look which makes gives the space an Urban contemporary look. (Tile Depot, 2021)


            Choose kitchen tiles that are like the ones in your living and dining area for a seamless feel. If you are changing the flooring of the entire living area, then opt for natural stone or porcelain tiles. These tiles elevate the design of a room a lot more than ceramic tiles as ceramic tiles can look dated.

            When asked Ruth what the current trend was for open planned kitchens, she said “the current trend is to get a stone matte finish tiles for your living and kitchen area”. These porcelain tiles are glazed and hence easy to clean which makes them a popular choice for open planned kitchens.  They are more cost effective than natural stone tiles like marble so are more suited for most budgets.


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            Glazed porcelain tiles used as splashback to create a modern kitchen. These York tiles come in a matte and glossy finish depending on your preference and are easy to clean as they are glazed. These splashback tiles can also be used as a feature wall and are a great choice for open plan kitchens because of their modern look which will elevate your kitchen design. Tile Depot 2021)


            5) Do you have children and hence need tiles that can be cleaned easily and are warmer?

            If you have young children, then you might want a flooring that is warmer and not easily scratched. Use glazed porcelain tiles or natural stone tiles for the floors and install underfloor heating if your house does not already have it. Luxury laminate is also an option but it can sometime be scratched easily so might not be the best option if your children are too young.

            6) Does your kitchen floors need non-slip tiles?

            If you have elderly people living in your house then you should install tiles that have a good anti-slip rating. Tile depot carries an extensive Lifemark range of kitchen tiles that are suited for households that need anti slip tiles.

            “In addition to anti-slip tiles, we also have this new range of Microgrip kicthen tiles that are great for bathrooms as well as kitchens. They basically become anti-slip when water falls on them. They also have anti-bacterial properties so these are truly a revolutionary product” says Ruth about their newest range of Microgrip kitchen tiles.


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            Enzo Microgrip tiles that become anti-slip when wet (Tile Depot 2021)





            Ruth Shares Current trends for Kitchen Flooring, Kitchen Splashback and Kitchen Feature walls for Auckland homes


            Ruth deals with clients who are renovating, building their homes from scratch, new builds, architects, and renovation companies. We wanted to know more about what Aucklanders were using for their kitchen flooring, Kitchen splashback, and tiles. She gave us some great insights to Aucklanders’ buying habits and the trends that she has seen for tiles as well as the trends that have begun to decline.


            5 Kitchen Splashback/ Backsplash tile trends for Auckland kitchens


            1.White subway tiles are on their way out

            “The white subway look has really been overdone and does not add much to a kitchen” says Ruth about white subway tiles. White subway tiles became very popular as kitchen splashbacks as well as wall tiles for bathrooms in the last few years because they added a contemporary flair to the kitchen. More people are now looking at ways of adding colour and interest in the kitchen through splashbacks.

            2. Earthy and warm kitchen backsplashes are becoming a popular choice

            Ruth says that more people are now are choosing warm and earthy colours for their backsplash. Earthy colours often bring in a sense of warmth into the kitchen and make it look more homely. They are also a way of bringing some nature into the décor of your kitchen which has become a popular trend in the last few years, especially for urban homes like Auckland.


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            Warm yellow tiles are used in this kitchen as a splashback. These tiles are from the Tribeca collection at Tile Depot and this range comes with various warm coloured tiles. (Tile Depot 2021)

            3. Handmade looking kitchen backsplash tiles

            There has been a growing trend of adding artistic elements to the overall kitchen design. People often add these touches through artistic backsplashes, feature walls or accessories while choosing simpler contemporary materials for cabinets and floors.


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            Hexagonal tiles add a retro element to your kitchen design. The surface is still very smooth and the grouting has been sealed to make cleaning easy. (Tile Depot 2021)


            Tiles which are handmade have patterns, carvings and often textured which is not suitable for backsplash as all these nooks and crannies can be hand to clean. Thanks to technology however, tiles can be made to look handmade without being handmade. The new Tribeca collection from Tile depot features handmade looking tiles which are smooth when you touch the surface which makes the, a great choice for backsplash.


            4. Kitchen backsplash tiles with Patterns

            Patterns are another way to incorporate an artistic touch to your kitchen design. Ruth says that the artisan tiles can also be used as accents to the walls instead of just a splashback or an entire feature wall. Adding accents or a horizontal like of artisan tiles on your kitchen wall will instantly elevate its overall style without costing you a lot.5. How you install the tiles Ruth says that there are two ways that you can dramatically change look of your kitchen. The first would be the tile and the second is the way you install the tiles. “you do not have to always install the tiles horizontally, the new trend has been to be creative in the way the tiles are installed” says Ruth.

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            Artisan patterned tiles from Tile depot were used as a splashback. The neutral and light colours used are versatile and can be used for most kitchen designs. The patterns on the tile give the kitchen an artistic look and elevates the overall design of the kitchen. (Tile Depot 2021)

            5. How you install the tiles for your backsplash

            Ruth says that there are two ways that you can dramatically change look of your kitchen. The first would be the tile and the second is the way you install the tiles. “you do not have to always install the tiles horizontally, the new trend has been to be creative in the way the tiles are installed” says Ruth.


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            This kitchen features simple white subway tiles but the way they are installed is what actually adds a design element to an otherwise simple kitchen design. (Tile Depot 2021)



            5 kitchen flooring trends in Auckland by Ruth


            1. High-end look with stone matte finishes

            As most kitchens in Auckland have evolved into an open planned layout, there has been a greater emphasis on aesthetics within a kitchen design. Ruth explains that she has seen a rising trend in Aucklanders opting for a high end look by selecting tiles that look like stone and have a matte finish. Glazed porcelain tiles are great for most budgets to create this look as they are a cheaper option compared to natural stone tiles. To create continuity, install the same tiles in your dining and living areas if you have an open plan kitchen.


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            These glazed porcelain tiles give a high end natural stone look because of their grey matte finish. The appearance of grout lines is also minimal because the grout lines are very thin and almost match the colour of the tiles. (Porfido collection, Tile Depot 2021)

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            Another example of Glazed Porcelain tiles with a natural stone look. These matte tiles have been installed throughout the living area as well as the kitchen floors to give a unified look. (Tile Depot, 2021)

            2. Shiny tiles are declining in popularity

            Shiny tiles have been very popular in the last couple of decades and remain popular to a certain extent. However, more people are gravitating towards the matte finish because it exudes a certain kind of understated elegance. We still recommend people with small kitchens or bathrooms to install shiny tiles as they reflect natural light as well as any other light and make your spaces appear larger.

            3. Large tiles 1200 by 900

            Larger tiles have become increasingly popular as they have lesser grout lines and provide a cleaner look. Having lesser grout lines also means that you if you have a small room then it will make it look larger as there are ‘lesser breaks’ on the kitchen floor. The most popular size for large tiles is 600 by 900 and 1200 by 900.

            4. No grout lines


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            As seen in the picture, this kitchen flooring features large slabs of square tiles where the grouting is matched with the colour of the tile. This give the floor a a sort of continuity as the grout lines are hardly visible. (Tile Depot 2021)


            As mentioned above there is an emphasis on having lesser grout lines for kitchen flooring. You can also match the colour of your tiles with the grouting to give you an appearance of having no grout lines.


            5. Woodgrain tiles have seen a decline in popularity

            Woodgrain tiles have been quite popular in the last decade but have seen a decline in popularity. Woodgrain tiles look and feel like natural wood which is great for people who want wooden flooring but not the hassle of maintaining them. However, as more people are opting for contemporary styles for their homes, they prefer a natural stone look as compared to wood grain tiles.


            6 ideas for feature walls for your open plan kitchen


            1. Woodgrain tiles as feature walls have seen an increase in popularity

            While woodgrain tiles might be declining in popularity as floors, they are seeing an increase in popularity as feature walls. There has been a growing trend of incorporating elements of nature in urban Auckland homes which makes woodgrain tiles a great option as a feature wall.

            2. Designer tiles with designs of nature

            A lot of people want a feature wall because they want to create a ‘wow’ factor. They often keep the rest of their colour scheme neutral and create a feature wall with floral prints. Ruth tells us a bit more about their range of glam tiles which come in 1200 by 900 size and has three different patterns which are put together to create a scene of nature.



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            These Glam tiles from Tile depot feature 3 large 1200 by 900 tiles that are installed together to create a pattern. These three tiles are repeated to make this feature wall. This Glam collection has various styles of flowers and leaves. (Tile Depot, 2021)

            3. Textured tiles, mosaics, geometric patterns, and natural stone tiles

            Textured tiles are great as feature walls because they do not need to be cleaned very often like the splashback or kitchen flooring. They also do not have to be very durable as they do not experience any wear in tear like foot traffic or spillages which makes any tile a great option for feature walls. Textured tiles create interest, depth and elevate the overall design of your kitchen.


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            Two different types of tiles are used to create this feature wall. The tiles are glazed ceramic with a satin finish which makes them look almost like a wall paper. This bold feature wall adds a sense of modern sophistication to the space and come from the Sospiri collection at Tile Depot (Tile Depot, 2021)


            There are many options to choose from for textured tiles. You can use natural rugged stone or brick tiles around your fireplace or for a more rustic styled living area. You could also add a feature wall with geometric and 3d patterns for a more modern or contemporary look. Mosaics have always been a popular choice as they make your space look artistic and Moorish. Regardless of your budget, you will find plenty of options for feature walls.


            4. Accents in feature walls

            If you do not want an entire wall of tiles for your feature wall, then you can install wall accent tiles. You could install small beads or mosaics in a horizontal or vertical line on the wall of your kitchen. You could create patterns or designs on the wall without tiling your entire wall. If artistically done, this could add a certain elegance to your wall but we do recommend consulting a designer before go ahead full steam.


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            These tiles are a great example of mixing neutral coloured tiles with a more bold tile to create interest within a feature wall without covering the entire wall with a bold colour (Tile Depot, 2021)

            5. Creating interest through installation

            As mentioned earlier, the way you install your tiles can also make a huge difference on the final look of your feature wall.


            Casablanca-Wall-Tiles-The-Tile-Depot-17070__Detail_Listing_Standard_DesktopW10, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            As seen above, the method of installation and the combination of two different coloured tiles can create a beautiful look for your open planned kitchen. These tiles are glazed ceramic tiles from the Casablanca collection at Tile Depot (Tile Depot 2021)

            Feature-wall-and-splashback, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            The same tiles were used for the backsplash and the feature wall to create a continuous and dramatic look. The way the tiles were installed also makes a huge difference to the overall look of the kitchen. Tiles used were from the May tile collection (Tile Depot 2021).


            6. Bright and Bold colours

            If you have a neutral colour scheme then opt for bright or warm colours to create contrast. You could also add matte dark grey tiles as a feature wall to create a dark and stormy mood for your living space.


            Calx_Aquamarina_100x3001-15999999x9999999-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            This splashback also acts as a feature wall with its cool aqua colour and brings a sort of serenity to the space when coupled with off white cabinet fronts. These glazed tiles have a smooth surface which are easy to clean. (Calx Aquamarina 100×300 tiles from Tile Depot, 2021)



            “The biggest mistake people make when they choose tiles is that sometimes they choose tiles that clash with eachother or there are too many patterns that do not work well together. It is important that you create a story with the tiles that you choose for your kitchen flooring, Splashbacks and Feature walls” Says Ruth when asked what is the most important aspect of choosing tiles. 



            Already have all your own trades and you’re comfortable managing them for your kitchen renovation?

            Although we don’t recommend if you haven’t renovated a kitchen before and/or you don’t have trades people you can trust, most renovations if not all comes with it’s own surprises because not all homes are the same – this is where experience/project management plays an important role in minimises risks to maintain costs/delays giving you higher certainty of outcome/quality backed by associated guarantees and warranties.

            However, if you do intend to manage the kitchen renovation yourself, it does work out more cost effective to contact a kitchen cabinetry manufacturer directly to get the kitchen cabinets designed, manufactured and installed – leaving you to manage the other trades such as flooring, demolition, painting, plastering, splashback/tiling, electrician, plumber, and sometimes a carpenter/builder.


            Try Little Giant Interiors cost calculator below to see what you can expect to pay for cabinetry.




            Further Resources 

            1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
            2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
            3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
            4. Real client stories from Auckland

            Is flooring included in my renovation?

            We provide a full service to renovate any given area. So if we are renovating your bathroom then flooring will be included in our service to renovate your bathroom. This applies to all the rooms in the house. We can also do just flooring for your entire house which means that we will design, supply, install and project manage your flooring project.

            Do you work with Tile Depot?

            Tile depot is one of our partners for flooring for renovations. We have been working with Tile Depot for quite a while and we often take our clients there to select tiles for their renovations.

            Will you help me with the design process for selecting tiles?

            Our project manager along with our design team will help you select the right type of tiles for your renovation. We also rely on the expertise of the Tile depot staff to help our clients make the right choice in tiles.

            What type of tiles should i be using for my bathroom?

            Our designer can help you with choosing the right type of tile depending on your design preference and the type of family situation you have. You can also read our article on bathroom design trends to have a better understanding of what most clients prefer these days

            Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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              Bathroom Renovation

              욕실 리노베이션 비용은 얼마나 들까요? 2023

              욕실 이노베이션은 어쩌면 심플하고 단순해 보일 수 있습니다. 그러나 이것은 진실과 그렇지 않습니다. 사실 욕실 공사는 비교적 좁은 공간에 관련된 많은 시공 작업으로 인해 모든 인테리어 공사 중 가장 복잡합니다.

              202년 오클랜드의 평균 욕실 수리비용은 다양한 요소를 고려하여 결정할 수 있습니다. 욕실 리노베이션에는 디자이너, 해체공, 배관공, 전기공, 타일러, 방수공, 설치공, 페인트공, 그루터, 도장공이 포함됩니다. 작은 공간에서 위의 모든 사람을 관리한다고 상상해 보면 욕실 공사에 조직과 계획이 얼마나 중요한지 쉽게 이해가 갈 것입니다. 일반적으로 현장에 프로젝트 매니저가 상주하며 거래를 관리하는 경우에도 욕실 리노배이션이 완료되는 데는 2-3주가 걸립니다.

              스스로 현장을 관리하는 것은 매우 다양한 회사와 거래를 해야 하기 때문에 예산을 낭비하거나 프로젝트의 일정을 연장할 위험이 있습니다. 우리의 첫 번째 조언은 프로젝트 매니저를 제공하는 회사를 찾는 것입니다.

              프로젝트 관리에 앞서 욕실 시공과 관련된 비용에 대해 먼저 이야기해보겠습니다.
              욕실을 리노베이션 하기 전에 그 이유와 계획을 스스로에게 물어보세요. 욕실 시공에 관한 계획과 예산은 시공의 목적을 알아야 책정할 수 있습니다.

              다음 가지 사항에 대해 이야기 해봅시다.

              1.오클랜드에서 평균 욕실수리비용은 얼마인가요?
              2. 공사 비용은 왜 욕실 수리가 필요한지에 따라 결정됩니다.

              3욕실 리노베이션 비용 절감 요령
              4. 타일 샤워기 설치비용
              5. 새 변기 설치 비용
              6. 기본, 중간 그리고 고급에 따라 나뉘는 평균 욕실 수리 비용
              7. 시각화 된 정보 안에서 공유할 수 있는 요약된 기사

              1. 오클랜드에서 시공된 욕실 예시

              1. 오클랜드에서 욕실시공은 얼마나 들까요?

              여러분이 몇 년 동안 같은 집에서 살았든 더 오래된 집을 샀든 간에 여러분은 오래된 욕실을 수리해야 할 필요성에 놓였을지도 모릅니다. 대부분의 오클랜드 사람들이 알고 있듯이, 욕실수리는 많은 비용이 드는 공사입니다. 따라서 사람들이 욕실을 바꾸려고 마음을 먹었을 때 가장 먼저 던지는 질문 중 하나는 새로운 욕실 공사의 평균 비용이 얼마인가 하는 것입니다.

              하지만, 다양한 사람들이 다양한 이유로 시공을 하기 때문에 대답하기 가장 어려운 질문들 중 하나입니다.
              예를 들어, 주요 욕실 리노베이션에는 욕실 배치 변경, 새 욕실 가전제품 구입, 고정장치 구입, 바닥 교체, 새 페인트 교체, 배관 교체 및 전기 작업이 포함될 수 있으며, 중간 범위로 시공했을 때 18,000달러에서 22,000달러 사이일 수 있습니다(가장 인기 있는 선택으로 보입니다.)


              중간범위 시공의 추가사례


              힐스버러 임대용 리노베이션

              웨스트하버에 있는 클래식한 주방과 욕실 리노베이션

               그린레인의 욕실 리노베이션


              반면에 당신이 페인트 칠만 새로 하고 아주 소소한 것들만 바꿔야 한다면 욕실 리노베이션의 비용은 단지 몇 천 달러밖에 들지 않을 것입니다..
              그러나 대부분의 욕실 공사 비용은 이 두가지 비용의 사이의 범주에 있으므로 새로운 욕실시공 비용도 이 금액 사이에서 이루어 질것입니다.

              House-Renovations-Auckland-79-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Superior Renovations

              욕실공사 비용은 어떻게 산출할까요?

              • 욕실 시공의 목적을 결정하는 것부터 시작하세요. 공간이 더 필요하신 가요? 욕실이 집에 맞게 현대화되어야 하나요? 일단 목적을 결정하면 당신은 그 목표를 성취하기 위해 무엇이 필요한지 더 명확하게 알 수 있을 것입니다.
                • 집기, 조명, 페인트, 타일, 장식장, 바닥재 등 리모델링에 필요한 모든 것의 목록을 만드세요.
                • 필요한 인원의 인건비를 계산해 보세요.

              먼저 가장 크게 수리할 부분을 선택하고 세부적은 디테일을 추가하시면 전체 수리비용을 분산시킬 수 있습니다.

              2.당신의 욕실은 리노베이션이 필요할까요?

              계획을 세우면 공사비가 적절히 쓰이고 있는지 확신할 수 있습니다.
              집집마다 필요한 욕실공사의 이유가 다르듯이 적절한 제품을 고르고 욕조를 시공할지 샤워부스를 할 지의 선택은 당신이 욕실공사를 하려는 이유에서부터 결정됩니다.

              1.      신혼부부

              신혼부부나 젊은 연령대의 가족들은 중년층과는 필요사항이 다릅니다. 만약 아기가 있거나 아기를 계획하고 있다면 욕실 시공에 욕조를 포함하는 것은 현명한 선택일 것입니다.

              신혼부부를 위한 욕실 공사

              2.      확대가족 / 편의성의 증가

              가족이 늘어난다는 것은 성인이 집에서 편안하게 살 수 있는 더 많은 공간이 필요하다는 것을 의미합니다. 별도의 화장실을 만들거나 기존의 욕실을 화장실과 샤워로 분리할 필요가 있다는 것을 의미이기도 합니다. 집에 공간이 있다면 욕실 전체를 추가해 편의성을 높일 수 있습니다

              3대가 사는 가족을 위한 아본데일의 욕실 시공사례


              3.      매매를 위한 가치상승

              만약 집을 팔거나 임대하기 전에 가치를 더하려고 한다면, 우리는 고객들에게 너무 많은 돈을 쓰지 말라고 충고합니다. 임대인과 구매자들은 모두 개조할 필요가 없는 집을 선호합니다. 그들은 수리할 필요가 거의 없거나 조금이라도 업데이트된 집을 원합니다.
              일반적으로 말해서, 욕실 리노베이션에는 1달러당 1.50달러가 추가됩니다. 집을 팔려고 한다면 심플한 신제품과 붙박이를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 집을 팔기 위해 3,000달러짜리 디자이너 싱크대는 살 필요가 없습니다. 그렇게 하면 투자 수익이 나지 않기 때문입니다.

              매매가치를 높인 세인트힐러스의 욕실시공사례

              4.     삶의 질 향상/고급 욕실 추가

              예산을 추가한다면 얼마든지 편안하고 고급스러운 욕실을 만들 수 있습니다. 작은 공간에 3000달러짜리 세면대를 가진 스파 느낌의 습식 사우나도 만들 수도 있습니다. 당신의 예산에 따라 가능성은 무한합니다.

              티티랑기의 현대적인 욕실시공

              파넬의 고급욕실

              3. 욕실시공의 평균비용을 줄이는

              욕실시공의 평균비용은 단지 어림잡은 것이라는 것을 명심해야 합니다. 그러나 아래 목록을 참고하여 시공비를 줄일 수 있는 방법은 있습니다.

              • 욕실 캐비닛– 욕실 캐비닛을 교체하는 대신에 새로 색을 칠하는 것을 고려해보세요. 세면대와 욕조도 도색을 하여 새것처럼 보일 수 있습니다.
              • 모든 욕실제품을 바꾸는 대신 손잡이와 수도꼭지만 교체하세요. 단순히 싱크대, 욕조 손잡이와 수도꼭지를 바꾸는 것만으로도 욕실이 더 현대적으로 보입니다.
              • 밝게 하기 – 실제로 화장실을 넓어 보이게 하기 꼭 공간을 넓힐 필요는 없습니다.  좀 더 밝은 노란색이나 베이지색으로 칠하면 벽을 허물지 않고도 넓어 보이는 효과가 있습니다.

              전체적으로 욕실 리노베이션을 원하시거나, 좀더 현대적으로 바꾸길 원하신다면, , 0800-199-8889로 9시에서 5시 사이에 전화주세요. 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다.

              House-Renovations-Auckland-81-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Superior Renovations

              뉴질랜드의 샤워시설 교체 평균 비용

              평균 샤워부스 교체 비용은 원하는 크기와 기능에 따라 1,150달러에서 8,850달러 사이일 수 있습니다. 아크릴 샤워 박스를 설치한다면 1150 달러 정도가 비용이 소요됩니다. 고급스러운 타일로 시공하 수도 있지만 시간이 부족한 사람들은 청소가 쉬운 아크릴 박스를 선호할 수 있습니다. 배관을 추가해야 하거나 값비싼 재료를 사용하고자 하는 경우, 특히 타일 전체 교체를 하실 경우에는 비용이 더 많이 들어갑니다.


              인건비와 자재비

              아크릴 샤워시설 $700 – $1,600
              맞춤 샤워시설 $1,200 – $3,200
              샤워실 유리문 $800 – $2,000
              새 수전 $100 – $1,200
              배관 추가 $700 – $1,800


              4. 샤워시설 교체비용

              타일샤워 시공은 높은 가격대에 있으며 시공비는 1,550달러에서 8,250달러 사이입니다.  만약 방수처리 없이 벽과 바닥재만 교체한다면 1,500달러에서 3,500달러입니다 다양한 무늬와 색상을 선택하실 수 있으며 잘 디자인되어 시공된 타일벽은 세련된 멋을 선사합니다. 세라믹 타일은 평방미터당 약 25달러이며 천연석이나 다른 고급 옵션들은 평방미터당 75달러까지 오를 수 있습니다.

              샤워시설 교체비용

              기존제품 철거비용 $100 – $200
              폐기물 처리 $200 – $400
              표면 평탄화 $400 – $900
              새제품 설치 $850 – $6,750
              총금액 $1,550 – $8,250


              5. 평균적인 화장실 수리비용

              오클랜드 대부분의 가정에는 방치되거나 분리된 화장실이 따로 있습니다. 구식장판이 깔려진 좁은 화장실은 자랑하고 싶은 공간은 아닐 겁니다. 만약 여러분이 욕실을 수리하고 있다면, 지금이 여러분의 화장실도 함께 바꿀 수 있는 좋은 기회일 것입니다.  화장실과 욕실을 동시에 수리하면 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 욕실과 화장실 리모델링이 동시에 이루어지면 인건비/자원 및 제품이 이중으로 증가하지 않기 때문에 더 저렴 해집니다.

              여기에는 타일링을 다시 만들기 전에 욕실의 모든 고정 장치, 화장실, 세면기(있는 경우) 및 부속품을 제거하는 작업이 포함됩니다. 화장실 한 개당 5-10일 정도 소요되며, 새 부속품을 구입해야 합니다.

              아래는 대략적인 화장실 수리비용과 작업범위 가이드입니다.


              1. 천장과 벽 타일 시공  — $1900-$3150 (크기와 복잡성에 따라 다름)
              2. 화장실 바닥타일 시공 — $800 – $1000


              1. 제품&시공 01 변기와 비데 스프레이 — $520 – $850 (모델에 따라 상이함)
              2. 제품&시공 01 세면대와 — $250 – $420 (제품에 Elk라 상이함)
              3. 스텐레스 파이프 교제 시공 — $450 – $800 (냉/온수 여부에 따라 상이함)


              1. 잔해물 처리 운반 비용 — $350 – $600

              제품 구매비

              1. 새 변기 및 화장실 수리 악세라이 구매비용  — $200 에서 $300

              예상 화장실 수리 비용 :전체 수리여부에 따라 $6xxx.xx 이상
              예상소요일 :평일 기준 5-6일

              6. 욕실 리노베이션에는 얼마가 들까요? -뉴질랜드 평균- 에서 제공하는 욕실 시공비용

              2023 년 가격 가이드

              일단 여러분이 개조해야 하는 정확한 이유를 알게 되면, 여러분은 개조를 위한 예산을 계획하기 시작할 수 있습니다. 리노베이션 회사를 통해 리노베이션 작업을 수행할 경우 리노베이션에는 철거, 제품 및 고정 장치의 공급, 설치, 방수, 바닥재, 도장 및 가장 중요한 프로젝트 관리가 포함됩니다.


              욕실 인테리어 타입 평균적인 욕실 수리 비용
              변경이 적은 기본욕실( 전체교체 없음)

              욕실 수리 비용 예산을 평균 비용보다 적게 잡고 싶다면, 선택할 수 있습니다. 욕실을 완전히 새로 고치는 대신에, 싱크대, 욕조, 샤워기, 화장실을 위치 변경없이 교체만 하는 것입니다.

              $8,000 – $13,000

              중간가격대의 욕실 수리

              화장실을 개조하는 것은 방을 더 좋게 보이게 하고 기능을 향상시키는 것 외에도 집주인에게 몇 가지 이점이 있다. 마스터 욕실에 세면대를 하나 더 추가하고, 조명을 개선하고, 샤워 기능을 더 좋게 만드는 것은 장기적으로 효과가 있는 욕실 업데이트의 몇 가지 예이다.

              $18,000 – $22,000

              맞춤 욕실 리노베이션(최고급)

              예산이 넉넉하다면 몇 가지 업그레이드한 방법으로 시공을 할 수 있습니다. 더 높은 품질의 제품에 투자하고 싶다면 쿼츠(석영, 광물함유제품)나 맞춤 제작 화강암과 같은 고품질의 상판을 제작하거나, 청동 또는 동으로 만든 수도꼭지와 단단한 나무, 유리로 된 캐비닛과 같은 제품을 사용할 수 있습니다.

              $23,000 – $26,000 +

              7. 이 글의 요약본


              완공된 욕실 시공사례

              Completed by Superior Renovations

              주요 프로젝트 (중간에서 고급까지)

              오클랜드 레드빌에 사는 세라씨의 고급 욕실 시공사례


              이 두개의 욕실은 고급스러운 느낌으로 시공하였는데 실제로는 중간 가격대의 욕실입니다. 이 욕실은 집을 팔기전에 전체적으로 수리를 진행하였습니다. 이 프로젝트의 하이라이트 중 하나는 욕실의 공간을 극대화하기 위해 맞춤 제작된 세면대 장입니다. 전체 프로젝트 사양 + 사진 보기

              Luxury-Bathroom-Design-Redvale-7, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Luxury-Bathroom-Design-Redvale-24, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


              세인트힐러에 사는 토드 챈들러씨의 중간가격대의 욕실 시공

              우리는 나무 느낌의 타일과 캐비닛으로 물이 새던 토드씨 댁의 욕실 3개를 현대적으로 바꾸었습니다. 나무 느낌이 타일은 흰색 붙박이 가구들과 어우러져 넓고 현대적으로 보입니다.  프로젝트 참조

              d064-H2105474-hires.20233-WEB12-1024x683, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-6-1-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


              오클랜드 티티랑기의 고급스럽고 현대적인 욕실 리노베이션

              Our client wanted to renovate her bathroom to match the aesthetics of the rest of her home. The highlight of this renovation was the clever use of patterns for their tiles to give it a contemporary artisan look. See full project specifications + Photos.

              우리 고객은 욕실이 집과 미적으로 잘 매치가 되기를 원하셨습니다. 이 프로젝트의 하이라이트는 타일의 패턴을 잘 이용하여 현대적이면서도 장인이 만들어낸 느낌을 준 것입니다. 전체 프로젝트 사양 + 사진을 참조

              DSC00169, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC00120, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


              모자이크 타일을 이용한 메리스튜어트씨의 스페인 스타일 욕실

              스탠모어 베이에 있는 메리씨의  주방과 욕실은 스페인 빌라를 염두해 두고 디자인되었습니다.욕실은 벽은 모자이크 타일과 파란색으로 칠했습니다.. 세면대 수전등은 스페인 시골 별장의 느낌의 제품을 사용하였습니다.. 프로젝트 사양을 참조

              renovations-auckland-11-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland renovations-auckland-12-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
              renovations-auckland-7-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC06389-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland



              뉴질랜드에서 욕실을 바꾸려면 얼마가 들까요?

              샤워시설 교체비용은 평균 $1,150에서 $8,850이 듭니다.

              타일 샤워실 설치 비용은 얼마나 드나요?

              타일샤워는 고급시공으로 $1,550 에서 $8,250의 비용이 듭니다.

              변기만 있는 화장실 교체비용은 얼마나 드나요?

              뉴질랜드에서 변기만 있는 화장실의 교체비용은 배관, 설치 등의 인건비를 포함하여 $6,000달러 정도가 듭니다.

              중간 가격대의 전체 욕실 리모델링 비용은 얼마나 드나요?

              욕실 리노베이션에는 욕실 구조 변경, 새 욕실 가전제품 구입, 장비 구입, 바닥 교체, 페인트 시공, 배관 교체 및 전기 공사를 포함할 수 있으며, 중간 규모의 욕실시공은 평균 $18,000에서 $22,000가 소요될 수 있습니다


              궁금하신 점이 있으신 가요?

              이미 리노베인션을 진행중이시거나 계획 이시라면 무료로 제공되는 홈리노베이션 완성 가이드(48페이지) 이용해 보세요.   가이드에서 제공되는  무료 100포인트 체크 리스트는 예산의 실수를 피하는 법을 알려드립니다.

              무료 리노베이션 가이드 다운로드(PDF)


              Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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                Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services, Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

                Request Your In-home Consultation 

                Or call us on   0800 199 888





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                Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

                We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

                Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

                *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.




                Kitchen Makeover Auckland
                Kitchen Renovation

                Kitchen Makeover in Auckland: What’s your style?

                Want to renovate a kitchen in your apartment, villa, condo or any other style of house?

                You have landed on the right page. At Superior Renovations, we are your go-to kitchen makeover Auckland specialists. With us, you can transform your dreams to reality and get the kitchen from your dreams.

                You might think  as though you have  few options when it comes to your kitchen makeover in Auckland. However this is far from the truth. A kitchen makeover is a possibility if your kitchen is in the hands of a skilled team . We can transform it into something more functional in terms of convenience and give it a real makeover with the help of our expert designers.  – even with a limited budget or building restrictions.

                classic-kitchen-renovations, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                Kitchen Makeover Auckland: Taking Care Of All Styles, Needs And Expectations

                We can all agree that kitchens are the undisputed heart of the home. They are the place where everyone gathers, mingles and lingers during parties – and where the magic of cooking happens. They are an essential part of a home. If your kitchen lacks the space or functionalities that you expect, you should definitely consider a kitchen renovation.

                Our kitchen makeover specialists can give your kitchen a new life whether you  like a modern or a more traditional kitchen design.

                Speaking of, our services include but are not limited to:

                Modern Kitchen Makeovers:

                Modern kitchen makeovers are all about sleek finishes, contemporary design and comfort! The monochromatic palette, streamlined furnishings and well-thought-out storage design that come with modern kitchen makeovers create the illusion of spaciousness. That is why the fuss-free modern kitchen aesthetic is perfect for a smaller space where every inch counts. By incorporating efficient design details and layouts, you can achieve a fantastic kitchen makeover. You will find that a lot of north shore residents opt for modern kitchen makeovers as these sleek designs complement the bay and sea areas.

                Read: How to create a modern kitchen in Auckland

                Here are some of the elements of a modern kitchen:

                • The colour of your kitchen has a significant impact on your mood and makes a strong impression on people visiting your house. Usually, modern kitchens showcase monochrome hues such as white and black. However, sometimes bright colours are also added for a wow effect.
                • Storage system. Modern kitchens are all about organization and comfort. You might be wondering: “What does my kitchen makeover need in terms of storage?” A kitchen is made up of a lot of different elements that should be readily available when you need them. Hence, your kitchen makeover in North Shore or any other Auckland suburb needs to include an efficient storage system. Not only does it makes the kitchen look better, but it also adds comfort and efficiency. So you don’t need to look for utensils when you need them. Marie Kondo would be proud!

                Traditional kitchen makeovers

                Traditional kitchen makeovers are all about sophistication and class. They are famous for traditional architectural elements that originated from the Old World countries like England and France. Elegant lines, craftsmanship and expensive materials are important. Here are some of the most common elements of traditional kitchen makeovers  in North Shore (again a high demand in the shore!) area:

                • Hands down, furniture-style cabinets are the most prominent feature when it comes to traditional kitchen makeovers. They may have mitered door panels, glass inserts and carved trims and decorative embellishments. It’s also essential that the modern kitchen appliances such as refrigerators and dishwashers can be covered with cabinet doors.
                • Stone or quartz countertops. Usually, traditional kitchens showcase natural stone or quartz countertops. Other popular materials are marble and granite. Traditional countertops also feature prominent edging of the stone. The most popular styles are bevel and bullnose edging that adds a distinct look to the traditional kitchen.

                See project specifications for Traditional kitchen renovated by us

                 traditional classic kitchen for a historic home in Epsom

                Rustic Traditional Kitchen for Mary Stuart’s home in Stanmore Bay

                Classic Kitchen renovation for a bungalow in Greenhithe


                contemporary-modern-kitchen, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


                Contemporary kitchen makeovers

                “Can my kitchen makeover include contemporary elements?” Absolutely! If you’re thinking of giving your existing kitchen a new, modern look, a contemporary style might be right up your alley! The beauty of a contemporary kitchen makeover is defined by sleek design, geometric lines and innovative appliances. Here are some of the elements that define a contemporary-style kitchen:

                • Cutting-edge appliances. Nothing speaks of a contemporary style than new technology. People all over North Shore have been looking for better appliance performance, lighter materials, durability and advanced features when it comes to contemporary kitchen makeovers. Built-in coffee machines, integrated house systems and high-functioning electronics are among one of the most frequently requested additions to the remodelled kitchen.
                • A mix of materials. Contemporary design is known for pushing boundaries. One of the most prominent tell signs of a contemporary kitchen makeover is the use of layered materials. Feel free to mix and match different shapes, textures and various types of wood to achieve a sleek, contemporary look.


                Contemporary Kitchens renovated by us

                Luxury Urban kitchen renovation in Parnell

                Entertainer’s dream kitchen renovation in Massy 


                Cottage kitchen renovations

                “I’d like my kitchen makeover to include a cottage-style kitchen design” No problem! Ah, cottage life. Cosy, happy and relaxing, a cottage-style kitchen is a pure heart of the house. A cottage kitchen makeover is all about going back to simpler times and evoking a sense of care-free living. Here are some of our favourite elements of a cottage kitchen makeover:

                • Open shelving. A cottage-style kitchen usually takes its inspiration from farm-houses and barn-style life. Installed in place of traditional cabinets, open shelves recall the day when a kitchen was more practical than decorative. It also all about practicality: the openness of open shelves help to create an illusion of a larger space.
                • Farm-house sinks. Also called apron-front sinks, these sinks made a huge come-back in a recent couple of years. They create a sense of country-living and are unfussy enough to work with more modern-style cottage kitchen makeovers.

                Read: Cottage kitchen makeover done in Mangere Bridge 


                rustic-kitchen-renovation, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                 Rustic kitchen renovations

                Rather than going for a clean, sleek look, rustic kitchen renovations turn to simplicity and warmth of the old colonial design. Rustic, Old World-style kitchens are also designed with functionality in mind to accommodate the busiest area of the house. Some of the elements of the rustic kitchen include:

                • Hardwood floors: Made out of expensive natural wood, hardwood flooring lends for an earthy, countryside living feeling. Solid hardwood suits the rustic kitchen best, especially if it’s unpolished and shows off the wood grain.
                • Decorative stone. Elements of rock also work great in the rustic kitchen. Whether it is placed in the fireplace hearth or covers an entire wall, it’s a fantastic feature to achieve the rustic look.

                See: Rustic Style kitchen renovation in Stanmore Bay

                A Kitchen Makeover That Looks Fantastic – In Line With Your Budget And Time

                At Superior Renovations, we have all the experience and expertise to ensure that your kitchen makeover looks fantastic. We will deliver a great design that is in line with your time and budget. Most importantly, we will make the difference you need and add maximum value to your home.

                How to choose the right tapware for your kitchen – Q & A with Kitchen Hub

                From layout to materials, concept and overall scope of work, we will show that your kitchen makeover Auckland looks fantastic – and gives you the functionality, versatility and efficiency that you deserve.


                rustic-ktichen-renovation-auckland, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                You can either have a look at some of our previous kitchen renovations in Auckland – or get in touch with us to show you what we can do for your kitchen.

                 In the end, it is safe to say that a kitchen remodel in Auckland can give you the greatest return on investment in terms of its resale value – not to mention the functionality and comfort that you will receive as a homeowner.

                modern-bathrooms-renovation-auckland, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation AucklandIf you are interested in the latter, all you need is to follow this link and submit your details, or call us directly on the phone.


                Already have all your own trades and you’re comfortable managing them for your kitchen renovation?

                Although we don’t recommend if you haven’t renovated a kitchen before and/or you don’t have trades people you can trust, most renovations if not all comes with it’s own surprises because not all homes are the same – this is where experience/project management plays an important role in minimises risks to maintain costs/delays giving you higher certainty of outcome/quality backed by associated guarantees and warranties.

                However, if you do intend to manage the kitchen renovation yourself, it does work out more cost effective to contact a kitchen cabinetry manufacturer directly to get the kitchen cabinets designed, manufactured and installed – leaving you to manage the other trades such as flooring, demolition, painting, plastering, splashback/tiling, electrician, plumber, and sometimes a carpenter/builder.


                Try Little Giant Interiors cost calculator below to see what you can expect to pay for cabinetry.




                Need more information?

                Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.

                Download Free Renovation Guide (PDF)


                Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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                  Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services, Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                  Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

                  Request Your In-home Consultation 

                  Or call us on   0800 199 888





                  finance-badge1000x1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

                  We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

                  Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

                  *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



                  Double Glazing Vs Retrofit Double glazing
                  House Renovation

                  What is Double Glazing Vs Retrofit Double Glazing? – Which is right for your home?

                  A well-insulated house helps you maintain optimum temperature throughout all seasons. It protects you against cold in winter and heat in summer. This way you spend less on additional heating and cooling systems which makes insulating your home a very good investment. Insulation also provides a healthy environment for your home by preventing the build up of mould.

                  The four main areas that you can expect heat loss is your ceilings, walls, floors, and windows. In this article we will delve further into insulating windows and glass doors for homes in Auckland.

                  Single glazed windows (or pane of glass) has been insulating and protecting our homes for centuries, but is there anything better than glass? The answer to this is double glazed windows and doors.

                  Most new built homes have double glazing in accordance with New Zealand building code. However most older homes have standard glass for their windows and are struggling to keep their homes healthy which are often prone to moulding or they are paying high electricity bills for cooling/heating systems.

                  In this article we will discuss the following:

                  1. What is double glazing, triple glazing and Secondary glazing?
                  2.  4 Factors that affect the performance of your double glazing (Spacers, type of glass, still air Vs gas and correct installation)
                  3. R rating for windows and what is right for you?
                  4. Pros and Cons of Double Glazing – Make a wise choice.
                  5. How much does it cost to install double glazing in Auckland?
                  6. Cost comparison between New double glazing, Retrofitting double glazing and Secondary glazing
                  7. Retrofitting Double glazing or Double glazing/ brand new windows (new frames + IGU) – What is right for your home?

                  Cost Calculator for Double Glazing Windows

                  This New Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

                  Try it here: 

                  What are Double Glazed Windows?

                  What is Double Glazing (Brand new windows + Insulated glass unit + New window frames)?

                  Glazing was a middle English term used for glass. A single glazed window is essentially just a sheet of glass. Double glazed windows on the other hand have 4 components that help with temperature control and insulation. First is the 2 panes of glass sheets that run parallel to each other. Then there is a spacer in the middle of the sheets which is bonded together with the panes of glass with a sealant. This space or cavity is filled with either still air or a gas to improve insulation. Brand new window frames are also manufactured for this Insulated glass unit. This basically means that the entire window of your home is replaced which contains a new frames as well as a Insulated glass unit.


                  iguglass, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  An example of an Insulated Glass unit used in double glazing. Picture by


                  What is Retrofitting Double Glazed windows?

                  Retrofitting double glazing means that you fit an Insulated Glass unit like mentioned above and fit this unit into your existing window frames or joinery. This is only possible if your current frames/joinery are in very good condition. It is often not possible for older homes as their window frames are worn out.

                  What is Triple Glazing?

                  Countries with harsher climates often get triple glazed windows installed in their homes as it provides added insulation. With triple glazed windows and glass doors, there are three parallel glasses with spacers filled with still air or gas. New Zealand homes do not require triple glazed windows as it does not require triple glazing as we do not experience extreme harsh climates.


                  Isolatieglas-EN_YXJfNDUweDUwMV9kXzFfanBnXy9fYXNzZXQvX3B1YmxpYy9SZXN0_8480602f, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Double Glazing Vs Triple Glazing. Photo credits:


                  What is Secondary Glazing?

                  Secondary glazing is when you add another sheet of glass to the existing frame and clear glass. This is a much cheaper way of increasing the insulation of your home as compared to double glazing (IGU unit). Double glazing however is a lot more effective in insulating the house. Adding secondary glazing to an existing window frame and glass is also not always possible because often the old frames do not have space to add another glass, or the integrity of the old frame is compromised.




                  5 Factors that affect the performance of your Double Glazing

                  There has been a growing trend of building smart homes in the renovation and construction industry. More people want to use energy efficient materials for their homes with low carbon emissions. This trend towards smart homes has also revolutionised and changed the way double glazed windows are manufactured.

                  There are 4 main factors that will affect the performance of your double glazed windows and doors. Some homes need more insulation than others and might require glazing that has a higher R rating. We will discuss R ratings further down the article.

                  1. Spacers

                  Spacers are strips of plastic, metal, or foam between the two parallel glasses in a double glazed window or door. They support and seal air or gas that is injected between the 2 panes of glass. They are fixed between the glass panes with sealing materials to help create an airtight cavity.

                  The transfer of heat energy between your window frames, two panes of glass, the spacer at the sealed edge of your double glazed window. If there is less heat transfer between the outside and inside of your window, then this means that there is less heat loss through the sealed unit.

                  An ideal spacer should have the following:

                  • Tight seal that would prevent still air or gas from the cavity between the two glass panes.
                  • Repeal moisture from the seal
                  • Having a stable and strong space between the two glass panes
                  • Well made so the temperature buffer is good enough to prevent the transfer of cold and hot air from one pane of       glass to the other
                  • Can withstand expansion and contraction caused by heat

                  • Sealant

                    The function of the seal is to reduce water vapour and gas permeability from the edge of the panes of glass. Sometimes when the sealant is not applied properly it can lead to condensation between the panes of glass. This will also reduce the effectiveness of the double glazed windows in maintaining a desired overall temperature of within your home.

                    Over time however, it is common that there will be gas leakage from the double glazed windows. A great way to prevent that is adding a secondary sealant. Synthetic rubbers are often used as a primary sealant and their function should mainly be to keep permeability low. The effectiveness of the primary sealant will reduce over time due to external temperatures, how well they were initially installed and the quality of your windowpanes. Synthetic rubbers are usually used as a primary sealant. As they do deteriorate overtime, a secondary sealant such as silicon, polyurethane or others are also used to prolong the effectiveness of your double glazed windows and doors.

                  • Keeping Moisture out

                    A good sealant and correct installation are key to creating a double glazing that will ensure that water vapour does not end up being trapped between the panes. Hence it is important to carefully select the manufacturer for your double glazing. They need to have a good quality assurance process as well as they need to take correct measure to avoid this. Some manufacturers will use descants which basically absorb any moisture around them.

                  • Strong and Stable Structure

                    A spacer needs to hold the two panes of glass together along with the air/gas within the cavity. They provide structural integrity to your double glazed windows while ensuring that the entire structure is sealed against moisture, promoting minimal heat loss and high insulation.

                  • Temperature Buffer

                  One of the key functions of a spacer is allowing minimal heat transfer from one glaze(pane) to another which allows for well insulated and efficient double glazing. Spacers come in a variety of materials and each material provides for a different level of insulation.

                  We also recommend using thermal spacers instead of the traditional aluminium as they provide better ‘warm edge’ or low heat loss than aluminium. However not house might need a thermal spacer as they might just need standard insulation that aluminium provides.

                  • Expansion and Contraction

                  The material of your spacer will determine whether it easily contracts or expands during different seasons. Rigid metals do not easily expand or contract. Some metals such as aluminium are more flexible than other metals and can be used for Auckland homes. Stainless steel can also be used as a spacer, but it provides 1/10th of thermal insulation as compared to aluminium.

                  Aluminium however can be susceptible to condensation and more manufacturers are using 100% polymer foam as spacers.


                  Double-glazing-pic-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  An Insulated Glass unit with 2 panes of glass with a Spacer in the middle. Photo credit by

                  2.Type of Glass panes your glazing you use

                  Glass is another very vital component in a double glazed window. You can use clear glass for your double glazing but there are also many other types of glass available today.

                  • Laminated glass – This is a popular choice for double glazing as well as single glazing. This type of class involves having a plastic or resin layer on top of the two panes of glass.t absorbs UV rays and is great for keeping your home cooler in the summer months. They are also great for restricting noise from outside and works well for homes which are in high traffic areas. They are also very safe because they cannot be easily broken. During impact, the glass is still held together by the resin layer.
                  • Tinted Glass or reflective glass – Like all types of tinted glass, it helps keeping the UV light out. It also keeps the home cooler in summer by restricting light as well as heat out.
                  • Tough Glass – This type of glass is much tougher against impact which makes it a safe option for ground floor windows and doors. It also shatters into small pieces when broken and does not leave big chunks of glass.
                  • Low E-glass – This type of glass allows light as well as heat inside the house, but it also prevents the heat from escaping the house.

                  3. Air Vs Gas (Argon) you use for the insulated cavity

                  Before we discuss the benefits of Air Vs Gas for your double glazing, it is good to understand what U value is. U value is the measure of insulating capacity of a window. It refers to thermal conductivity of the loss of heat from a room. If the thermal conductivity or U value of a window is low, then that means that they will keep your room warmer as the windows are preventing the heat to leave your room. They also keep your home cooler in summer as they prevent heat from the outside entering your home. Windows with a low U value make for very good insulators.  The heat in this case does not mean sunlight as the windows do allow sunlight to come into your home.

                  Double glazed windows have either air or gas between the two panes of glass. When you hear the term ‘air filled’ double glazing then it merely means that there is normal air filled within the glazing. Argon is usually used in gas filled double glazing due to its low thermal conductivity and hence prevent heat loss substantially as compared to air.

                  Double glazing filled with Argon provide a much higher level of insulation as compared to air. Argon is also a non-reactive, inert gas which means that your windows will stay effective for a longer amount of time. Air on the other hand has oxygen which is a reactive gas and can cause if you have aluminium spacers which will reduce their efficiency sooner.

                  Argon double glazing however is more expensive as compared to air filled double glazing but will prove to be a better investment in the long run for your home.

                  4. Frames of your Windows

                  Aluminium and Timber are the two most common window frames in New Zealand. The interaction of the frame with the double glazing is an important part of how efficient your windows will be as insulators. Aluminium is a popular choice for New Zealand homes as it is strong and very easy to maintain material but as a metal it is a good conductor of heat which means that more heat is lost through them. You can however rectify this situation by installing thermally broken alluminium.

                  Timber is another popular choice in New Zealand with relatively less heat conductivity as compared to Aluminium frames.

                  5. Correct Installation

                  Correct manufacturing and installation of double glazing is vital if you want to maintain the integrity of your home. Choosing a trusted manufacturer will make all the difference to the effectiveness of your double glazing. The manufacturer should have good skillset and knowledge about different materials for glazing and your needs so they can recommend the best type of glazing for your home.

                  Choosing the right double glazing is a balancing act of the type of frame, spacer, sealant, choice between air vs gas, the frame of the window as well as the type of glass. If you are living in a very noise surrounding which experiences extreme climates, then you might want to consider using a low e glass filled with Argon. Fitting a manufactured double glazing might seem like a simple task but we recommend clients not to do it as a DIY project. Get your double glazing fitted by a professional to ensure that it is done correctly.


                  Cost Calculator for Double Glazing Windows

                  This New Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

                  Try it here: 


                  R Rating for Double Glazing – What type of double glazing is right for you?

                  Consider the climate of your city before choosing your glazing

                  Finding the right combination of materials to form the most effective double glazing for your home can sometimes feel like a balancing act.

                  The aim should be to choose a glazing combination that is the most effective for your climate to provide a healthy and insulated home. As discussed above, some combinations of glazing are only needed for extreme climates where it is too cold or hot. An example is triple glazed windows with low e glass and Argon filled cavity. This however is not needed for Auckland climate as we do not experience such extremes in weather.

                  Also consider where your home is situated in Auckland. Is it near a sea? Is your home north facing or is it south facing? Do some rooms get more sunlight that than others? These questions are important, and you must consult with your manufacturers to achieve the most optimum overall temperature for your home based on the above factors.


                  R-values are a measure of efficiency of insulating materials. Higher R-value of insulating materials basically means that there will be lesser heat loss from said materials. The table below shows the R-values of glazing and how the combination of different frames, glass and gas/air contribute to this value.

                  Note: We have not included R-values of secondary glazing as we do not recommend our clients to use that as further insulating windows and glass doors. While they are a cheaper option compared to getting IGU or double glazing and are often ineffective.





                  Single glazing Aluminium frame + Clear glass 0.26
                  Single glazing Timber frame + Clear glass 0.19
                  Double glazing (IGU) Thermally broken Aluminium frame + Clear double glazing + Air filled cavity 0.31
                  Double glazing (IGU) Timber frame + Clear double glazing + Air filled cavity 0.36
                  Double glazing (IGU) Thermally broken Aluminium frame + Low e glass panes + Argon gas in the cavity 0.43
                  Double glazing (IGU) Timber frame + Low e glass panes + Argon gas in the cavity 0.53


                  As seen above, the R-value differs based on the combination of materials you choose for your glazing. Another way to increase insulation and decrease heat loss is by installing thermal drapes. Good quality heavy drapes or thermal drapes can add up to 0.26 R-value. This only holds true if these are drawn and covering your windows. In order for these drapes to be effective, you have to also ensure that they are touching the ground and have pelmets on the top.


                  Pros and Cons of Double glazing

                  Installing double glazing for exiting homes is an expensive undertaking which means that you should be fully aware of their advantages as well as disadvantages.

                  Pros of using double glazing

                  1. Increase in Security: Double glazing provides a higher level of security to your home as they are much stronger as compared to single glazed windows. It would be much harder for burglars to break a double glazed window. You can also increase the security of your double glazing by laminating the glass panes.
                  2. Reduce Noise: Double glazing can significantly reduce noise levels and are good for homes in high traffic areas. They can reduce neighbourhood and traffic sounds by up to 35 decibels. If you live in a very noisy area, then you can even think about installing triple glazing. Single glazing tends to rattle on windy days, but double glazing windows eliminate this issue due to their more solid foundation.
                  3. Prevent Condensation and Insulation: The biggest advantage of double glazing is that it prevents condensation which in turn protects your home from mould and damage. Still air or Argon gas trapped between the two panes of glass also provides insulation to your home which promotes a healthy and comfortable temperature.
                  4. Reduced Bills: The insulating gap between the two panes of your double glazing is filled with either still air or Argon gas and it hence prevents heat loss in winter, keeping your home warm. In summer it prevents heat from entering your home and keeps your home cooler. Therefore, it significantly reduces the need for heating and cooling systems for your home. This will reduce your electricity bill and is also good for the environment.

                  Cons of Double Glazing

                  1. High Initial Cost: Installing double glazing in existing homes can prove to be very costly. It is a good long term investment, but the initial cost is high. When you install single glazed windows, you are only paying for one sheet of glass. With Double glazing, you are paying for two panes of glass, the insulating air, sealant as well as new frames (in most cases). Sometimes you can install your Insulated glass unit (IGU) within the existing frames but in most cases, this is not possible as the old frames do not have the space to accommodate a IGU or are damaged.
                  2. Aesthetics: Double glazing might look too modern for heritage homes because they look too ‘modern’. This is especially true for bungalows and villas found in Epsom, Parnell, and Remuera.
                  3. Hard to Repair: Double glazed windows and doors are not easily damaged due to their sturdy structure. They can however, have issues with the air/gas gap if not manufactured well. This is when there is a leak in the Insulated glass unit which means that their effectiveness in terms of insulation can reduce. If this happens then the only way to fix this is to replace the entire window which can be costly.



                  How much does it cost to Install Double Glazing Windows in Auckland?

                  There are a few factors that can affect the cost of double glazing in New Zealand. As discussed above, double glazing is made of a diverse set of materials and the combination you choose will affect the overall cost. For example:

                  • Double glazing with Argon has is more expensive compared to Still Air. Having still air however is less effective compared to an Argon gas filled cavity.
                  • Low-e glass panes are more expensive that clear glass or laminated glass
                  • Timber frames are more expensive that Aluminium frames
                  • The type of sealant you choose will also affect the price of your double glazing

                  Costs for Double Glazing (with new frames) Vs Retrofitting Vs Secondary Glazing NZ

                  Term glossary

                  Double Glazing with new frames: This consists of creating an Insulated glass unit of two panes of glass with a gap between them. This gap is filled with Still Air or Argon has for insulation and also has a sealant to keep the glasses in place. As the name suggests, this glass unit is manufactured in the factory along with new window frames to fit together.

                  Retrofitting double glazing: Retrofitting involves manufacturing an Insulated glass unit in the factory and installing this into the current frame of your window. No new frames are manufactured or installed.

                  Secondary Glazing: This involves installing a second parallel pane of glass to your existing frame and glass of your window. This is not an Insulated glass unit as it does not have an insulated cavity between the panes. It does not have any gas or still air in the cavity.


                  How much does double glazing cost?

                  Double Glazing is the most expensive as compared to retrofitting or installing secondary glazing. This involves replacing your current windows with a IGU and new frames. If your priority is to increase the insulation of your home, then this is the best option to go with as it is the most effective. On an average it will cost around $35,000 to double glaze a 100m2 home in Auckland. If you choose Low-e glass panes along with Argon gas in the cavity then the price for double glazing will go up.

                  Tips to reduce the cost of double glazing for your home

                  Different combinations of your IGU (window-panes, sealant, gas or still air and frame) will yield different R values. Some combinations will be more effective in insulating your home but not all homes need a high level of insulation. For example, if your home does not need high insulation then it is a waste to install low-e glass panes or Argon gas in the cavity which is a more expensive combination.

                  Reduce costs by:

                  • Choose clear glass or laminated glass instead of a low-e glass for your panes
                  • Opt for still Air instead of Argon gas for your insulated cavity between your glass panes
                  • Choose Aluminium as your window frame

                  How much does it cost to Retrofit your double glazing?

                  Retrofitting double glazing costs, a lot lesser than getting entirely new double glazing with new frames. You can expect to pay about $15,000 to $18,000 for a 100m2 home. An insulated glass unit and drainage system is installed in your current window frames. While this is a cheaper option, it is not possible to install the insulated glass unit in your current frames for most homes in Auckland.

                  It is only possible for new homes where the window frames are in great condition. Older home in Auckland do not have frames that are in good condition as they are often damaged or skewed. If you have a newly built home with single glazing, then opt for retrofitting your double glazing as it is a more cost effective option with similar insulation levels as new double glazing with new frames.

                  How much does it cost to install Secondary Glazing?

                  Secondary glazing is the cheapest option compared to double glazing and retrofitting. This is because there is no Insulated glass unit involved in secondary glazing.

                  Secondary glazing does not replace your single glazing with a IGU, but it means that you are attaching a second pane of glass on the inside of your current glazing and frame. Secondary glazing however does not improve the insulation of your home and it also does not prevent condensation.


                  Retrofitting or New Double Glazing – What is right for your home?

                  The main factor that determines whether you can get your retrofit double glazing or get new windows with double glazing (new frames) is the condition of your joinery. If the condition of your joinery is good, then you will be able to retrofit double glazing. In a lot of cases, the joinery has either been damaged or is not viable to be retrofitted.

                  Aluminium Joinery (frames)

                  Durable and good quality of Aluminium joinery was seen in New Zealand houses only around the 1980s. The quality of Aluminium joinery used in houses before the 80s was of an inferior quality with no scope of being retrofitted now.

                  All windows need maintenance over time to ensure that they do not get damaged due to moisture or wear and tear. A professional window glazing company will be able to assess the joinery of your windows to see whether they can be retrofitted.

                  Before you get a professional, you can also check for signs of damage to your Aluminium joinery. If the joints of your frame are coming off or have issues, then this is the first sign that your joinery is at the end of its life. This often happens due to moisture seeping in and this can in turn damage your walls.

                  When comes to maintenance, it is good to check the seals of your frames and change them periodically to prolong the life of your joinery.

                  Timber Joinery

                  Just like Aluminium joinery, Timber frames also need to be maintained well to be retrofitted. Bungalows and Villas in New Zealand built before the 1950s are fitted with a more durable form of Timber as compared to the homes built after the 1960s. Timber joinery which was installed in homes after the 1960s is made of a softer wood which means that they are not as durable and are susceptible to moisture.

                  You will not be able to retrofit double glazing in windows that have water damage or very worn out. Some of the signs of moisture damage is mould and wood that has started to rot.

                  The Verdict

                  The answer to this is simple. Get the condition of your window frames checked by a professional. If your frames/joinery are in good condition, then you should retrofit your double glazing. This will be more cost effective that brand new windows with double glazing while giving you similar insulation.

                  If your frames/joinery are worn out, old, have water damage, or are compromised in any way then investing in brand new windows with double glazing would be a wiser option.


                  Cost Calculator for Double Glazing Windows

                  This New Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

                  Try it here: 



                  Frequently Asked Questions

                  What is Double glazing?

                  Double glazing involves removing your old window and frame. A new frame for the window is manufactured which is fitted with an Insulated glass unit. An Insulated glass unit which consists of 2 panes of glazing or glass that are parallel to eachother with a gap between them. A spacer is attached between the glass which is bonded with the the panes of glass with a sealant. This keeps the two glasses in place and provides a stable structure. This cavity between the two parallel panes of glass is filled with either Still Air or Argon gas.

                  What is Retrofitting Double Glazing?

                  Retrofitting double glazing involves installing a Insulated glass unit into your existing joinery or frame. An insulated glass unit has two parallel panes of glass with a gap in the middle. This gap has a spacer which is bonded to the panes with a sealant. This cavity is then filled with Still Air or Argon gas.

                  How much does it cost to double glaze my house?

                  Double glazing an average 100m2 home in Auckland will cost around $35,000. The cost will vary depending on the glass you choose, whether you get Still Air filled cavity or an Argon gas filled cavity. The material of the joinery/frame you choose will also affect the price.

                  How much does it cost to retrofit double glazing?

                  Retrofitting double glazing is cheaper compared to double glazing as you are not making brand new window frames. The cost to retrofit am average 100m2 home in NZ will start from about $18,000. Retrofitting double glazing is not always possible for most homes as your current joinery needs to be in near perfect condition to retrofit double glazing.


                  Further Resources for your house renovation

                  1. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
                  2. Real client stories from Auckland

                  Need more information?

                  Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.

                  Download Free Renovation Guide (PDF)


                  Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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