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A Guide For Your Smart Home Essentials. Benefits and Tips

In our digital world, technology is constantly changing and getting better which should come as no surprise that people have invented ways to make our homes smarter and our lives easier. But if you’re still unsure about investing into smart homes, then this article is perfect for you. There are plenty of benefits to having a smart home, keep reading to find out more!

Smart homes may seem convenient for others, but others may also struggle with the idea of smart homes. Smart homes are a huge change and can impact how you and your family live for the next few years. When considering your kitchen or bathroom renovation and design consider installing some smart home appliances.

Curious about smart bulbs or exploring the new amazing capabilities of your new voice assistant? There are many researches that can be found on smart homes NZ and how you can make your house a smart home. Best thing about it, is that you don’t need a full house renovation to make your house a smart home. Having some kitchen design ideas with smart solution home ideas can work wonders in just one room. This can be done in many ways and you’ve probably come across two keywords that is repeated in all your research findings. Smart home and home automation. So what are the differences between those two key terms?

If you assume that these two terms are somewhat similar, you are correct! These two terms are closely related, but they do refer to different things that makes them different from one another.

Smart homes in NZ refers to electronic devices and sensors that can be controlled over the internet or your own local network like your phone, computer and other devices. These devices most often have their own separate app that you’d use to control within certain ecosystem. And it also doesn’t require a full home renovation for it to work. For example, Alexa is a home assistant smart device that you can set up and make it towards your liking. As Alexa is a part of Amazon, there is a separate app needed in order to set up you Alexa.

Home automation refers to a methodology for using smart home devices. The purpose of home automation is to make devices work automatically so that it can response to what you’re doing. While also requiring little to no interaction with any app or physical interface as we try to incorporate this into smart homes NZ.

For example, Philips Hue smart bulbs. You can set them up to a certain ‘scene’ or lighting for a movie night. With a smart home, you’ll open your smart home app to adjust the lighting. But, with home automation, you can set up an automation that can detect when you’re watching a movie and adjust the lights for you. While this can be done to any room you pick, consider going for a full home renovation to be able to have all those nice features in every room.


  • 7 Benefits of having a Smart Home
  • Cost of Setting up and Running a Smart Home
  • How to get started on a Basic Smart home
  • Top 4 energy efficient Smart appliances
  • Creating Smart bathrooms
  • The future of Smart Kitchens in NZ
  • Tips to have a secure smart home security system
  • Our top 4 automation systems

7 Benefits of Having a Smart Home in NZ

1.      Entertainment

The main form of entertainment we indulge in nowadays is connecting our streaming services to our Tv’s. Which provides you with a bigger screen to watch your favourite movie or tv show on. When first starting to invest in smart homes, Google Chromecast or Apple TV is a good starting point. These are smart home gadgets which can be controlled via voice if you have a compatible smart assistant. Not only is it exclusive to watching movies and tv shows, it’s also another way to blast your music while doing chores.


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Example of Chromecast/Apple Tv

2.      General Appliances

There are many appliances that be control towards your smart home and make your life easier. There are a huge variety of smart appliances that you could choose from. Few examples are fridges, ovens, heaters, air conditioners, which those appliances are able to give you notifications. A popular appliance that most people have in their homes are automatic vacuums which will send you a notification once it’s finished or if it’s stuck somewhere in the house. Some appliances can be controlled on your phone or by using voice commands. Voice commands only work if you have a smart device, like Alexa or Google Assistant.

3.      Lighting and Temperature Control

Are you all comfy and warm in your bed but forgot to turn the lights off? With your smart home appliances like purchasing smart lights, you can turn the lights off from your phone and stay in your cocoon of warmth. Having a smart thermostat in your household can also be controlled from your phone or using voice command.

4.      Home Security

Security plays a huge part in our lives as we want to keep our belongings secure. With a smart home, you’re able to control your gates from your phone. Install cameras which you can also see from your phone and purchase a smart doorbell which comes with a camera. Works best if you’re connected with Wi-Fi.

5.      Sustainability

Smart home appliances are environmentally friendly and can be sustainable for you as there are gadgets and appliances that can track your energy usage and water consumption. This can help you use less energy and water.

6.      Remote Access

The best thing about investing into a smart home is that everything can be controlled from your phone no matter where you are as long as you have a strong internet connection. Think you left the lights on while you’re on vacation? Worry no more because with remote access, you’re able to turn the lights off from your phone.

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Remote Access through your smart phone | Photo Credit – iStock

7.      Accessibility

Smart homes are easy to use and accessible to everyone. This can be extremely helpful with people who have a disability as they can use voice commands to turn things on and off and be able to control things without having to get up.

Cost of Setting up & Running a Smart Home

With upgrading your house, there will always be associated costs and creating a smart home is no different. Smart homes NZ do have smart home appliances and smart home technology that do cost significantly more due to the lack of interest and popularity in them. But it’s been predicted that these prices may drop and become more popular in the next few years. Running a smart home can also be costly as you’re introducing more powered devices to your house. Look at it this way, buying a house is an investment. Doing a full home renovation so that you love your house even more is also an investment. Setting up a smart home is also an investment.

Setup Costs

Setting up your smart home NZ or purchasing your very first smart home technology can cost significantly more than ordinary items that does the exact same things but with manual assistant. An example of this could be having LED bulbs. LED bulbs can range between $10 – $20. Whereas smart bulbs can range from $30 – $40. A little jump in price but it’s enough reason as to why consumers prefer not to adopt in smart home technology.

Running Costs

It’s no secret that having a smart home will incur additional running costs to your power bill. However, with intelligent choices and enough research, you can reduce your costs and lower you water and electricity usage.

Taking your time and carefully considering when choosing your smart home technology, setting up and managing your IoT (Internet of Things) appliances can have a positive impact on the cost in smart homes NZ.

Do Smart Homes Save Money?

Smart homes can indeed save money. As said before having a smart home is an investment that can pay off in the long run. To save money you’ll need to set up and manage the devices correctly. When setting up your smart home devices or items. Consider on-time and power consumption. Creating smart solution homes by choosing energy efficient smart homes technology. When you do a full home renovation, we encourage you to think about incorporating smart solution ideas in your full home renovation.

When purchasing smart bulbs, consider buying the more energy efficient LED lights. With many researches, LED lights are shown to be the better option as they run cooler, use less energy and last longer than incandescent bulbs. Studies have found that LED bulbs use between 75% and 80% less energy than an incandescent bulb.

Another benefit to encourage you to use LED bulbs is the extended lifetime they have. Most if not all LED bulbs have around 25,000 hours of life. Compared to incandescent bulb which can last around 1000 hours.

As said earlier, LED bulbs are significantly cooler than incandescent. Incandescent bulbs in the house can slowly increase the ambient temperature of the house, increasing the costs of cooling the house. When thinking about a full home renovation, consider opting for LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs in smart homes NZ.

Another way a smart home can help you save money is investing in purchasing a smart thermostat which can help you save on energy bills. Smart thermostats can allow excellent control over heating and cooling the house and you’re able to monitor the temperature with your phone.

How to Get Started with a Basic Smart Home?

Starting to move towards having a smart home is very exciting no matter if it’s one smart item or multiple smart items. But if you are looking to create an 100% smart home. It’s important to plan it out and consider smart home technology and smart solution homes. Which can help you get the best possible solution for your budget.


Thinking of having a smart home? But not sure where to start? There are many smart devices that is advertised to you. But not all of them are the right fit for you or your house. This is where planning becomes a vital stage of creating a smart home. There are many tools to help with this process and make your planning easier.

Firstly, you’d want to do research in which smart home device is compatible with your home. Start by writing down the different devices that would work well with your house. If there’s too many options, consider a pros and cons list of them all.

Secondly, you’d want to decide where you’ll place the device. The most popular place that people put their smart devices is usually in the living room or the kitchen. This is due to having easy access to power outlets. Some smart devices also have a wired network capability and can often work better when wired.

Once that is all sorted, you can go ahead and set up your smart device. You’d want to set up schedules which can help reduce your energy bills as well as playing around with it to get more comfortable with the app. Trying out all the features that your smart device can provide. This is a great way to slowly inch your way to making you house a smart house with smart home technology.


When it comes to setting up smart devices that are somewhat like Amazon Alexa, they are easy to set up. But with smart bulbs and smart outlets, it can be a different story entirely. If you need help installing new outlets or needing new cable runs. It’s the safest choice for you to hire an electrician who can do all the electrical work.

Top 4 Recommended Energy Efficient Appliances

1.      Smart Thermostats

When renovating your house, consider purchasing a smart thermostat for your house. Or if you’re designing your house, switch out your old thermostat for a smart thermostat. This can help cut down on energy consumption. Smart thermostats help regulate and automate your heating and cooling. They can also be controlled from your phone.

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Smart Thermostat which can be controlled from phone | Photo Credit – iStock

2.      Smart Lighting

When designing your house, consider purchasing smart lighting that can connect to your smart home device. Having smart lights in your smart home means you can schedule when the lights turn on and off. Switching to LED bulbs will also help reduce your energy usage.

Check out some smart light bulbs from Bunnings 

3.      Smart Fridge

When considering your kitchen design, opt for a smart fridge as they are energy efficient and come with heaps of benefits. A smart fridge gives you an option to write a virtual bulletin board for your family with a ‘to do list’, reminders or quote of the day. Sick of having expired food in your fridge? With the smart fridge, the appliance is able to keep track of expiration dates, so you don’t waste any food.

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Smart Fridge with touch screen options | Photo Credit – iStock

4.      Smart Outlets

Thinking of making your house more modern? Consider switching some outlets to smart outlets to make your house eco-friendly. Normal outlets constantly drain energy even when you aren’t using it and to stop it from draining energy, you’ll have to turn the outlet off. Not everyone has time to turn the outlet on and off everything. With the smart outlet, they automatically detect when you aren’t using it and cuts the power off. This is a great way to be more energy efficient.

How to Secure Your Smart Home Security? 5 Essential Tips 

1.      Set up your router correctly

A key tip when thinking about securing your smart home security is understanding that your Wi-Fi router is the doorway to your smart home. Setting up your router correctly by following all instructions and these tips will secure your home security. Therefore, eliminating the threat of a possible hacker.

2.      Change the routers default name

It’s important to change your router name as keeping it as the default name will make it easier for people to find default login details. Using the default name will make it easier for others to gain access to your smart home. When changing the router name, be creative and remember to leave personal details out.

3.      Set the password to something unique

Include capital letters, numbers and symbols in your password which can create a super strong password for your smart home security. You can also consider using a random password generator if you can’t come with anything. The generator will provide you options and be sure to write the password down somewhere in case you forget it.

4.      Disable features you don’t use

There are many features that come with a smart device, and most times you’ll end up only using a few things. Be sure to disable any feature you don’t need like voice control on certain features. This is because if someone hacks into your smart device, they’re able to listen to your conversations and hear everything you say. Therefore, disabling features, you don’t use, eliminates the threat of that problem.

5.      Enable multi-factor authentication

Enable a multi-factor authentication onto your smart home device is a great way to increase security and prevent others from hacking your smart home device. The best two factor authentication to use for a smart device is sending a verification code to your mobile device to gain access to the smart home device. As we always have our phone on us, if you get sent a verification code that you’re unsure off you can change the password on your smart home device or improve the security.

Benefits of Installing Smart Kitchen Appliances 

1.      Smart devices provide useful notifications

With technology growing, smart appliances are becoming trendy and somewhat useful. Based on the smart appliances you have, they’re able to send you notifications to let you know if you didn’t close the fridge properly, or if the dishwasher is finished. Mundane tasks that could let you get on with other things you need to do without worrying if you left the fridge open or not as your smart appliances or devices will send you a notification.

With smart appliances and smart devices, they’ll let you know if they’re malfunctioning, and you’ll be able to get them fixed before they actually break.

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Notification received on phone

2.      Energy efficient appliances cut costs

Although smart appliances are more expensive than normal household appliances, they’re a good investment to make when creating a smart home. Not only are you just investing in the appliance itself, but you’re also investing into the software and technology that is integrated into the appliance.

Smart kitchen appliances can help you track your energy consumption by letting you know which is using the most energy to help you cut cost. These smart kitchen appliances can be monitor on a regular daily basis from your phone.

3.      Cooking made easy

With having a smart kitchen, it makes cooking easier as there are some smart kitchen appliances that lets you know important information. An example of this would be letting you know the perfect temperature for cooked meat which will eliminate any food poisoning. This makes preparing food safer.

There are some smart ovens that don’t require you to sit around the kitchen and keep an eye on the oven to make sure your food isn’t burning. The smart oven itself will cook your dish for you and then put it on ‘warming mode’ until you’re ready to eat. There are many benefits to having smart appliances in your kitchen and this is one of them.

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Example of a small smart oven | Photo Credit – iStock

4.      Less worry when you’re on vacation

Constantly think someone is going to break into your house when you’re on vacation? With your smart home, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your home and eliminate any worries you might have. Having smart lights in your smart home will make your house feel less empty when you’re on vacation. Which can give an illusion of someone being home because the lights are on since smart lights are accessible from your device.

5.      Smart Appliances

Some great smart appliances to add to your smart home kitchen are smart dishwashers and smart refrigerators. Smart refrigerators have a camera in the inside so, when shopping for groceries you’ll know what you need. Having a smart refrigerator also helps monitor and control energy usage and sends you a notification letting you know if there is a power outage or if you didn’t close the door properly.

A great feature that is included in a smart dishwasher is that if there were a leak, the dishwasher would let you know. Smart dishwashers stop working once it detects a leak and shut themselves off to protect flooring. Which is helpful as you’re able to get that fixed asap. These are some essential items to think about having in your smart home.

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Example of having a smart dishwasher and features | Photo Credit – iStock

 How to Create a Smart Bathroom? 6 Tips to Help. 

1.      Voice control in the bathroom

With your smart device, you’re able to take advantage of using voice commands when showering or too busy to do it yourself. You can use your smart devices to adjust smart lighting or to change music. The best thing about this is that you can use any smart device to do this. Using a virtual digital assistant helps add another layer of convenience to your smart home and make your bathroom design more luxurious.

2.      Smart shower

Are you always waiting for your shower to heat up before jumping in? With smart showers you don’t have to wait for the shower to heat up. Smart showers let you adjust the temperature towards your liking, so you can step into the shower with the perfect water temperature. Another benefit of a smart shower is that you can adjust a time limit for your shower to ensure that you’re not late for anything. Smart showers help lower your water usage and smart showers also come with Bluetooth speakers which can connect to your phone. Have a shower, have a party, have a concert.

3.      Soaking tubs

Having a smart bathroom doesn’t always have to mean having smart appliances or a smart device. Creating a smart bathroom can be from how you design the space and keeping bathroom accessories organized. Standalone soaking tubs are a great way to help eliminate clutter in your bathroom.  Having a standalone soaking tub in your bathroom will help replicate the experience of a spa treatment. If your bathroom has space, consider purchasing a standing bathtub in your bathroom design.

Although our past renovated bathrooms don’t feature all smart bathroom appliances and gadgets. The most popular item that most bathroom renovations are standalone tubs or soaking tubs. Check out a few of our bathroom renovations with a standalone bathtub below!

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Soaking Tub | Photo Credit – Unsplash

Standalone Bathtub in Greenhithe

Standalone Bathtub in Redvale 

4.      21st century toilets

Bidets have been around for a while now, most popular in Japan. Although people see bidets as a luxury product and unusual to have in your home. When thinking of 21st century toilets, there are more products that aren’t bidets. So, if bidets aren’t your thing, don’t worry. There are other ways to smarten up your bathroom.

Smart toilets have motion sensors that can put the toilet seat up or down, depending on your preference. Some toilets will automatically flush on its own once you’ve finished your business. There are also smart toilets that can self-clean. Some benefits of having a smart toilet are that they’re environmentally friendly, reduce the risk of overflowing and some smart toilets can instantly clean themselves. This will definitely add a new element into your smart home. Consider them in your bathroom design.

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Example of Bidet in Bathroom | Photo Credit: Reece

5.      Intelligent faucets

Smart faucets have been around for a while and some shopping malls have implemented them into public toilets. This is a great idea nowadays as it reduces the risk of and germs and bacteria spreading as those faucets are motion sensor. Consider smart faucets in your bathroom design. Having a smart faucet in your smart home will help lower your water usage and saves energy. Also eliminates bacteria spreading around the house if someone in the family is sick.

6.      Design

Want a smart bathroom but on a budget? There are many different ways that you can create a smart bathroom without purchasing all the smart bathroom appliances. You can create a smart bathroom by purchasing small gadgets like a smart outlet to start off with. Changing your bathroom fixtures and fittings is a great way to create a smart bathroom without all the expensive appliances. Consider fittings and fixtures that can make your bathroom look smart in your bathroom design.

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Example of a smart bathroom design | Photo Credit – iStock

Check out our top 15 bathroom design trends blog for more inspiration 

The History of Kitchen Technology

Kitchen technology has always been in the works since our technology has become more advanced. As it helps reduce the amount of work that we need to do in the kitchen. Since kitchen appliances have been around for a very long time, it’s hard to make changes to making your kitchen smarter. As decades go past, the design and style of kitchen appliances have become smarter, sleeker, and more energy efficient. Over the years there has been plenty of changes to create smart homes technology as well as coming up with smart solution homes to make life easier. Especially more creative ideas for small kitchen design as not everyone has the luxury of having a big kitchen.

High – tech Kitchen Trends

As often stated, the kitchen is the heart of the home. In your kitchen design idea, make sure to spend extra time making sure that the kitchen is perfect for your needs. As it is the heart of the home, we often spend a lot of time in there. Not only does it serve as a place where you cook, but a place where everyone can gather and where you can entertain guests. Or cooking a meal but also feeling included with friends and family. How to design a kitchen that can incorporate all these things? Smart home technology has come a long way and there are now smart kitchen appliances that you can purchase. Incorporate them into your kitchen design idea.

Total Integration and Automation

Due to the pandemic, everyone has spent most of the year stuck in their house. Some may have discovered that their house was lacking a bit in terms of entertainment and caring for their needs. It’s safe to say that we’ve had those days where we just want to be lazy. Having smart home technology can really help with being lazy on those days. Having total integration of your smart home devices will mean that you can control every smart home technology from your phone.

Smart homes NZ will need to have smart solution homes so that your device connected to smart home technology is flexible. Instead of having a full home renovation to make your smart home flexible. You can start small and consider kitchen design ideas to make space for smart home technology. Smart devices can be customised and will become more popular in the next few years to come.

Disaster Preparation

Due to climate change and the constant increase temperature of our planet, can cause natural disasters to happen more often. Homeowners are looking to be prepared for whatever my strike. We’d want to feel safe and comfortable knowing that we can survive instead our homes for an extended period. Which is ironic as many if not all of us have stayed in our houses for months, only leaving for groceries. Having these smart solution homes can help make your house more fun and enjoyable to live in if we were to be stuck inside for a long period of time.

To prepare, people are thinking how to design a kitchen? Sure, you’re current kitchen is fine but if you’re looking for an upgrade, you’d want to start thinking about small kitchen designs or kitchen design ideas based on how big your kitchen is.

Purchasing water storage systems, backup generators for refrigerators, long term food storage areas ad solar water heaters are becoming more popular for the unforeseeable future. Some research says that in the upcoming years. As we move into more of a technology age, new builds will also have some technology integrated into the houses to meet homeowners’ desires.

Self – Cleaning

We love a clean house. But sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to clean the house. With smart home technology, there will soon be more smart solution home ideas to make cleaning easier. With touchless appliances, robot vacuums with built – in mops and be able to introduce more voice control integration. That way you can just shout out to your smart device to start the vacuum and the vacuum starts. How cool is that! Especially if you need small kitchen design idea to make your kitchen more interesting. Having self-cleaning appliances are perfect for the lazy days.

Ever since the pandemic hit, we’ve been cleaning more often and sanitising everything. Not only that but we’ve been spending a whole year at home and more cautious around frequently touched surfaces in public spaces. How to design a kitchen that can also help reduce the spread of germs? Having smart home technology can help enable consumers to have touchless access and be able to control stuff straight from their mobile devices or through voice commands. This smart home solution will make your house even more safer during high risk times and more convenient for you.

Going Green

Nowadays, we are trying our best to reduce our environmental footprint. Therefore, resulting in kitchen design ideas that will ensure having a greener kitchen. Having a greener kitchen is expected to be the next upcoming trend for future kitchen design trends. Which you can think about adding in your small kitchen design idea. This is due to having more appliances that will be more sustainable and efficient.

Smart homes NZ requires smart solution home ideas to reduce your environmental footprint by purchasing smart home technology this is more efficient. Although having smart home technology uses power to work, you may be worried about your utility bill going up. But that’s not the case. Using smart appliances in smart homes NZ can help you reduce your utility bill due to them being energy efficient.

Devices to Expect in Kitchens of the Future

As we move more into the future, our technology will only gross and become more advance. Down below we have found 6 high tech that are already here or for the future that will make your time in the kitchen more fun. And what you can expect your smart home to look like in the next decade or so?

1.     Countertop Projector

Countertop project has been introduced to the world for the last decade or so but not many people are interested in it. As it’s still in the works and coming up with ways to make it better. Here is just a few reasons as to why you should get one for your smart home technology. This device allows you to control other appliances, scan the thickness of food as well as being able to get tips on how to cook certain items.

Another added benefit is that the countertop project doesn’t take up any counter space as we all know counter space is crucial. It can also help improve your cooking and baking skill. When thinking about your kitchen design ideas, consider having a countertop projector to make your cookier easier. Unfortunately, there aren’t as many options available to purchase from in New Zealand so further research is needed.

Countertop projector can be small which is perfect for a small kitchen design as storage space is super important in a small kitchen design as you’d want to ensure that your kitchen is perfect.

2.     Steam Oven

If you’re not a big fan of cooking, you’d love learning about smart solution home idea to make your cooking easier. This is where steam ovens come in. Steam cooking is becoming the healthier alternative to other cooking methods. Like frying or baking. Using the steam oven still provides the same taste as how you’ll cook it normally. This will eliminate the unnecessary oil that pops up when you cook.

An advantage of using a steam oven is that it’s energy efficient and have an energy efficient consumption system. With the steam oven, it can also cook your food faster than regular ovens which also helps you save energy. If you’re having a late dinner, using a steam oven would be more efficient as you won’t have to wait long to cook the food you’d want to eat.

3.     Smart Scales

If you’re interested in eating healthy or staring a new diet like going on a calorie deficit. The smart scale may be able to help you out. Not only does a smart scale tell you how much something weighs but they can break down it’s nutritional value. So, you won’t have to search it up as it’s right there in front of you.

In some cases, you can even use the smart scale to weigh your entire meal and get all the nutritional value of it. If set up right, you may even be able to connect the smart scale with your favourite nutritional app to keep track. It’s small and light, which is perfect for a small kitchen design as you’d want to utilise all the space available.

4.     Digital Backsplashes

In a small kitchen design, the most important thing is space. And knowing how to utilise the space. Having a digital backsplash instead of tiled backsplashes would prove more useful. Sure, it’s a bit expensive to have a digital backsplash but in the end, it’d be money well spent. This smart home technology can allow you to watch tv, look up recipes and be able to control your other smart home appliances.

Feeling bored of your tiled backsplash? With the digital backsplash you can change it to whatever you want. Whether that is photos of friends and family or artwork. Something that suits your aesthetic or mood of the day. you can. Change you backsplash every single day if you’d life. No need to go shopping and spending more money to change your tile backsplash when you get sick of it.

While this technology has yet to be introduced to the market. Consumers are already doing their research on how well the digital backsplash can benefit them. It’d make following a video teaching you how to make something much easier as you can use your entire backsplash as a screen. For small kitchen design ideas this would be perfection for decoration purposes as you have limited space to decorate as well as still being able to utilise your kitchen space.

5.     Smart Oven Hood

Oven hoods play a huge part in making our kitchen functional helps with air circulation and help reduce odours. When you question how to design a kitchen. You’d always want to make space for an oven hood as that is crucial to have in your kitchen design ideas. Smart oven hoods will be able to provide you access with your favourite apps. Even comes with a built in camera so you’re able to live stream your cooking skills and techniques.

Once again, this is perfect for a small kitchen design idea as every kitchen needs an oven hood. So why not get a smart oven hood that is multi-functional!

6.     High – Tech Lighting

As we slowly move into incorporating smart home technology in our homes. Smart homes NZ have introduced smart light bulbs and plugs as smart solution homes idea. This is due to them being easy to install and allow for total customization. As our technology evolves more, we’ll be able to control our lighting with our voice.

How to design a kitchen? Consider kitchen lighting as you’d want to make sure that every inch of the kitchen has light and not a dark corner. Consider ambient and task lighting in your kitchen design idea. In the next few upcoming years, windows and blinds can also be adjusted automatically to reduce sun glare, allow sunlight or darken a room based on your needs and activity.

Which Features Matter Most?

As consumers, we mainly only go for smart solutions home that can really benefit us. For example smart lights that we can control via voice command or from our smart devices. Which can lead to number of smart gadgets that don’t communicate well. Also resulting in have dozens of different apps to control your house.

To solve this issue and ensure that you won’t have this problem. Consider purchasing a smart home automation hub that can support all the devices you wish to have in your smart home.

Smart Sensors Protect the Home

There are many benefits to investing in smart home technology. Especially as they’re able to let you know how well they’re functioning and what needs repairing when faulty. Usually we wouldn’t notice if something was faulty unless it starts acting up. This can result in costly consequences.

Smart thermostats are able to provide alerts if your house loses power or if the temperature goes below or above your maximum or minimum temperature.

Having smart kitchen appliances can also help detect any water leaks. Alerting owner about any potential leaks. So you’re able to get it repaired before it gets worse.

How Environmentally Friendly are Smart Homes?

Smart homes have been known to be environmentally friendly with smart appliances as they help lower your water and energy usage. A popular smart technology that helps make your smart home environmentally friendly are smart thermostats. You can adjust the temperate from your phone and smart thermostats will automatically turn off if a door was left open. This can help minimize your carbon footprint.

Another way that having a smart home can help minimise your carbon footprint is having smart lighting. With smart lighting you’re able to control from your phone. This can ensure that you’ve turned your lights off when going on vacation. Wasting electricity and forgetting to turn lights off leaves a massive carbon footprint, so investing in smart lighting helps make your home environmentally friendly.

3 Reasons Why Smart Home Features Increase Your Home’s Value

1.     Increased Security

Video doorbells are amazing smart home technology that you can incorporate into your house to increase your home safety and your house value. Having a video doorbell is now becoming more popular as people purchase their first homes. This allows you to see who is it at door from your smart device as we’re more cautious when it comes to opening the front door. While it’s unlikely that a burglar would push past you to enter your home, it’s also handy to avoid talking to door to door salesman.

Video doorbells works with wireless technology as they’re easy to install and provides a two way video and audio communication system. That way you can jokingly deny access to your friends and family.

Not only that, but your video doorbell also works as a security camera so you’re able to see when your package has been delivered. And for many other reasons like being able to see if someone was causing a problem or vandalising your property.

2.     Fully Automated Home

Best thing about having one integrated systems that connects all your smart home technology in your smart home is that you’re able to control everything and anything at all times! This definitely creates a huge selling point to buyers as it brings more ease and convenience into your busy lives.

This is where your smart assistant like Amazon Alexa would come into play and be extremely helpful. As you can connect them all to your Alexa and control them from one app. This can work with any smart assistant and is not limited to Amazon Alexa.

Smart home assistants are completely voice controlled once set up and can be voice commanded to control your lights, home media, heating, air conditioner and many more. Not only can your smart assistant control your smart home technology. But it can also tell you information on just about everything. As smart assistants have AI technology, they’re able to learn from interactions and provide you with content that you’ll like.

3.     A Warm Welcome Home

Currently, the most popular smart home solution is smart lighting system. They can add significant value to your home as it provides many benefits. Did you know that smart lighting can increase the security in your home? This is due to you activating them to turn on even when you aren’t home to give the illusion that someone is home.

After having a long day, you don’t want to come home to complete darkness. Having smart lights that can activate around a certain time is a great way to be welcomed home to lift your spirits. Especially when you can also control your air conditioning from your phone. You’ll walk into a perfectly lit warm household. Perfect for those cold winter days.

Another benefit of smart lights is that you’re able to customise the light setting. Perfect if you’re waking up early or going to bed late. You’re able to dim the lights so that you’re still able to see but also not wake or disturb anyone else.

Having the help of your smart assistant, you can tell them to turn the lights on and off as you leave an empty room which can increase the value of your house.

Having automated heating systems allow you to pre-set the heating so your house temperature is perfect at all time. This ensures that your home is always warm or cool but also stops you from wasting money and energy heating up your house when you’re not there. Forgot if you turned the heater off or not? With an automated heating system, you’re able to double check straight from your phone.

There are many great benefits to investing in smart home technology as they have your home more comfortable and convenient for you and your family. If you’re interested, look for smart home technology that will help increase security. Creating a warm, comfortable environment and potentially your dream home without the extra costs of having a full house renovation.

Top Smart Devices to Use in Your Smart Home.

There are plenty of smart devices that are coming out nowadays, which gives you as a consumer plenty of options. Though having too many options can be overwhelming. The top three smart devices to install for your smart home is the Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri aka HomePod.

Based on our research we have found some advantages of using these three smart devices. Advantages for Amazon Alexa is that it’s easy to use and easy to set up and Alexa has more than 10,000 skills. Alexa can answer anything you ask her although her response might not be the answer you want. Another advantage of Alexa is that it’s compatible with any device. A main disadvantage of Alexa is that you can’t trigger her from your phone and Alexa doesn’t always understand you inquires.

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Amazon Alexa | Photo Credit – Unsplash

Google Home or Google Assistant is another popular smart device suitable for your smart home. Some advantages of Google Home are that they’ve proven that their AI is more advance than any other smart devices. A disadvantage of Google Home is that you can only summon it by saying ‘Ok Google”, which can become annoying. Another one is that Google Home also won’t understand your commands and inquires all the time.

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Google Assistant | Photo Credit – Unsplash

Lastly, another smart device that is the HomePod which is associated with Apple’s Siri and some advantages of this smart device is that it’s easy to set up because it works directly with your home kit app that is already installed into your phone. A big disadvantage is that this is only accessible via apple products. So, if you don’t have an apple product then the HomePod is not available for you to use.

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Apple HomePod | Photo Credit – Unsplash


Further Resources 

  1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
  2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
  3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
  4. Real client stories from Auckland

Read more

House Renovation

装修费用–奥克兰2022年的装修费用是多少(已更新)Superior Renovations ®




家庭装修包括DIY装修在2020年网络搜索中呈上升趋势,并且这一趋势在2021年得以延续。与此同时,对于家庭装修,我们也看到装修贷款的查询增加。这表示,在低利率房屋贷款的推动下 在低利率房屋贷款的推动下,房主们正在将翻新他们的房屋视为一种(增加房屋价值的)可能性。同时,针对出租房产的装修咨询也在增加,虽然房地产市场持续低迷,但房地产投资者仍在寻找增加价值的方法(并利用低息贷款来融资)。




砖房的粉刷前后对比(新西兰)–一幢位于在West Harbour的砖房外部装修案例,其中包括:屋顶粉刷,新的混凝土车道,墙砖粉刷,新雨水管,整屋升级至双层玻璃窗户,新电动院门,全外观维修以及外墙隔板粉刷。







2021年,房屋装修如何受到影响 ↓

在奥克兰确定全屋装修费用的难易程度 ↓

奥克兰房屋扩建的成本 ↓

每平方米的装修成本 ↓

平均房屋装修费用表(厨房、浴室、露台等的装修费用) ↓

准备阶段的注意事项 ↓

如何选择合适的装修公司进行装修 ↓

便捷家庭装修费用计算器 ↓


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扫描二维码, 在小红书上找到我

体验家居改造的艺术,选择Superior Renovations!我们是奥克兰首屈一指的浴室、厨房及全屋装修专家。从概念设计到完工,我们的团队确保每个细节都完美无缺。扫描二维码,在小红书上关注我们,获取最新项目、装修技巧和灵感


想开始您的装修之旅吗?通过微信与Superior Renovations联系,享受便捷、个性化的服务体验。立即扫描,提问、获取专家建议,踏出家居改造的第一步!

SUPERIOR-RENOVATIONS, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

1. 2022年的房屋装修情况


– 用房屋贷款为他们的装修工程融资(低利率)


– Covid-19的封城,刺激了装修的需求






– 扩建您的房子。

– 在您的房子原有基础上加盖一层。

– 根据您个人喜好,对房屋的内部进行装修。

– 对厨房或浴室进行升级改造

– 分割或扩展住宅的不同功能区域。

– 改善您的日常体验

– 增加房屋的价值






Superior-Renovations-Auckland-4-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

Superior Renovations


如您所了解到的,奥克兰是以其房产和地理位置而闻名,特别是在传统老区,如Ponsonby, Mt Eden, Sandringham, Glenfield, Howick等,有很多可供装修的房屋。几乎在奥克兰的每一个地区,都有对房屋装修的需求。人们翻新房产的关键目的是希望提高其在市场上的期望值和正确的引导市场以目标售价吸引合适的买家,而考虑到每个地区的人口结构不同,这并不容易。


2. 2022年在奥克兰装修成本是多少?




如果您清楚即将装修区域的大小,可以提前计算一些装修费用/费率(但请注意,这仅是一个平均值)。在装修过程中,您需要留有 10% 的应急预算,在装修开始后,可能会有不可预见的支出——也许您想增加更多的产品,或者有需要更换的木头建材。



奥克兰St Heliers 整屋翻新包含: 洗手间装修,两个卫浴装修,洗衣区装修,整屋内部粉刷,露台翻新,(房屋)内部房间门换新,(房屋)内部楼梯以及玻璃围栏扶手的安装,移除墙纸和墙面批灰,外部粉刷和安装扶手



为提高(一处)位于St Heliers的房产的售价的整屋翻新


3. 奥克兰房屋扩建成本




  • 如果您喜欢您所居住的地区,您不一定要搬家。
  • 完成您想做的改变,而不是满足于还可以的事物
  • 扩建房屋可能比搬到更大的房子成本更低
  • 您可能对您目前的房子或地区有感情,不想离开




想了解自己的扩建项目的定制价格吗?请参照由Superior Renovations开发的免费房屋扩建成本计算器(新西兰)。





即$150,000 + 50% *$150,000= $225,000,以及加上20%的专业服务费用和15%的消费税。





  1. 向建筑/装修公司进行初步咨询
  2. 由建筑设计师进行可行性研究
  3. 拟建前期费用
  4. 客户同意初始费用
  5. 客户、建筑师和建筑商进行实地(考察)会议
  6. 起草扩建计划草案并向客户介绍情况
  7. 提交最终的扩建计划以获得扩建许可
  8. 扩建许可获批
  9. 建筑商根据经批准的计划生成报价/建议/规格书
  10. 等待客户意见
  11. 建筑合同签署过程
  12. 收到初始定金
  13. 施工开始日期(同时预计完工日期)的确认






4. 新西兰每平米的装修费用





Superior-Renovations-Auckland-1-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

Superior Renovations


5. 房屋装修均价指南


房屋装修费用类型  价格区间
家装设计师费用 $2,000 – $6,000
测量师/工程师费用 $1,500 – $4,000
暖风机 $1,500 – $3,500
翻新管理 $1,200 – $3,000
电气设备 $2,200 – $4,400
管道设备 $2,700 – $4,200
施工团队 $15,000 – $25,000
精细木工(窗户) $4,000 – $7,000
保温层 $1,000 – $3,600
屋顶 $4,400 – $9,600
屋内翻新 自$41,000起到远超 $100,000
浴室翻新成本   基本升级$7500起,$12,000 – $19,000为平均装修支出,而全面的重新设计装修要远超$25,000
厨房翻新成本   一般规模的厨房从$13,000到$22,000纽币不等,中等规模的从$22,000 – $28,000纽币不等,高端设计风格的厨房从$28,000纽币以上。
房屋扩建成本 $100,000 +
重装外墙 $150,000 +







我们还制作了双层玻璃成本计算器(于 2022 年 8 月更新,以反映产品和劳动力的市场价格)——旨在让您根据所提供的信息获得一个预计花费的提示。




IMG_0866-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

Renovated Bathroom

Renovation-Massey-West-Auckland-4, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

Kitchen and House Renovation






6. 因此我们准备了一些小提示,可以有助您的房屋装修有个良好的开端。

  • 做调查,弄清楚您想要什么


  • 制定一个详细的计划


  • 为您的装修预留充足的时间


  • 确保您已经考虑了所有的选项







1.令人印象深刻的过往项目合集 – 了解案例研究和装修的细节(规格),并提出问题。另一(方面的)原因是,您希望选择一个完成过令人印象深刻的过往项目的装修公司。因为一个完成了很多装修项目的公司,也会从中经历很多教训或者错误,可以帮助您避免发生同样的错误。

2.在类似规模和细节的项目上有可靠的记录 – 确保您选择的公司所做的工作与您所寻找的类似,甚至相同。大多数人犯的错误是选择了一个什么都做,但是却都不在行的公司。

3.良好的沟通 — 线索在他们的(客户主动的)在线评论,视频推荐(并非所有的公司都有视频推荐,而且要获得热情客户的(反馈)也不容易)。询问该公司(能否)提供乐于接受电话采访的过往客户的详细资料,如果一个公司不能向您提供至少5个客户的名单—这可能是危险的信号。


    1. 他们的销售过程是怎样的?是否系统化?
    2. 他们的推进能力和主动性如何?
    3. 与办公室团队的预约进展如何?
    4. 是否有明确的下一步指引?
    5. 他们根据您的要求提出的建议的准确性如何?




8. 装修成本计算器


房屋装修前后(新西兰) by Superior Renovations



1         在奥克兰我们装修的厨房图库中,了解我们厨房装修的创意

  1. 在奥克兰我们装修的卫浴图库中,了解我们卫浴装修的创意
  2. 特色项目和客户案例,以了解项目规范
  3. 来自奥克兰的真实客户案例






一般来说,一家完善的装修公司会拥有涉及所有(工种的)工作的安排,以及与他们合作良好的供应商资源,这将会使装修的压力降低并且有更好的成本效益。房屋装修通常需要 8 到 10 个不同的工种参与,如果其中任何一个不可靠,将影响所有其它相关(工种的)工作。因此,如果客户希望单独雇用某个工种的工人,我们很难进行装修翻新

所有我接触过的建造商都说他们可以做我的工作。是什么让Superior Renovations与众不同

是的,现在有很多建造商,但Superior Renovations不只是建造商。我们专注于家居装修,这对于将现有房产改造成现代化的现代住宅是非常重要--我们的服务不仅限于装修,我们还负责家装设计,与建筑师的咨询,建筑改造批准书和供应商沟通以及物流












如果您正在进行房屋建造工程,您可能需要申请建筑许可书。以下是一些需要建筑许可书的工作的例子。任何结构性建筑,包括新建筑、增建、改建、附属建筑(棚)和重新打桩,改变原有的管道和排水系统,建筑工地周围的高于1.5米的挡土墙,或顶部附近有建筑物或车道的挡土墙, 高于2.5米的围栏和任何游泳池围栏, 游泳池,离地面超过1.5米的露台, 如果有疑问,我们建议您打电话给当地议会,与他们讨论您的项目


利用我们免费的完整的家庭装修指南(48页),无论您是已经在装修还是在决定装修的过程中,这都不是一个简单的过程,这个指南包括一个免费的100多个点的检查表 – 将帮助您避免代价高昂的错误













还有问题没有解决吗?赶快预约与Superior Renovations团队的免费咨询吧!


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    由Superior Renovations撰写

    Superior Renovations迅速成为奥克兰最受推荐的装修公司之一,这归功于我们友好的态度、透明的定价和公开透明的方式。当您的奥克兰房屋需要装修/改造服务时,Superior Renovations是您可以信赖的团队,我们提供高质量的工艺、高效的进展和具有成本效益的解决方案。

    或致电我们:   0800 199 888



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    Double Glazing Vs Retrofit Double glazing
    House Renovation

    What is Double Glazing Vs Retrofit Double Glazing? – Which is right for your home?

    A well-insulated house helps you maintain optimum temperature throughout all seasons. It protects you against cold in winter and heat in summer. This way you spend less on additional heating and cooling systems which makes insulating your home a very good investment. Insulation also provides a healthy environment for your home by preventing the build up of mould.

    The four main areas that you can expect heat loss is your ceilings, walls, floors, and windows. In this article we will delve further into insulating windows and glass doors for homes in Auckland.

    Single glazed windows (or pane of glass) has been insulating and protecting our homes for centuries, but is there anything better than glass? The answer to this is double glazed windows and doors.

    Most new built homes have double glazing in accordance with New Zealand building code. However most older homes have standard glass for their windows and are struggling to keep their homes healthy which are often prone to moulding or they are paying high electricity bills for cooling/heating systems.

    In this article we will discuss the following:

    1. What is double glazing, triple glazing and Secondary glazing?
    2.  4 Factors that affect the performance of your double glazing (Spacers, type of glass, still air Vs gas and correct installation)
    3. R rating for windows and what is right for you?
    4. Pros and Cons of Double Glazing – Make a wise choice.
    5. How much does it cost to install double glazing in Auckland?
    6. Cost comparison between New double glazing, Retrofitting double glazing and Secondary glazing
    7. Retrofitting Double glazing or Double glazing/ brand new windows (new frames + IGU) – What is right for your home?

    Cost Calculator for Double Glazing Windows

    This New Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

    Try it here: 

    What are Double Glazed Windows?

    What is Double Glazing (Brand new windows + Insulated glass unit + New window frames)?

    Glazing was a middle English term used for glass. A single glazed window is essentially just a sheet of glass. Double glazed windows on the other hand have 4 components that help with temperature control and insulation. First is the 2 panes of glass sheets that run parallel to each other. Then there is a spacer in the middle of the sheets which is bonded together with the panes of glass with a sealant. This space or cavity is filled with either still air or a gas to improve insulation. Brand new window frames are also manufactured for this Insulated glass unit. This basically means that the entire window of your home is replaced which contains a new frames as well as a Insulated glass unit.


    iguglass, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    An example of an Insulated Glass unit used in double glazing. Picture by


    What is Retrofitting Double Glazed windows?

    Retrofitting double glazing means that you fit an Insulated Glass unit like mentioned above and fit this unit into your existing window frames or joinery. This is only possible if your current frames/joinery are in very good condition. It is often not possible for older homes as their window frames are worn out.

    What is Triple Glazing?

    Countries with harsher climates often get triple glazed windows installed in their homes as it provides added insulation. With triple glazed windows and glass doors, there are three parallel glasses with spacers filled with still air or gas. New Zealand homes do not require triple glazed windows as it does not require triple glazing as we do not experience extreme harsh climates.


    Isolatieglas-EN_YXJfNDUweDUwMV9kXzFfanBnXy9fYXNzZXQvX3B1YmxpYy9SZXN0_8480602f, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    Double Glazing Vs Triple Glazing. Photo credits:


    What is Secondary Glazing?

    Secondary glazing is when you add another sheet of glass to the existing frame and clear glass. This is a much cheaper way of increasing the insulation of your home as compared to double glazing (IGU unit). Double glazing however is a lot more effective in insulating the house. Adding secondary glazing to an existing window frame and glass is also not always possible because often the old frames do not have space to add another glass, or the integrity of the old frame is compromised.




    5 Factors that affect the performance of your Double Glazing

    There has been a growing trend of building smart homes in the renovation and construction industry. More people want to use energy efficient materials for their homes with low carbon emissions. This trend towards smart homes has also revolutionised and changed the way double glazed windows are manufactured.

    There are 4 main factors that will affect the performance of your double glazed windows and doors. Some homes need more insulation than others and might require glazing that has a higher R rating. We will discuss R ratings further down the article.

    1. Spacers

    Spacers are strips of plastic, metal, or foam between the two parallel glasses in a double glazed window or door. They support and seal air or gas that is injected between the 2 panes of glass. They are fixed between the glass panes with sealing materials to help create an airtight cavity.

    The transfer of heat energy between your window frames, two panes of glass, the spacer at the sealed edge of your double glazed window. If there is less heat transfer between the outside and inside of your window, then this means that there is less heat loss through the sealed unit.

    An ideal spacer should have the following:

    • Tight seal that would prevent still air or gas from the cavity between the two glass panes.
    • Repeal moisture from the seal
    • Having a stable and strong space between the two glass panes
    • Well made so the temperature buffer is good enough to prevent the transfer of cold and hot air from one pane of       glass to the other
    • Can withstand expansion and contraction caused by heat

    • Sealant

      The function of the seal is to reduce water vapour and gas permeability from the edge of the panes of glass. Sometimes when the sealant is not applied properly it can lead to condensation between the panes of glass. This will also reduce the effectiveness of the double glazed windows in maintaining a desired overall temperature of within your home.

      Over time however, it is common that there will be gas leakage from the double glazed windows. A great way to prevent that is adding a secondary sealant. Synthetic rubbers are often used as a primary sealant and their function should mainly be to keep permeability low. The effectiveness of the primary sealant will reduce over time due to external temperatures, how well they were initially installed and the quality of your windowpanes. Synthetic rubbers are usually used as a primary sealant. As they do deteriorate overtime, a secondary sealant such as silicon, polyurethane or others are also used to prolong the effectiveness of your double glazed windows and doors.

    • Keeping Moisture out

      A good sealant and correct installation are key to creating a double glazing that will ensure that water vapour does not end up being trapped between the panes. Hence it is important to carefully select the manufacturer for your double glazing. They need to have a good quality assurance process as well as they need to take correct measure to avoid this. Some manufacturers will use descants which basically absorb any moisture around them.

    • Strong and Stable Structure

      A spacer needs to hold the two panes of glass together along with the air/gas within the cavity. They provide structural integrity to your double glazed windows while ensuring that the entire structure is sealed against moisture, promoting minimal heat loss and high insulation.

    • Temperature Buffer

    One of the key functions of a spacer is allowing minimal heat transfer from one glaze(pane) to another which allows for well insulated and efficient double glazing. Spacers come in a variety of materials and each material provides for a different level of insulation.

    We also recommend using thermal spacers instead of the traditional aluminium as they provide better ‘warm edge’ or low heat loss than aluminium. However not house might need a thermal spacer as they might just need standard insulation that aluminium provides.

    • Expansion and Contraction

    The material of your spacer will determine whether it easily contracts or expands during different seasons. Rigid metals do not easily expand or contract. Some metals such as aluminium are more flexible than other metals and can be used for Auckland homes. Stainless steel can also be used as a spacer, but it provides 1/10th of thermal insulation as compared to aluminium.

    Aluminium however can be susceptible to condensation and more manufacturers are using 100% polymer foam as spacers.


    Double-glazing-pic-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    An Insulated Glass unit with 2 panes of glass with a Spacer in the middle. Photo credit by

    2.Type of Glass panes your glazing you use

    Glass is another very vital component in a double glazed window. You can use clear glass for your double glazing but there are also many other types of glass available today.

    • Laminated glass – This is a popular choice for double glazing as well as single glazing. This type of class involves having a plastic or resin layer on top of the two panes of glass.t absorbs UV rays and is great for keeping your home cooler in the summer months. They are also great for restricting noise from outside and works well for homes which are in high traffic areas. They are also very safe because they cannot be easily broken. During impact, the glass is still held together by the resin layer.
    • Tinted Glass or reflective glass – Like all types of tinted glass, it helps keeping the UV light out. It also keeps the home cooler in summer by restricting light as well as heat out.
    • Tough Glass – This type of glass is much tougher against impact which makes it a safe option for ground floor windows and doors. It also shatters into small pieces when broken and does not leave big chunks of glass.
    • Low E-glass – This type of glass allows light as well as heat inside the house, but it also prevents the heat from escaping the house.

    3. Air Vs Gas (Argon) you use for the insulated cavity

    Before we discuss the benefits of Air Vs Gas for your double glazing, it is good to understand what U value is. U value is the measure of insulating capacity of a window. It refers to thermal conductivity of the loss of heat from a room. If the thermal conductivity or U value of a window is low, then that means that they will keep your room warmer as the windows are preventing the heat to leave your room. They also keep your home cooler in summer as they prevent heat from the outside entering your home. Windows with a low U value make for very good insulators.  The heat in this case does not mean sunlight as the windows do allow sunlight to come into your home.

    Double glazed windows have either air or gas between the two panes of glass. When you hear the term ‘air filled’ double glazing then it merely means that there is normal air filled within the glazing. Argon is usually used in gas filled double glazing due to its low thermal conductivity and hence prevent heat loss substantially as compared to air.

    Double glazing filled with Argon provide a much higher level of insulation as compared to air. Argon is also a non-reactive, inert gas which means that your windows will stay effective for a longer amount of time. Air on the other hand has oxygen which is a reactive gas and can cause if you have aluminium spacers which will reduce their efficiency sooner.

    Argon double glazing however is more expensive as compared to air filled double glazing but will prove to be a better investment in the long run for your home.

    4. Frames of your Windows

    Aluminium and Timber are the two most common window frames in New Zealand. The interaction of the frame with the double glazing is an important part of how efficient your windows will be as insulators. Aluminium is a popular choice for New Zealand homes as it is strong and very easy to maintain material but as a metal it is a good conductor of heat which means that more heat is lost through them. You can however rectify this situation by installing thermally broken alluminium.

    Timber is another popular choice in New Zealand with relatively less heat conductivity as compared to Aluminium frames.

    5. Correct Installation

    Correct manufacturing and installation of double glazing is vital if you want to maintain the integrity of your home. Choosing a trusted manufacturer will make all the difference to the effectiveness of your double glazing. The manufacturer should have good skillset and knowledge about different materials for glazing and your needs so they can recommend the best type of glazing for your home.

    Choosing the right double glazing is a balancing act of the type of frame, spacer, sealant, choice between air vs gas, the frame of the window as well as the type of glass. If you are living in a very noise surrounding which experiences extreme climates, then you might want to consider using a low e glass filled with Argon. Fitting a manufactured double glazing might seem like a simple task but we recommend clients not to do it as a DIY project. Get your double glazing fitted by a professional to ensure that it is done correctly.


    Cost Calculator for Double Glazing Windows

    This New Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

    Try it here: 


    R Rating for Double Glazing – What type of double glazing is right for you?

    Consider the climate of your city before choosing your glazing

    Finding the right combination of materials to form the most effective double glazing for your home can sometimes feel like a balancing act.

    The aim should be to choose a glazing combination that is the most effective for your climate to provide a healthy and insulated home. As discussed above, some combinations of glazing are only needed for extreme climates where it is too cold or hot. An example is triple glazed windows with low e glass and Argon filled cavity. This however is not needed for Auckland climate as we do not experience such extremes in weather.

    Also consider where your home is situated in Auckland. Is it near a sea? Is your home north facing or is it south facing? Do some rooms get more sunlight that than others? These questions are important, and you must consult with your manufacturers to achieve the most optimum overall temperature for your home based on the above factors.


    R-values are a measure of efficiency of insulating materials. Higher R-value of insulating materials basically means that there will be lesser heat loss from said materials. The table below shows the R-values of glazing and how the combination of different frames, glass and gas/air contribute to this value.

    Note: We have not included R-values of secondary glazing as we do not recommend our clients to use that as further insulating windows and glass doors. While they are a cheaper option compared to getting IGU or double glazing and are often ineffective.





    Single glazing Aluminium frame + Clear glass 0.26
    Single glazing Timber frame + Clear glass 0.19
    Double glazing (IGU) Thermally broken Aluminium frame + Clear double glazing + Air filled cavity 0.31
    Double glazing (IGU) Timber frame + Clear double glazing + Air filled cavity 0.36
    Double glazing (IGU) Thermally broken Aluminium frame + Low e glass panes + Argon gas in the cavity 0.43
    Double glazing (IGU) Timber frame + Low e glass panes + Argon gas in the cavity 0.53


    As seen above, the R-value differs based on the combination of materials you choose for your glazing. Another way to increase insulation and decrease heat loss is by installing thermal drapes. Good quality heavy drapes or thermal drapes can add up to 0.26 R-value. This only holds true if these are drawn and covering your windows. In order for these drapes to be effective, you have to also ensure that they are touching the ground and have pelmets on the top.


    Pros and Cons of Double glazing

    Installing double glazing for exiting homes is an expensive undertaking which means that you should be fully aware of their advantages as well as disadvantages.

    Pros of using double glazing

    1. Increase in Security: Double glazing provides a higher level of security to your home as they are much stronger as compared to single glazed windows. It would be much harder for burglars to break a double glazed window. You can also increase the security of your double glazing by laminating the glass panes.
    2. Reduce Noise: Double glazing can significantly reduce noise levels and are good for homes in high traffic areas. They can reduce neighbourhood and traffic sounds by up to 35 decibels. If you live in a very noisy area, then you can even think about installing triple glazing. Single glazing tends to rattle on windy days, but double glazing windows eliminate this issue due to their more solid foundation.
    3. Prevent Condensation and Insulation: The biggest advantage of double glazing is that it prevents condensation which in turn protects your home from mould and damage. Still air or Argon gas trapped between the two panes of glass also provides insulation to your home which promotes a healthy and comfortable temperature.
    4. Reduced Bills: The insulating gap between the two panes of your double glazing is filled with either still air or Argon gas and it hence prevents heat loss in winter, keeping your home warm. In summer it prevents heat from entering your home and keeps your home cooler. Therefore, it significantly reduces the need for heating and cooling systems for your home. This will reduce your electricity bill and is also good for the environment.

    Cons of Double Glazing

    1. High Initial Cost: Installing double glazing in existing homes can prove to be very costly. It is a good long term investment, but the initial cost is high. When you install single glazed windows, you are only paying for one sheet of glass. With Double glazing, you are paying for two panes of glass, the insulating air, sealant as well as new frames (in most cases). Sometimes you can install your Insulated glass unit (IGU) within the existing frames but in most cases, this is not possible as the old frames do not have the space to accommodate a IGU or are damaged.
    2. Aesthetics: Double glazing might look too modern for heritage homes because they look too ‘modern’. This is especially true for bungalows and villas found in Epsom, Parnell, and Remuera.
    3. Hard to Repair: Double glazed windows and doors are not easily damaged due to their sturdy structure. They can however, have issues with the air/gas gap if not manufactured well. This is when there is a leak in the Insulated glass unit which means that their effectiveness in terms of insulation can reduce. If this happens then the only way to fix this is to replace the entire window which can be costly.



    How much does it cost to Install Double Glazing Windows in Auckland?

    There are a few factors that can affect the cost of double glazing in New Zealand. As discussed above, double glazing is made of a diverse set of materials and the combination you choose will affect the overall cost. For example:

    • Double glazing with Argon has is more expensive compared to Still Air. Having still air however is less effective compared to an Argon gas filled cavity.
    • Low-e glass panes are more expensive that clear glass or laminated glass
    • Timber frames are more expensive that Aluminium frames
    • The type of sealant you choose will also affect the price of your double glazing

    Costs for Double Glazing (with new frames) Vs Retrofitting Vs Secondary Glazing NZ

    Term glossary

    Double Glazing with new frames: This consists of creating an Insulated glass unit of two panes of glass with a gap between them. This gap is filled with Still Air or Argon has for insulation and also has a sealant to keep the glasses in place. As the name suggests, this glass unit is manufactured in the factory along with new window frames to fit together.

    Retrofitting double glazing: Retrofitting involves manufacturing an Insulated glass unit in the factory and installing this into the current frame of your window. No new frames are manufactured or installed.

    Secondary Glazing: This involves installing a second parallel pane of glass to your existing frame and glass of your window. This is not an Insulated glass unit as it does not have an insulated cavity between the panes. It does not have any gas or still air in the cavity.


    How much does double glazing cost?

    Double Glazing is the most expensive as compared to retrofitting or installing secondary glazing. This involves replacing your current windows with a IGU and new frames. If your priority is to increase the insulation of your home, then this is the best option to go with as it is the most effective. On an average it will cost around $35,000 to double glaze a 100m2 home in Auckland. If you choose Low-e glass panes along with Argon gas in the cavity then the price for double glazing will go up.

    Tips to reduce the cost of double glazing for your home

    Different combinations of your IGU (window-panes, sealant, gas or still air and frame) will yield different R values. Some combinations will be more effective in insulating your home but not all homes need a high level of insulation. For example, if your home does not need high insulation then it is a waste to install low-e glass panes or Argon gas in the cavity which is a more expensive combination.

    Reduce costs by:

    • Choose clear glass or laminated glass instead of a low-e glass for your panes
    • Opt for still Air instead of Argon gas for your insulated cavity between your glass panes
    • Choose Aluminium as your window frame

    How much does it cost to Retrofit your double glazing?

    Retrofitting double glazing costs, a lot lesser than getting entirely new double glazing with new frames. You can expect to pay about $15,000 to $18,000 for a 100m2 home. An insulated glass unit and drainage system is installed in your current window frames. While this is a cheaper option, it is not possible to install the insulated glass unit in your current frames for most homes in Auckland.

    It is only possible for new homes where the window frames are in great condition. Older home in Auckland do not have frames that are in good condition as they are often damaged or skewed. If you have a newly built home with single glazing, then opt for retrofitting your double glazing as it is a more cost effective option with similar insulation levels as new double glazing with new frames.

    How much does it cost to install Secondary Glazing?

    Secondary glazing is the cheapest option compared to double glazing and retrofitting. This is because there is no Insulated glass unit involved in secondary glazing.

    Secondary glazing does not replace your single glazing with a IGU, but it means that you are attaching a second pane of glass on the inside of your current glazing and frame. Secondary glazing however does not improve the insulation of your home and it also does not prevent condensation.


    Retrofitting or New Double Glazing – What is right for your home?

    The main factor that determines whether you can get your retrofit double glazing or get new windows with double glazing (new frames) is the condition of your joinery. If the condition of your joinery is good, then you will be able to retrofit double glazing. In a lot of cases, the joinery has either been damaged or is not viable to be retrofitted.

    Aluminium Joinery (frames)

    Durable and good quality of Aluminium joinery was seen in New Zealand houses only around the 1980s. The quality of Aluminium joinery used in houses before the 80s was of an inferior quality with no scope of being retrofitted now.

    All windows need maintenance over time to ensure that they do not get damaged due to moisture or wear and tear. A professional window glazing company will be able to assess the joinery of your windows to see whether they can be retrofitted.

    Before you get a professional, you can also check for signs of damage to your Aluminium joinery. If the joints of your frame are coming off or have issues, then this is the first sign that your joinery is at the end of its life. This often happens due to moisture seeping in and this can in turn damage your walls.

    When comes to maintenance, it is good to check the seals of your frames and change them periodically to prolong the life of your joinery.

    Timber Joinery

    Just like Aluminium joinery, Timber frames also need to be maintained well to be retrofitted. Bungalows and Villas in New Zealand built before the 1950s are fitted with a more durable form of Timber as compared to the homes built after the 1960s. Timber joinery which was installed in homes after the 1960s is made of a softer wood which means that they are not as durable and are susceptible to moisture.

    You will not be able to retrofit double glazing in windows that have water damage or very worn out. Some of the signs of moisture damage is mould and wood that has started to rot.

    The Verdict

    The answer to this is simple. Get the condition of your window frames checked by a professional. If your frames/joinery are in good condition, then you should retrofit your double glazing. This will be more cost effective that brand new windows with double glazing while giving you similar insulation.

    If your frames/joinery are worn out, old, have water damage, or are compromised in any way then investing in brand new windows with double glazing would be a wiser option.


    Cost Calculator for Double Glazing Windows

    This New Double Glazing Cost Calculator (Updated on August 2021 to reflect market prices of product and labour) is designed only for you to get an indication of what you can expect to invest based on the provided information.

    Try it here: 



    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Double glazing?

    Double glazing involves removing your old window and frame. A new frame for the window is manufactured which is fitted with an Insulated glass unit. An Insulated glass unit which consists of 2 panes of glazing or glass that are parallel to eachother with a gap between them. A spacer is attached between the glass which is bonded with the the panes of glass with a sealant. This keeps the two glasses in place and provides a stable structure. This cavity between the two parallel panes of glass is filled with either Still Air or Argon gas.

    What is Retrofitting Double Glazing?

    Retrofitting double glazing involves installing a Insulated glass unit into your existing joinery or frame. An insulated glass unit has two parallel panes of glass with a gap in the middle. This gap has a spacer which is bonded to the panes with a sealant. This cavity is then filled with Still Air or Argon gas.

    How much does it cost to double glaze my house?

    Double glazing an average 100m2 home in Auckland will cost around $35,000. The cost will vary depending on the glass you choose, whether you get Still Air filled cavity or an Argon gas filled cavity. The material of the joinery/frame you choose will also affect the price.

    How much does it cost to retrofit double glazing?

    Retrofitting double glazing is cheaper compared to double glazing as you are not making brand new window frames. The cost to retrofit am average 100m2 home in NZ will start from about $18,000. Retrofitting double glazing is not always possible for most homes as your current joinery needs to be in near perfect condition to retrofit double glazing.


    Further Resources for your house renovation

    1. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
    2. Real client stories from Auckland

    Need more information?

    Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.

    Download Free Renovation Guide (PDF)


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      House Renovation

      Joanne & Steve Hilson – House Renovated While Being on Holiday

      Joanne & Steve Hilson

      Video testimonial by Joanne & Steve Hilson for their House Renovation completed by Superior Renovations ® located in Greenlane, Auckland.

      “Knowing that we weren’t there while it was being done as well was the best part, we were on the beach, and the renovation will be done”

      “Working with Kevin and the team was easy because we weren’t having to ring up different suppliers ourselves, it was like one team does this, another team does that – and everything was done for us under one roof. Kevin had a contact for everything, and the experience was simple. You hear a lot of horror stories about doing renovations and I was like, well that was very easy”

      The renovation included:

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        Home renovation
        House Renovation

        Family Homes Vs Investment Properties – Renovation Guide for 2021

        Are you looking at adding comfort and convenience to your home? Or renovating for an investment property?

        Intention or motive is a key factor when planning your home renovation.  It will determine your budget, the type of suppliers, raw materials, design and time-frame of your renovation. When you are renovating with the intention of renting it out or selling then your budget can be more limited as you do not have to make the house luxurious.

        As long as it is functional and aesthetically pleasing with everything working well then you can look at getting more medium range supplies. However, if you are going to be living in the house then you might want to splurge more on design and luxury along with making it more functional.

        In this article we will discuss the following:

        We will discuss there broad intentions for renovating a home in Auckland. This guide will provide a comprehensive guide for planning your renovation based on 3 broad categories. It will talk about budget, types of materials that we recommend for the three types of renovations based on your intention to renovate in Auckland.

        1. Renovations for when you want to rent your house in Auckland

        2. When you want to add value to your home to sell in Future

        3. Home Renovations for a family home – to increase functionality and comfort

        1. Intention of renting your property

        When you are renting your property your two aims should be aesthetics and functionality. When it comes to aesthetics you want to renovate your kitchen and bathroom with a medium range budget. Tenants are looking for a place which is modern and with minimal wear and tear. They also look for homes that are functional so they face the least amount of inconvenience.

        Kitchen renovations in Auckland for rentals

        Kitchen is one of those places that should always look and feel clean and hygienic. Old Auckland kitchens usually have a dated look about them which make them look aesthetically unappealing. No matter how any times you clean them they always appear slightly worn out and yellow. Hence, giving your kitchen a makeover greatly increases its chances of being rented at a good price. An easy way to renovate old kitchens is to replace the flooring, counter tops and work benches.

        You can use mid-range materials for counter tops which will look nice and are durable but will not break your bank. Materials such as laminate, Engineered stone and glass counter-tops could be a great option for the kitchen if you are looking at renting the house out. They look great and will instantly make the home look much more appealing to the tenants. Laminate flooring is also a good option for such kitchens as they look great, are good for the budget and are durable.

        Read more…

        10 ways to increase rental yield through renovations and upgrades

        Bathroom renovations in Auckland for rentals

        If your bathroom is looking grimy then it is best to get it renovated before renting it out. An average bathroom renovation costs about 15K if you are replacing the shower, toilet, adding a vanity and replacing the floors. You can use Vinyl floors or simple tiles for the bathroom at a very reasonable cost. Basic showers and toilets can also be found at a reasonable price. If you are not changing the pluming around then bathroom renovation costs can be done at a very minimal cost.

        Adding Rooms

        One of the tricks for getting most out of your rental property is to make larger rooms into two different rooms. If you have a two bedroom home then it would be rented for about $550 on an average in most Auckland suburbs. But if your lounge is very spacious, you could erect a wall making a small study out of the lounge. This would give you a third bedroom or study. This would effectively let you increase the rent of your place. The added wall would cost you as much and is almost always possible because there is no structural change if the wall is added inside the house.

        Read more…

        Rental Full house Renovation in Hillsborough to get better rental yield

        Painting in Auckland for rentals

        If your home has started looking worn down then a good paint job throughout the house can also prove to be a good investment. The important thing is getting it done by a professional. A good paint job will make all the difference to your home and overall aesthetics of your rental property.

        2. Intention of reselling or adding value to your property

        If you are thinking of selling your house in the future then you should renovate with the intention of adding value to your home. Adding value does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money to ‘add value’. The perceived value of your home is the buyer’s perception of your home.

        They want the foundation and structure of your home to be sound as they do not want to buy something that they will have to put more money into ‘fixing up’. Some of the key elements of the house like kitchen, and bathroom also need to be in good condition so that they do not have to spend money in maintenance like fixing leakages etc or even renovating.

        Kitchen renovations and Bathrooms renovations to add value

        When trying to sell your home you want to make sure that your bathroom has no plumbing issues, leakage or damage. That is the first thing that you should fix. You do not have to install the latest fixtures or accessories if your present toilet and shower are still in good shape. If they are however dated then it would be a good idea to pull the old bathtub out and install a new shower. The idea is to make the buyer have a higher perceived value of the home.

        The kitchen is another aspect of the house that should be looked into before selling your home. If your kitchen is very outdated and has started to look shabby then a change is in order. Change the flooring and pull down the old cabinets to give your kitchen a fresh new look. There is no need for customisation; simply use the most basic cabinets and counter-tops to make it look modern.

        Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-14-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Todd Chandler’s Home renovation in Saint Heliers to Add Value before Selling (see case study below)

        Read more…

        Todd Chandler’s renovation in St Heliers to add value before selling

        Stay away from themes

        When selling your home it is good to stay away from modelling your rooms after certain themes. This might actually become detrimental to the sales process as your personal themes might not appeal to the buyer. If you are going for classic themes then it would be okay as classic timeless themes do appeal to most people. We would however not recommend renovating your home keeping a theme in mind as the return on investment for a project like that would not be great.

        Painting in Auckland for Adding value

        Adding a fresh coat of paint to the exterior and interior of your home can also add considerable value to your home in the minds of the buyers. Again, we would advise you to paint in neutral colours as opposed to bold colours. Buyers will be willing to buy a house at a higher price if the house is well painted and looks striking.

        Adding a deck to add value to a house

        Add a deck to the house to instantly increase the value of your home. If you do not have a deck but do have the space on the outside of your home then we would recommend you to add a deck. The return on investment for building a deck is exponential as buyers would pay much higher for a home which provides them outdoor living.

        3. Intention of giving your Family home to add comfort

        When it comes to doing your own home renovation, then the options are unlimited. You can renovate your home based on your priority and needs of your family. If modernising your home is a priority then kitchen and bathroom would be the first few things to consider renovating. If you want a stylish makeover then you have plenty of options based on your budget, trends and personal preference for your home renovation.

        DSC06685-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Kitchen renovation in Blockhouse Bay for a family home (see case study below)

        Read more…

        Full Kitchen transformation in Blockhouse Bay of an old dated kitchen to an open plan space

        Kitchen Renovations in Auckland for a family home

        If you want more functionality then consider changing the interior of your cabinets to the current shelf storage system trend. These cabinets have custom built shelves in cabinets for different types of appliances. This saves space and adds functionality to your kitchen. There are also numerous styles and designs available for designer kitchens if you want to add a touch of luxury to your home. Most renovation companies have an in-house designer that can help you with the design process and source supplies to complement the style of kitchen you are after.

        DSC07012-1200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Lynette and Henry’s Kitchen renovation was done keeping their lifestyle in mind (see case study below)

        Read more…

        Lynette and Henry’s kitchen in Bucklands Beach was renovated to make it more functional for their family

        Bathroom Renovations in Auckland for a family home

        You could renovate your bathroom based on the needs of your family. If you are a growing family then you could convert your en-suite into a separate bathroom and toilet. Or you could convert the bathroom and toilet to make a luxurious en-suite. This type of renovation will really depend on your budget and your needs.

        Adding Rooms

        You could add or pull down walls to either add rooms or make your current rooms more spacious depending on what you want out of your house renovation.

        When doing your own home renovation, you should first ask yourself what you want and how much are you willing to spend. When you have a limited budget then drawing up a priority list is a must. If you have any problem areas like leakage then it is best to tackle that first as opposed to giving your home a makeover. If next on your list is the kitchen due to limited functionality then the best way to go forward would be to increase functionality rather than getting a makeover in terms of design.

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        Before the kitchen renovation

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        After completion (see case study below)

        Read more…

        Amber and Craig’s full home renovation (picture above) 

        Materials for family home renovations

        When doing your home renovation we recommend using premium materials and supplies even if it means doing your renovation in stages. For example use granite or marble or solid wood for your kitchen counter-tops rather than laminate as you want to be able to enjoy the luxury of your home.

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        Guru and Neeta’s Kitchen renovation (Kitchen area + Bar area)

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        (see case study below)

        Read more…

        Guru and Neeta’s full Kitchen renovation to add luxury, comfort and convenience


        Featured Projects for Family Homes and Investment Properties

        Investment Property to increase rental yield in Hillsborough

        Our client had a 2 bedroom house in Hillsborough which fetching very little rent due to its state. It was an old house with a very old and dilapidated bathroom and kitchen. Our client renovated the entire house in accordance with the current tenancy laws. The bathroom and kitchen was renovated with mid-range durable and easy to maintain materials see full project specifications

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        Todd Chandler’s renovation in St Heliers to add Value before Selling

        Todd Chandler initially started his renovation for the family but then decided to just add value to sell it. We renovated 3 of his old leaky bathrooms with mid-range materials. The entire house was painted and the decks were re-built in accordance to the code of compliance see project specifications

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        Full home renovation in Avondale for a 3 generational family living together

        A full home renovation with structural changes, making space and room for 3 generations to live with comfort and convenience. This home needed to accommodate three generations with each generation having its unique needs in terms of convenience, comfort and aesthetics see full project specifications


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        What are the best rental renovations for my investment?

        Rental renovations are very different from Family home renovations. This guide discusses these differences in terms of budgets, materials used and customisation. Kitchen and bathroom renovations are the top two renovations that increase rental return for investment properties. You can also read our article on 10 best ways to increase rental returns on our article

        Do I have to manage my own renovation?

        Renovation companies like ours provide a project manager for every renovation who manages the entire renovation as well as all different trades involved.

        Do i have to get my own builder, electrician or plumber?

        If you are doing your renovation on your own and sourcing all trades then yes. However renovation companies like ours provide our clients with all the different trades which go into any renovation. So we would provide electricians, plumbers, tilers, builders, grouters, painters, plasterers, installers, waterproofer, and project management.

        Do i have to get my own products?

        Our company will provide all products required to renovate any given area of your home. We have longstanding relationships with our suppliers. We take you to our various supplier showrooms so you can pick and choose your fixtures, flooring, lighting, tiles. For kitchens we built custom cabinets.


        Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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          This picture shows the skylights and deck that we renovated in this full home renovation in Auckland
          House Renovation

          10 Ways To Increase Your Rental Return by Renovating & Upgrading

          How exactly do you plan a rental renovation?

          Planning a rental renovation is very different from renovation your home. A rental renovation is not an emotional investment where you consider the needs and wants of your family members. A rental renovation is all about investing your money in the right upgrades and renovations to get the maximum return on your investment.

          You want to add value so you can get a better rental yield and also be able to resell it at a good profit. The materials you choose and the areas you renovate are considerably different from when you renovate your home. It is important to understand this difference so you do not over invest in your renovation.

          In this article we will first discuss the following:

          1. What exactly is rental yield
          2. the reasons you should invest in a rental property renovation
          3. whether a rental property renovation is the right thing to do for your current finances.

          Finally we discuss in depth the 10 different ways that you can add value to your home and most importantly how you can increase your rental yield. Rental property renovations need a bit more planning than your normal home renovations as you want to be able to get a good return on investment.

          Having the right plan is important before you invest into your rental property.

          What exactly is rental yield?

          If you are a property investor in Auckland, you are either looking at getting the maximum rental yield for your property or renovating to sell for a maximum return on investment. For the purpose of this article, we will be talking about ways in which investors across Auckland can maximise their rental yield through rental property renovations.

          Rental yield is one of the most important figures for any landlord. It is basically the rent that they can charge for their investment property. You cannot however charge any number that you desire. The rent a landlord can charge is always in proportion to the value of the property. This is easily explained with an example of a luxury two-bedroom apartment that can yield $900 per week

          whereas another 2-bedroom apartment in need of some sprucing up might yield only $450.

          At every stage of your investment, you will have to carefully consider your rental yield. What is your realistic rental income versus mortgage payments? Many lenders will require you to show that you can at least get 125% of your repayments in rental income.

          Not every renovation is the same or as important to your tenants. Some types of renovations offer more rental value than other renovations. Kitchen and Bathroom renovations are the top two renovations to add value to your property.

          However, exactly why do you need to renovate your rental property?

          Why should I renovate my rental property?

          So it is really worth renovating your rental property? The answer is yes. Even simple renovations to your rental property can bring higher quality tenants who are willing to pay more for a comfortable modern home. They want a home that is functional, has all the modern amenities and is easy to clean and maintain.

          Differentiate your property from other competitors by putting some thought into your renovation. Make it attractive for potential tenants and for future buyers.

          Expert Tip: Do not renovate your rental property as you would your home. When you are renovating your home, you personalise your renovations according to your taste. However, your taste could be vastly different from your renter’s or buyer’s taste. If you personalise your property, then it could put a potential renter or buyer off the property.

          When renovating to rent, choose materials that are easy to clean and maintain. This will make life easier for tenants but more importantly it will ensure that you have lesser wear and tear. Do not choose the most expensive hardwood flooring because you love it. Instead choose laminate flooring to mimic hardwood floors which are of a great quality, easy to clean, and fantastic for your budget.

          Top 3 Reasons for renovating a rental property

          • Improve energy efficiency: Adding energy efficient appliances such as induction cook-top means lesser electricity bills for tenants as well as a great selling point when you plan to sell in the future
          • Increase property value: By renovating in a thoughtful manner you could add value to your property which would attract higher rent or fetch a higher yield when you plan to sell the home.
          • Improve renter satisfaction: Include good quality appliances for your renters. Good quality appliances such as dishwashers etc would mean that they will increase renter satisfaction and also there will be fewer fixes that you have to make throughout the tenancy.

          Now how much is too much to spend on rental property renovations? Let’s look at budget planning for rental property renovations.

          Is a rental property renovation the right thing to do financially?

          Research is important when renovating either your home or investment property. But when you decide to renovate your investment property it is even more important to do some thorough research about the market. Your first step would be to see whether you are charging low, median or higher rent as compared to the average rent for similar properties. If you are charging below the median rent then getting the property renovated to add value would be a great idea. However, if you are already charging way above the median rent then renovating to add value would not be great return on investment.

          Here are a few questions to think through:

          • How much will the property cost to renovate?
          • How much will it allow you to increase the rent if renovating?
          • How long will it take for you to pay off your cost of renovation with your new rental increase?
          • How much can you increase the rent of your property realistically for people to want to renovate your property.

          Once you have conducted your research, it would be good to contact a renovation company for advice related to the areas that could renovated with the goal of adding value to your property.

          Do your research and get several quotes from various companies compare them in terms of what they offer and the costs. Choose a company that can give you a fixed quote in order to avoid future budget blowouts. Also as this is your investment property, you do not want to spend too much time on the property managing things. Choose a company that can provide a Design to Build service while providing a project manager to over see the entire renovation from beginning to end.

          10 Improvements to increase rental value of your property through rental property renovations

          A lot of landlords see minor upgrades as an expense rather than a long-term investment. Experts suggest that keep the formula simple. Invest in small upgrades that add convenience to a tenant in order to attract a more interest for your property, higher quality tenants and better rental yield. In the long term you will more than make your money back. Following are a few minor upgrades to add convenience:

          1. Increase the comfort of your home

          Heat pump installation

          Adding a heat pumps are an energy efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioning. Summers and Winters in NZ often require either fans or heaters. If you install a heat pump in your home, you are bound to differentiate your home and attract tenants that are willing to pay more for this convenience. You can either get single units for each room, multi-level split units for multiple rooms or ducted heat pumps for central heating. Moreover, central heating will add value to your home when you want to sell in the future.

          Insulation for your rental property renovation

          A well-insulated house does not only provide health benefits but is also important to ensure the longevity of your property. A house that is not insulated will encourage the growth of black mould which is detrimental to the structure of your home. Black mould can seep into your walls and cause them to crack which in turn weakens the structure of the house.

          Homes which are not insulated further deter good quality tenants and retainability of good ones. A home that is not insulated will not attract families as they can prove to be an unhealthy environment for families. Families usually are better tenants who will look after your home better that students etc.

          Ensure the longevity of your property and increase rental yield by insulating your property. It should never be mistaken as an expense but an in investment.

          Kitchen renovation in Hillsborough

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          Read more…

          Craig and Amber’s renovation in Hillsborough (picture above) started with fixing all leakages

          Make sure your electric wiring is in good shape

          Having your electric wiring in good shop might not translate into higher rental yield but it should be something you should check regularly. If your electric wiring is old and you have not checked it in a few years then it would be good to get a professional to carry out an assessment to ensure that it is in good shape. Bad, damaged or old electric wiring could be detrimental to the safety of your home and tenants. The sure signs of bad or damaged wiring could be frequent bulb blow outs or a fire.

          2. Kitchen upgrades and Kitchen renovation

          Gone are the days when a kitchen was a secluded room at the end of the house. Kitchen now is a very integral part of everyday living. Open plan kitchens are not just a trend but a way of living. Apart from structure and layout, easy to clean materials are a must if you want to attract good tenants and retain them. You should also use materials that are not hard to maintain such as hardwood flooring as you cannot guarantee whether your tenant will take good care of it.

          Expert tip: Rental properties should never be renovated according to the owner’s personal taste. Too much personalisation can deter tenants as well as future buyers. When renovating an investment property use classic colours and low maintenance materials. Classic colours allow tenants as well as future tenants flexibility to mould the house to their tastes.

          We have listed a few ways that you can get the most out of your kitchen renovation if you want to get a higher rental yield or add value to your kitchen.

          • Flooring Use Laminate or Acrylic if you are redoing your kitchen floors. Laminate and acrylic flooring are low maintenance materials which are easy to clean and cost effective. They can imitate any other type of flooring in terms of texture and looks which make them a highly versatile material. Unlike most cost-effective solutions, they are also very highly durable which means that they increase the longevity of your kitchen floors. In case you do want to change this type of flooring in the future you can do so at a fraction of cost compared to hardwood flooring.

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          Property renovation in Avondale (see full case study) – Laminate flooring to imitate hardwood flooring

          Read more…

          Property renovation in Avondale (picture above)

          • Cabinets and Drawers Changing or replacing your kitchen cabinets is a great way of refreshing the look of your kitchen. Most people think that it is cheaper to just change cabinet drawers rather than replacing the entire kitchen cabinet. This is far from the truth. This is because it is easier to manufacture entire kitchen cabinets rather than finding the right cabinet doors to fit your previous cabinet structure. The cost of manufacturing new kitchen cabinets, doors, drawers, drawer runners and shelving can range from $5,000 to $12,000 depending on the materials you choose as well as the size of your kitchen

          It is also important to choose the right type of materials for your investment or rental property. Use Melteca for your kitchen cabinets to ensure durability and low maintenance compared real wood. Melteca is a highly versatile material which can imitate texture, look or colour of any other material. Melteca is also easy to clean and cost effective compared to real wood. This ensures longevity but is also easy to replace if you want to in the future due to low costs.

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          Kitchen renovation in West Harbour (see full case study)– Acrylic gloss finish cabinets custom built for low maintenance 

          Read more…

          Kitchen renovation in West Harbour (picture above)

          • Open plan Layout – Open plan kitchens are not just a trend but a way of living in our society today. If your kitchen is secluded at the end of the house, then it would be a good idea to call a professional to see how you can incorporate it into the living space. Breaking a couple of walls that separate your kitchen from the living room will create an open floor living that will generate more interest and a higher rental yield for your home. This will also add more value to your home if you plan to re-sell in the future.


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          Kitchen renovation in Blockhouse Bay – Before walls were knocked down to make it an open plan space.

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          Kitchen Renovation in Blockhouse Bay(see full case study) – After we knocked down the walls and made it into an open plan space

          • Energy efficient solutions – Install an induction cooktop for a safer and energy efficient solution for your property. While it is not mandatory by law to have a dishwasher, it would prove to be a differentiating point in a competitive market to have one in your rental property.

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          Full rental renovation in Hillsborough (see full case study) – Induction cook-to installed in this rental property to add value

          3. Bathroom Upgrades and renovations

          Bathrooms are the second most important thing that rentals and buyers look at after kitchens in a house. Bathroom renovations and upgrades add considerable value to a home and increase the rental yield of a house. Our project managers have put together a few things that you can upgrade in your bathroom to get a maximum return on your investment:

          • Get your bathroom waterproofed, heated and well ventilated – Moisture is an enemy to your walls and structure. Professionally waterproofing and ventilating your bathroom will ensure the longevity of your property while adding comfort for your tenants. Waterproofing and ventilating your property will save you a considerable amount of money in the future in terms of damages


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          Rental renovation in Hillsborough above (see full case study)– We upgraded all fixtures and used low maintenance materials with minimum personalisation. This was an old and run down house but the owner wanted to renovate with the intention of charging above median rent.

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          Property renovation in Hillsborough above – Client replaced flooring, basin, shower and toilet with new fixtures. A few changes can make a world of difference in any bathroom. See full case study


          • Installing new Fixtures – A bathroom with dated fixtures will hardly yield high rent or even a good price when you plan to sell your investment property. Update your dated bathtub for a modern shower to generate more interest for your rental property. Dilapidated bathrooms often deter tenants and buyers alike. Upgrade your toilet, vanity and bathtub in under $12,000 to increase the value of your property as well as rental yield.

          4. Painting for your rental property renovation

          Painting your house is a great cost-effective way of increasing the appeal of your property and preserving it. Painting a home increases the perceived value of a property which in turn increases its rental yield. Painting walls that have started looking drab will breathe a fresh life into your property which will attract a considerable amount of interest for renters and buyers alike.

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          Rental Property Upgrade – Before we painted the entire room

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          Rental Property upgrade – After we painted the room

          If you have wallpapers on some of your walls, then this would be a good time to remove them and paint your walls. When you are renting out your property it is good to remember that you should be using solutions that will be able to sustain the most amount of wear and tear.

          Full Painting in Greenhithe

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          Property renovation – We painted the entire house to add value to the property

          Hence when painting your investment property, it would be a good idea to get it done with professionals and use oil-based paints. Oil based undercoats and paints are able to withstand a higher amount of wear and tear compared to water-based paints. Oil based paints are more expensive than water-based paints, but it will prove to be a better investment for your money and time.

          5. Increase Curb Appeal for your rental property renovation

          Aucklanders love to have an outdoor area where they can entertain family and friends during summer. Having a nice deck or outdoor area greatly increases the value of a property and also attracts higher interest from high quality renters. A nicely renovated outdoor area is the first impression your renter or buyers gets of your property.

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          Deck renovation in Cockle Bay (see full case study)We replaced the old deck with a new one as it was dilapidated and unsafe for current use. The property had a lot of unused area around the house so we created a large deck to add value and convenience for clients.

          Hence it is a good idea to invest a little money on renovating your deck or patio to a good standard. Deck renovations are inexpensive and a great return on investment for your property whether you are looking at getting a higher rental yield or increasing the value of your property before selling.

          6.  Minor Landscaping

          First impressions count when renters or buyers first see your property in Auckland’s competitive market. The right renters will care if your property is well maintained from the outside. Make sure you keep the garden mowed; the trees mowed and plant a few plants for some added exterior appeal to your property.

          When it comes to selling your property, a well landscaped exterior can add between 5.5% to 12.5% to the overall price of your house. While interior design trends might fade, a garden only matures with age which adds additional value to your property. The best way to add value through landscaping is having a plan. An incoherent plan or landscaping can in fact deter tenants and buyers.

          Come up with a plan before you start your landscaping project. Take some professional advice, do some research and then commence your project.

          7. Change the flooring of your property

          Carpets have traditionally been the choice of flooring for living areas of most Auckland homes. Carpets however are difficult to maintain and start to look stained and dirty quite easily. Before we renovate homes, we always ask our clients what their reason for renovating is. This is because this will greatly impact the type of flooring you choose as well as your budget.

          As mentioned above, rental and investment properties should make use of low maintenance materials for their renovations. If you have a carpeted rental property which has started looking old and stained, then it is not going to generate much interest in the rental or even buyer’s market.

          To increase rental yield, it would be a good idea to rip your old carpets and renovate your rooms with a good quality laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is low maintenance and highly durable which will extend the longevity of your floors. They are also cost effective which means that even if they get ruined during a bad tenancy, they will not be expensive to replace. They also come in various, colours, textures, and designs which means that you can make your rental property aesthetically beautiful generating higher interest.

          8.  Small Aesthetic changes

          If you are unable to invest in upgrades or renovations for your property, then think about making small aesthetic changes to your property. We have put together a few inexpensive ideas that you can implement to differentiate your property from competitors.

          • Replace old curtains and blinds with new ones to breathe a fresh life into your rooms. Old curtains can also make a room look shabby which is not what you want if you are looking for a higher rental yield.
          • Change your old stove top for a newer one. Kitchen is on top of the list for most tenants when they go for a house viewing. If you do not want to invest in a full kitchen upgrade, then it would be a good idea to change a few things to make the most out of your investment. An old stove top will deter potential tenants. A good quality stove top will only cost you $500 but even a $10 increase in rent/week due to this would get a good return on investment. The most popular and efficient stoves today are induction ovens. You can also opt for gas depending on your preference.
          • Change old taps in your bathrooms – Old yellowing and cracking bathroom tap-ware can deter tenants even if it might seem like a small thing. Spruce up your bathroom by changing all tap-ware in your bathroom without breaking the bank.


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          BEFORE and AFTER(see full case study) – Replaced flooring + Bathtub + Taps and Painted the entire bathroom.

          • Trim and Maintain your garden and landscaping to ensure that your property is in a good and presentable condition. First impressions matter so keep your exterior neat and tidy before viewings.
          • Change your kitchen bench-tops from old Vinyl to engineered stone bench-top. This can instantly lift your kitchen up and notch and dramatically change its look. Engineered bench-tops are versatile in design and texture so you can play around with it to add to the aesthetics of your kitchen. Engineered stone is very cost effective, durable, easy to clean and will last you a very long time.
          • Clean before your viewings. It pays to hire professional cleaner to make sure that your property is presented at its best light. Clean the windows, dispose off outside debris, wash the exterior of your home and clean the interiors to attract good tenants who will be willing to pay more for your property. The idea is to sell a dream to the renters of a place they can call a home. Polish your hardwood floors to add some more shine and glamour to your floors.

          9. Furnish your home for expatriates as renters

          Auckland has many expats living here who come to the country for a few years and then leave. They usually look for a stress-free tenancy which is mostly paid by the company. Their ample rent allows them the freedom to pick houses that are well maintained, aesthetically pleasing and furnished well. High end rental property renovations should include furnishing the house as well to attract expats.

          We would not recommend you furnish your property if you do not want to invest much money into your rental. Most renters in Auckland do not want furnished houses as they already have their own or they do not want to pay more for a furnished house.

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          Property upgrade and Renovation in Saint Heliers (see full case study)– Client wanted to renovate to add value before either renting as a luxury apartment or even selling.

          If you want to attract expats, then you must be able to invest a good sum of money into revamping it. Expats do not want to bother with the hassle of buying furniture as they would be moving in a few years. In saying that, they also will not compromise with a house that is garishly furnished or have inferior quality. This does not mean that you must carry out a full renovation and get the most expensive furniture.

          The key is to furnish it with some good quality furniture and a house that is tastefully decorated. You can double your rental yield if you invest some money into upgrading and decorating your property. Tell your agent that you are aiming for expats and take some advice before you begin redecorating. You can get up to $1500 per week for a 2-bedroom home if you upgrade and decorate correctly. Some examples of such houses are luxury apartments in the CBD.

          10. Add a dishwasher, washing machine and dryer

          Installing a dishwasher, washing Machine and dryer are not mandatory by law but they add great comfort for renters. Rental property renovations should be about including basic amenities to attract good quality tenants. More and more people are looking for properties that will make their life better without any hassle. This is all about getting a higher rental yield that you are currently getting. What tenant will not pay more for a house that has three comforts compared to a house that doesn’t?

          Also, remember that you are not competing with every house in the market but a market that is of your choosing. You want to attract renters that are good, will stay for a long time, can pay more and will keep your property in a good condition.

          Featured Projects 

          Investment Property to increase rental yield in Hillsborough

          Our client had a 2 bedroom house in Hillsborough which fetching very little rent due to its state. It was an old house with a very old and dilapidated bathroom and kitchen. Our client renovated the entire house in accordance with the current tenancy laws. The bathroom and kitchen was renovated with mid-range durable and easy to maintain materials see full project specifications

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          6-300x169, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland 15-300x169, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


          Todd Chandler’s renovation in St Heliers to add Value before Selling

          Todd Chandler initially started his renovation for the family but then decided to just add value to sell it. We renovated 3 of his old leaky bathrooms with mid-range materials. The entire house was painted and the decks were re-built in accordance to the code of compliance see project specifications

          Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-6-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-4-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Superior-Renovations-Renovations-Auckland-14-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


          Should i renovate my rental property?

          One of the main reasons for renovating rental properties is to save on the ongoing maintenance cost. Renovating your rental property also means that you can attract higher quality tenants and get a better rental yield per week which in turn gives you a better return on your investment.

          How can i get higher rent?

          Yes you can get higher rent through renovations and upgrades. People will only pay higher rent for a property if it has modern amenities and comfort to be able to justify the rent. Read our full article to see the type of upgrades you can do to get higher rent.

          What are the best rental renovations for my investment?

          The top rental renovations are Bathrooms, Kitchens, Flooring, Painting and comfortable upgrades like adding a heat pump. The aim is to spruce things up and add a level of comfort that most people are looking for.

          If you have any questions about upgrades to add value for better rental yield or explore other options then – feel free to get in touch with the team at Superior Property Services – 0800 199 888

          Disclaimer: These cost estimates are based on quotes we’ve sent to past clients and jobs we’ve completed ourselves. This article is offered as a general guide only. The views and information expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency in New Zealand. Any person who relies upon any matter contained in this guide does so entirely at their own risk. 


          Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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            Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

            Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

            Request Your In-home Consultation 

            Or call us on   0800 199 888







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            Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

            We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

            Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

            *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



            House Renovation

            Emerging Tile Trends (2021) by Tile Depot (+common mistakes to avoid)

            As you walk into Tile Depot you are overwhelmed by the sheer scale of their range. We never realised how exciting a tile showroom could be. There were huge Italian tiles, small colourful accent tiles, tiles with various textures, tiles that emulated wood and the list just doesn’t stop. The tile trends are plenty and the process of choosing the right tile is made surprisingly easy when you consult with the Tile Depot ladies.

            We met Ruth and Kitty from Tile Depot and it reinforced our conviction that their values fit right in with ours at Superior Renovations. Working, selling and advising about tiles was not their only goal. Working at tile depot helping clients choose the right tile for their spaces was something of a passion.

            Ruth has worked in Tile Depot for more than 15 years while Kitty has worked there for almost 8 years. Their knowledge about various tiles, upcoming tile trends and how they affect a space was phenomenal.

            As a lot of our clients choose their tiles from Tile depot, it was important for us to understand how their experience was. We had a long conversation with Ruth and Kitty. In our discussion we talked about:

            1. tile trends of 2021
            2. how to select the right type of tiles for your home and situation
            3. tiling mistakes that people should avoid
            4. how tiles can affect the aura of a room.

            Read more…

            18 Top trends in Bathroom Tile Design for 2021 in Auckland

            Top 6 Tile Trends for 2021 by Kitty


            1. Large Slabs of tiles

            There are many advantages to using larger tiles in small and big spaces alike. Larger tiles make an area look ‘less busy’ says Ruth. There are lesser grout lines which means that when you use a large slab of tile in a small bathroom for example, then your room will look more spacious as opposed to if you use smaller tiles. Choose 600 by 600 or even 600 by 1200 for your spaces to bring out an elegant and spacious look for any room.

            Read more…

            Bathroom renovation in Ellerslie using large tiles on the floors

            Greenhithe bathroom renovation with large square tiles

            Large Neutral tiles with a marble look used in Avondale for 3 bathrooms

            Large Matte Tiles used on the floor of kitchen and Lounge in Bucklands Beach – Lynette and Henry’s renovation


            2. Tiles with Patterns

            Gone are the days when tiles were just used for convenient clean up your bathrooms and kitchen. The conventional use of tiles has long been past. They are now used to add personality and aura to the room. Tiles used as feature walls or as a pattern on the wall have become very popular. 2021 will see a rise in the use of patterned tiles to add character to a room or as a feature wall. These vintage designs bring in some old-world charm to the modern homes of today.


            Contemporary-Paterned-tiles, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            A wide range of contemporary patterned tiles that can be used in a number of ways to add character to a room (Tile Depot, 2020)

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            Navy Artisan tiles used as a feature wall in the bathroom (Tile Depot, 2020)

            The-Tile-Depot-BrickOne-Rosso1-800x534-Room, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            BrickOne Rosso Tiles used as a feature wall in the living room (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Read more…

            Patterned tiles used in bathroom floors for a bathroom renovation in Hillsborough


            3. Colours – Earthy tones

            Accent tiles and splashbacks have become very popular in earthy tones. Earthy tones exude a feeling of warmth and create a calm rustic look for any space. Earthy tones draw their inspiration for natural elements such as the sun, earth, sky, and greenery. Most Italian tiles fall into this category adding a Mediterranean look when used in any room. This Tile trends has been growing for a few years and is set to rise in 2021.


            Casablanca-Red-as-a-warm-earthy-tone-Room, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Casablanca Red adding a warm and earthy touch to a bathroom (Tile Depot, 2020)

            May-olive-and-fern-Earthy-room, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Earthy May Olive and Fern (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Read more…

            Earthy tones and mosaic tiles used in a Bathroom and Kitchen renovation in Stanmore Bay

            4. Vibrant coloured tiles – the Casablanca collection

            Tile trends are seeing a growth in the  minimalist look with streamlined modern designs has also meant the growth of Vibrant tiles as accent walls or splashbacks. This is so people can add a ‘pop’ of colour to an otherwise neutral interior. The Casablanca collection at Tile Depot consists of a diverse range of bright and vibrant colours that can be used in any setting or space. Use Casablanca Black in your bathroom for an industrial look or Casablanca red to create a playful rustic look.


            Rooms-Casablanca-blue-as-feauture-wall, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Casablanca Sky Blue as a feature wall in the bathroom (Tile Depot, 2020)

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            Casablanca Orange (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Casablanca-Bottle-green-as-a-splashback, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Casablanca Bottle Green as a splash-back in the kitchen (Tile Depot, 2020)



            5. Textured Feature walls

            Traditionally textured tiles were only used around fireplaces and foyers. Textured have seen a growth in tile trends as feature walls as it generates interest and brings an essence of the outdoors into your home. The Lyon range at Tile Depot can be cleverly used as a feature wall in bedrooms and living areas.


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            Textured tiles in the bathroom (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Skyline-Bronze-Textured-tiles, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Textured Bronze Sky tiles used as a splash back in the kitchen (Tile Depot, 2020)

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            Textured Black as a back-splash (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Read more…

            Textured Hexagonal Tiles used as a backplash in Bucklands Beach Kitchen renovation

            3d hexagonal Tiles used as a backsplash in Parnell for a Kitchen renovation


            6. Metal Range

            Mixing elements of metal along with tiles is another growing trend to bring out an industrial look. Mix metals as patterns in your living room to make a unique pattern or simply use it as accent tiles in your kitchen.


            Metal_Stone_Bronze_Situ_3-800x538-Room, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Metallic Stone Tile (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Metallic-rock-silver-e1591832477749, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Metallic Rock Silver Tile (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Metallic-Rock-Bronze-Lappato-Metal-tiles, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Metallic Rock Bronze Tile (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Your needs as a Family greatly determine the types of tiles suited for you

            Your needs as a family can be a huge factor on the type of tiles you choose for your home. Your needs as a family with young children would be very different compared to if you have elderly relatives living with you. When thinking about elders you should think of functionality more than just what the current tile trends are.

            Ruth explains in greater detail on the types of tiles suited for various types of family and the importance of choosing your tiles with great care. Look at our chart below to understand the types of tiles suited for your home.

            Young Families

            Families with young children lead busy lives especially if they also have a career to juggle. Low maintenance tiles which prove easy to clean and are durable are their top priority.

            Recommended tiles:

            • Matte Finish tiles: Always remember the smoother the tiles the more slippery they will be. To avoid accidents and mishaps, choose matte finish tiles for your home.
            • Smooth tiles: Avoid textured tiles for families with young kids as they are harder to clean when compared to smooth tiles.


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            An example of Low-Risk Porcelain tile

            Moderate-Risk-Tile-Microban-surface, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            An example of a Moderate Risk Tile

            Families with Elders

            Anti-slip tiles are vital for elders and people with disabilities. The common misconception is that you can use outdoor tiles inside your home to avoid accidents due to slipping. This however is not true as outdoor tiles should never be used indoors.

            Recommended tiles:

            • Matte Finish – Smoother the tiles the slipperier they are. Hence use matte finish tiles to avoid any unwanted accidents.
            • Antislip ratings – Tiles are rated between R9 to R13 with a standard interior tile having a rating of R9.  If you are tiling an area that is at a slope, then it would be wise to choose one with a higher rating. The higher the rating the more slip-resistant it is.
            • LifeMark Range  R10 – Lifemark range that has been tested with slight slip resistance which is good for bathroom/shower, so if any household that is elderly, adult that has been injured or with young kids they should consider looking at the Lifemark range for a better slip resistance
            Lifemark-bathroom, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            A bathroom with LifeMark Tiles on the floor (Tile Depot, 2020)

            Kitty shares the top 3 mistakes people make while choosing tiles for their home

            1. Choosing small tiles for small spaces

            As mentioned above, this is a very common mistake that people make when choosing tiles for their home. If your space is small, then choose large slabs of tiles to avoid breaks (in form of grout lines) between tiles.

            2. Not buying extra tiles

            It often happens that people buy the exact number of tiles that they require to tile a certain room. Kitty says that it is wise to buy an extra box of tiles for the future. It is common that stores discontinue a certain model of tiles which means that if something goes wrong in the future and you have to replace a tile then you might not be able to buy the exact one from the store again. In this case you might have to re-tile the entire area. To avoid this its best to have a spare box of tiles that you can use in case of any future mishap.

            3. Always take a sample tile home before committing to the purchase

            How a tile looks inside the store is very different to what it will look like in your bathroom. Factors like natural lighting of your bathroom and the layout greatly determine the shade of light that your tile will appear as. Hence its good to ask for a sample of the tile that you like and see how it looks inside your room.

            Featured Projects

            Full home Renovation in Parnell

            This townhouse was centrally located in Parnell but the kitchen was tiny and lacked counter space. We completely changed the layout of this kitchen by first moving it from the left side of the area to the right. We then added cabinets in the dining area as an extended storage space. This cabinet featured shelves with internal lights which could be opened when required. The 3D textured Tile backplash was the star of of the kitchen. To see Before and After pictures and project specifications see more


            DSC07315-1000-1, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC07314-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


            Spanish Style Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry renovation in Auckland

            Mary Stuart’s renovation was as much as a credit to her as it was to our designers and renovators. She had a clear vision tearing of converting an old closed off kitchen into an open and spacious Spanish style rustic kitchen. The use of mosaic tiles as feature strips in her kitchen and bathroom truly incorporated a Spanish feel to her Auckland kitchen. She was not afraid of bold colours and wanted to convert her bathroom and kitchen into a rustic villa reminiscent of Spain right her in Auckland see more

            renovations-auckland-11-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland renovations-auckland-7-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
            kitchen-ideas-by-superior-renovations-9-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC06418-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


            Renovation Projects with Subway Tiles 

            Todd Chandler’s renovation in St Heliers – Subway tiles used on Bathroom walls

            Avondale home renovation – Subway tiles used as a backsplash in the kitchen

            West Harbour home renovation – Subway tiles used in Kitchen and Bathroom

            Craig and Amber’s home renovation – Subway tiles used in the Kitchen 

            d064-H2105474-hires.20233-WEB12-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland IMG_9598-1000-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland kitchen-ideas-by-superior-renovations-44-300x200, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
            DSC05546-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Ambury-Rd-1024x768, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland Ambury-2-1024x768, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland



            Further Resources 

            1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
            2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
            3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
            4. Real client stories from Auckland

            Is flooring included in my renovation?

            We provide a full service to renovate any given area. So if we are renovating your bathroom then flooring will be included in our service to renovate your bathroom. This applies to all the rooms in the house. We can also do just flooring for your entire house which means that we will design, supply, install and project manage your flooring project.

            Do you work with Tile Depot?

            Tile depot is one of our partners for flooring for renovations. We have been working with Tile Depot for quite a while and we often take our clients there to select tiles for their renovations.

            Will you help me with the design process for selecting tiles?

            Our project manager along with our design team will help you select the right type of tiles for your renovation. We also rely on the expertise of the Tile depot staff to help our clients make the right choice in tiles.

            What type of tiles should i be using for my bathroom?

            Our designer can help you with choosing the right type of tile depending on your design preference and the type of family situation you have. You can also read our article on bathroom design trends to have a better understanding of what most clients prefer these days

            Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


              Home RenovationKitchen RenovationBathroom RenovationOutdoor RenovationHouse ExtensionCommercialDesign ServicesOther

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              Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

              Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

              Request Your In-home Consultation 

              Or call us on   0800 199 888







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              Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

              We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

              Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

              *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



              House Renovation

              Cost to build a new garage in Auckland – Superior Renovations®

              In New Zealand, 92% of households have at least one vehicle according to One Roofs (2019) research so it’s not a surprise that most home buyers and renters are looking for property that has a garage. Does it actually add any value to the property? Not as much as people think but in short, it adds 2-3% to the sale price of the house – however it’s different for all locations (eg it will be perceived as more valuable in an area like Central Auckland, people are paying $50,000 to $75,000 just for a car park)

              In many locations, prices for properties with garages were in line with median values – in other words having a garage is the normal market expectation,” says says Valocity’s director of valuation, James Wilson.

              This trend of having a garage is also reflected in the new builds in recent years with the majority having an internal garage. Today 87 percent of garages are internal (known as under main roof, or UMR in council parlance) in Auckland.

              In our recent blog on converting a garage to a granny flat, we’ve found that it’s not limited to just using it to store a vehicle, here are some examples of other uses:

              • Work from the home area/ office
              • Gym area
              • Gaming/Entertainment area
              • Hobby room
              • Storage
              • Laundry
              • Workshop

              If converted, it can also be used as an extra bedroom or 2nd dwelling, or to be rented out for extra income. The options are endless hence why it’s a popular demand for most home buyers/renters.

              There are of course a lot of different options to consider when you’re building a garage as such, internal garage, detached garage, materials, extra facilities and size. A custom built garage can start from $40,000 (low end) up to $100,000 for a high end garage.


              New Garage Cost Calculator

              Have you tried our new garage cost calculator? this might help you give you a better idea of cost, check it out here.

              Are there cheaper options to get a new garage?

              There are cheaper options such as kit-set garages constructed from Aluminium and Galvanized steel that starts from $4,000 up to $10,000 (comes unassembled) from sites such as Trade Tested.


              gd4472a-ironsand-1c, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Image from Trade Tested:

              This doesn’t include installation costs, foundation works, consents, and custom work required. Any building above 10 sqm with all four sides enclosed requires consent and the cost of consent can vary dependant on where you’re located. However on their website, it does say that it comes with come with assembly instructions, Specifications and diagrams.

              Here’s an example –


              In this article, we explore options about building a new garage from scratch at three different price points. Keeping in mind that this is only to be used as a guide for research purposes.

              What factors determine the cost of building a garage?

              The size of the garage

              You can actually build any size garage you want if it’s detached, and if you are legally allowed. With that said, there are standard size garages that most homes adhere to which are:

              • Double garage: 6m x 6m with a 5.2m door width
              • Single Garage: 3.4m (wide)  x 5.8m with a 2.6m door width

              Dependant on the size of the garage, this affects the cost in terms of labour and material costs. In most newly built homes in Auckland, a single garage is smaller in length than a double garage and this is due to size constraints of the block of land the house is built on.

              Excavation and Site Preparation

              Like any build, preparing the site prior to construction is an essential part of the project. It’s very difficult to give an estimate for this because it varies for every property dependant on the current condition of the ground, whether levelling is required, foundation work, amount of demolition work, and clearing/landscaping work required.



              If you’re building a detached garage or extending your home to build a garage, then no doubt foundation will be required prior to the build and it’s normally slab foundation in most cases. It will also be required if you’re extending from your existing house to build the new garage.


              Walls for the garage

              After the framing of the garage is complete, you’ll need to consider what you want for the garage walls such as if you want insulation, have it covered up with gib, or leave it as a frame (which is fine if you’re just using it for storage). Basic dry wall for an interior costs around $750 to $1,500, while insulation for new construction costs about $500, assuming it’s pink batt insulation.

              plastering-house-2, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              cost of building new garage

              Exterior material of the garage

              Once of the framing is done, you’ll also need to decide what material you want for the outside of the garage; and it really depends on what is important to you, whether it’ costs, or appearance (to match the house) or longevity.

              Typical materials for siding and trim for a garage include:

              • Aluminum
              • Fiber cement
              • Vinyl
              • Stucco
              • Wood


              Roof type for the garage

              Like the choice of material for the exterior of the garage, your choice of material for the roof also depends on what is important to you. The most common choice for homes is asphalt shingle but this is not the case for garages. For most Auckland garages, aluminum is the most popular choice due to durability and being cost effective.

              Typical materials for garage roof:

              • Metal from $50 per square metre
              • Membrane from $75 per square metre
              • Concrete and clay from $60 per square metre
              • Slate from $200 per square metre
              • Copper from $250 per square metre
              • Asphalt from $60 per square metre



              It’s common to have electricity running to the garage, which provides for wiring the garage door opener, installing lights, and at least one electrical outlet. However in addition to this, you may also want to have water running in the garage. All these additional features will require consent, if you’re building a garage that includes living space (2nd dwelling) then you’ll also require resource consent. You will pay between $60 and $90 an hour for an electrician when building your garage and expect the wiring to take anywhere from 4 to 16 hours, depending on the scope of the job and if excavation is required, expect a total of $240 to $1,440 in electrical work.



              Most garages in Auckland are concrete slab foundation but you also have an option to put in industrial carpet (for a Single garage – $500 – $700 & Double garage – $1,000 – $1,300) which is becoming a lot more common especially if you’re planning on using the space for other purposes (besides parking the vehicle). You can also look at sealing the concrete flab foundation or coat it in epoxy to help it last longer, at a rate of around $600.

              Garage-Images, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Image credit:


              Important Design Principles for Garages

              These are design principles communicated by the Auckland Council, your architect will be aware of this when they’re drafting up plans for consent but it’s something to keep in mind if you’re still researching and deciding whether to build a new garage or not. For the full document by Auckland Council, visit

              • R 3.1 Garage doors should generally be set back a minimum of 0.5m from the front facade of the house. This helps make the habitable rooms of a house more visually prominent than the garage.
              • R 3.2 A garage should be no more than half the width of the street elevation of the house. This design principle also applies to shared driveways serving more than 10 dwellings if the principal pedestrian entrance to dwellings is accessed from the driveway.
              • R 3.3 Garage doors should be setback a minimum of 5m from a site’s front boundary, this ensures that any car parked in front of the garage does not hang over the public footpath.
              • R 3.4 Large garage doors can present a visually blank frontage when viewed from the street. Consider ways in which the design of garage doors can provide visual interest while remaining in keeping with the design and character of the dwelling. This could include dividing double garage doors into two single garage doors, and/or the use of various design elements such as windows, smaller scale panels and changes in materials or colour.
              • R 3.5 For developments involving multiple dwellings, consider providing vehicle access from a rear service lane, this avoids creating a series of garages and vehicle crossings on to the street.
              • R 3.6 Maintain clear visibility to the road and footpath from driveways. This ensures vehicles exiting a site are able to see passing pedestrians, including children. Keeping fencing low or visually transparent near the driveway can help with this.
              • R 3.7 It is recommended that at least 50% of the front yard must be landscaped and separate from vehicle areas.

              How much does it cost to build a garage on a basic budget? 

              For the basic garage, the average build cost is $35,000 which includes timber framing, foundation, roofing, manual garage door, and aluminium exterior. You’ll be a single bay garage within this price range, however 2 bay garages can be achieved dependant on choice of material.


              How much will it cost to build a garage on a mid-range budget? 

              For a mid-range garage, the average build cost is $50,000 which includes a double garage, seal concrete floor, plasterboard walls, automated garage door, electricity and maybe running water. Some clients will also choose have plasterboard put on top to form a ceiling, but it all depends on your needs – without it means you could utilise that space as storage.


              How much will it cost to build a high-end garage? 

              For a high-end garage, the average build can start at $60,000 and then go up from there dependant on added amenities. With this price range, you’ll be able to get more parking spots, added space for office, bathroom, storage and it will be powered.  The flooring could be a combination of garage carpet or polished concrete, the options available become a lot more at this price range. You’ll also have more choice with the material of the roof, exterior and garage door.


              Garage Type

              Average Cost

              Basic Garage $35,000
              Mid-Range Garage $50,000
              High-End Garage $60,000 +



              New Garage Cost Calculator

              Have you tried our new garage cost calculator? this might help you give you a better idea of cost, check it out here.

              How about the cost of building an attached garage?

              For an attached garage, we would normally classify it as an extension and there are more factors to consider due to changes to be made to an existing property. The cost of an attached garage, or if you’re converting an existing space to a garage can go from $60,000 – $100,000 +


              Garage Door Costs

              While there are double garage doors, which uncover both cars at once, it is more common to have one door for each vehicle stored in the garage so that each has its own access.

              Garage doors come in several materials, each of which has attributes to consider:

              Door material

              Cost for single door

              Vinyl $500 – $800
              Aluminium $750 – $1,500
              Fiberglass $1,050 – $2,150
              Wood $1,250 – $2,600
              Steel $1,400 – $2,100


              Garage Door Opener Costs

              The price of a garage door opener varies depending on the model, but you can expect to pay between $300 and $500 supply and installed.


              General Garage Building Process

              Keeping in mind that this is just a basic process, every project is different and comes with it’s own challenges and there are a vast range of variables based on each and every clients needs.

              1. The ground is cleared and levelled
              2. Pouring of concrete to form foundation slab
              3. A frame is laid, and the walls and roof are erected
              4. The interior frames are put up (if any)
              5. Roof is put up to minimise chances of moisture ingress
              6. Exterior cladding is to be done
              7. Installing of insulation
              8. Electrical work is carried out
              9. Plasterboard is put up against the walls (or left bare)
              10. Shelving or storage units may be installed
              11. Flooring is done (either sealing the concrete or putting in garage carpet)
              12. If there is no driveway currently, one will be constructed, and the new garage doors will be installed and hooked up.
              13. Any windows will also be installed.


              Attached vs Detached Garage

              There are big differences between the two and one involves alterations to an existing property – and requires the old structure to connect with the new, so the level of complexity in an attached garage is a lot higher than a detached garaged. But in saying that, most people prefer an attached garage because of the convenience of not having to go outside.

              However, the benefits of a detached garage (other than being more cost-effective) is that there won’t be any exhaust fumes going into the home. The decision all comes down to personal preference (what you plan to use the garage for) and your property (what can and can’t be done). There isn’t really a straightforward answer to this question of one or another.


              What are the current trends in Garages?

              • Battery Backup – Garage doors run on electricity. If the power goes out, you won’t be able to open the garage door – so a backup battery system can help, and not only for the garage but for the house.
              • Exterior Lighting – If you have an outdoor area or space, it is a good idea to look at installing outdoor lighting around the garage to utilise the space around it.
              • Gutters and water tanks – Your new garage should have the same gutters as the rest of your home to direct rainwater away from the structure but you can also consider using this to collect water into a water tank – and this can be used for gardening.
              • Office/ Gym – Garages are not only used for cars, but if the space allows, creating a separate space as an office/ gym has been quite popular in recent years.
              • Workshop Area – Garages can be used for many things, including workspaces. So when you’re building your garage, have a think about storage and the equipment you own.

              Additional Considerations and Costs

              Adding a garage to your property typically has a return on investment of 60% to 80%.

              If your workplace uses flammable items in the garage, keep in mind that there is a danger of fire for not only the garage but your entire home. This risk is lowered for detached garages.

              Consents are required for detached garages over 10sqm, and is required for attached garage. Resource consent may be required as well is it’s going to be an additional dwelling. Please check with Auckland council or consult with an architect to ensure you’re building within the regulations.


              A few more important things to know when building a garage


              Make sure you talk to a project manager and an architect

              So you understand your regions regulations and zoning laws, it’s different for all regions, but it would give you an idea of what can be done as a starting point.

              Decide if you want an attached or detached garage

              There is a big difference between the 2, the process/cost for each is also vastly different – once you’ve spoken to an architect to see what can be done, and what the challenges are (from the builder), from there you can generally make an informed decision.

              Make a choice between a single and double garage

              You’ll need to decide how big you want the garage if the space allows, this decision is made before any plans are done otherwise you’ll be making unnecessary changes along the way.

              Plan your driveway carefully

              If you already have a carport, your current driveway may be sufficient. If you don’t, and you need to build a driveway to the new garage – you’ll need to make sure there is enough space and allowance (with the boundary) that it will be permitted. Check this first before deciding where to build the garage.

              Think about the design

              It’s not something people think about when it comes to building a garage, but it does take up quite a bit of space, so making sure it’s consistent with the current look of your house, and keeping in mind the street appeal is still important.

              Be clear on how much you’re willing to spend

              Like any renovation or build, it’s very easy to get carried away especially with unnecessary features/ amenities that you didn’t originally planned for. So have a fixed budget in mind for your build and work within that budget, then decision making becomes a whole lot easier.

              New Garage Cost Calculator

              Have you tried our new garage cost calculator? this might help you give you a better idea of cost, check it out here. Cost to build a garage calculator nz


              To conclude

              If you’re thinking about building a garage, preparing and planning is very important and this includes choosing the right company to carry it out. Budget blow outs happen in projects that are either not properly managed, budget not made clear from the start, choosing the wrong materials, not having a contingency budget for unforeseen expenses, or not anticipating an expense. Like all renovations, it’s very easy to overspend when there’s such a wide range of options and price ranges – but being clear from the start and having a plan to work within will help making decision making during the project a whole lot easier. Lastly, as you’ve read in the article, there are many variations and factors that come into play when building a garage so make sure you negotiate a fixed price contract with your builder/renovation company to ensure no surprises – and be clear on what is not included so this is built into your budget.


              Please note: Whilst all information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. The information may change without notice and Superior Renovations is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.


              To wrap up

              How much does it cost to build an attached garage?

              The average cost to build a two-car garage in Auckland is around $50,000 – $100,000 +

              Does a new garage add value to the property?

              Yes, based on sales prices with and without a garage, on average there is a 2-3% increase but it varies in different regions.

              How much does it cost to build a single detached garage?

              The average cost for a garage this size is around $35,000.

              What insulation should I use for garage walls?

              We would recommend pink batts as it’s commonly used in most Auckland homes.

              Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

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                House Renovation

                What Renovations Need Building Consent In Auckland?

                If you’re thinking of renovating and have been doing some research, then there no doubt that the term “building consent” has come up once or twice. Most people would try to avoid renovations that require building consent, and builders/renovation companies are guilty of this as well for a number of reasons such as:

                • It’s too complicated dealing with the council
                • It might uncover more things that need to be done
                • Building consent related works sounds too expensive
                • It will create unnecessary issues during the project
                • It will create unnecessary delay
                • And the list goes on

                However, it’s not all true – we will generally weigh up both sides (with and without consent) and draft up an action plan with scope of works that reflect both. The deciding factor really comes down to matching the scope of works (client’s requirements) with their budget; and whether that requires building consent or not – we manage the process for the client.

                Building Consent applications needs to be included project documentation and specifications which identify the compliance path used for each aspect of building performance, with evidence to show how that will be achieved.

                If you are renovating, always do your own research into what requires consent – you may find that different builders have different opinions on the situation, and may make suggestions that favour them.

                We suggest looking at the following Government sites for up to date information:

                • And

                So, what renovations require building consent?

                Have a look at the list below (put together by the team at

                Renovation Consent needed? Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) needed?
                New cabinetry No No
                New sink and tapware No Only if you’re modifying the set up of the plumbing and/or drainage.
                Stove/cooktop install No Yes, regardless of whether you use gas or electricity.
                New rangehood install No Yes (electrician)
                Removing a wall to modify kitchen size Yes Yes
                New counter and/or splashback No No
                Re-flooring kitchen No No
                New sink and tapware No Only if you’re modifying the set up of the plumbing and/or drainage.
                Shower/bath install (including re-tiling shower) No Only if you’re modifying the set up of the plumbing and/or drainage.
                Removing a wall to modify bathroom size Yes Yes
                Installing new vanity and cabinets No No
                Re-flooring bathroom No No
                Installing an extractor fan and/or heat lamp No Yes (electrician)
                Repainting No No
                Adding new lights No No
                Adding new powerpoints No Yes
                Recarpeting/flooring No No, but we recommend using a professional to install it
                Re-gibbing walls No, unless they are part of an exterior wall No
                Insulating interior walls No No
                Insulation exterior facing walls Yes Yes
                Removing/adding a wall to modify room size Yes, if a structural wall is being removed Yes
                Adding a new room Yes Yes
                Installing a woodburner or air-conditioning system Yes Yes
                Re-roof home Yes Yes
                Replace external cladding Yes Yes
                Repainting cladding No No, but you will need to use scaffolding on anything high enough to present a fall risk
                Add a deck Yes, if over 1.5m high Yes, if over 1.5m high
                Replace fence No, unless over 2.5m high No, unless over 2.5m high
                New driveway No, unless it differs from the council blueprints No
                Building an ancillary dwelling (i.e. a granny flat) Yes Yes
                Converting a garage into a room Yes Yes
                New shed Yes, if greater than 10m2 in floor area Yes, if greater than 10m2 in floor area
                Swimming pool and fence Yes Yes
                Retaining wall No, unless higher than 1.5m No, unless higher than 1.5m
                Garden trellis No, unless over 2.5m high No
                Exterior home maintenance (e.g. replacing a weatherboard or piece of spouting) No No


                How much does it cost for the building consent?

                Check out the table below from Auckland City Council, it is subject to change so please check it directly from their website for the most up to date figures. We’ve put a list of references at the end of this article to guide you to the right page. Please note that all prices at inclusive of GST.

                Pre-application meetings

                Description Fee
                Building consent – standard pre-application meeting $311 (fixed fee)
                Building consent – complex pre-application meeting ​$311 processing deposit (additional charges by the hour)
                Fire engineering brief meeting ​$311 (limited to 1 hour, hourly rates apply thereafter)

                Building applications

                Description Processing deposit Inspection deposit Total deposit
                Project value up to $1999 $500 $288 $788
                Project value $2000 to $4999 $840 $432 $1272
                Project value $5000 to $19,999 $1100 $576 $1676
                Project value $20,000 to $99,999 $1925 $720 $2645
                Project value $100,000 to $499,999 $2775 $1440 $4215
                Project value over $500,000 $4620 $1728 $6348


                Code compliance certificate

                Description Total deposit
                Project value up to $19,999 $152
                Project value $20,000 to $99,999 $355
                Project value $100,000 to $499,999 $533
                Project value $500,000 and over $853


                Do you need a building consent for a kitchen and/or bathroom renovation?

                When you’re renovating a kitchen or bathroom, whether you need to apply for building consent or not can be a bit tricky, and it’s not always so clear – here are some examples of what may require consent, and what doesn’t.

                You are unlikely to require a building consent to:

                • re-position or replace sanitary fixtures (e.g. a bath, bidet, wash hand basin, shower or toilet pan) within an existing home bathroom
                • move a toilet pan from a toilet compartment into an adjacent existing bathroom
                • remodel an existing kitchen within the same space, leaving the kitchen sink in the same position
                • move an existing home laundry tub to a new location to an adjacent room
                • relocate or remove an existing hose tap
                • remove a bath with a shower over it, and replace it with a new proprietary shower enclosure and a new bath within the existing bathroom space.

                You will need a building consent to:

                • install a tiled wet area shower – as it involves critical building work that is not sanitary plumbing, such as carpentry and installing waterproof membranes
                • move a vanity, bath, and shower within an apartment of a multi-level building – as it may involve new penetrations through a fire separation
                • add a shower, hand basin, and toilet to an ensuite – as these sanitary fixtures are additional to those already existing in the building.

                Where sanitary plumbing work could adversely affect the performance of structural elements, such as floor joists or wall framing, this work may require a building consent. You are required to obtain a building consent if the work involves adding an additional sanitary fixture to your house – for example, a new bath, new toilet – where there was not one previously.


                A building consent is not required for a range of general building repairs, maintenance, and replacement of parts

                This information can be found on – you’ll also find many specific examples on the website that clarifies what is determined as “general” repair, maintenance or replacement.

                What the law says

                Subject to section 42A of the Building Act, Schedule 1 exempts the following from a building consent:

                1. The repair and maintenance of any component or assembly incorporated in or associated with a building, provided that comparable materials are used.2. Replacement of any component or assembly incorporated in or associated with a building, provided that: (a) a comparable component or assembly is used; and (b) the replacement is in the same position.3. However, subclauses (1) and (2) do not include the following building work:(a) complete or substantial replacement of a specified system; or(b) complete or substantial replacement of any component or assembly contributing to the building’s structural behaviour or fire-safety properties; or(c) repair or replacement (other than maintenance) of any component or assembly that has failed to satisfy the provisions of the building code for durability, for example, through a failure to comply with the external moisture requirements of the building code; or(d) sanitary plumbing or drainlaying under the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006.

                Understanding Consent Requirements for Bathroom Renovations in NZ

                When you’re planning a bathroom renovation in New Zealand, it’s crucial to determine whether you need consent. According to the guidelines provided by and Auckland Council, not all bathroom renovations require consent, but there are specific instances where it is mandatory.

                When You Don’t Need Consent

                For minor renovations or maintenance that doesn’t affect the structure or weathertightness of your home, you typically don’t need consent. Examples include:

                • Replacing old fixtures with new ones (like-for-like replacements).
                • Painting, tiling, and other cosmetic changes.
                • Installing new cabinetry or vanities, provided they don’t require plumbing changes.

                When You Do Need Consent

                However, certain renovations do require building consent. These include:

                • Structural Changes: If you’re moving walls or altering the structure of your home.
                • Plumbing Work: Significant changes to the plumbing system, such as moving a toilet, installing new pipes, or modifying drainage systems.
                • Waterproofing: Ensuring the bathroom is properly waterproofed is critical. If your renovation impacts the waterproofing layer, you may need consent.
                • Adding Windows or Doors: Changes to the exterior that affect weathertightness

                So, do you need consent to renovate your bathroom in NZ? It depends on the scope of your project. For minor cosmetic changes, you’re likely in the clear. However, for more substantial renovations involving structural changes, plumbing, or waterproofing, obtaining the proper consents is essential. Always check with your local council to get specific guidance tailored to your situation.


                Do I Need Consent to Renovate Kitchen NZ?

                When planning a kitchen renovation in New Zealand, it’s important to determine whether you need building consent. The guidelines from and Auckland Council help clarify this.

                When You Don’t Need Consent

                For minor kitchen renovations that don’t affect the structure or weathertightness of your home, you typically don’t need consent. These include:

                • Replacing existing cabinets, countertops, and appliances without altering their locations.
                • Painting, tiling, and other non-structural cosmetic changes.
                • Installing new fixtures (sinks, taps) in the same positions.

                When You Do Need Consent

                However, certain types of renovations do require consent. These are:

                • Structural Changes: Moving or removing walls, adding windows, or making changes that affect the structure of your home.
                • Plumbing and Electrical Work: Significant changes to plumbing or electrical systems, such as installing new pipes, relocating the sink, or adding new electrical outlets.
                • Ventilation and Gas Fitting: Installing or altering ventilation systems, or making changes involving gas appliances.
                • Waterproofing: If the renovation impacts areas that require waterproofing, such as around sinks or dishwashers.

                So, do you need consent to renovate your kitchen in NZ? It largely depends on the scope of your project. Minor cosmetic updates typically don’t need consent, but significant structural, plumbing, electrical, or waterproofing changes do. Always check with your local council to get precise guidance for your specific renovation.


                What renovations require resource consent?

                A resource consent is completely different to a building consent, a resource consent is a formal approval from your council to do something that they haven’t clearly identified in their unitary plan as either permitted or prohibited. Also keep in mind that the unitary plan differs for different zones around Auckland – so make sure you know what rules apply in your zone. Normally your architect/planner will check this as part of their feasibility study, and this is done prior to drafting plans.

                You’ll need to apply for resource consent if your renovation includes things like:

                • using or subdividing land
                • taking water
                • discharging contaminants in water, soil or air
                • using or occupying coastal space.

                If a proposal/scope of works sits within the Building Controls in the District or Unitary Plan, Resource Consent will often not be necessary.  You can check Auckland’s Unitary Plan here: – but again, we suggest talking to an architect or planner if you’re not familiar with interpreting the plans.

                If you don’t need resource consent but want confirmation, a council can issue a certificate of compliance for permitted activities. This confirms that the activity is lawfully established in relation to the Resource Management Act. However, you may still need a building consent or need to meet our district requirements.

                Talking to your local building consent authority (BCA) is also a good idea. If the scope of what you are planning is slightly beyond the exemption listed in on their website, for example, the BCA has discretion as to whether or not it will require a building consent.


                We hope this article has helped answer some of your questions, we’ve included all the references below that was used to develop to article so you can read further. If you do have further questions about consents, feel free to let us know by emailing us or by filling in a form – we will then forwarded it onto our Architect to follow up.


                Please note: Whilst all information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. The information may change without notice and Superior Renovations is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.


                To wrap up

                How much does it cost for the building consent application?

                The cost starts at $788 for projects up to the value of $1999, and $2645 for projects up to $99,999 - the cost is dependant on the value of the project.

                Do you need a building consent for a kitchen and/or bathroom renovation?

                It's generally not required unless there is going to be alterations to the structure of the building (removal of a wall) or additions to sanitary fixtures.

                Where do i find the most up to date information about consents?

                We suggest visiting the government websites such as, and - main reason is because this information is continually updated. Talk to an architect or a planner will also help because they will be able to interpret the information for you.

                Does adding an extra toilet require a building consent?

                Yes it does, because you'll be added an extra sanitary fixture that wasn't there before - so you will need to apply for building consent for this.

                Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                  Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                  Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

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                  House Renovation

                  Guide to Renovating Rental/Investment Properties in New Zealand

                  SRR_9265-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Are you trying to make up your mind about renovating your property or make improvements in advance before a new tenant moves in? or perhaps your renovating to increase the equity in preparation for selling?

                  When it comes to property investment, it is recommended you review your finances from time to time. Refinancing, at a better mortgage rate could help achieve a higher return. You may also want to contact your accountant or tax specialist to see if you qualify for any or further tax benefits.

                  Should I be spending money to renovate my rental properties, is it worth it?

                  In this article, I help you understand the maths behind improving your property and why undertaking renovations on your rental property could be financially beneficial, but also why you shouldn’t be renovating as well.

                  Some rental owners think that renovating their property isn’t financially worthwhile.

                  Common views from rental/investment property owners:

                  • It is just a rental property. Even if I put in new fixtures and chattels in it, they will wear out anyway. Why bother?
                  • I don’t understand much about the renovation. I’m not certain about where to begin or whom to talk to so it’s a bit of a risky investment.
                  • If I make improvements in my rental property, it will be even better than our own home!

                  These are all valid points and not wrong to some extent, however we’re going to dig deeper to see what the data says. We will also address some of these questions in this article and hopefully provide you with enough information to make an informed/data driven decision that ultimately puts you financially better off.


                  If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


                  SRR_9246-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Calculating the potential ROI of your rental property after the renovations

                  A simple and quick way to do so is to approximate the annual rent increase after renovations are done. Then divide that into the renovation cost.

                  For instance, imagine you spend $7,000 on making improvements to your kitchen between tenancies. We don’t mean setting up a brand new kitchen, but renovations such as repainting walls and cupboards, new floors, replacing bench top or acquiring a new stove.

                  Consequently, you can obtain a higher rent, probably about $30 every week.

                  • By attracting higher income earning tenants
                  • To retain existing tenants with the upgrade (after the increase in rent)

                  You can determine your return by calculating your yearly rent increase (52 weeks x $30). Then divide your answer into the renovation cost ($7,000). You should get 0.22, and you can multiply this by 100 to get a percentage (22.28%) – and that is your return on investment, which will pay for itself after 3-4 years (assuming you’re not increasing rent further, and you’re not selling).

                  Real estate investors are always looking for a high return on investment (ROI) when buying rental properties. Higher returns can be achieved and influenced in many ways. Real estate renovation is one of those ways.

                  Renovated rental units justify a higher rental rate – but it’s important you’re spending on the “right” renovations. There are a couple of other factors behind real estate renovation:

                  • To maintain or improve the value of the investment property through necessary repairs or replacements
                  • To increase equity
                  • Rental property improvements to attract better-qualified tenants
                  • Tax advantages
                  • Reduced maintenance
                  • Lower vacancy rates


                  Five things you need to know before you consider renovating your rental

                  1. When undertaking renovations on your investment property, avoid looking at it like it’s your own home, it should be a data-driven decision. What you want for your home is not necessarily what your investment needs to ensure best return.
                  2. Create a strict budget and research thoroughly and ensure to create room for contingency for unexpected costs – it is common with renovations – for example, if you’re renovating the bathroom, you may find that there is water damage in the subfloor which is common with the older properties.
                  3. Choosing the right renovations should not only increase the property value but also the rent.
                  4. Good renovations are “bulletproof” In the long term, a durable renovation will outdo a fancy renovation.
                  5. Don’t forget to consult your accountant, finance specialists and local renovation company (project manager) – get all your ducks lined up and make an informed decision based on data.

                  DSC05478-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Renovations that add value in the property

                  I want to make improvements to my property to add value. To achieve this, I plan to spend $15,000 to paint the interior and replace damaged carpets to increase my property value by $30,000 and similarly raise weekly rent by $30.

                  Sounds good in theory! But it doesn’t always plan out that way. We can definitely speculate the return on investment, and the increase in rent (but is that what the tenant wants?).


                  If you are looking to renovate to add value, instead of looking at the “end result” first – begin with focusing on what you are in control of which is choosing what to renovate. By choosing the right renovations to begin with (within your planned budget) backed by data – the end result of the renovations is a given. Rental property owners tend to make the mistake of assuming what they think should justify increase the value or rent, but this subjective thinking leads to making the wrong decisions.  Be careful where you get your advice from as well, everyone seems to have an opinion on what they think you should do to your property.

                  So we’ve put together a list of renovations that proven to add value and justify increasing rent.

                  1. Kitchen renovations

                  According to, kitchen and bath remodels offer nearly an 85% ROI, making them sound investments whether renting or selling. In lower income locations, renovating the kitchen can be extremely expensive and not worthwhile. However, there are simple kitchen cheats that you can use to ensure kitchen makeovers are cost-effective and still create an appeal. One of these is purchasing second-hand cabinetry online and using stain-block on your old cabinetwork. Perhaps even consider replacing the kitchen cupboards and draws assuming the carcass of the kitchen is still in good condition. For mid to high income locations, a full kitchen renovation is definitely worth considering because it would appeal more to the target audience. But with both options, consider the value of your property and make sure not to overcapitalise.

                  1. Street appeal

                  Although this appears overly simple, re-staining your fence, painting the roof and installing a new letterbox can give your home a new look that appeals to buyers and renters alike. This kind of renovation is best suited during spring when the weather allows you to paint outside, and your paint will dry quickly because of the warm weather. If you’re looking at selling the property, painting the home is the most cost-effective way to give the home a spruce up.

                  1. Bathroom renovations

                  A bathroom renovation is widely considered to increase the value of home significantly and it’s been stated by Business Insider that it can be up to a 70% return on investment. Whether a renovation is structural or simply cosmetic, an attractive bathroom will always appeal to the savvy buyer. But again, the decision to make minor alterations to the bathroom or to fully renovate the bathroom comes down to the location of your property (it would resonate with the target audience, eg Location with mostly growing families would prefer to have a bath), and to ensure you’re not over capitalising. Get the right lighting – Plenty of light is essential for a bathroom, but so is a warm and cosy glow. Check your lighting and see what you can change to make your bathroom appeal to your type of buyer.

                  1. Gardening & Landscaping

                  A smart garden appeals to everyone, and it all narrows down to your audience in the location (families, working professionals, or flatting situations). One thing to note is always go for plants that don’t need much gardening time or maintenance – don’t expect tenants to look after it (if they do, great!). These may be natives that are endemic to your area. Always ensure that your garden’s front lawn is tidy and trimmed. Also, berms ought to follow suit.

                  1. Floor Renovations

                  Carpets in old rentals act as hind outs for various crawling insects, including such as ants. While a carpet can be costly, there are cost-effective options to acquire one.  One of these is purchasing in bulk. You will buy them at a reduced price, and you can use the extra carpets across your multiple rentals.

                  The most common floor renovation for rentals is converting from Carpets to Laminate flooring for multiple reasons such as:

                  • Laminate flooring is much more durable, which means it will last longer then carpets (which leaves marks). After a while, carpet will start to fray and show obvious signs of wear. Although landlords can request for the carpets to be cleaned, it’s not going to stop it from general wear and tear. It’s important to note, landlords cannot get compensation for fair wear and tear, and distressed carpets usually fall into that category.
                  • Tenants are becoming more health conscious and carpets are much more prone to attracting and clinging onto dirt, which means they get dirty quickly and need to be cleaned regularly. So it’s preferable to both buyers and tenants that if they’re choosing a property, laminate flooring would be ideal.
                  • Laminate flooring is easy to clean and maintain, the process only requires a very moderately damp cloth and a sweep. For a thorough carpet clean, a specialist vacuum and shampoo is required, and it becomes more of a problem when there is spills/stains (which in some cases don’t come out)
                  1. Painting

                  Always seek professional painters to do the job – it seems like something that can be done by yourself but if not done properly, it’s very obvious and visible. Here’s an article that outlines whether you should DIY or Choose a Professional Painter. The most common painting project clients undertake is interior and exterior painting (not so much roof, normally a roof wash is sufficient), or replacing wallpaper to painted walls.  Painting the property is one of the easiest and most cost-effective way to improve the perceived value of the property especially if surfaces look tired – it is also value added to potential buyers and renters. Check out blogs from Superior Painters (North Shore) for more information on painting your rental property.

                  1. New curtains and Blinds

                  Normally something easily forgotten – but it does make a difference. To give your property a refreshing impression before selling or renting it. Installing/purchasing new blinds and curtains can be as low as $2,500 for standard 3 bed home (8 windows).

                  1. Call in your mates

                  While you can have someone to provide their services in your house within a day, you can accomplish the same tasks or even more in much less time with your mates. Besides, you will have more fun doing it together.

                  1. Let there be light

                  Light shades offer decent and stunning looks in your rooms, but they can get pretty dingy after some years. Although it is relatively simple to get a replacement, you can restore their new and fresh look by performing an effective scrub. A common choice we get from home owners and rental property owners is replacing all the lights in the home to LEDs, for the following reasons:

                  • LED lighting uses less energy (90% less energy)
                  • LED bulbs last much much longer (landlords are responsible for replacing)
                  • No need to change the fitting
                  • LED bulbs are coming down in price every day!
                  • And lastly, LED lighting is the preferred choice for all new builds now

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                  What is the cost of renovating a rental property?

                  We need to be certain that the costs of carry out a renovation will be recovered in the long run through increased capital and rental appreciation.

                  The cost of renovating a rental is different (due to requirements) compared to if you were renovating your own home because:

                  • Choice in materials – you’ll lean towards durability and what is cost effective
                  • Features and extra amenities will be limited, functionality will be more important
                  • Design will not be on top of the list, for example, you would rather choose to go with an acrylic shower base than a full tiled shower/bathroom.
                  • Choice in fitting/product supplier will be on the lower end (but still good enough quality to be durable and long term) – although in saying this, taps, shower heads/fittings and mixers, always choose the better quality option over the cheapest.

                  Here is a break down of costs you can expect to pay for different renovations:

                  Note: Copied from our article on: How much does it cost to renovation in Auckland for 2019

                  Heat pump $1,500 – $3,500
                  Renovation Management $1,200 – $3,000
                  Electrical $2,200 – $4,400
                  Plumbing $2,700 – $4,200
                  Builder $15,000 – $25,000
                  Joinery (windows) $4,000 – $7,000
                  Insulation $1,000 – $3,600
                  Roof $4,400 – $9,600
                  Interior Renovation costs $40,000 to well over $100,000 (dependant on size of home and specs)
                  Renovation Costs Bathroom Starting at only $8,500 for a basic alterations to an average spend of $18,000 – $22,000 for a full bathroom renovation.
                  Renovations Costs for Kitchen Ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 for minor alterations (changing cupboards and draws) to an average spend of $22,000 – $28,000 for a full kitchen renovation.
                  House Extension cost $100,000 +
                  Recladding cost $150,000 +

                  SRR_9300-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  Common mistakes made when renovating an investment property

                  In most cases, the renovation of investment properties is regarded as an unfailing plan that guarantees an increase in rental returns.

                  While this seems straightforward, the truth is it’s not always the case because when operating in an unstable market, the monetary gains of improving a property may be outweighed by equity loss.

                  Here some mistakes that are made by renovators of investment property.

                  1. Ignoring market trends and audience in the location

                  Some people who have owned investment properties for over a decade tend to think that they are in an advantageous position to carry out renovations. But what they might not know is the market keeps on changing. Such changes range from interior designs, property value, to tenants’ tastes. Thus, you are likely to miss out on your projected returns by ignoring current market trends. So before renovating your property, undertake research on recent sales of property, analyze current trends in the market, and consult those in the property industry business. A good example is like people leaning more towards properties with LED lighting (as mentioned above).

                  1. Failing to monitor the rental market

                  Monitoring rental markets are often not in the priority list of most property renovators. But property prices keep of changing, and if you don’t monitor their trend, you might be left with vacant properties to fill after prices fall. If you have old properties, you need to keep monitoring the rental market to ensure they remain competitive.

                  In saying that, if the market is flat lining and not appreciating in value – it might be a good time to renovate to increase it’s value if you are intending to sell/ or increase rent.

                  1. Tenants living in the property

                  If there are tenants residing in the property you are renovating, it will cause rental income loss if they need to move out while renovation works takes place. You may also be responsible for their belongings (storage cost), electrical bill, and water bill.

                  To avoid all these issues associated with tenants living in the property, make renovations plans in advance and plan out the renovation in stages to minimise loss rent – try to avoid having the tenants move out or do it when they are away on holiday. For example, if you’re renovating the bathroom, hire a porta-loo for them to use for the time being (negotiate a reduction in rent as a compromise as it’s not exactly ideal). Make appropriate scheduling for delivery of renovation tools and materials to minimise issues with the tenants.

                  1. Overcapitalising

                  There are cheap alternatives that smart renovators use to minimize costs while providing added value to their clients. But cheap renovations doesn’t always mean the best return on investment, it may even be detrimental (dependant on the location of the property and the target audience).

                  You need to recognize the amenities and services that drive tenants’ demands. Some alternatives will drastically minimize cost and end up with a finish that delivers projected value and results.

                  1. Refinancing to renovate

                  You are likely to get into arrangements that don’t pay off, for instance, by extending your home loan to cater for your property improvement. This is because a huge portion of your returns will go into loan payment.

                  If you must borrow to carry out renovations, you need to be confident that your improvements will bring about higher rental returns. This will help you to evade risky situations of making zero returns, considering the unstableness of the market. We’ve put together an article exactly for this, on how to finance your renovation via loan – courtesy of Linda from Loan Market.


                  SRR_9251-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

                  7 questions to ask before starting renovations on your rental property

                  1. How will renovation influence my rental returns?

                  This should be the first question you need to consider before considering any renovation. Understand your reasons for conducting a renovation and what you’re expecting in return financially.

                  For example, renovating a devastated three-by-two house can increase the weakly rental rate by $50. (at a minimum, always use minimums to determine affordability – not what you think it’s worth) –  Your weekly rental rates might shoot from $320 to $380. In a year, you will realize an extra $2,600.

                  Remember to be realistic with your estimations and projections. Don’t invest less and expect huge returns.

                  1. Repair or replace?

                  Never replace things that can otherwise be repaired or fixed. Since renovation is an expensive undertaking, you need to save it for those areas that require it.

                  In case you are working with a limited budget, and you still want to increase your returns, try these:

                  You can give your kitchen a new look by replacing countertops and handles, and replacing the cabinets/draws. Replace carpets and repaint walls to give the home a new freshness to it and give the impression of it feeling new.

                  Instead of thinking about replacing your kitchen sink or bathroom vanity, just cut costs by replacing the tapware (makes a bigger impression, if the cabinet is still in good condition)

                  1. What you should renovate (important)

                  Focus on vital and functional areas like the bathroom and kitchen, where tenants are likely to spend much time. Restoring these areas will have a huge impact on the daily living of tenants and rental returns as well. Is renovation vital to tenants?

                  Not every renovation work is important to your tenants. Some restoration will only enhance the resale value and not the rental value. For instance, a new toilet may appear good in the house; a tenant may regard it as just a toilet.

                  For your rental property to appeal to tenants, focus on aspects that are regarded highly by tenants. This includes having additional space or room and installing a heating pump for cold seasons.

                  1. Which material do you plan to use, and are they practical?

                  Although maximizing your property’s ROI is vital, you need not compromise on quality. Cheap fixtures and repair materials are prone to wear and tear fast, and you will be called to replace them sooner than you expected (focus on long term return/cost)

                  Besides, analyze the prices for different materials as they are likely to vary from one hardware store to another. Ensure that the materials you have chosen are suitable for your rental. About renovation materials, think more about their durability and not just costs. You will maximize your ROI by using long-lasting materials and it’s not an area to cut costs.

                  1. Is it too little or too much?

                  You shouldn’t overcapitalize the upgrades. In other words, keep it simple. The majority of the tenant will not bother to know how much that you invested in the renovation. They just want to have it functional so that it can fulfil their needs.

                  Be flexible in terms of considering cheaper but quality accessories. Also, think about the locality of your rental property and determine whether your upgrades would warrant an increase in rent (is it important to your target audience).

                  1. Is it a legal obligation to your tenants?

                  In New Zealand, rental laws are continually changing. From installing smoke alarms to making sure your property is healthy and safe, you should comply with all the legal obligations about rental properties and focus on these first before any other renovations/alternations.

                  It is worth noting that all forms of renovations should reflect and conform to the set laws as well – so make sure you’re using companies that are able to provide certificates/warranties. Rent increase also needs to conform to established stipulations. This includes giving advance notice prior to the increase.

                  We hope this guide has been helpful, and it gives you enough information to make an informed decision about renovating. Do let us know if you have any questions, and we would try our best to answer every question posted. Lastly, don’t forget to share your experience and tips that’s not mentioned here that you think will be valuable to those interested in renovating your rental property.



                  Please note: Whilst all information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. The information may change without notice and Superior Renovations is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.


                  To wrap up

                  Should I renovate my rental property?

                  Depends on what you’re trying to achieve and what you’re renovating, not all renovations are equal and all delivers different returns on investment – including a number of variables to take in consideration such as location, target audience, financial circumstances, current market trends etc

                  What renovations can add value to my rental property?

                  Kitchen renovations, renovations to increase street appeal, bathroom renovations, New Curtains and Blinds, and Lighting are amongst the most common renovations.

                  What are common renovation mistakes made with rental properties?

                  Ignoring market trends and audience in the location, Failing to monitor the rental market, Tenants living in the property, Tenants living in the property, and Refinancing to renovate if they can’t afford to.

                  How will renovation influence my rental returns?

                  Understand your reasons for conducting a renovation and what you’re expecting in return financially. For example, renovating a devastated three-by-two house can increase the weakly rental rate by $50. (at a minimum, always use minimums to determine affordability – not what you think it’s worth) – Your weekly rental rates might shoot from $320 to $380. In a year, you will realize an extra $2,600.


                  If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


                  Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations


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                    Vilma Arcos
                    Vilma Arcos
                    Thanks Superior Renovations for doing our house, it definitely looks a lot better now! Special thanks goes to Alison and Jacob for their excellent effort and good manners in handling the construction process, it wasn't easy but with them around it definitely became easier to handle. Cheers🥂
                    F J Bandukwala
                    F J Bandukwala
                    Absolutely thrilled with the outcome of our renovation of two bathrooms and kitchen in a double level home. Kevin and his entire team were an absolute pleasure to work with from the get-go. Every minor detail was attended to, and all our requests were accommodated. Cyrus deserves a special mention as under his watchful eye and expertise, nothing could go wrong.
                    I have recently finished a renovation in our 1930’s bungalow, updating the original (and I do mean original) kitchen and bathroom. Plus creating a new laundry and removing three fireplaces which created two new spaces including an office. From the initial appointment with Alison who came over and then provided drawings and a quotation, to the work with Frank, our project manager and the team, this has been a wonderful renovation experience. I would have described myself as a nervous-renovator prior to doing this, as I had never done a renovation before, but Frank, Alison, Sunny and all the team have worked so tirelessly and generously to create spaces that we love. Superior’s care in managing the project has meant that we have come away with much more than we originally sought to achieve and without the stress I hear others lament about when they renovate. I would recommend Frank, Alison, Sunny and the team at Superior Renovations wholeheartedly.
                    Ike Harris
                    Ike Harris
                    We engaged with three companies to completely renovate our downstairs and ensuite bathrooms. We elected to go with Superior Renovations as they provided us with a fixed price and specific timeline to complete the project (which two other companies could not do), and we were absolutely delighted with the end result. We love everything from the floor and wall tiles to the heated towel rails and from the LCD mirrors to the underfloor heating and soft close lids. We especially loved replacing the old tub in our ensuite with a walk-in shower.The entire process went incredibly smoothly, with the project being completed on budget and ahead of schedule. From the initial design phase to the final touches, nothing was too much trouble for the team. Superior Renovations conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every detail was perfect.Frank (Project Manager) and the team did such an amazing job. Totally professional outfit, top notch communication, all tradies were courteous, polite and respectful. Alex (Builder) was especially knowledgeable and offered great solutions as minor issues unfolded. Each stage of the renovation was completed on the day it was scheduled. The crew were always on time and mindful of our work from home arrangements. And I was also impressed with the floor protection that was laid out on the first day.Through no fault of Superior, we did encounter a major, unforeseen setback that delayed our renovation on the downstairs bathroom. Superior were patient with us while we sourced specialists to remedy the issue. But once that was all sorted, Frank and the team picked up the baton and charged ahead to the finish line, delivering two beautifully ‘superior’ bathrooms. We also experienced a minor electrical issue post-build. And even though it was unrelated to their renovation work, Frank promptly dispatched an electrician who quickly fixed the problem. Talk about above and beyond!In summary, we highly recommend Superior Renovations for anyone looking to undertake bathroom renovations in their home. We’re already talking about renovating the kitchen next and we’re so confident in Superior Renovations that we will most certainly be engaging with them to complete the task.A huge thank you to Frank, Alex and all the wonderful team at Superior Renovations:)
                    Kalina Hristova
                    Kalina Hristova
                    Superior Renovations did an amazing job we would definitely recommend them for anyone looking for a high quality outcome. Our Project Manager Jacob was amazing, taking care of any minor adjustments we wanted, nothing was too much trouble.
                    Melanie Whittaker
                    Melanie Whittaker
                    Absolutely love my new ensuite bathroom. Superior Renovations made the process so enjoyable, I'm truly delighted with the transformation from an old tired room to modern functionality.Jacob led a wonderful team of professionals who were considerate and efficient. He answered any query with reassurance and patience.I'm now looking at engaging them again for my main bathroom because I'm not fearful of renovating anymore and confident I'll get a superior outcome. They definitely lived up to their name!
                    Carolina Guerra
                    Carolina Guerra
                    Superior Renovations transformed our bathroom, and we couldn’t be happier. Cici, Jacob, Alex, and Ray were a fantastic team (Ray, our dog, is going to miss you). They tackled our old house’s quirks with creativity and attention to detail. We were especially impressed that they stayed within budget, even with a few surprises along the way. We’d definitely choose Superior Renovations again and highly recommend them.
                    Regina Cho
                    Regina Cho
                    Thanks Sunny, Jacob and the team for a great renovation. We had 2 bathrooms, the laundry room and front door re-done and very pleased with the results.
                    Kalpana Iyer
                    Kalpana Iyer
                    Superior Renovations did a good job for our deck, they are professional and took on board any changes suggested by us and gave good ideas and advice.They took care of cleaning up all the mess after every job.Good value for money.Special mention to Cici, Frank & all the workers.😊 Thank you so muchHighly recommended 👍😊
                    Narelle Silwood
                    Narelle Silwood
                    It was a pleasure to work with Jacob and his team. They installed a lovely new kitchen which met all my requirements, it arrived on schedule and I was kept informed all the way through the project. Thanks Jacob ... you did a great job. Narelle
                    Gavin Botica
                    Gavin Botica
                    I recently engaged the services of Superior Renovations for a complete renovation of my kitchen and bathroom, and I couldn't be happier with the results. The entire process went incredibly smoothly, with the project being completed on budget and ahead of schedule. From the initial design phase to the final touches, nothing was too much trouble for the team. They conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, ensuring every detail was perfect. I highly recommend Superior Renovations for anyone looking to renovate their home.
                    Chinchien Lin
                    Chinchien Lin
                    We have our bathroom renovation scheduled later this week. Everything so far is awesome. They are very patient and nice to work with!My wife's dream of a bathtub is finally happening. Can't wait to see the final result!
                    Rajesh Kumar
                    Rajesh Kumar
                    Great work done by Superior Renovation.Great service and efficient job.Big thanks to Jacob andthey team.Highly recommend.Got my 2 bathrooms renovated.
                    Narene Orchard
                    Narene Orchard
                    We had the best experience using Superior Renovations. They had a good range of products available making it easy to pick the fixtures and fittings. The team were experienced and had great pride in their work, from the office to onsite we were treated like valued customers. The product we ended up with exceeded our expectations.
                    Dhruv Mehta
                    Dhruv Mehta
                    Great experience with Superior renovations. I would highly recommend it for anyone looking to renovate their house.
                    We engaged Superior Renovations to transform our 30-year old, tired looking and problematic bathroom into something world class - and wow! The end result is simply stunning. The team led by Frank did an absolutely fantastic job. This was our first major renovation project and the entire process was easy and hassle free. The team delivered on schedule, within budget and the quality of their work is outstanding. If you are considering renovating - do not go past these guys.
                    Linda Meyer
                    Linda Meyer
                    Wish I had given more of my renovation project to Superior earlier in the process. Superior team was knowledgeable, skilled and exception to work with. Will certainly be a repeat customer if ever a need comes up.
                    Emma Mildon
                    Emma Mildon
                    From design to completion the team were professional and always keen to get the project right. We will definitely be using their services again. Even finished the job with a spotless clean.
                    Henry Popplewell
                    Henry Popplewell
                    My wife and I are absolutely delighted with the team at Superior Renovations - and the "superior" job and experience they delivered for us in renovating our ensuite and main bathroom. We are so pleased we chose them for our renovation.Everyone from Cici the designer, and Frank our wonderful and attentive project manager, down to the team of guys doing the heavy lifting were a real pleasure to deal with. We were kept informed every step of the way and everything was done to a very high standard. Nothing seems too much trouble for your crew (in fact Frank even became quite good at running after and catching our dog when the naughty little boy escaped), and they even helped me out with a couple of small extras around the house at no additional cost.Their pricing was very fair - no hidden extras, and they are such hard workers! But I think what impressed me most was that everything they promised was done exactly on the day they said it would be done, and at the time they said it would be done. They were a very respectful, friendly team who obviously take immense pride in their work.Thank you Superior team! Recommend 100%
                    Libby Sumnz
                    Libby Sumnz
                    This place is excellent. The service is fantastic. Eunice was amazing. She is efficient, knowledgeable and professional. Their prices are excellent. We have chosen to go with them for an ensuite renovation.We have now had the pleasure of Superior completing our ensuite. It's a big WOW from us.Communication, professionalism, making sure they checked in with us about preferences, quality of workmanship, quality of materials are all 5 stars.They completed the job early. Payment structure was excellent. The staff were polite and respectful. If there was an issue it got sorted immediately. Follow-up was prompt. There was no lingering to tidy up loose ends. Rubbish taken away immediately. Full respect of our neighbours using a shared driveway with us. Finally Jacob our project manager was the best. He held the job together from beginning to end.To be honest...we were 'blown away' by how smoothly it all ran.