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House Renovation

A Guide For Your Smart Home Essentials. Benefits and Tips

In our digital world, technology is constantly changing and getting better which should come as no surprise that people have invented ways to make our homes smarter and our lives easier. But if you’re still unsure about investing into smart homes, then this article is perfect for you. There are plenty of benefits to having a smart home, keep reading to find out more!

Smart homes may seem convenient for others, but others may also struggle with the idea of smart homes. Smart homes are a huge change and can impact how you and your family live for the next few years. When considering your kitchen or bathroom renovation and design consider installing some smart home appliances.

Curious about smart bulbs or exploring the new amazing capabilities of your new voice assistant? There are many researches that can be found on smart homes NZ and how you can make your house a smart home. Best thing about it, is that you don’t need a full house renovation to make your house a smart home. Having some kitchen design ideas with smart solution home ideas can work wonders in just one room. This can be done in many ways and you’ve probably come across two keywords that is repeated in all your research findings. Smart home and home automation. So what are the differences between those two key terms?

If you assume that these two terms are somewhat similar, you are correct! These two terms are closely related, but they do refer to different things that makes them different from one another.

Smart homes in NZ refers to electronic devices and sensors that can be controlled over the internet or your own local network like your phone, computer and other devices. These devices most often have their own separate app that you’d use to control within certain ecosystem. And it also doesn’t require a full home renovation for it to work. For example, Alexa is a home assistant smart device that you can set up and make it towards your liking. As Alexa is a part of Amazon, there is a separate app needed in order to set up you Alexa.

Home automation refers to a methodology for using smart home devices. The purpose of home automation is to make devices work automatically so that it can response to what you’re doing. While also requiring little to no interaction with any app or physical interface as we try to incorporate this into smart homes NZ.

For example, Philips Hue smart bulbs. You can set them up to a certain ‘scene’ or lighting for a movie night. With a smart home, you’ll open your smart home app to adjust the lighting. But, with home automation, you can set up an automation that can detect when you’re watching a movie and adjust the lights for you. While this can be done to any room you pick, consider going for a full home renovation to be able to have all those nice features in every room.


  • 7 Benefits of having a Smart Home
  • Cost of Setting up and Running a Smart Home
  • How to get started on a Basic Smart home
  • Top 4 energy efficient Smart appliances
  • Creating Smart bathrooms
  • The future of Smart Kitchens in NZ
  • Tips to have a secure smart home security system
  • Our top 4 automation systems

7 Benefits of Having a Smart Home in NZ

1.      Entertainment

The main form of entertainment we indulge in nowadays is connecting our streaming services to our Tv’s. Which provides you with a bigger screen to watch your favourite movie or tv show on. When first starting to invest in smart homes, Google Chromecast or Apple TV is a good starting point. These are smart home gadgets which can be controlled via voice if you have a compatible smart assistant. Not only is it exclusive to watching movies and tv shows, it’s also another way to blast your music while doing chores.


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Example of Chromecast/Apple Tv

2.      General Appliances

There are many appliances that be control towards your smart home and make your life easier. There are a huge variety of smart appliances that you could choose from. Few examples are fridges, ovens, heaters, air conditioners, which those appliances are able to give you notifications. A popular appliance that most people have in their homes are automatic vacuums which will send you a notification once it’s finished or if it’s stuck somewhere in the house. Some appliances can be controlled on your phone or by using voice commands. Voice commands only work if you have a smart device, like Alexa or Google Assistant.

3.      Lighting and Temperature Control

Are you all comfy and warm in your bed but forgot to turn the lights off? With your smart home appliances like purchasing smart lights, you can turn the lights off from your phone and stay in your cocoon of warmth. Having a smart thermostat in your household can also be controlled from your phone or using voice command.

4.      Home Security

Security plays a huge part in our lives as we want to keep our belongings secure. With a smart home, you’re able to control your gates from your phone. Install cameras which you can also see from your phone and purchase a smart doorbell which comes with a camera. Works best if you’re connected with Wi-Fi.

5.      Sustainability

Smart home appliances are environmentally friendly and can be sustainable for you as there are gadgets and appliances that can track your energy usage and water consumption. This can help you use less energy and water.

6.      Remote Access

The best thing about investing into a smart home is that everything can be controlled from your phone no matter where you are as long as you have a strong internet connection. Think you left the lights on while you’re on vacation? Worry no more because with remote access, you’re able to turn the lights off from your phone.

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Remote Access through your smart phone | Photo Credit – iStock

7.      Accessibility

Smart homes are easy to use and accessible to everyone. This can be extremely helpful with people who have a disability as they can use voice commands to turn things on and off and be able to control things without having to get up.

Cost of Setting up & Running a Smart Home

With upgrading your house, there will always be associated costs and creating a smart home is no different. Smart homes NZ do have smart home appliances and smart home technology that do cost significantly more due to the lack of interest and popularity in them. But it’s been predicted that these prices may drop and become more popular in the next few years. Running a smart home can also be costly as you’re introducing more powered devices to your house. Look at it this way, buying a house is an investment. Doing a full home renovation so that you love your house even more is also an investment. Setting up a smart home is also an investment.

Setup Costs

Setting up your smart home NZ or purchasing your very first smart home technology can cost significantly more than ordinary items that does the exact same things but with manual assistant. An example of this could be having LED bulbs. LED bulbs can range between $10 – $20. Whereas smart bulbs can range from $30 – $40. A little jump in price but it’s enough reason as to why consumers prefer not to adopt in smart home technology.

Running Costs

It’s no secret that having a smart home will incur additional running costs to your power bill. However, with intelligent choices and enough research, you can reduce your costs and lower you water and electricity usage.

Taking your time and carefully considering when choosing your smart home technology, setting up and managing your IoT (Internet of Things) appliances can have a positive impact on the cost in smart homes NZ.

Do Smart Homes Save Money?

Smart homes can indeed save money. As said before having a smart home is an investment that can pay off in the long run. To save money you’ll need to set up and manage the devices correctly. When setting up your smart home devices or items. Consider on-time and power consumption. Creating smart solution homes by choosing energy efficient smart homes technology. When you do a full home renovation, we encourage you to think about incorporating smart solution ideas in your full home renovation.

When purchasing smart bulbs, consider buying the more energy efficient LED lights. With many researches, LED lights are shown to be the better option as they run cooler, use less energy and last longer than incandescent bulbs. Studies have found that LED bulbs use between 75% and 80% less energy than an incandescent bulb.

Another benefit to encourage you to use LED bulbs is the extended lifetime they have. Most if not all LED bulbs have around 25,000 hours of life. Compared to incandescent bulb which can last around 1000 hours.

As said earlier, LED bulbs are significantly cooler than incandescent. Incandescent bulbs in the house can slowly increase the ambient temperature of the house, increasing the costs of cooling the house. When thinking about a full home renovation, consider opting for LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs in smart homes NZ.

Another way a smart home can help you save money is investing in purchasing a smart thermostat which can help you save on energy bills. Smart thermostats can allow excellent control over heating and cooling the house and you’re able to monitor the temperature with your phone.

How to Get Started with a Basic Smart Home?

Starting to move towards having a smart home is very exciting no matter if it’s one smart item or multiple smart items. But if you are looking to create an 100% smart home. It’s important to plan it out and consider smart home technology and smart solution homes. Which can help you get the best possible solution for your budget.


Thinking of having a smart home? But not sure where to start? There are many smart devices that is advertised to you. But not all of them are the right fit for you or your house. This is where planning becomes a vital stage of creating a smart home. There are many tools to help with this process and make your planning easier.

Firstly, you’d want to do research in which smart home device is compatible with your home. Start by writing down the different devices that would work well with your house. If there’s too many options, consider a pros and cons list of them all.

Secondly, you’d want to decide where you’ll place the device. The most popular place that people put their smart devices is usually in the living room or the kitchen. This is due to having easy access to power outlets. Some smart devices also have a wired network capability and can often work better when wired.

Once that is all sorted, you can go ahead and set up your smart device. You’d want to set up schedules which can help reduce your energy bills as well as playing around with it to get more comfortable with the app. Trying out all the features that your smart device can provide. This is a great way to slowly inch your way to making you house a smart house with smart home technology.


When it comes to setting up smart devices that are somewhat like Amazon Alexa, they are easy to set up. But with smart bulbs and smart outlets, it can be a different story entirely. If you need help installing new outlets or needing new cable runs. It’s the safest choice for you to hire an electrician who can do all the electrical work.

Top 4 Recommended Energy Efficient Appliances

1.      Smart Thermostats

When renovating your house, consider purchasing a smart thermostat for your house. Or if you’re designing your house, switch out your old thermostat for a smart thermostat. This can help cut down on energy consumption. Smart thermostats help regulate and automate your heating and cooling. They can also be controlled from your phone.

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Smart Thermostat which can be controlled from phone | Photo Credit – iStock

2.      Smart Lighting

When designing your house, consider purchasing smart lighting that can connect to your smart home device. Having smart lights in your smart home means you can schedule when the lights turn on and off. Switching to LED bulbs will also help reduce your energy usage.

Check out some smart light bulbs from Bunnings 

3.      Smart Fridge

When considering your kitchen design, opt for a smart fridge as they are energy efficient and come with heaps of benefits. A smart fridge gives you an option to write a virtual bulletin board for your family with a ‘to do list’, reminders or quote of the day. Sick of having expired food in your fridge? With the smart fridge, the appliance is able to keep track of expiration dates, so you don’t waste any food.

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Smart Fridge with touch screen options | Photo Credit – iStock

4.      Smart Outlets

Thinking of making your house more modern? Consider switching some outlets to smart outlets to make your house eco-friendly. Normal outlets constantly drain energy even when you aren’t using it and to stop it from draining energy, you’ll have to turn the outlet off. Not everyone has time to turn the outlet on and off everything. With the smart outlet, they automatically detect when you aren’t using it and cuts the power off. This is a great way to be more energy efficient.

How to Secure Your Smart Home Security? 5 Essential Tips 

1.      Set up your router correctly

A key tip when thinking about securing your smart home security is understanding that your Wi-Fi router is the doorway to your smart home. Setting up your router correctly by following all instructions and these tips will secure your home security. Therefore, eliminating the threat of a possible hacker.

2.      Change the routers default name

It’s important to change your router name as keeping it as the default name will make it easier for people to find default login details. Using the default name will make it easier for others to gain access to your smart home. When changing the router name, be creative and remember to leave personal details out.

3.      Set the password to something unique

Include capital letters, numbers and symbols in your password which can create a super strong password for your smart home security. You can also consider using a random password generator if you can’t come with anything. The generator will provide you options and be sure to write the password down somewhere in case you forget it.

4.      Disable features you don’t use

There are many features that come with a smart device, and most times you’ll end up only using a few things. Be sure to disable any feature you don’t need like voice control on certain features. This is because if someone hacks into your smart device, they’re able to listen to your conversations and hear everything you say. Therefore, disabling features, you don’t use, eliminates the threat of that problem.

5.      Enable multi-factor authentication

Enable a multi-factor authentication onto your smart home device is a great way to increase security and prevent others from hacking your smart home device. The best two factor authentication to use for a smart device is sending a verification code to your mobile device to gain access to the smart home device. As we always have our phone on us, if you get sent a verification code that you’re unsure off you can change the password on your smart home device or improve the security.

Benefits of Installing Smart Kitchen Appliances 

1.      Smart devices provide useful notifications

With technology growing, smart appliances are becoming trendy and somewhat useful. Based on the smart appliances you have, they’re able to send you notifications to let you know if you didn’t close the fridge properly, or if the dishwasher is finished. Mundane tasks that could let you get on with other things you need to do without worrying if you left the fridge open or not as your smart appliances or devices will send you a notification.

With smart appliances and smart devices, they’ll let you know if they’re malfunctioning, and you’ll be able to get them fixed before they actually break.

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Notification received on phone

2.      Energy efficient appliances cut costs

Although smart appliances are more expensive than normal household appliances, they’re a good investment to make when creating a smart home. Not only are you just investing in the appliance itself, but you’re also investing into the software and technology that is integrated into the appliance.

Smart kitchen appliances can help you track your energy consumption by letting you know which is using the most energy to help you cut cost. These smart kitchen appliances can be monitor on a regular daily basis from your phone.

3.      Cooking made easy

With having a smart kitchen, it makes cooking easier as there are some smart kitchen appliances that lets you know important information. An example of this would be letting you know the perfect temperature for cooked meat which will eliminate any food poisoning. This makes preparing food safer.

There are some smart ovens that don’t require you to sit around the kitchen and keep an eye on the oven to make sure your food isn’t burning. The smart oven itself will cook your dish for you and then put it on ‘warming mode’ until you’re ready to eat. There are many benefits to having smart appliances in your kitchen and this is one of them.

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Example of a small smart oven | Photo Credit – iStock

4.      Less worry when you’re on vacation

Constantly think someone is going to break into your house when you’re on vacation? With your smart home, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your home and eliminate any worries you might have. Having smart lights in your smart home will make your house feel less empty when you’re on vacation. Which can give an illusion of someone being home because the lights are on since smart lights are accessible from your device.

5.      Smart Appliances

Some great smart appliances to add to your smart home kitchen are smart dishwashers and smart refrigerators. Smart refrigerators have a camera in the inside so, when shopping for groceries you’ll know what you need. Having a smart refrigerator also helps monitor and control energy usage and sends you a notification letting you know if there is a power outage or if you didn’t close the door properly.

A great feature that is included in a smart dishwasher is that if there were a leak, the dishwasher would let you know. Smart dishwashers stop working once it detects a leak and shut themselves off to protect flooring. Which is helpful as you’re able to get that fixed asap. These are some essential items to think about having in your smart home.

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Example of having a smart dishwasher and features | Photo Credit – iStock

 How to Create a Smart Bathroom? 6 Tips to Help. 

1.      Voice control in the bathroom

With your smart device, you’re able to take advantage of using voice commands when showering or too busy to do it yourself. You can use your smart devices to adjust smart lighting or to change music. The best thing about this is that you can use any smart device to do this. Using a virtual digital assistant helps add another layer of convenience to your smart home and make your bathroom design more luxurious.

2.      Smart shower

Are you always waiting for your shower to heat up before jumping in? With smart showers you don’t have to wait for the shower to heat up. Smart showers let you adjust the temperature towards your liking, so you can step into the shower with the perfect water temperature. Another benefit of a smart shower is that you can adjust a time limit for your shower to ensure that you’re not late for anything. Smart showers help lower your water usage and smart showers also come with Bluetooth speakers which can connect to your phone. Have a shower, have a party, have a concert.

3.      Soaking tubs

Having a smart bathroom doesn’t always have to mean having smart appliances or a smart device. Creating a smart bathroom can be from how you design the space and keeping bathroom accessories organized. Standalone soaking tubs are a great way to help eliminate clutter in your bathroom.  Having a standalone soaking tub in your bathroom will help replicate the experience of a spa treatment. If your bathroom has space, consider purchasing a standing bathtub in your bathroom design.

Although our past renovated bathrooms don’t feature all smart bathroom appliances and gadgets. The most popular item that most bathroom renovations are standalone tubs or soaking tubs. Check out a few of our bathroom renovations with a standalone bathtub below!

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Soaking Tub | Photo Credit – Unsplash

Standalone Bathtub in Greenhithe

Standalone Bathtub in Redvale 

4.      21st century toilets

Bidets have been around for a while now, most popular in Japan. Although people see bidets as a luxury product and unusual to have in your home. When thinking of 21st century toilets, there are more products that aren’t bidets. So, if bidets aren’t your thing, don’t worry. There are other ways to smarten up your bathroom.

Smart toilets have motion sensors that can put the toilet seat up or down, depending on your preference. Some toilets will automatically flush on its own once you’ve finished your business. There are also smart toilets that can self-clean. Some benefits of having a smart toilet are that they’re environmentally friendly, reduce the risk of overflowing and some smart toilets can instantly clean themselves. This will definitely add a new element into your smart home. Consider them in your bathroom design.

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Example of Bidet in Bathroom | Photo Credit: Reece

5.      Intelligent faucets

Smart faucets have been around for a while and some shopping malls have implemented them into public toilets. This is a great idea nowadays as it reduces the risk of and germs and bacteria spreading as those faucets are motion sensor. Consider smart faucets in your bathroom design. Having a smart faucet in your smart home will help lower your water usage and saves energy. Also eliminates bacteria spreading around the house if someone in the family is sick.

6.      Design

Want a smart bathroom but on a budget? There are many different ways that you can create a smart bathroom without purchasing all the smart bathroom appliances. You can create a smart bathroom by purchasing small gadgets like a smart outlet to start off with. Changing your bathroom fixtures and fittings is a great way to create a smart bathroom without all the expensive appliances. Consider fittings and fixtures that can make your bathroom look smart in your bathroom design.

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Example of a smart bathroom design | Photo Credit – iStock

Check out our top 15 bathroom design trends blog for more inspiration 

The History of Kitchen Technology

Kitchen technology has always been in the works since our technology has become more advanced. As it helps reduce the amount of work that we need to do in the kitchen. Since kitchen appliances have been around for a very long time, it’s hard to make changes to making your kitchen smarter. As decades go past, the design and style of kitchen appliances have become smarter, sleeker, and more energy efficient. Over the years there has been plenty of changes to create smart homes technology as well as coming up with smart solution homes to make life easier. Especially more creative ideas for small kitchen design as not everyone has the luxury of having a big kitchen.

High – tech Kitchen Trends

As often stated, the kitchen is the heart of the home. In your kitchen design idea, make sure to spend extra time making sure that the kitchen is perfect for your needs. As it is the heart of the home, we often spend a lot of time in there. Not only does it serve as a place where you cook, but a place where everyone can gather and where you can entertain guests. Or cooking a meal but also feeling included with friends and family. How to design a kitchen that can incorporate all these things? Smart home technology has come a long way and there are now smart kitchen appliances that you can purchase. Incorporate them into your kitchen design idea.

Total Integration and Automation

Due to the pandemic, everyone has spent most of the year stuck in their house. Some may have discovered that their house was lacking a bit in terms of entertainment and caring for their needs. It’s safe to say that we’ve had those days where we just want to be lazy. Having smart home technology can really help with being lazy on those days. Having total integration of your smart home devices will mean that you can control every smart home technology from your phone.

Smart homes NZ will need to have smart solution homes so that your device connected to smart home technology is flexible. Instead of having a full home renovation to make your smart home flexible. You can start small and consider kitchen design ideas to make space for smart home technology. Smart devices can be customised and will become more popular in the next few years to come.

Disaster Preparation

Due to climate change and the constant increase temperature of our planet, can cause natural disasters to happen more often. Homeowners are looking to be prepared for whatever my strike. We’d want to feel safe and comfortable knowing that we can survive instead our homes for an extended period. Which is ironic as many if not all of us have stayed in our houses for months, only leaving for groceries. Having these smart solution homes can help make your house more fun and enjoyable to live in if we were to be stuck inside for a long period of time.

To prepare, people are thinking how to design a kitchen? Sure, you’re current kitchen is fine but if you’re looking for an upgrade, you’d want to start thinking about small kitchen designs or kitchen design ideas based on how big your kitchen is.

Purchasing water storage systems, backup generators for refrigerators, long term food storage areas ad solar water heaters are becoming more popular for the unforeseeable future. Some research says that in the upcoming years. As we move into more of a technology age, new builds will also have some technology integrated into the houses to meet homeowners’ desires.

Self – Cleaning

We love a clean house. But sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to clean the house. With smart home technology, there will soon be more smart solution home ideas to make cleaning easier. With touchless appliances, robot vacuums with built – in mops and be able to introduce more voice control integration. That way you can just shout out to your smart device to start the vacuum and the vacuum starts. How cool is that! Especially if you need small kitchen design idea to make your kitchen more interesting. Having self-cleaning appliances are perfect for the lazy days.

Ever since the pandemic hit, we’ve been cleaning more often and sanitising everything. Not only that but we’ve been spending a whole year at home and more cautious around frequently touched surfaces in public spaces. How to design a kitchen that can also help reduce the spread of germs? Having smart home technology can help enable consumers to have touchless access and be able to control stuff straight from their mobile devices or through voice commands. This smart home solution will make your house even more safer during high risk times and more convenient for you.

Going Green

Nowadays, we are trying our best to reduce our environmental footprint. Therefore, resulting in kitchen design ideas that will ensure having a greener kitchen. Having a greener kitchen is expected to be the next upcoming trend for future kitchen design trends. Which you can think about adding in your small kitchen design idea. This is due to having more appliances that will be more sustainable and efficient.

Smart homes NZ requires smart solution home ideas to reduce your environmental footprint by purchasing smart home technology this is more efficient. Although having smart home technology uses power to work, you may be worried about your utility bill going up. But that’s not the case. Using smart appliances in smart homes NZ can help you reduce your utility bill due to them being energy efficient.

Devices to Expect in Kitchens of the Future

As we move more into the future, our technology will only gross and become more advance. Down below we have found 6 high tech that are already here or for the future that will make your time in the kitchen more fun. And what you can expect your smart home to look like in the next decade or so?

1.     Countertop Projector

Countertop project has been introduced to the world for the last decade or so but not many people are interested in it. As it’s still in the works and coming up with ways to make it better. Here is just a few reasons as to why you should get one for your smart home technology. This device allows you to control other appliances, scan the thickness of food as well as being able to get tips on how to cook certain items.

Another added benefit is that the countertop project doesn’t take up any counter space as we all know counter space is crucial. It can also help improve your cooking and baking skill. When thinking about your kitchen design ideas, consider having a countertop projector to make your cookier easier. Unfortunately, there aren’t as many options available to purchase from in New Zealand so further research is needed.

Countertop projector can be small which is perfect for a small kitchen design as storage space is super important in a small kitchen design as you’d want to ensure that your kitchen is perfect.

2.     Steam Oven

If you’re not a big fan of cooking, you’d love learning about smart solution home idea to make your cooking easier. This is where steam ovens come in. Steam cooking is becoming the healthier alternative to other cooking methods. Like frying or baking. Using the steam oven still provides the same taste as how you’ll cook it normally. This will eliminate the unnecessary oil that pops up when you cook.

An advantage of using a steam oven is that it’s energy efficient and have an energy efficient consumption system. With the steam oven, it can also cook your food faster than regular ovens which also helps you save energy. If you’re having a late dinner, using a steam oven would be more efficient as you won’t have to wait long to cook the food you’d want to eat.

3.     Smart Scales

If you’re interested in eating healthy or staring a new diet like going on a calorie deficit. The smart scale may be able to help you out. Not only does a smart scale tell you how much something weighs but they can break down it’s nutritional value. So, you won’t have to search it up as it’s right there in front of you.

In some cases, you can even use the smart scale to weigh your entire meal and get all the nutritional value of it. If set up right, you may even be able to connect the smart scale with your favourite nutritional app to keep track. It’s small and light, which is perfect for a small kitchen design as you’d want to utilise all the space available.

4.     Digital Backsplashes

In a small kitchen design, the most important thing is space. And knowing how to utilise the space. Having a digital backsplash instead of tiled backsplashes would prove more useful. Sure, it’s a bit expensive to have a digital backsplash but in the end, it’d be money well spent. This smart home technology can allow you to watch tv, look up recipes and be able to control your other smart home appliances.

Feeling bored of your tiled backsplash? With the digital backsplash you can change it to whatever you want. Whether that is photos of friends and family or artwork. Something that suits your aesthetic or mood of the day. you can. Change you backsplash every single day if you’d life. No need to go shopping and spending more money to change your tile backsplash when you get sick of it.

While this technology has yet to be introduced to the market. Consumers are already doing their research on how well the digital backsplash can benefit them. It’d make following a video teaching you how to make something much easier as you can use your entire backsplash as a screen. For small kitchen design ideas this would be perfection for decoration purposes as you have limited space to decorate as well as still being able to utilise your kitchen space.

5.     Smart Oven Hood

Oven hoods play a huge part in making our kitchen functional helps with air circulation and help reduce odours. When you question how to design a kitchen. You’d always want to make space for an oven hood as that is crucial to have in your kitchen design ideas. Smart oven hoods will be able to provide you access with your favourite apps. Even comes with a built in camera so you’re able to live stream your cooking skills and techniques.

Once again, this is perfect for a small kitchen design idea as every kitchen needs an oven hood. So why not get a smart oven hood that is multi-functional!

6.     High – Tech Lighting

As we slowly move into incorporating smart home technology in our homes. Smart homes NZ have introduced smart light bulbs and plugs as smart solution homes idea. This is due to them being easy to install and allow for total customization. As our technology evolves more, we’ll be able to control our lighting with our voice.

How to design a kitchen? Consider kitchen lighting as you’d want to make sure that every inch of the kitchen has light and not a dark corner. Consider ambient and task lighting in your kitchen design idea. In the next few upcoming years, windows and blinds can also be adjusted automatically to reduce sun glare, allow sunlight or darken a room based on your needs and activity.

Which Features Matter Most?

As consumers, we mainly only go for smart solutions home that can really benefit us. For example smart lights that we can control via voice command or from our smart devices. Which can lead to number of smart gadgets that don’t communicate well. Also resulting in have dozens of different apps to control your house.

To solve this issue and ensure that you won’t have this problem. Consider purchasing a smart home automation hub that can support all the devices you wish to have in your smart home.

Smart Sensors Protect the Home

There are many benefits to investing in smart home technology. Especially as they’re able to let you know how well they’re functioning and what needs repairing when faulty. Usually we wouldn’t notice if something was faulty unless it starts acting up. This can result in costly consequences.

Smart thermostats are able to provide alerts if your house loses power or if the temperature goes below or above your maximum or minimum temperature.

Having smart kitchen appliances can also help detect any water leaks. Alerting owner about any potential leaks. So you’re able to get it repaired before it gets worse.

How Environmentally Friendly are Smart Homes?

Smart homes have been known to be environmentally friendly with smart appliances as they help lower your water and energy usage. A popular smart technology that helps make your smart home environmentally friendly are smart thermostats. You can adjust the temperate from your phone and smart thermostats will automatically turn off if a door was left open. This can help minimize your carbon footprint.

Another way that having a smart home can help minimise your carbon footprint is having smart lighting. With smart lighting you’re able to control from your phone. This can ensure that you’ve turned your lights off when going on vacation. Wasting electricity and forgetting to turn lights off leaves a massive carbon footprint, so investing in smart lighting helps make your home environmentally friendly.

3 Reasons Why Smart Home Features Increase Your Home’s Value

1.     Increased Security

Video doorbells are amazing smart home technology that you can incorporate into your house to increase your home safety and your house value. Having a video doorbell is now becoming more popular as people purchase their first homes. This allows you to see who is it at door from your smart device as we’re more cautious when it comes to opening the front door. While it’s unlikely that a burglar would push past you to enter your home, it’s also handy to avoid talking to door to door salesman.

Video doorbells works with wireless technology as they’re easy to install and provides a two way video and audio communication system. That way you can jokingly deny access to your friends and family.

Not only that, but your video doorbell also works as a security camera so you’re able to see when your package has been delivered. And for many other reasons like being able to see if someone was causing a problem or vandalising your property.

2.     Fully Automated Home

Best thing about having one integrated systems that connects all your smart home technology in your smart home is that you’re able to control everything and anything at all times! This definitely creates a huge selling point to buyers as it brings more ease and convenience into your busy lives.

This is where your smart assistant like Amazon Alexa would come into play and be extremely helpful. As you can connect them all to your Alexa and control them from one app. This can work with any smart assistant and is not limited to Amazon Alexa.

Smart home assistants are completely voice controlled once set up and can be voice commanded to control your lights, home media, heating, air conditioner and many more. Not only can your smart assistant control your smart home technology. But it can also tell you information on just about everything. As smart assistants have AI technology, they’re able to learn from interactions and provide you with content that you’ll like.

3.     A Warm Welcome Home

Currently, the most popular smart home solution is smart lighting system. They can add significant value to your home as it provides many benefits. Did you know that smart lighting can increase the security in your home? This is due to you activating them to turn on even when you aren’t home to give the illusion that someone is home.

After having a long day, you don’t want to come home to complete darkness. Having smart lights that can activate around a certain time is a great way to be welcomed home to lift your spirits. Especially when you can also control your air conditioning from your phone. You’ll walk into a perfectly lit warm household. Perfect for those cold winter days.

Another benefit of smart lights is that you’re able to customise the light setting. Perfect if you’re waking up early or going to bed late. You’re able to dim the lights so that you’re still able to see but also not wake or disturb anyone else.

Having the help of your smart assistant, you can tell them to turn the lights on and off as you leave an empty room which can increase the value of your house.

Having automated heating systems allow you to pre-set the heating so your house temperature is perfect at all time. This ensures that your home is always warm or cool but also stops you from wasting money and energy heating up your house when you’re not there. Forgot if you turned the heater off or not? With an automated heating system, you’re able to double check straight from your phone.

There are many great benefits to investing in smart home technology as they have your home more comfortable and convenient for you and your family. If you’re interested, look for smart home technology that will help increase security. Creating a warm, comfortable environment and potentially your dream home without the extra costs of having a full house renovation.

Top Smart Devices to Use in Your Smart Home.

There are plenty of smart devices that are coming out nowadays, which gives you as a consumer plenty of options. Though having too many options can be overwhelming. The top three smart devices to install for your smart home is the Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri aka HomePod.

Based on our research we have found some advantages of using these three smart devices. Advantages for Amazon Alexa is that it’s easy to use and easy to set up and Alexa has more than 10,000 skills. Alexa can answer anything you ask her although her response might not be the answer you want. Another advantage of Alexa is that it’s compatible with any device. A main disadvantage of Alexa is that you can’t trigger her from your phone and Alexa doesn’t always understand you inquires.

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Amazon Alexa | Photo Credit – Unsplash

Google Home or Google Assistant is another popular smart device suitable for your smart home. Some advantages of Google Home are that they’ve proven that their AI is more advance than any other smart devices. A disadvantage of Google Home is that you can only summon it by saying ‘Ok Google”, which can become annoying. Another one is that Google Home also won’t understand your commands and inquires all the time.

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Google Assistant | Photo Credit – Unsplash

Lastly, another smart device that is the HomePod which is associated with Apple’s Siri and some advantages of this smart device is that it’s easy to set up because it works directly with your home kit app that is already installed into your phone. A big disadvantage is that this is only accessible via apple products. So, if you don’t have an apple product then the HomePod is not available for you to use.

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Apple HomePod | Photo Credit – Unsplash


Further Resources 

  1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
  2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
  3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
  4. Real client stories from Auckland

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Kitchen Makeover Auckland
Kitchen Renovation

Kitchen Makeover in Auckland: What’s your style?

Want to renovate a kitchen in your apartment, villa, condo or any other style of house?

You have landed on the right page. At Superior Renovations, we are your go-to kitchen makeover Auckland specialists. With us, you can transform your dreams to reality and get the kitchen from your dreams.

You might think  as though you have  few options when it comes to your kitchen makeover in Auckland. However this is far from the truth. A kitchen makeover is a possibility if your kitchen is in the hands of a skilled team . We can transform it into something more functional in terms of convenience and give it a real makeover with the help of our expert designers.  – even with a limited budget or building restrictions.

classic-kitchen-renovations, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

Kitchen Makeover Auckland: Taking Care Of All Styles, Needs And Expectations

We can all agree that kitchens are the undisputed heart of the home. They are the place where everyone gathers, mingles and lingers during parties – and where the magic of cooking happens. They are an essential part of a home. If your kitchen lacks the space or functionalities that you expect, you should definitely consider a kitchen renovation.

Our kitchen makeover specialists can give your kitchen a new life whether you  like a modern or a more traditional kitchen design.

Speaking of, our services include but are not limited to:

Modern Kitchen Makeovers:

Modern kitchen makeovers are all about sleek finishes, contemporary design and comfort! The monochromatic palette, streamlined furnishings and well-thought-out storage design that come with modern kitchen makeovers create the illusion of spaciousness. That is why the fuss-free modern kitchen aesthetic is perfect for a smaller space where every inch counts. By incorporating efficient design details and layouts, you can achieve a fantastic kitchen makeover. You will find that a lot of north shore residents opt for modern kitchen makeovers as these sleek designs complement the bay and sea areas.

Read: How to create a modern kitchen in Auckland

Here are some of the elements of a modern kitchen:

  • The colour of your kitchen has a significant impact on your mood and makes a strong impression on people visiting your house. Usually, modern kitchens showcase monochrome hues such as white and black. However, sometimes bright colours are also added for a wow effect.
  • Storage system. Modern kitchens are all about organization and comfort. You might be wondering: “What does my kitchen makeover need in terms of storage?” A kitchen is made up of a lot of different elements that should be readily available when you need them. Hence, your kitchen makeover in North Shore or any other Auckland suburb needs to include an efficient storage system. Not only does it makes the kitchen look better, but it also adds comfort and efficiency. So you don’t need to look for utensils when you need them. Marie Kondo would be proud!

Traditional kitchen makeovers

Traditional kitchen makeovers are all about sophistication and class. They are famous for traditional architectural elements that originated from the Old World countries like England and France. Elegant lines, craftsmanship and expensive materials are important. Here are some of the most common elements of traditional kitchen makeovers  in North Shore (again a high demand in the shore!) area:

  • Hands down, furniture-style cabinets are the most prominent feature when it comes to traditional kitchen makeovers. They may have mitered door panels, glass inserts and carved trims and decorative embellishments. It’s also essential that the modern kitchen appliances such as refrigerators and dishwashers can be covered with cabinet doors.
  • Stone or quartz countertops. Usually, traditional kitchens showcase natural stone or quartz countertops. Other popular materials are marble and granite. Traditional countertops also feature prominent edging of the stone. The most popular styles are bevel and bullnose edging that adds a distinct look to the traditional kitchen.

See project specifications for Traditional kitchen renovated by us

 traditional classic kitchen for a historic home in Epsom

Rustic Traditional Kitchen for Mary Stuart’s home in Stanmore Bay

Classic Kitchen renovation for a bungalow in Greenhithe


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Contemporary kitchen makeovers

“Can my kitchen makeover include contemporary elements?” Absolutely! If you’re thinking of giving your existing kitchen a new, modern look, a contemporary style might be right up your alley! The beauty of a contemporary kitchen makeover is defined by sleek design, geometric lines and innovative appliances. Here are some of the elements that define a contemporary-style kitchen:

  • Cutting-edge appliances. Nothing speaks of a contemporary style than new technology. People all over North Shore have been looking for better appliance performance, lighter materials, durability and advanced features when it comes to contemporary kitchen makeovers. Built-in coffee machines, integrated house systems and high-functioning electronics are among one of the most frequently requested additions to the remodelled kitchen.
  • A mix of materials. Contemporary design is known for pushing boundaries. One of the most prominent tell signs of a contemporary kitchen makeover is the use of layered materials. Feel free to mix and match different shapes, textures and various types of wood to achieve a sleek, contemporary look.


Contemporary Kitchens renovated by us

Luxury Urban kitchen renovation in Parnell

Entertainer’s dream kitchen renovation in Massy 


Cottage kitchen renovations

“I’d like my kitchen makeover to include a cottage-style kitchen design” No problem! Ah, cottage life. Cosy, happy and relaxing, a cottage-style kitchen is a pure heart of the house. A cottage kitchen makeover is all about going back to simpler times and evoking a sense of care-free living. Here are some of our favourite elements of a cottage kitchen makeover:

  • Open shelving. A cottage-style kitchen usually takes its inspiration from farm-houses and barn-style life. Installed in place of traditional cabinets, open shelves recall the day when a kitchen was more practical than decorative. It also all about practicality: the openness of open shelves help to create an illusion of a larger space.
  • Farm-house sinks. Also called apron-front sinks, these sinks made a huge come-back in a recent couple of years. They create a sense of country-living and are unfussy enough to work with more modern-style cottage kitchen makeovers.

Read: Cottage kitchen makeover done in Mangere Bridge 


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 Rustic kitchen renovations

Rather than going for a clean, sleek look, rustic kitchen renovations turn to simplicity and warmth of the old colonial design. Rustic, Old World-style kitchens are also designed with functionality in mind to accommodate the busiest area of the house. Some of the elements of the rustic kitchen include:

  • Hardwood floors: Made out of expensive natural wood, hardwood flooring lends for an earthy, countryside living feeling. Solid hardwood suits the rustic kitchen best, especially if it’s unpolished and shows off the wood grain.
  • Decorative stone. Elements of rock also work great in the rustic kitchen. Whether it is placed in the fireplace hearth or covers an entire wall, it’s a fantastic feature to achieve the rustic look.

See: Rustic Style kitchen renovation in Stanmore Bay

A Kitchen Makeover That Looks Fantastic – In Line With Your Budget And Time

At Superior Renovations, we have all the experience and expertise to ensure that your kitchen makeover looks fantastic. We will deliver a great design that is in line with your time and budget. Most importantly, we will make the difference you need and add maximum value to your home.

How to choose the right tapware for your kitchen – Q & A with Kitchen Hub

From layout to materials, concept and overall scope of work, we will show that your kitchen makeover Auckland looks fantastic – and gives you the functionality, versatility and efficiency that you deserve.


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You can either have a look at some of our previous kitchen renovations in Auckland – or get in touch with us to show you what we can do for your kitchen.

 In the end, it is safe to say that a kitchen remodel in Auckland can give you the greatest return on investment in terms of its resale value – not to mention the functionality and comfort that you will receive as a homeowner.

modern-bathrooms-renovation-auckland, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation AucklandIf you are interested in the latter, all you need is to follow this link and submit your details, or call us directly on the phone.


Already have all your own trades and you’re comfortable managing them for your kitchen renovation?

Although we don’t recommend if you haven’t renovated a kitchen before and/or you don’t have trades people you can trust, most renovations if not all comes with it’s own surprises because not all homes are the same – this is where experience/project management plays an important role in minimises risks to maintain costs/delays giving you higher certainty of outcome/quality backed by associated guarantees and warranties.

However, if you do intend to manage the kitchen renovation yourself, it does work out more cost effective to contact a kitchen cabinetry manufacturer directly to get the kitchen cabinets designed, manufactured and installed – leaving you to manage the other trades such as flooring, demolition, painting, plastering, splashback/tiling, electrician, plumber, and sometimes a carpenter/builder.


Try Little Giant Interiors cost calculator below to see what you can expect to pay for cabinetry.




Need more information?

Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.

Download Free Renovation Guide (PDF)


Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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    Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services, Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

    Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

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    small kitchen ideas nz
    Kitchen Renovation

    Top 16 Design Ideas for Small Kitchen design NZ Guideline

    This guide has been republished to include 7 additional small kitchen design ideas for New Zealand homeowners and to reflect the trends of 2022.

    Let’s face it – no one wants to feel claustrophobic when cooking. This can become a problem especially in small apartment and homes where space can become a real problem. Due to lack of space, being in your kitchen can become a stressful experience. But this can be easily combated if the space is used efficiently. 

    Planning is key when it comes to small kitchen design NZ. The cost for basic things like labour and project management will still remain the same as you still have to bring trades in like installers, electricians, plumbers, tilers, painters etc. However, you will save on materials as there will be lesser cabinets, lesser tiles and other raw materials to work with.

    Innovation is also important when thinking about planning a small space design ideas NZ. Look for innovative ideas within the space for storage and work areas. An example would to make hidden storage cabinets that can be integrated into your living space. These closed cabinets will allow you to store appliances and at the same time will not make your space look bulky.

    You can also custom build cabinets which can finish at the ceilings. Keep less used appliances on the top shelves and incorporate an aesthetically pleasing ladder in your decor which can be used to access appliances on the top shelves.

    Kitchen things (our preferred supplier for appliances) has products from various top brands which primarily makes appliances especially catered for small spaces. These appliances can be dismantled and stored in a cabinet without taking any counter space.

    1. Play around with your Colours 

    Did you know that some colours have a tendency to make a space feel tiny and narrow while some are perfect for creating an illusion of added space? We recommend clients to use more neutral colours to make their space look larger. Use Dulux’s Mason Bay Quater WN27 or Epsom VW C100 as the main palette for your kitchen in order to open up your space. 

    However, using neutral or shades of white does not mean that your kitchen has to look dull or boring. Choose a colourful or textured splashback to draw attention and create interest. The colour of your cabinets can also be a few shades darker to create some contrast. Use colourful knobs and tapware to add some colour in the space.

    2. Lighting is important

    Natural lighting is the best lighting you can have in your kitchen design NZ. You can maximise natural lighting by having large vertical windows to create a sense of height or add skylights to heighten the ceiling (and get extra space for more kitchen cabinets).  If this however is not possible then there are still ways of incorporating lighting into your kitchen design.

    5  Small kitchens ideas

    • Lights that are close to your ceiling: Consider installing chandeliers or lights that are close to the ceiling. Avoid low hanging chandeliers as they will make your small kitchen layout look cumbersome. Having close to ceiling lighting will also let you skip any wall lighting fixtures. These walls can be better used for shelving.
    • Recessed Lighting: Recessed lighting is a great option to light up an area without infringing into your kitchen space.
    • Pendant Lighting: Pendant lighting is a lone lighting fixture suspended by a chord or metal chain. This is a variation to a chandelier and is less space consuming. You can either use a series of pendant lights or just one depending on your space. Pendant lighting also creates a lot of drama and adds character to any kitchen space.
    • LED strip lights underneath cabinets: Install LED strip lights underneath your cabinets and cabinet handles save on space as well as enhance the mood of your kitchen. Most of these LED lights can be dimmed which can also act as a mood enhancer.
    • Flush mount Lighting: Most houses in Auckland feature flush mount lighting. They are great as there come in many styles and save a lot of space.


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    Above are examples of lighting that can be incorporated into your kitchen design

    3. Choose your appliances wisely

    Purchasing appliances for your kitchen is not an easy task – and its get more difficult if your kitchen space is tiny. However, one of the best kitchen design ideas NZ is to use smarter products that are emerging and are in the perfect form and function.

    Choose  kitchen appliances and furniture that are specifically designed for tiny spaces. There are many options for kitchen appliances which are flexible, versatile and efficient regardless of your small space. Bosch and Kitchen Things specifically make appliances that are designed for small kitchen design NZ. For example think about appliances that can be dismantled and put into a drawer rather than ones that take up counter space. 

    An example would be a hand held mixer or grinder that can be put back into a drawer rather than a bulky mixer and grinder. Also think of multi functional appliances which can do several tasks rather than just one specific task. These smart and innovative appliances often have several functions like being able to mix, grid, whisk etc.

    4. Become a Shelving master

    Renovating or designing a compact kitchen space nowadays requires planning and researching for appropriate solutions. A lot of interior designers will agree that the best kitchen design ideas need proper organisation – which is why shelves are important.

    Floating Shelves

    You can use floating shelves as an easy and inexpensive way to add much-needed extra storage for your kitchen. They can be great for spices, cups, tea and coffee pots while adding a personal touch to your kitchen design. If you are completely redoing your kitchen then incorporate floating shelves within your kitchen ideas to match other cabinets. These floating shelves can also be added in your dining area. You can buy colourful mugs, plates, and kitchen accessories to give your space some character as well as using it for storage. 

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    Full Kitchen renovation in Mangere Bridge – Floating shelves add a focal point as well as storage for the kitchen

    Drawers and Pantry Shelves

    Shelves within your drawers can make organisation and storage much easier. Think of incorporating shelving within the drawers to store cutlery. Another emerging trend has been to create storage pull out shelves within a pantry. This allows you to keep the pantry looking sleek and uncluttered. This kind of a storage pantry can also be built within your other living areas and does not have to be in the immediate vicinity of the kitchen.

    5. Kitchen storage

    Storage is of paramount importance in any kitchen design ideas, but particularly a small one. One obvious way to maximise storage space is to have wall units running above your base units, effectively doubling your small kitchen storage potential.


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    Storage solution for our clients in Auckland


    5 ways to maximise storage in small kitchens

    • Open shelves till the ceiling: You could also look to have some open shelving, which, as well as being practical, will help give your small kitchen a more open feel.
    • Magic corners: Magic corners are great for corner cabinets which are awkward and the space in the corners is often wasted. Magic corners feature pull out trolley like drawers which let you utilise that corner space.  We often work with products from Blum which are very innovative in storage solutions for small kitchen design NZ
    • Islands that double as a storage solution: More storage the better for most people. Your breakfast island is another great place which can double as a storage space within your kitchen design. Breakfast islands can be custom built to have storage cabinets and drawers to further increase storage space.
    • Cabinets with storage shelves: As discussed above, building organisational shelves within the cabinets can make your darwers uncluttered as well as have a dedicated space for items. Pantry storage drawers are also becoming popular for organisation and saving space.
    • Hooks for Pots and Pans: A hanger for pots and pans or utensils can be another great way to store items that would otherwise take up space in your cupboard. A style tip would be to buy cubs and utensils which are colourful and vibrant.

    6. Islands that double as storage and dining

    Whether you have a small or large kitchen, islands have becoming a great addition to any kitchen design. This is because islands are very versatile and can be used as a counter top for preparation, as a dining solution and for storage.

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    Kitchen renovation in Blockhouse Bay – This island provides plenty of storage cabinets as well as counter space


    Our renovation showroom with a kitchen display – A case study in maximising storage including the island

    We have recently opened a renovation showroom in Auckland due to popular demand by our clients. This is really to show the quality of our renovated kitchens as well as bathrooms. If you see below, you will see a great example of our modern kitchen design that showcases an island which has storage on both sides of the kitchen island.

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    Our renovation showroom in Wairau Valley, Auckland. This is a great example of a modern and sleek kitchen which has storage on both sides of the kitchen island.

    When you look at the kitchen island above, you will see a seamless design where it seems like there are no cabinets or drawers. In reality however, the part of the island that is facing the corridor has 2 double storage cabinets and a single storage cabinet. The part of the island that faces the kitchen has 2 pull out condiment cabinets, 2 double drawers with a hidden drawer inside. The hidden drawer is created so that from the outside it has a seamless look.




    Read: Which layout is better for your Kitchen?

    People often think that islands cannot be incorporated within a small kitchen design NZ. This however is far from the truth. Small kitchens are often found in an open plan living setting. They could either consist of one wall with a couple of counter tops, cooking range and a dishwasher. If you are doing kitchen makeover then think about ‘breaking’ the kitchen from the living room by installing a small breakfast bar in the middle. You can eliminate the dining area all together and use the breakfast bar as a space where you can eat your meals and also use as a counter top.

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    Kitchen renovation in Greenlane – The island doubles as a dining area, has a sink and counter space for prep and storage on the other side in form of cabinets

    If you do have a small kitchen which is not in an open plan settling then consider breaking the wall between your living and kitchen to open up the area. You will be amazed how spacious your kitchen will feel when you make it into an open plan kitchen.

    For further ideas for great storage solutions check out the following projects

    7.Hideaway kitchens

    Another emerging trend for best kitchen design ideas is a concept that has been quite popular over the past few years – the concept of hideaway kitchens.

    Essentially, these are small kitchen spaces which are separated by a drawer – and ones which become “invisible” on demand. With a kitchen like this, you can easily hide your kitchen mess and transform a living room with kitchen to a full living room in a matter of seconds.

    8. Small kitchen layouts

    Small kitchen ideas are plenty but before anything begins you will have to think about the layout. Layout has a huge impact on how easy your kitchen is to cook in, and how pleasant it is be in. Whether you’re starting from scratch or adapting a current space, think about how you use your kitchen and what tasks you do most. Don’t just think about putting breakfast together and cooking dinner every night, but be more specific.

    If you personal preference is an L shaped kitchen but if it makes your space look congested then opt for putting your kitchen counters on one side only. Instead, think about putting in a small breakfast inland that can provide counter space and double as a dining space. If your kitchen is closed off then consider breaking the wall that divides the kitchen from the rest of the living space. Open plan kitchens often make the space look larger and provides more of a cohesive living space.

    Single Wall Kitchen Layout

    How to design a small kitchen? For your small kitchen layout, this layout may be helpful as it’s perfect for small kitchens and won’t take up too much space. Kitchens with a single wall are effective because you can use the vertical space for additional storage. This wall has depth and balance thanks to the attractive texture the wood paneling produces. Simple kitchen designs don’t cost a lot to make. To make the most of the space’s usability and create a little design, you may include a seating area in you small kitchen layout.

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    Single Wall Kitchen | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    Galley Kitchen Layout

    If there is enough space, you may want to consider a galley kitchen layout for your small kitchen layout. A galley kitchen has services on one or both sides and is long and narrow. A galley kitchen has an aisle down its middle. The galley kitchen may occasionally come to a dead end or function as a pass-through kitchen. Galley kitchens are typically less expensive to install or remodel than other kitchen layouts due to their modest size. Which is perfect if you’re on a budget and have limited space.

    How to design a small kitchen? Having a galley kitchen as your small kitchen layout will help keep movement to a minimum as everything you need are close together. This small kitchen layout also allows for the work triangle to work.

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    Galley Kitchen Layout | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    7 Open Plan Small Kitchen Design 

    How to design a small kitchen? You to make your kitchen look more spacious you can break down a wall and create an open space kitchen. Open plan kitchens don’t necessarily need a big space to create. You can create an open plan kitchen design with a small kitchen with these help modern small kitchen design ideas. Be sure to incorporate some of these ideas in your small kitchen layout design.

    1. Lighting 

    Lighting is very important in an open plan kitchen design as you’d want different lighting to break up the space as there is no longer a wall that separates the kitchen from the living room. There are 3 different types of lighting you’d want to use. Task lighting, ambient lighting, and spotlight lighting. In

    your open plan kitchen design, opt for hanging pendant lights above your kitchen island to create an attractive focal point.

    2. Make space for entertaining 

    In your open plan kitchen design, consider an entertainment kitchen for modern small kitchen ideas. By removing a wall, it will help open your kitchen space and enable you to make space for entertaining. When having guests over, everyone can gather around the same space and if you include an island with seats, it will provide a space for socialisation while cooking. Sometime to consider in your small kitchen layout.

    Entertainment Dream Kitchen Renovation in Massey. 

    Find out if having a entertainment kitchen is perfect for you.

    3. Make a compact space work 

    How to design a small kitchen? Your small kitchen layout doesn’t affect how you want to design your kitchen. You can still create an open plan kitchen design even with a small kitchen. This is when you’d want to consider having a single wall small kitchen layout in your open plan kitchen design as you’re able to have all your kitchen units on one wall. Finish the look by adding a round dining table as a square or rectangular table might make the space more squished.

    Read our blog on open plan kitchen vs closed plan kitchens. 

    4. Maxmise natural light 

    In your modern small kitchen ideas, ensure that there is enough space to let as much natural sunlight in as possible. If possible, opt for a skylight as that will help let the sunlight into the room more. How to design a modern kitchen? Having as much natural light as possible helps makes your small kitchens look bigger and create an appealing look. Which is needed for modern small kitchen ideas.

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    Natural Sunlight in Open Plan Kitchen | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    5. Built in appliances

    How to design a small kitchen? In this small kitchen layout, you’d want to choose built in appliances. Built in appliances can help save space for more counter space and they’re perfect for an open plan kitchen design and provide a sleek, minimalist design. This would be a great addition to add in your small kitchens.

    6. Kitchen island 

    A kitchen island is vital in an open plan kitchen design. Not only does the kitchen island provide additional storage space in your small kitchens, but it also helps break up the space from the kitchen and the living room. There are many benefits to adding a kitchen island into your modern small kitchen ideas as it’d be a social hub of your kitchen and bring the room together.

    View more…

    Kitchen Renovation in Epsom

    Renovating a 40 year old kitchen

    Contemporary Kitchen Renovation in Henderson

    How to Maximise Kitchen Island Space 

    1. Incorporate appliances 

    It’s hard to make space for everything you need in small kitchens. Including a kitchen island into your small kitchen layout can help with storage space. Having a built in microwave or build in dishwasher in your kitchen island can save on counter space. Ensure that any opening doors won’t get in the way of anything and ensure that they’re outfitted with proper electrical components.

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    Dishwasher incorporated in kitchen island | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    2. Shallow open shelves 

    How to design a modern kitchen? In your modern small kitchen design ideas, consider installing open shelves into your kitchen island. When doing this, ensure that you made the shelves deep enough to serve a purpose. Open shelves should be around 12-15 inches deep as it’d be easier for you to access items you’ve put there and make it easier for you to see everything.

    3. Kitchen island spice rack 

    To improve visibility in kitchen island cabinets, use pull-out shelves and cabinets. Smaller things, like spice jars or bottles of vinegar and oil, can be stored in pull-outs and are less likely to get lost in the depths of a large cabinet.

    4. Kitchen Island mini fridge 

    This is a great addition to add to your modern small kitchen design as it’d be easier to access drinks. Especially if you often throw events at your house, it’s a great addition and make it easier for guests to grab their own drink as they’re able to see where it is.

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    Mini fridge in Kitchen Island | Photo Credit – iStock

    5. Create a handy bookshelf 

    If you love cooking and have plenty of cookbooks, this modern small kitchen design ideas will be perfect for you. Create a little bookshelf in your kitchen island, as this will be a place where you’ll store cookbooks or regular books. This will add a colour, texture and character to your kitchen island and create a focal point in your small kitchens.

    7. Broken plan layout 

    Whilst an open plan kitchen design has been very popular and always included in modern small kitchen design ideas. There is another option you can consider. How to designer a modern kitchen? You can opt for a broken plan layout which breaks up the space with half walls, glazed doors, or even split level flooring.

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    Broken Plan Kitchen Layout

    House renovation in Epsom, see more pictures!

    9. Use Larger Tiles for your Kitchen floors

    Contrary to popular belief, larger tiles actually make a space look larger. If you are using tiles for your kitchen floors then consider using 900 by 600 or 600 by 600 dimension tiles are they will make your floor look space look larger. This is owing to the fact that there will be lesser ‘breaks’ due to lesser number of grout lines. If you want to know more about large kitchen tiles and how they can give an illusion of space them read our Q&A article with Tile depot. 


    Further Kitchen Design ideas for Small kitchens by our designers

    10. Replace kitchen cabinets with drawers  

    Normal cupboards do not effectively store your appliances and utensils. They are also inconvenient as things stored at the back of the cupboard are often hard to reach. Instead, try and install drawers that can be pulled out. When you install a drawer that pulls out, you can easily see all the contents and be able to organise your kitchen a lot better.


    Read: Guide on designing Classic, Traditional, Contemporary, Modern, Cottage and Industrial Kitchens in Auckland


    11. Be Mindful of the texture of your cabinets, and Add Mirrors

    Having a small kitchen often means that you must choose materials that will not make your kitchen look smaller than it is. Shiny and smooth surfaces will reflect the light within your kitchen which will make your kitchen look larger. Most small kitchens do work well in a modern style due to its minimalistic look but if that is not the look you want then just remember not to make your materials too ornate and dark as they will make your kitchen appear smaller.

    If you like modern and contemporary styles, then you can also use glass as a splashback which will create an illusion of space. If you are not going for a modern and contemporary style, then think about adding a mirror on the wall which is suited to the style that you are designing your kitchen after. An example is a framed large horizontal mirror with a simple white frame for a classic kitchen

    Choose a no-handle set up for your drawers and cabinets if you are designing your kitchen in a modern or contemporary style. If you are going for a traditional, country, classic or cottage style kitchen then choose small matte knobs instead of bulky handles.


    12. Rolling Kitchen Carts and Tall dining table

    There is often a lack of counterspace in small kitchens. Think of creative ways to add counterspace for your small kitchen which work well for your layout. One way is to get a rolling kitchen cart that you can use as an additional counter for prep and store things. When not in use you can either remove it from your kitchen space or fold it up and store it away. Another way is to have tall dining table which you can also use as a prep counter while standing. Add some bar stools to the dining table to elevate the design of your space.


    13. Think about your Wall Patters and Feature walls as a design element

    It is not very easy to add design elements in a small kitchen as the cabinets are streamlines and there is not a lot of room to add decorations. You can however add character to your tiny kitchen by adding a feature wall. Avoid putting paintings or decorative items on the walls as this can make your small kitchen feel closed in. You can however draw attention to the wall by installing bright coloured tiles or painting your wall in a contrasting colour to the rest of your kitchen. You can also add tiles which are textured to add an additional dimension to your kitchen.


    14. Bring in Nature into your small kitchen 

    Incorporating natural elements within your kitchen design can add the much-needed warmth to your kitchen. Larger kitchens have the freedom a mix of materials like wood, and stone but with small kitchens it is often hard to have too many wooden elements without making it look closed in. Hence think about living plants that can be added to the corners of your cabinets.

    You can also add plant creepers that start from the top and fall on parts of your cabinets. If you do want to add wood, then you can add tiles to your feature wall that look and feel like wood. Woodgrain tiles are often found in kitchens these days as they have the texture and look of wood but are easy to clean with a mop. If you are using woodgrain tiles on the walls then opt for a lighter colour instead of a dark colour.

    Read: 15 Top Kitchen design trends and 10 trends to avoid in 2021

    15. Paint your Kitchen cupboards the same colour as your walls

    Matching the colour of your cabinets with the walls allows you to create a kitchen which feels airy and spacious. To spruce up the design of a neutral kitchen you can add a coloured feature wall, contrasting lighting fixtures and cupboard handles.

    16. Install a Large Sink

    Installing a large sink in a small kitchen can be very handy especially if you do not have a dishwasher. A large sink allows you to conveniently wash dishes as well as put the unwashed dishes out of sight while cooking and not clutter your counter space.

    5 Modern Small Kitchen Ideas

    Modern small kitchen design ideas have always been incorporated into small kitchens. Modern kitchen style has been a popular kitchen style that everyone is after. Having a small kitchen can seem like it’s compacted and there’s not enough space for everything. Consider adding these modern small kitchen ideas in your small kitchen layout.

    1. Contrast the countertop with the flooring

    How to design a modern kitchen? While you may have a small kitchens, that shouldn’t limit your creativity. To create a modern small kitchen, choose a contrasting colour for the backsplash or cabinetry. Another option for your modern small kitchen ideas is that you can alternatively, choose light wood floors that contract with black countertops for an unparalleled appearance which will make your countertop the focal point in your small kitchens.

    photo-1600684388091-627109f3cd60?ixlib=rb-1.2, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    Contrasting colour in kitchen layout | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    Read our guide on making your small kitchen look large. 

    2. Create a shelf between the hob and wall cabinets 

    In your small kitchen layout, you’d want to create as much storage space as possible. Creating a shelf between the hob and wall cabinets is a perfect storage idea to add into your modern small kitchen ideas. Ensure that the shelf here is deep enough as you’d want them to serve a purpose and not be there purely for decoration purposes. Ideally, you’d want to keep kitchen essentials that you’d use every day there to minimise constant movement.

    3. Use glass fronts instead of solid doors 

    The illusion to make your small kitchens look bigger than it is, is allowing as much natural light as possible into your kitchen. How to design a modern kitchen? Think about changing your cabinets solid doors to glass fronts. This way the glass fronts gives your kitchen depth, which can help it appear bigger and roomier. Natural light is reflected via glass doors, which gives the room a lighter, brighter appearance.

    4. Keep wall cabinets to a minimum for an airy look

    How to design a modern kitchen? Whilst storage space is important and a vital part you need to consider in your kitchen design. You’d also want to ensure you don’t have too much storage space.  Avoid having long banks of wall cabinets since they might make the room appear cramped and unwelcoming. Less is more, so take advantage of creative storage options to accommodate your kitchen needs. A warm entrance can be made by reducing the number of cabinets and placing tall cabinets together in the back and away from windows. Something to consider in your modern small kitchen ideas.

    5. Install a multi-functioning island 

    In your modern small kitchen design ideas, think about including a kitchen island into your design. Kitchen islands do take up space and you also need to have the space for it. If your small kitchen layout has enough room add an island. Whilst the island does not need to be big to be multifunctional. You can pick a small kitchen island that is more suited towards your small kitchens. The rule is to leave one meter of space all around the island. An island has many uses and you’re able to use it as an additional work surface.

    Tiny Kitchens 

    Having a tiny kitchen isn’t always ideal but we have to work with what we got. Don’t get discouraged by having a tiny kitchen NZ as there are many ways to utilise the space and ensure that it works well for you. Tiny kitchens require a lot of thought and planning to maximise functionality and flow. There are many tips and tricks that can help your kitchen work well.

    9 Tips To Make The Most Out of  Your Tiny Kitchen NZ 

    1. Wall Cabinets 

    This kitchen ideas for small areas are necessary as in tiny kitchens NZ there may be spaces that are to awkward to fit any storage spaces and you’re just unsure what to do with that space. Which can be difficult to utilise as much space as we can in a small kitchen design. A long, narrow wall cabinet can fit into spaces that are too small for higher cabinets while yet providing enough storage space.

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    Wall Cabinets in Tiny Kitchen | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    2. Vegetable Drawer

    This small kitchen designs might not be suited for everyone but that’s based on personal preference. This kitchen ideas for small areas are to have a vegetable drawer if you don’t have any space to add baskets. Consider creating your own vegetable drawer in your tiny kitchens NZ and it help keeps unnecessary stuff off the counter and makes it easier for you to access.

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    Example of a Vegetable Drawer | Photo Credit – Hafele

    3. Toe Kick Pull-Out

    This kitchen designs NZ is perfect for those cooks who love to bake. If you ever find yourself with too much baking trays, having a toe kick pull out is perfect for you. Of course, this toe kick pull out drawer can be used for anything and doesn’t have to only be for baking needs. This space might be  place for you to either put pet food bowls or pet stuff. Perfect addition to add in your tiny kitchen NZ to maximise your space.

    4. Storage Unit

    Another solution to create additional space in your small kitchen design NZ is to add a storage unit. As this storage unit can expand when you need it and then put away when you no longer need it. The good thing about having a storage unit in your tiny kitchens NZ is that it doesn’t take up much space in your small kitchen designs and depending on which storage unit you pick out, it can also be created into a long narrow table.

    5. Microwave and Oven Hood Combo

    Nowadays most modern kitchens opt for a combination microwave and oven hood instead of having two different appliances. This is a great appliance combo to add in your small kitchen design NZ as it will help save on space to use for extra storage. Having a microwave and oven hood combo gives you the opportunity to cook and vent food using the same appliance which increases your tiny kitchens NZ versatility.

    6. Hanging Storage

    Having too much hanging storage may make your tiny kitchens NZ look cluttered and messy. Hanging storage may be perfect for you if you have narrow or awkward spaces in your small kitchen designs. Never undervalue the tight spaces in a kitchen, even with a shallow self you can still increase storage capacity in your small kitchen design NZ.

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    Hanging Storage | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    7. Drawer Dividers

    Making sure your drawers are orgnaised is essential in your small kitchen design NZ as you’d want to make sure you have space for everything in your drawers and not let them clutter out onto the counter. Maximise the use of your drawers by putting drawer dividers to make it easier to find that you’re looking for and make your drawers more organised.

    8. Hidden Counter Space

    In a small kitchen designs, you’d want to ensure that you have enough counter space. Which can be hard to get as much counter space as possible in tiny kitchens NZ. In your kitchen design NZ, consider having hidden counter space. Having a hidden counter space can be pulled out for anyone if they wish to assist in the kitchen while also serving as storage. Once you’re finished with the counter space you can neatly push it back in.

    9. Cup Hooks

    Cups don’t necessarily need to be stored in cabinets, which is why you should consider having cup hooks as they’re extremely useful in tiny kitchens NZ. Having your cups out can led to them collecting dust, so ensure you use your cups frequently to avoid this. This kitchen ideas for small areas will help improve storage as you’re able to to use the cabinet space for something else. Simply put some hooks to the bottom of your cabinets or shelf and put your cups there.

    kitchen-open-wooden-shelf-with-dishes-glasses-and-mugs-mugs-are-hanging-from-hooks-cozy, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    Cup hooks underneath a shelf | Photo Credit – iStock

    5 Storage Tricks For Your Tiny Kitchens NZ

    1. Don’t Overpack Cabinets

    Making categories for yourself or your family will help you keep track of the food you already have in your kitchen designs NZ. Pull out open drawers can make your cabinets look cleaner and make it simpler to access items in your small kitchen designs.

    2. Display What You Can

    Displaying a few appliances on your countertop is a great kitchen idea for small as not everything needs to be put away. Whilst having everything tucked away does provide a nice clean look to your kitchen. Adding appliances will provide a touch of personality to your kitchen and can also provide extra storge space for other things.

    photo-1593853761096-d0423b545cf9?ixlib=rb-4.0, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    Appliances out on the counter | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    3. Use Clear Containers

    Using clear containers as storage options are great as they let you see what is in which container which can stop you from rummaging through your cabinets trying to find something. You can also add labels to each containers, so you know what it is and you’ll also be able to know when you start to run low on something.

    4. Combine Different Types of Storage

    Don’t just stick with the same old storage piece, switch it up by having big storage and small storage. There are many different types of storages that would be best suited in your kitchen layout ideas NZ. Having smaller storage items can sometimes be more practical than one large storage piece.

    5. Put Crockery On Display On A Long Shelf

    When trying to fit delicate plates and bowls into small cupboards, storing tableware in a small kitchen can be a bit of a problem. Long narrow shelves are your best friend as they are much needed in your small kitchen designs. Use long narrow shelves so that everything is visible and accessible, just be careful to position them low enough to easily reach things.

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    Crockery on display | Photo Credit – Unsplash

    8 Tips to Create Extra Kitchen Counter Space 

    1. Add Some Shelf Risers

    Small kitchen countertops benefit greatly from shelf risers as space is limited in a small kitchen designs. For easy storage for all your excess bottles and jars, shelf risers can stack two or three layers on top of one another to maximise storage space. Depending on space, your countertop can accommodate two or three shelf risers, which is the best part as they save on space.

    2. Add a Cake Stand

    Having a cake stand on your countertop may seem weird, but it can serve a purpose in your small kitchen design NZ. Items will appear much more functional this way, and you’ll also have space to set some larger plates on trayed on the counter while you work.

    3. Use Your Windowsill for Storage

    If you happen to have a beautiful windowsill in your kitchen design NZ, consider making use of that windowsill for storage space. Whilst you don’t want to chuck everything there as it can get messy; you’d only put little things on it to make it look organised in your kitchen design NZ. You could use your windowsill to hold kitchen canisters and cookbooks.

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    Use of a windowsill | Photo Credit – Pexels

    4. Turn Your Stovetop Into A Workspace

    A kitchen idea for small areas would be to turn your stovetop into a workplace. In a small kitchen design NZ, you’d want to use everything in your kitchen. Purchase some burner covers to cover your stovetop and create a work surface. This could be used as an impromptu counter as you’re able to convert space to be useful to you and your needs in your kitchen designs NZ.

    5. Add a Cart 

    Another great kitchen idea for small areas is to add a small cart into your small kitchen design as this would provide you with additional counter and storage space. Having a small cart in your small kitchen design NZ also doesn’t take up too much space and can be stored in an adjoining room.

    6. Put Your Splashback to Work

    Utilised your splashback if you have one. Add magnetic rails along your splashback to make the most out of the space. Hang most used utensils, knives, and cookware on your splashback can help increase your drawer space instead of hiding them. This will also help save time when food prepping.

    7. Explore Standalone Shelving

    Kitchen layout ideas NZ could provide you an opportunity to explore standalone shelving in your kitchen designs NZ. If your small kitchen designs have a vertical space, you can put in standalone shelving. Which can provide you with additional storage space or clear up space in your cabinets.

    8. Hide a Wall Of Shelves Behind Sliding Panels 

    This may be a great storage solution in your small kitchen design NZ if you aren’t a big fan of open shelving or having your cookware on display. In a tiny kitchens NZ it can be difficult to move around if there are multiple people in the space. Having an open shelf can lead to an accident waiting to happen which is no good for anyone. Keep all your plates and jars protected, opt for wall storage with sliding panels.

    9. Over The Door Organiser

    Have this over the door organiser to make use of your door. Your small kitchen designs will have more space and will be more organised thanks to this over the door organiser. To make it simpler for you to identify what is running low, simply slap this over the door and place spices, tea, or coffee capsules inside.

    5 Kitchen Renovation Ideas

    1. Replace The Dining Table With a Kitchen Island

    A kitchen island is typically a feature for a larger kitchen. For small kitchen renovations, consider taking creative use of any available space in a compact kitchen by adding a kitchen island. If your kitchen designs NZ is too small, you could keep the middle island and remove the cabinets on one side on the wall.

    In your kitchen renovation ideas, consider space efficient kitchen island seating options that could be used when needed. When the kitchen island seating is not in use, you can put seats beneath the island to improve your kitchen designs NZ visual appeal.

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    Kitchen Island with seating

    See how we turned this 40 year old kitchen more modern. 

    2. Custom Build Cabinetry

    Finding pre-made cabinetry that is ideal for you and your small kitchen designs space may be challenging but something to consider in your kitchen renovation ideas to spruce up your kitchen. Consider reaching out to a designer about creating cabinetry that fits your kitchen’s requirements. Think about the house’s theme, surroundings, and space for your small kitchen renovations.

    3. Declutter

    Our homes begin to fill up over time with extra items that we don’t need. For this kitchen renovation ideas remove all the accessories that are rarely used and keep the area frequently cleaned. To help declutter your kitchen, you can put all your appliances in one place. If  you have a specific corner in your kitchen designs NZ, you can put all the kitchen appliances like toasters, blenders, and coffee makers without it looking cramped.

    4. The Simple Shelf 

    In your kitchen renovation ideas, consider adding a straightforward shelf to your kitchen if you want to make a small alteration to liven up your kitchen designs NZ. If this shelf is useful, you can place it anyplace on your kitchen wall. You can use this shelf for decoration, or you could add some hooks and set cups beneath the shelves in your small kitchen renovations. This is a great kitchen renovation ideas as it will help make your tiny kitchens NZ appear larger.

    5. Open Shelves

    For your small kitchen renovations, choose open shelves that will help make your small kitchen appear larger and will further open a closed off kitchen. Having open shelves will make your small kitchen more light-filled. A well thought out open shelf will make the room feel airy and welcoming and this will enable better access and more storage flexibility. Something to consider in your kitchen layout ideas NZ.

    open-wooden-shelves-with-various-glass-jars-with-a-wooden-lid-filled-with-spices-coffee, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

    Open Shelves | Photo Credit – iStock

    Featured Kitchen Renovations for small spaces (Small kitchen ideas) 

    Urban Luxury Kitchen renovation in Parnell

    This townhouse was centrally located in Parnell but the kitchen was tiny and lacked counter space. We completely changed the layout of this kitchen by first moving it from the left side of the area to the right. We then added cabinets in the dining area as an extended storage space. This cabinet featured shelves with internal lights which could be opened when required. To see Before and After pictures and project specifications see more

    DSC07336-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC07355-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC07351-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
    DSC07314-1024x682, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC07326-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland


    Compact Kitchen in Greenlane

    Joanna and Steve wanted to renovate this house to make it more modern as this was an older house. Their kitchen was closed off and so we broke down a wall to make it an open plan living space. There was a constraint in space and hence we created a breakfast bar that could add further storage, provide more counter space, and double as a breakfast bar see more


    house-renovation-19-1-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland house-renovation-16-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland
    house-renovation-17-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland DSC06518-1024x681, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland




    Already have all your own trades and you’re comfortable managing them for your kitchen renovation?

    Although we don’t recommend if you haven’t renovated a kitchen before and/or you don’t have trades people you can trust, most renovations if not all comes with it’s own surprises because not all homes are the same – this is where experience/project management plays an important role in minimises risks to maintain costs/delays giving you higher certainty of outcome/quality backed by associated guarantees and warranties.

    However, if you do intend to manage the kitchen renovation yourself, it does work out more cost effective to contact a kitchen cabinetry manufacturer directly to get the kitchen cabinets designed, manufactured and installed – leaving you to manage the other trades such as flooring, demolition, painting, plastering, splashback/tiling, electrician, plumber, and sometimes a carpenter/builder.


    Try Little Giant Interiors cost calculator below to see what you can expect to pay for cabinetry.



    Do I need my own Kitchen designer for my kitchen renovation?

    We are a complete design to build company for kitchen renovations which means that we have an in-house kitchen designer that will help you design your kitchen. Our kitchen designers will help you choose the renovation materials suited for your kitchen, help you with the creative aspect of design, create a functional space and create 3D drawings and renderings so you can visualise your future kitchen.

    Do I need my own plumbers or electricians?

    We are not just a kitchen manufacturing company where you just meet a designer, manufacture and then install. We start with design, demolish everything within your space, manufacture your cabinetry & benchtop, install it, we will take you to our supplier showrooms to pick your appliances, flooring, lighting etc to pick supplies at trade prices, we will also provide all trades like painters, electricians, plumbers, builders, etc whatever that is required to renovate your kitchen. You will also have a project manager throughout your renovation who will manage all trades, supply deliveries and be your only point of contact throughout the renovation process.

    How much does a kitchen renovation cost?

    We provide a full design to build service which includes design, demolition, all cabinetry, fixtures, trades like plumbers, electricians, builders etc, and a project manager to manage your project and be your only point of contact throughout the renovation. Our quotes are fixed and they include all the things mentioned above. Kitchen renovations with us start from about 32K and the quote will differ based on the materials you choose as well as the size of your kitchen.





    Further Resources for your house interior design

    1. For kitchens with great storage solutions read the following project specs
    1. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
    2. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
    3. Real client stories from Auckland

    Need more information?

    Take advantage of our FREE Complete Home Renovation Guide (48 pages), whether you’re already renovating or in the process of deciding to renovate, it’s not an easy process, this guide which includes a free 100+ point check list – will help you avoid costly mistakes.

    Download Free Renovation Guide (PDF)


    Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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      Key elements that make for a contemporary kitchen design - This kitchen was renovated in West Harbour, West Auckland
      Kitchen Renovation

      A Guide on designing 6 different Kitchen designs and styles in Auckland

      Kitchens today have a multi faceted role in our lives and are not merely a place where the cooking is done. As we evolve more towards an open style living, our kitchens have become a focal point of how families interact on an everyday basis. It is a place where everyone gets together to cook, it is also a place where family and friends come over and hang around on bar stools while others cook.

      This open style living has made it even more important for our kitchens to be functional, have a good kitchen layout and be aesthetically attractive. Having an open plan kitchen means that the aesthetics of the rest of your home is often extended to the kitchen in order to have some continuity.

      This guide will discuss elements that go into creating 6 distinct types of kitchens that are popular today. Read this guide if you are thinking of renovating your kitchen or planning an upgrade.

      Key Elements to design:

      Key Elements of Classic Kitchen Designs 

      Classic kitchens are supposed to reflect a timeless kitchen design that does not go out of style. They should not however be confused for traditional kitchen designs. Classic kitchens have a neutral palette that gives it a fresh new feel.

      As classic kitchens mostly have a neutral palette, they might not be for everyone. They might feel too bland for people who love colours and perhaps too ornate for people who like sleek modern lines for their interiors.

      Due to their neutral palette they will easily complement the rest of your home’s interior. If the rest of your home is modern, then a few small changes in your classic kitchen can modernise it.

      Colour Schemes in  Classic Kitchen Designs

      As mentioned above, classic kitchens are meant to have a simple and light design with minor ornate detailing. They are not too dark, traditional, or complicated in their kitchen design. Classic Kitchen designs have a neutral overall colour palette for their walls and cabinets. This however does not have to mean that they need to look bland.

      A great way to add some interest and colour is to add a dark countertop/benchtop. Create contrast by adding dark light fixtures, benchtops, flooring, or minor detailing to the neutral colour scheme.

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      Classic Kitchen we renovated in Epsom


      The above kitchen was renovated in a Historic home in Epsom. The previous kitchen was in a traditional style but the new owners wanted a more timeless look for their kitchen. We demolished the previous fixtures and custom built the kitchen in a classic style.  See full project specifications: Classic Kitchen renovation in Epsom



      Cabinets in Classic Kitchen Designs

      Always remember your design brief when choosing fixtures and materials for your classic kitchen design. A classic kitchen needs to be timeless which means that the cabinetry should be chosen keeping simplicity in mind. Too many ornate features on the cabinets will make the kitchen design look too traditional. Instead, opt for shaker style cabinet doors which feature clean lines with a recessed centre in the middle. If you do want to add more details on the cabinets then you can add some bead moulding on the edges.

      When renovating classic kitchens, we use Dezignatek Thermoform that is wrapped around the cabinets with minor detailing. Thermoformed doors are of a high quality and are highly durable which makes them a great choice for cabinets in a classic kitchen.


      Handles and Doorknobs

      A no-handle set up which is often featured in modern kitchens, does not work well for classic kitchens. This style is too modern for a timeless look which means that you should opt for cabinet door handles in your classic kitchen design.


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      You can also create contrast to an otherwise neutral kitchen with door handles. Try using matte black door handles to add elegance and interest in your classic kitchen design. Shiny handles can make your kitchen look more contemporary.


      Although it is quite high-maintenance, marble is one of the essential elements in a traditional kitchen. Granite or Caesar stones can work too, as long as you opt for a monochrome color scheme.

      A black marble bench top would provide a great contrast to an overpowering all-white kitchen.

      Marble countertops are an essential for classic kitchens. However marble is very hard to maintain and can prove to be very expensive. Alternatives to marble can be stone engineered countertops that can be given a marble or granite look. Stone engineered countertops can be made to look like marble with a design on them and can be made in any colour.

      If you want some contrast in your kitchen then you can opt for darker shades for your countertop.

      Fixtures and Hardware

      A great thing about classic kitchens is that they can be transformed into any other style by mixing elements of different styles within the design.

      Sinks and Faucets

      Sinks in classic kitchens are usually not chrome or stainless steel. A white butler’s sink works great for classic kitchen designs. If you do not want to butler’s sink, then opt for a Silgranit sink which comes in various colours and textures. More of our clients are going with classic Silgranit sinks as they are more durable and can make your kitchen look more contemporary.

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      Black Silgranit sink used in a Kitchen renovation in Rosedale, Albany

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      Textured double grey Silgranit Sink used in a Kitchen renovation in Papatoetoe


      Antique looking taps with a high spout works in matte brass colours can be within a classic kitchen design to add something of the past and present. If you are not fond of brass looking taps then you can also opt for taps in chrome or other colours as long as they do not look too sleek or ornate.

      Astra Walker range from Kitchen Hub has several designs in their classic and contemporary range to choose from for any type of classic kitchen design.


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      Kitchen Hub’s classic kitchen tapware

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      Long sprouted curved tap in a kitchen renovation in Epsom


      If you are looking for a purely classic theme, then you can use the Astra Walker classic range to add some history and drama to the design.  Use matte black fixtures to create contrast or you can use shinier chrome for a more neutral design.

      Cooking Range and Splashback

      A cooking standalone cooking range which slides in between your cabinets makes for a great focal point in a classic kitchen. A dark grey rangehood with iron grates and upward knobs should be used instead of induction cooktops as they look too modern for a classic kitchen.

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      A grey cooking range was used with white subway tiles as a backsplash for a timeless classic design – Kitchen renovation in Epsom


      The size of your tiles is not important when choosing a splashback for your kitchen design. As mentioned above, it is more the colour palette that is important in a classic kitchens. You can add textured tiles or even marble in neutral colours as your splashback. If you want to add some interest then you can use dark grey grouting between tiles.


      Light fixtures

      A great way of introducing focal points and interest in your classic kitchen design can be through pendant lighting. A long antique looking pendant lightings which hangs above your island can really lift your kitchen design. Their height can be adjusted to suit the length that you prefer.

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      This long multi-bulb pendant light was installed above the dining table

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      Two separate long pendant lights installed above the breakfast Island


      We do however suggest only getting a couple of pendant lights for your kitchen as too many of them can give your kitchen a cluttered feel. If you have a large kitchen then you can install wall mounted lighting which do not look to sleek.

      Back to the top

      Key Elements of Traditional Kitchen Designs 

      Traditional kitchens are all about intricate features in cabinets, ceilings, and countertops. They put an emphasis on details and most traditional kitchens work well in larger spaces. This is because most traditional kitchen designs feature a darker colour palette and a furniture-like pieces that can feel bulky if you have a small area to work in. More modern traditional kitchen designs feature a lighter palette which have dainty and delicate crown mouldings etc which are often seen in old villas and cottages of Auckland.

      Colour scheme in Traditional Kitchens

      Classic and contemporary kitchens often feature cool colours in their kitchens but the colour scheme in traditional kitchens mostly feature warm colours. Light beige, yellows and shades of brown are often popular in traditional kitchen designs which mimic the kitchens of the past. Having a traditional kitchen does not mean that your kitchen must look dingy, dark or outdates.

      Understanding the different shades of brown and yellows and how well they work together can make all the difference in designing a beautiful kitchen that almost mimics Villas in Tuscany and Spain. If you are going with dark cabinets then choose a lighter beige countertop with orange or yellow undertones.


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      We renovated this Spanish Style Traditional Kitchen in Stanmore Bay, Auckland


      The above renovation was done in Stanmore Bay for our client who hailed from the US. She wanted to renovate her closed off kitchen into an open plan kitchen in a traditional style. Her brief was that she wanted her kitchen to feel like a rustic style Spanish Villa. The use of brows, yellows, brass, wood and mosaic are reminiscent of Spanish Villas. See full project specifications – Mary Stuart’s Kitchen Renovation 


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      Mary Stuart’s Rustic Style Traditional Kitchen in Stanmore Bay, Auckland



      Since there is a lot of dark colour used in cabinets in a traditional kitchen, we often suggest our clients to go for lighter walls as this will make the rest of your kitchen stand out more. You can also opt for lighter white cabinets if you have a small space, but this is usually seen in cottage style kitchens. We will discuss cottage style kitchen designs later in this article.

      Some traditional kitchens also include features and cabinets that are a darker blue and are mostly popular in the UK. These kitchens could also be categorised as country kitchens or cottage style kitchens.

      Cabinets in Traditional Kitchen Designs

      Cabinets are the star of a traditional kitchen as they are full of character through rich warm colours, details and ornate handles. Unlike contemporary or modern style kitchens which focus on simplicity, traditional cabinets focus on embellished designs for their cabinets. If you want a traditional kitchen design, then stay away from shaker style cabinets or plain smooth ones.

      Instead, opt for a more vintage raised panel or a classic raised panel for the cabinet doors. Also stay away from a shiny finish and choose matte materials for your kitchen cabinets. Another great way to incorporate a traditional feel for your kitchen would be to use glass display doors for one side of the wall mounted cabinets. Traditional kitchen designs often feature a mix of open shelves, closed bottom cabinets and a few cabinets that have a glass front door. This will also make you kitchen appear more spacious.

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      Mary wanted her cabinets to look like they had been made by real wood like Oak or Timber. Oak and Timber are however very expensive especially in New Zealand. We custom built all cabinets with MDF boards and the front panels were made with textured woodgrain ‘Jarrad Legend’ Melteca.  This is a highly durable material that does not require much maintenance. We also used rustic looking dull cupboard handles for all cabinetry.



      Handles and Doorknobs

      Cabinet handles should exude a sense of old-world charm in traditional kitchens. Think brass ornate handles or even drop-down handles for your kitchen cabinet and drawers. If you feel that drop down handles are too bulky or too traditional looking then choose small, rounded knobs for a cleaner look.

      You can also look for cabinet handles which are decorative to bring out a more Spanish feel to your kitchen design. If you want a more unified look then use the same doorknobs as the handles for your kitchen cabinets.


      As discussed above traditional kitchens are usually found in larger spaces which means that they have an island. Benchtops in traditional kitchens often add a sense of luxury to the overall design. This is because they are often the only shiny element in a traditional kitchen design. The cabinets and other elements of a traditional kitchen are often found in matte finishes so shiny finish benchtop is a great way to add another dimension and depth to the design.

      Granite, Quartz and Marble are popular materials for a benchtop in traditional designs. These materials however can prove to be expensive and are hard to maintain. If you have a busy household and do not want to spend time cleaning your benchtop then we would recommend you use a custom-built stone engineered stone for your benchtop.

      Most of our clients opt for stone engineered countertops as they are easy to maintain and highly durable. They are also very versatile when it comes to design features as they can be custom built in any colour or texture. We often recommend our clients to use light beige with inbuilt patters for benchtops in traditional kitchens as they complement the darker cabinets well.


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      Custom built stone engineered countertop used for Mary’s kitchen. We made this engineered stone look like pattered granite with a shiny sheen. The pattern chosen above is called Autumn leaf and like its name has yellow and mustard undertones which complements the dark cabinets well.


      Fixtures and Hardware for Traditional Kitchens

      You can choose your fixtures based on how traditional you want your kitchen design to be. If you are going for a very traditional design, then keep your appliances ornate and follow our guide below. If you want to include elements of a contemporary or classic design, then simply include fixtures from contemporary or classic designs. Classic and contemporary kitchens complement traditional designs so you will still be able to achieve a symbiotic design. Modern design fixtures however do not go well with traditional styles and hence should not be incorporated into a traditional kitchen design.

      Sinks and Faucets

      The things that make a traditional kitchen are its details. If you are going for a more Tuscan style or Spanish style traditional kitchen then use brass sinks and long arched brass faucets. If you are however going for more English style kitchen then use chrome taps with ornate details and a separate hot and cold tap.

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      Brass sink and dull brass tap used to make the kitchen look rustic yet traditional

      Cooking Range and Splashback

      Traditionally cooking ranges were not mounted on a benchtop with screws which has become a growing trend now for contemporary and modern kitchens. Traditional kitchens mostly feature a standalone cooking top with canopy style rangehood. They are usually gas burning and are slid in between two countertops.

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      Fixed Gas Hob


      If you do not want the slide in type of cooktop then you can also get a gas hob with grills which can be screwed on top of the countertop. The canopy style rangehood however can still be attached over the gas hob to bring out a more traditional feel.

      Splashbacks in traditional kitchens should be kept simple in design. This is so that your countertops and cabinets remain the star of the show. You can use either tiled splashbacks in light beige or neutral colours. Keep the finish of your splashbacks on the duller and matte side and do not go for an overly shiny finish.




      Light Fixtures

      Light fixtures in any kitchen should be installed in a way that they highlight all the working areas in the kitchen. This is important as a lot of kitchen designs end up looking dingy if they are not properly lit. Traditional kitchens often have a chandelier that is installed above the island and ornate wall mounted lighting on the walls. If you feel like a chandelier is making your kitchen look too bulky and busy then you can also opt for pendant lighting which have a more antique feel to them. If you have cabinets on the top half of your kitchen then you will be unable to install wall mounted lighting. In such cases you can also install lights lamps that hang closer to the ceiling. A great way to create interest is to add some stained-glass lamps on the ceiling.

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      Contemporary Vs Modern Kitchen Designs

      The term modern kitchens and contemporary kitchens are often used interchangeably these days. This however is not entirely correct. While some elements do overlap for these two designs, they are fundamentally different. While the term ‘modern design’ refers to a design movement that begun in the 1940’s, which completely broke from the traditional kitchen designs.

      It is important to understand the difference between contemporary and modern kitchens before you finalise your kitchen design. Contemporary kitchens reflect the trends of today and often feature various patterns and colours in their design. Saying this, contemporary designs usually borrow elements from other styles as old trends are always coming back in fashion. They also use renovation materials that are of the current era for example stone engineered benchtops. One of the biggest differences of modern and contemporary kitchens is that modern kitchens lack ornamentation. Contemporary kitchen designs on the other hand are a marriage of various styles and patterns which can also be ornamental depending on the trends of today.


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      Modern Kitchen renovated in Blockhouse Bay, Auckland


      Modern Kitchens feature a clean uncluttered look and were revolutionary for their time as they broke free from traditional kitchens. See full project details – Full Kitchen renovation in Blockhouse Bay, Auckland.


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      Contemporary Kitchen renovation in Massey, Auckland


      The contemporary Kitchen is very different from modern kitchens as it is constantly evolving to include trends of the day in their kitchen designs. See full project details – Guru and Neeta’s Kitchen renovation in Massey, Auckland


      In this section we will discuss the differences and similarities between modern and contemporary kitchens and the design elements that make each design possible.

      Similarities of Contemporary and Modern Kitchen designs


      Contemporary and modern styles favour a seamless and uncluttered overall look for their kitchens. They feature clean lines smooth spaces that exude a comfortable and calm vibe in the room. The features seen in contemporary and modern kitchens are not cumbersome, bulky, or ornate.

      Both types of designs often integrate shiny surfaces and materials such as stainless steel, other metals or glass. Contemporary designs also feature lots of wooden elements such as countertops or a feature wall. This should not be confused with all wooden cabinets found in traditional kitchens. The wood used in contemporary kitchens is usually raw and without any ornate details. While modern kitchens have a ‘no fuss’ design, contemporary kitchens often borrow elements from other styles and can incorporate elements from traditional, modern, classic, or industrial kitchens depending on the trend of the day.

      In short, the similarities of both styles are as follows:

      • Both have a minimalistic look to them
      • They both exude an open space feel which is calming
      • Clean architectural line is the hallmark of both these designs.

      What makes a Contemporary kitchen design?

      Contemporary kitchens are ever evolving, and their design changes every decade or so to reflect the new trends of the decade. Contemporary kitchen designs borrow elements from various styles like art deco, traditional, industrial, and modern designs.

      Contemporary kitchens are simple and minimalistic but have a layered look which comes from using several materials, patterns, and textures.


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      Contemporary Kitchen renovation in Parnell, Auckland

      The above renovation has a contemporary design with a no-handle set up, soft close cabinets, marble look-alike benchtop, hexagonal tiled backsplash, silgranit sink with a hot water tap, and concrete floors. This is a great example of how current trends are incorporated within the overall kitchen design. See full project details – Luxury Kitchen renovation in Parnell, Auckland


      The cabinets in contemporary kitchen have clean lines, are sleek and lack ornamentation. They are built in a simple rectangle or square and are constructed as a full overlay. Little to no cabinet frame can be seen which gives it a seamless look. The cabinet fronts do not have any ornamentation and are completely smooth. The cabinets usually feature a no-handle set up with LED lights that give it a more futuristic look. As contemporary designs are all about latest conveniences and trends, they have creative storage solutions like ‘magic corners’, pull out drawer pantries and hidden bins.


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      Yellow LED lights installed below the countertop which provides a great contrast to black cabinets

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      White LED lights installed below the top cabinets to highlight the backsplash and cooking range



      Technology plays a vital role in a contemporary kitchen design. The electronics are sleek and high functioning. Induction cooktops built in coffee machines and commercial grade appliances are often seen in contemporary kitchens.


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      All LED lights in this kitchen can be made dimmer or brighter with this central remote

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      The above plug points can be pushed back into the countertop when not needed


      Colour scheme

      While lots of contemporary kitchens stick to a grey, black, or white, there is ample ways that colours ca be infused into their kitchen design. If colour is added then it is often pure saturated tones. Contemporary kitchens often feature bold colours and have a larger colour palette. You will often see an accent wall with a bold colour or patterns. They also include splashbacks that come in various shapes and textures. Some contemporary kitchen designs make a bold impact with coloured countertops or cabinets.




      Other Materials

      As mentioned above, contemporary kitchens have a layered look about them which is achieved through various textures, colours, and shapes. This is a huge difference between modern and contemporary kitchens. Concrete, wood, concrete, stainless steel, and glass are great examples of materials that are used in combination to give a layered look. Stainless steel is especially popular in contemporary kitchens as it makes a kitchen look more commercial which has been a prominent trend of today.

      Concrete is also often featured in contemporary design as it is a material used in industrial designs. Industrial designs have become increasingly popular in the last few years and will be growing stronger in the next decade. Today’s contemporary design borrows several elements from industrial kitchens. The most popular is the use of concrete for flooring and benchtops. Other elements include tapware and pendant lighting. Glass tiles are also featured in contemporary kitchens. They can be used as a backsplash or cabinet doors.


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      Poured concrete floor was chosen for this kitchen in Parnell

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      Hexagonal textured tiled used as a backsplash


      More Contemporary Kitchen Renovations in Auckland: 

      Lynette and Henry’s contemporary kitchen in Bucklands Beach
      Guru and Neeta’s Contemporary Kitchen in Massey
      Urban Luxury Kitchen in Parnell
      Kitchen renovation in West Harbour


      What makes a Modern Kitchen design?

      Modern kitchens first emerged in 1940s as a break from traditional kitchens. They were suddenly an extension of the living and dining room as opposed to a separate room. This made it necessary for the kitchen to look good along with being functional. The key features of modern kitchens is clean sleek lines and no embellishments or ornamentation.


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      Modern Kitchen renovation in Papatoetoe, Auckland


      The above Kitchen was renovated with a modern design in mind. It shows how simple modern kitchens actually are. They look clean and have no embellishments. See full project details – Modern Kitchen renovation in Papatoetoe for a family with young children


      Like contemporary cabinets, a modern kitchen design has a full overlay over the cabinets which means that you cannot see the frame of the cabinets. They also feature slab door and cabinet fronts without any design on them. This gives it a smooth and sleek look which the hallmark of modern design. These cabinets also have sleek door cabinet handles and do not have a no-handle set up.


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      Simple slab door fronts with long handles – Modern kitchen in Blockhouse Bay

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      Another example of plain slabs used for cabinets – Modern kitchen in Avondale


      In both the pictures seen above, white has been used as a dominant colour for the kitchen with flooring the only contrasting feature colour wise. The picture on the left has handles as seen in most modern kicthens while there are no handles in the kitchen seen on the right.

      See full project details (picture on the left) – Modern Kitchen in Blockhouse Bay 
      See full project details (picture on the right) – Modern Kitchen in Avondale


      No ornamentation

      Modern kitchen designs do not have pattered tiles, multiple shapes, textures, and colours in their design. The countertops, benchtops, cabinet fronts and backsplash have a smooth surface without any veining or texture.


      Highlighting natural materials

      Highlighting the natural materials is key in creating a beautiful modern kitchen. Use horizontal grain of Oak or manufactured Oak for your cupboards. For benchtops think marble or stone engineered stone without any veins. Always remember to keep the elements as simple as possible. Let the quality of materials shine through.

      Horizontal Lines

      Modern kitchen designs often emphasise on horizontal lines in their kitchen design. The look could include long wide lines of stacked cabinets that are stacked in a row. This could also be done by installing a splashback or an accent wall which has wide horizontal panels stacked together on top of each other.

      Choose elements that are of a similar colour and design.

      All elements in a modern kitchen are chosen in a similar design and colour with no ornamentation. Think of pendant lights, dining chairs, bar stoons and tables. They should all be simple and in similar shades of colours of each other. This creates a clean and sleek look which is what a modern design is about.




      Modern kitchens are all about highlighting good quality materials in their design. Think about quality when choosing a benchtop for your modern kitchen. Quartz is a great choice for modern kitchens are they need no design or ornamentation to look and feel good.

      Quartz can prove to be a very expensive material in New Zealand so you can try and find alternatives to fit your budget. Today’s technology allows us to engineer materials to emulate the look and feel of quartz at a lower cost.

      Back to the top


      Key Elements of Cottage Style Kitchen Designs

      Cottage style kitchen designs are supposed to exude a sense of warmth, comfort, and cosiness. Their design is inspired from old English cottage kitchens which are inviting, homely and a place for the family to get together. They often feature a small dining area within the kitchen space and is supposed to have a casual feel.

      Many people are reverting to a cottage styled kitchen for their villas, bungalows or baches in rural areas as they complement the rest of the exterior architecture of such homes.


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      Cottage Style Kitchen Renovation in Mangere Bridge, Auckland


      The above kitchen was renovated to reflect the abundant nature around the house. Our client wanted a cottage style kitchen which was inviting. It features tiled wooden lookin floors, real wood which was treated in order to preserve it, white recessed cabinets with cup style pulls, open floating shelves and a butler’s sink. See full project details – Cottage Style Kitchen renovation in Mangere Bridge, Auckland


      Colour Palette

      If you think about cottages, you always think of a light palette. Neutral whites, beige, light pinks, and pale blues work best in cottage style kitchens. Pale pink and blue can however make your kitchen look a bit dated, so we mostly recommend our clients from using shades of white or light beige for their kitchens. Buttercup yellow is also a nice way to infuse some colour in cottage style kitchens. You can however incorporate colour within the kitchen by choosing natural wooden looking benchtops or cabinet handles.

      Cabinets and Handles

      We recommend using shaker style cabinets with minor detailing for an overall vintage look. Choose a light colour for your cabinets and create contrast by adding matte black handle. You could also incorporate a free-standing cabinet with a sliding glass door to display crockery. Add some corbels under your upper cabinets which is a very common feature for cottage kitchens.


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      For handles think about brass, or matte black simple knobs or cup-style drawer pulls. Cup style drawer pulls complement a white shaker style cabinet very well and add to the cottage style.


      Open Shelving

      Open shelving was very popular in older cottages as they allowed cooks to easily retrieve cooking utensils. They were often found in place of today’s upper cabinetry and were also installed as building additional upper cabinets was expensive. Open shelves today are mostly used for decorative purposes. You can also use them to store your cups, plates, and other crockery to create some interest.

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      Floating Shelves built from real wood to store cups as well as a decorative feature


      Sinks and Tap-ware

      We recommend installing a butler style sink for your cottage style kitchen. These sinks are large, rectangular and very deep which means that they also have a practical advantage over other types of sinks. Butler’s sinks are usually made of ceramic and you will be able to wash your biggest pot comfortably in it.

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      A classic butler’s sink installed which is one of the hallmarks of a cottage style kitchen


      You can pair your sink with old English looking taps with a separate handle for hot and cold water. Kitchen Hub’s Astra walker collection has an ‘olde English’ range which works great with a Butler style sink. You can either use a brass toned colour or go for a classic chrome.


      Having a benchtop in a brown shade or using real treated wood is a great way to add some contrast and colour to your country style kitchen. Most country kitchens feature wooden benchtops, but they are not always very practical. One of our clients in Mangere Bridge, Auckland wanted a wooden benchtop for her country style kitchen, so we treated it in a way that it would avoid future wear and tear.


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      American Ashwood was stained to walnut for the desired colour. Steps were then taken to treat it in a way that it would last for a long time


      We used American Ashwood as a countertop for the above renovation. It was then stained to a walnut colour which was a perfect shade to for this design. After staining, we applied Epoxy Urethin Vinyl on the benchtop as well as the floating shelves. This was done to prevent the wood from rotting and to avoid wear and tear. This would have to be re-applied every 15 years. After the coating we finally applied varnish to give it some lustre. The varnish will have to be re-applied every couple of years in order to maintain the shine. See full project specifications – Cottage style kitchen renovation in Mangere Bridge, Auckland

      Wall Panelling

      Wall panelling was a big part of interior design in the past. Homes designed in the traditional style featured dark panelled walls in most rooms. Cottages on the other hand had white panelled walls with vertical grooves. They were usually found in whites or creams or the same colour as the cabinets. This however might feel dated today so instead install dull subway tiles between the countertops for a similar but more contemporary feel.




      Hardwood Floors

      Cottage style kitchens mostly feature hardwood floors to give them a nice warm homely feel. This also creates a contrast with cabinets that are often found in light colours. Hardwood floors however are not very practical as they require high maintenance and are also expensive.

      An alternative to hardwood floors would be to use tiles that emulate hardwood floors in texture, design, and aesthetics. These tiles are easy to source, install and are very easy to maintain.


      Olden day cottages did not have recessed lighting and had to depend on pendant style lighting for their kitchens. Low hanging pendant lighting also makes a space feel homely and inviting. You can either choose vintage inspired lighting or have a stained-glass pendant lighting to add further interest.



      Key Elements of Industrial Kitchen Designs

      Industrial styled homes and kitchens depend on their materials for the overall look of their design. Materials such as iron, concrete and cement are often highlighted in industrial styled kitchens. They also feature high ceilings, large windows, and exposed brick. The style first originated from the USA and is sometimes also referred to as New York style apartment design. This design first started in homes that looked like loft style or warehouse style apartments. If designed well, this style can be replicated within normal homes designs in Auckland. Following are some key features that will help you design an industrial styled kitchen for your home.

      Open Space and a minimalistic look

      One of the most obvious traits of an industrial kitchen is open space and high ceilings. The rough look has become increasingly popular because of its ‘airy’ nature. Typically, you’ll find brick walls, rustic furniture and exposed pipes and beams in an industrial style kitchen, with appliances often dressed in stainless steel. The rough textures blend perfectly with the smooth steel surfaces to form a harmony.


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      Industrial Kitchen


      This Industrial Kitchen is a great example of how this design works best in a high ceiling room. You will an exposed air duct at the top of the kitchen which gives the kitchen a raw rustic look. The design includes a large polished concrete island which doubles as a dining area with metal stools. The materials used in this design are the real stars of the show with an overall minimalistic look.


      Think of a rough and not overly processed look for your industrial kitchen design. One of the most obvious features of this design is an open plan space with a minimalistic look. The ceilings are high, and all the pipes and beams are exposed. The overall look of this style is however minimalistic without any frills or details on their cabinets or walls. The combination of different materials, their rough texture and raw feel are the highlights of this design.

      Materials used in an Industrial Kitchen Design


      Cement is often featured in this design due to its versatility. It can be used wither as a waterfall edged benchtop, as a floor or a splashback. If you are using it as a splashback then we would recommend you use it as a smooth texture so that cleaning is easier.


      Rough looking brick walls can make your space instantly look like an industrial kitchen. If your home is not made of brick then you can also create a false brick wall or you can even use textured brick look alike vinyl.


      Another key element of an industrial kitchen design is iron. Use iron bar stools, furniture, lamps, light fixtures, and shelves for an overall industrial look.


      Using wood in the design will add some warmth to your kitchen design. However, do not use overprocessed or over-polished wood and let is have unpolished and rough edges. You can use wood for the front of your cabinets or even as a countertop.


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      Exposed Brick on opposite walls give this relatively classic kitchen an industrial feel

      Stainless Steel

      As most of the elements in an industrial kitchen have a matte finish. This can make the design however look a bit dull. Shiny stainless-steel appliances and a big professional looking gas hob can add some depth in the design.


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      The tapware used in this kitchen gives the kitchen a raw feel. The tapware in this picture is from Kitchen Hub’s Watermark collection which makes tapware for industrial styled kitchens

      Colour Palette

      Most Urban industrial kitchens have a colour palette between grey, brown, and black. You can also add some bold saturated hues as red or mustard. You can use this for your backsplash or even as your benchtop. Another great way of incorporating colours is through furniture like bar stools and lighting accents.


      Low hanging pendant lighting over countertops and islands in steel or iron is great for industrial themed kitchens. You could even use high hanging exposed bulbs without a screen which is becoming increasingly popular.

      Statement Art Pieces

      The industrial style was conceived to give a platform to artists which means that they often have iconic pictures of people or movements within their design. They do not have traditional painting but gravitate towards modern and abstract art.

      Back to the top



      Our Featured projects

      Contemporary Kitchen Renovations

      Urban Luxury in Parnell, Central Auckland

      We renovated this entire townhouse in Parnell in a contemporary style.
      See Full Project specifications + Before and After pictures

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      Entertainer’s Dream Kitchen and Bar in Massey, West Auckland

      Guru and Neeta had a closed off kitchen which was completely demolished to create an open plan space for the entire family to enjoy.
      See Full project specifications + Before and After pictures

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      Modern Kitchen Renovations

      Modern Kitchen Renovation in Papatoetoe, South Auckland

      This renovation was done keeping convenience and low maintenance in mind as it was for a family with young children.
      See Full Project specifications + Before and After pictures

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      Modern Kitchen Renovation in Hillsborough

      This kitchen was renovated in a modern style for a family whose kitchen had started leaking. They needed a complete renovation as the old kitchen had become very shabby.
      See full project specifications + Before and After pictures

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      Cottage Style Kitchen Renovation

      Cottage Style Kitchen in Mangere Bridge, South Auckland 


      This cottage style kitchen was one of the first kitchens we renovated of this style.
      See Full project specifications + More Pictures

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      Full kitchen renovation in Mangere Bridge, Auckland


      Classic Kitchen Renovations

      Open Plan Classic Galley Kitchen in Epsom, Auckland

      This historic Villa in Epsom was renovated from an old traditional kitchen to a classic kitchen style.
      See Full project specifications + Before and After pictures

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      Classic Kitchen renovation for an old Bungalow in Greenhith, Auckland

      This old bungalow in Greenhithe was renovated to include a classic kitchen while preserving the existing hardwood fixtures.
      See Full project specifications + Before and After pictures

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      Further Resources for your house interior design

      1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
      2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
      3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
      4. Real client stories from Auckland.
      5. Kitchen Renovation Photos for renovations we have completed in Auckland


      Do you have a In-house Kitchen designer?

      Yes, we do have an In-house Kitchen designer who will help you create a Kitchen design for your kitchen renovation. We provide all our clients with 3D drawings when we create a proposal for you.

      What kind of Kitchen layout is best for me?

      This will depend on various factors. Read our article on Planning your layout for a functional and practical kitchen design here to understand more about the layout that is right for you :

      Do I have to get my own plumbers and electricians?

      We provide a full renovation service for any given area. This means that our service will include design, demolition, sourcing of all renovation materials from local supplier showrooms, custom built cabinetry, installation of all cabinets, flooring, fixtures, project management and all trades like electricians, plumbers, grouters, builders, tilers, and any other trades.

      Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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        Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

        Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

        Request Your In-home Consultation 

        Or call us on   0800 199 888



        finance-badge1000x1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

        Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

        We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

        Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

        *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



        mdf vs solid wood
        Kitchen Renovation

        MDF vs Solid Wood: Why MDF is So Popular For Kitchen Cabinets

        Solid wood is clearly the winner here, right? This is what most people think when it comes to choosing between MDF and Solid Wood

        The perception is that wood is seen as this strong and sturdy material while MDF Board is often viewed as a weak and cheap alternative. We’re going to dive deep into the pros and cons particularly for kitchen renovations, and we’ll also share our take on it. Despite popular belief, wood is not always the superior choice; in some situations MDF Board might be the better material.

        While buying kitchen cabinets (or any cabinet for that matter) or renovating the kitchen, homeowners often find it perplexing to choose between MDF vs Wood – but we’re here to break it down.

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        Photo credit:


        MDF vs Solid Wood

        In simple terms, solid wood is essentially the natural lumber while the MDF is categorized as “engineered wood”. Engineered wood is a mixture of redwood, fibers, veneers, resin, and adhesives.

        It’s common in older homes that solid wood is primarily used for the construction of cabinets while MDF is used for specific components such as the door center panels. But there is a good reason why the newer homes, and kitchen manufacturers nowadays are choosing MDF now for cabinetry. Let’s break down on why solid woods is an option.


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        MDF Kitchen Cabinets

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        Solid Wood Kitchen Cabinets

        Read more…

        Kitchen renovation in Stanmore Bay using MDF cabinets

        Kitchen renovation in Mangere Bridge using MDF boards that were wrapped and distressed

        Why renovators choose solid wood for Kitchen Cabinets

        There are many reasons why solid wood is chosen as the primary choice for kitchen cabinets. Here are some of the reasons.

        Pros of Solid Wood

        1. Strength and Durability

        Solid wood is strong and sturdy, that’s why most clients lean towards choosing this when it comes to renovating. It will last a very long time without any issues however keeping in mind that there are many different types of solid wood (some a lot stronger such as Oak)

        1. Aesthetics

        The look and feel of solid wood definitely stands out, the appeal of solid wood is the colors/textures and patterns it comes in. It also comes in many different variations that will give your kitchen an unique look.

        1. Customization

        There is ample options for customising wood, there is endless choice of shapes, patterns, and colors you can choose from, and it is custom made to your liking.

        1. Value

        If you’re a homeowner looking for better pricing for your property, consider adding elements of solid wood to improve the perceived value.


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        Photo credit to: jessebridgewater


        Cons of Solid Wood

        Despite having all these advantages over MDF, solid wood is not always the best option, In order words, MDF is often the better choice than solid wood. Here are a few things about solid wood that make it a bad choice.

        1. Moisture Damage

        Most solid woods are prone to water and moisture damage, especially in an unfinished state and it is not waterproof, also some high-quality wood and endue moisture for longer. To protect the wood, a waterproof finishing usually has to be applied.

        1. Warping and Cracking

        Solid wood will expand and contract with the change in temperature and humidity (particularly with New Zealand’s ever changing climate) which makes them a poor choice for cabinet door panels. Most solid woods are highly prone to warping and cracking in hostile temperature. The cracks remain visible even if the cabinets are painted. With time, wood makers have developed crafting methods and technologies that minimize warping and cracking.

        1. Bug Infestation

        Unless you look after it very well, solid woods are highly prone to bug infestation and pest attack. On the other hand, it requires regular maintenance and the right finishing to keep the wood well protected.

        Why renovators choose MDF for kitchen cabinets

        MDF is short for Medium-Density Fiberboard and it is a type of engineered wood, consisting of thin panels constructed from wood fiber, wax, and resin.

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        For our kitchen renovations, It is definitely the most popular (by far) alternative to solid wood with its own share of pros and cons (also more cost effective). It is normally considered a better option to plywood for being denser, stronger and more durable. For these reasons, it has almost as many applications as solid wood.

        Many of our clients initially tend to look down on MDF Wood with the perception that it is a “cheaper looking” option to solid wood but as we mentioned in the beginning both solid wood and MDF Wood have their advantages and disadvantages.

        Before we talk about the pros and cons of MDF Wood, just so you understand, there are varying types of this engineered wood. MDF boards can also vary in terms of size, density glue type, and moisture content. As a thumb rule, thicker and denser MDF boards tend to be costlier.

        MDF Cabinet Doors Pros and Cons

        For those renovating their kitchen, looking for a cheaper alternative to solid wood (once they know the price difference in material) always comes up, but without compromising on sturdiness and resistance, It always leads them to MDF as a compelling option. Let’s take a look at the benefits of choosing MDF over other types of engineered woods.

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        MDF Cabinet Doors: Pros

        1. Warping and Cracking

        MDF, like wood, expands and contracts when there are fluctuations in temperature and humidity. But unlike Wood, MDF does not warp. This is because the board, thanks to its structure, moves as a unit. Even with extreme changes in humidity and temperature, you do not have to worry about any damage to the cabinet doors.

        1. Smooth Finish

        MDF doesn’t have any noticeable grains that are usually found in solid woods, or small imperfections. As a result, they have a smoother finish after the paint is applied.

        1. Easy to Customize

        There are shaker-style cabinet doors, flat paneled doors, inset doors, raised doors and many more. The ease of customization of MDF boards is to thank for this variety. Because of its structure, MDF Board can be cut and drilled in many different ways without any damage.  Available in larger sizes than solid wood. If you have a project that demands a large piece of wood with no joints, MDF is the recommended choice.

        1. High Water Resistance

        When it comes to water resistance, MDF outperforms wood. In fact, some MDF boards are specifically crafted for bath cabinets and they are made water-resistant.

        1. Cost-effective Alternative

        The obvious clear winner is MDF is a lot more cost effective and worthwhile (value for money) and with proper maintenance, MDF boards can last as long as some of the solid woods.

        Read more…

        Kitchen renovation in Massey using MDF cabinets

        Kitchen renovation in West Harbour using MDF cabinets

        MDF Cabinet Doors: Cons

        Despite all the pros, MDF cabinet doors aren’t perfect for certain situations. From being susceptible to water to scratches to heat, so MDF cabinets does require extra care – here are some of the cons to pay attention to.

        1. MDF cabinet doors aren’t ideal for high temperatures
        2. MDF Board does not do very well when exposed to extreme heat as the core materials can get damaged. This is why MDF Board is not a good material for outdoor furniture where it is exposed to the sun continually.
        3. Compared to wood or plywood, MDF is considered less strong but not by much – but it is still a consideration. For example, Once the MDF get scratches, it’s usually difficult to repair it.
        4. Since MDF consists of fine particles, it may not be great for holding screws in some circumstances.
        5. If not sealed properly, MDF can fall prey to water absorption – so the manufacturing process of the MDF (or the brand of it) is important.

        Surprising Design Solutions

        It’s clear that MDF is the more cost-effective & durable option, there are some surprising and inspiring projects out there in recent years that feature the use of MDF due to it’s flexibility in design, color, and feel. If you want to get creative with your kitchen renovation (as opposed to the wood look), MDF will give you the opportunity to play with all kinds of colors. MDF can even take veneers like leather and vinyl, if you’re looking to play around with texture.

        Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is a favorite with Superior Renovations clients because it gives them solutions for big design details rather then choosing what looks standard – this gives them endless possibilities/options to play with.

        What is MDF Board commonly used for?

        For most of our renovations, you’ll commonly find MDF being used for kitchen cabinets. Most kitchen cabinets comprise of both solid wood and MDF elements. MDF Board is usually found on the doors and interior panelling for the following reasons:

        • Easier to paint
        • Easier to clean
        • Does not warp
        • Water-resistant

        But it is not just the kitchen where you’ll find MDF being used, but we also use it in bathrooms and laundry spaces due to the resistance to moisture/humidity.

        Another consideration when you’re deciding materials particularly with MDF is when it is compared to plywood.  This is not necessarily a comparison you would do for kitchen cabinets, but in other construction instances choosing a plywood vs MDF may be a choice you need to consider to bring down costs.

        Another area where MDF was used in a renovation is used shelving, whether it’s for a bookshelf, kitchen shelving, lounge tv unit, or open wall shelving – it’s popular choice because of the change of colors/styles you can choose. But be careful if you’re using it to place heavy objects as it will sag so normally it is reinforced with solid wood if that is the case.


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        Examples of kitchen renovations by Superior Renvations with MDF Cabinets

        Read more…

        Kitchen renovation in Hillsborough using Black MDF cabinets

        Kitchen renovation in Ellerslie using White MDF cabinets 

        Our Verdict
        Is MDF good for kitchen cabinets?

        Our opinion is MDF performs better than solid wood in many areas as mentioned above – although the are benefits to choosing solid wood, the advantages of MDF outweigh it … The main concern surrounding solid wood for cabinets, doors and panelling is it requires consistent care and maintenance.

        But when it comes to cabinet doors, we highly recommend MDF, It provides far more benefits than solid wood. If you are in the process of giving your kitchen an upgrade, consider choosing cabinets with MDF doors.

        Choosing MDF for your cabinets means they are going to be sturdy and durable – it also makes it a lot easier for you to make decisions during the design process because of the larger range of options. MDF (especially doors and shelves) offer smoother finisher and tougher resistance to humid temperatures which we think is particularly important for Auckland homes.

        If you have any questions or would like to know more about our kitchens, check out our case studies page or feel free to reach out to us, we’ll be happy to help.


        Kitchen Renovation Projects by Superior Renovations

        1. Cottage Style Kitchen Renovation using MDF boards

        This was a special kitchen as it was about incorporating natural elements into the kitchen to reflect our client’s country surroundings. The kitchen was dated and was transformed into a chic country style kitchen complete with treated real wood as bench-tops, butler’s sink, floating shelves and MDF cabinets that were wrapped in Dezignatek Thermoform with a ‘Ronda’ pattern to give them cabinets a vintage look. See Full Case Study Here.

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        Full kitchen renovation in Mangere Bridge, Auckland

        2. Entertainer’s dream Kitchen and Lounge Renovation

        Guru and Neeta from Massey had a closed off kitchen which did not let them enjoy an open plan living. They wanted to renovate to introduce a feel of luxury but also make it an open space which could double as an entertaining space. We used MDF boards to make black cabinets with a matte finish to give it a luxury feel See Full Case Study Here

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        Kitchen, Lounge and Dining room renovation in Massey

        3. Spanish Style Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation

        Mary Stuart’s renovation was especially enjoyable for us as it meant giving the kitchen a rustic look. Rustic kitchens usually incorporate real wood to make cabinets. However, using real wood would have exponentially increased costs and maintenance. So we decided to use MDF Melteca cabinets and gave them a look of Timber  See Full Kitchen Case Study Here.

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        Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry renovation in Stanmore Bay


        Already have all your own trades and you’re comfortable managing them for your kitchen renovation?

        Although we don’t recommend if you haven’t renovated a kitchen before and/or you don’t have trades people you can trust, most renovations if not all comes with it’s own surprises because not all homes are the same – this is where experience/project management plays an important role in minimises risks to maintain costs/delays giving you higher certainty of outcome/quality backed by associated guarantees and warranties.

        However, if you do intend to manage the kitchen renovation yourself, it does work out more cost effective to contact a kitchen cabinetry manufacturer directly to get the kitchen cabinets designed, manufactured and installed – leaving you to manage the other trades such as flooring, demolition, painting, plastering, splashback/tiling, electrician, plumber, and sometimes a carpenter/builder.


        Try Little Giant Interiors cost calculator below to see what you can expect to pay for cabinetry.


        Further Resources

        1. Ideas for Bathroom renovations in our bathroom renovation gallery of bathrooms we have renovated in Auckland
        2. Ideas for Kitchen renovations in our kitchen renovation gallery for kitchens we have renovated in Auckland
        3. Featured projects and Client stories to see specifications on some of the projects.
        4. Real client stories from Auckland


        Is MDF good for kitchen cabinets?

        When it comes to cabinet doors, we highly recommend MDF, It provides far more benefits than solid wood. If you are in the process of giving your kitchen an upgrade, consider choosing cabinets with MDF doors. Choosing MDF for your cabinets means they are going to be sturdy and durable – it also makes it a lot easier for you to make decisions during the design process because of the larger range of options. MDF (especially doors and shelves) offer smoother finisher and tougher resistance to humid temperatures which we think is particularly important for Auckland homes.

        What is MDF Board commonly used for?

        For most of our renovations, you’ll commonly find MDF being used for kitchen cabinets. Most kitchen cabinets comprise of both solid wood and MDF elements.

        Why renovators choose MDF for kitchen cabinets

        For our kitchen renovations, It is definitely the most popular (by far) alternative to solid wood with its own share of pros and cons (also more cost effective). It is normally considered a better option to plywood for being denser, stronger and more durable. For these reasons, it has almost as many applications as solid wood.


        Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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          Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

          Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

          Request Your In-home Consultation 

          Or call us on   0800 199 888



          finance-badge1000x1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

          Have you been putting off getting renovations done?

          We have partnered with Q Mastercard ® to provide you an 18 Month Interest-Free Payment Option, you can enjoy your new home now and stress less.

          Learn More about Interest-Free Payment Options*

          *Lending criteria, fees, terms and conditions apply. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.



          House Renovation

          Joanne & Steve Hilson – House Renovated While Being on Holiday

          Joanne & Steve Hilson

          Video testimonial by Joanne & Steve Hilson for their House Renovation completed by Superior Renovations ® located in Greenlane, Auckland.

          “Knowing that we weren’t there while it was being done as well was the best part, we were on the beach, and the renovation will be done”

          “Working with Kevin and the team was easy because we weren’t having to ring up different suppliers ourselves, it was like one team does this, another team does that – and everything was done for us under one roof. Kevin had a contact for everything, and the experience was simple. You hear a lot of horror stories about doing renovations and I was like, well that was very easy”

          The renovation included:

          • Kitchen Renovation
          • Removal of wall to become an open plan
          • Bathroom Renovation
          • Toilet Renovation
          • Addition of a New Toilet
          • New Laundry
          • New Custom Storage Area
          • Consent Process

          Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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            House Renovation

            Guide to Renovating Rental/Investment Properties in New Zealand

            SRR_9265-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

            Are you trying to make up your mind about renovating your property or make improvements in advance before a new tenant moves in? or perhaps your renovating to increase the equity in preparation for selling?

            When it comes to property investment, it is recommended you review your finances from time to time. Refinancing, at a better mortgage rate could help achieve a higher return. You may also want to contact your accountant or tax specialist to see if you qualify for any or further tax benefits.

            Should I be spending money to renovate my rental properties, is it worth it?

            In this article, I help you understand the maths behind improving your property and why undertaking renovations on your rental property could be financially beneficial, but also why you shouldn’t be renovating as well.

            Some rental owners think that renovating their property isn’t financially worthwhile.

            Common views from rental/investment property owners:

            • It is just a rental property. Even if I put in new fixtures and chattels in it, they will wear out anyway. Why bother?
            • I don’t understand much about the renovation. I’m not certain about where to begin or whom to talk to so it’s a bit of a risky investment.
            • If I make improvements in my rental property, it will be even better than our own home!

            These are all valid points and not wrong to some extent, however we’re going to dig deeper to see what the data says. We will also address some of these questions in this article and hopefully provide you with enough information to make an informed/data driven decision that ultimately puts you financially better off.


            If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


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            Calculating the potential ROI of your rental property after the renovations

            A simple and quick way to do so is to approximate the annual rent increase after renovations are done. Then divide that into the renovation cost.

            For instance, imagine you spend $7,000 on making improvements to your kitchen between tenancies. We don’t mean setting up a brand new kitchen, but renovations such as repainting walls and cupboards, new floors, replacing bench top or acquiring a new stove.

            Consequently, you can obtain a higher rent, probably about $30 every week.

            • By attracting higher income earning tenants
            • To retain existing tenants with the upgrade (after the increase in rent)

            You can determine your return by calculating your yearly rent increase (52 weeks x $30). Then divide your answer into the renovation cost ($7,000). You should get 0.22, and you can multiply this by 100 to get a percentage (22.28%) – and that is your return on investment, which will pay for itself after 3-4 years (assuming you’re not increasing rent further, and you’re not selling).

            Real estate investors are always looking for a high return on investment (ROI) when buying rental properties. Higher returns can be achieved and influenced in many ways. Real estate renovation is one of those ways.

            Renovated rental units justify a higher rental rate – but it’s important you’re spending on the “right” renovations. There are a couple of other factors behind real estate renovation:

            • To maintain or improve the value of the investment property through necessary repairs or replacements
            • To increase equity
            • Rental property improvements to attract better-qualified tenants
            • Tax advantages
            • Reduced maintenance
            • Lower vacancy rates


            Five things you need to know before you consider renovating your rental

            1. When undertaking renovations on your investment property, avoid looking at it like it’s your own home, it should be a data-driven decision. What you want for your home is not necessarily what your investment needs to ensure best return.
            2. Create a strict budget and research thoroughly and ensure to create room for contingency for unexpected costs – it is common with renovations – for example, if you’re renovating the bathroom, you may find that there is water damage in the subfloor which is common with the older properties.
            3. Choosing the right renovations should not only increase the property value but also the rent.
            4. Good renovations are “bulletproof” In the long term, a durable renovation will outdo a fancy renovation.
            5. Don’t forget to consult your accountant, finance specialists and local renovation company (project manager) – get all your ducks lined up and make an informed decision based on data.

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            Renovations that add value in the property

            I want to make improvements to my property to add value. To achieve this, I plan to spend $15,000 to paint the interior and replace damaged carpets to increase my property value by $30,000 and similarly raise weekly rent by $30.

            Sounds good in theory! But it doesn’t always plan out that way. We can definitely speculate the return on investment, and the increase in rent (but is that what the tenant wants?).


            If you are looking to renovate to add value, instead of looking at the “end result” first – begin with focusing on what you are in control of which is choosing what to renovate. By choosing the right renovations to begin with (within your planned budget) backed by data – the end result of the renovations is a given. Rental property owners tend to make the mistake of assuming what they think should justify increase the value or rent, but this subjective thinking leads to making the wrong decisions.  Be careful where you get your advice from as well, everyone seems to have an opinion on what they think you should do to your property.

            So we’ve put together a list of renovations that proven to add value and justify increasing rent.

            1. Kitchen renovations

            According to, kitchen and bath remodels offer nearly an 85% ROI, making them sound investments whether renting or selling. In lower income locations, renovating the kitchen can be extremely expensive and not worthwhile. However, there are simple kitchen cheats that you can use to ensure kitchen makeovers are cost-effective and still create an appeal. One of these is purchasing second-hand cabinetry online and using stain-block on your old cabinetwork. Perhaps even consider replacing the kitchen cupboards and draws assuming the carcass of the kitchen is still in good condition. For mid to high income locations, a full kitchen renovation is definitely worth considering because it would appeal more to the target audience. But with both options, consider the value of your property and make sure not to overcapitalise.

            1. Street appeal

            Although this appears overly simple, re-staining your fence, painting the roof and installing a new letterbox can give your home a new look that appeals to buyers and renters alike. This kind of renovation is best suited during spring when the weather allows you to paint outside, and your paint will dry quickly because of the warm weather. If you’re looking at selling the property, painting the home is the most cost-effective way to give the home a spruce up.

            1. Bathroom renovations

            A bathroom renovation is widely considered to increase the value of home significantly and it’s been stated by Business Insider that it can be up to a 70% return on investment. Whether a renovation is structural or simply cosmetic, an attractive bathroom will always appeal to the savvy buyer. But again, the decision to make minor alterations to the bathroom or to fully renovate the bathroom comes down to the location of your property (it would resonate with the target audience, eg Location with mostly growing families would prefer to have a bath), and to ensure you’re not over capitalising. Get the right lighting – Plenty of light is essential for a bathroom, but so is a warm and cosy glow. Check your lighting and see what you can change to make your bathroom appeal to your type of buyer.

            1. Gardening & Landscaping

            A smart garden appeals to everyone, and it all narrows down to your audience in the location (families, working professionals, or flatting situations). One thing to note is always go for plants that don’t need much gardening time or maintenance – don’t expect tenants to look after it (if they do, great!). These may be natives that are endemic to your area. Always ensure that your garden’s front lawn is tidy and trimmed. Also, berms ought to follow suit.

            1. Floor Renovations

            Carpets in old rentals act as hind outs for various crawling insects, including such as ants. While a carpet can be costly, there are cost-effective options to acquire one.  One of these is purchasing in bulk. You will buy them at a reduced price, and you can use the extra carpets across your multiple rentals.

            The most common floor renovation for rentals is converting from Carpets to Laminate flooring for multiple reasons such as:

            • Laminate flooring is much more durable, which means it will last longer then carpets (which leaves marks). After a while, carpet will start to fray and show obvious signs of wear. Although landlords can request for the carpets to be cleaned, it’s not going to stop it from general wear and tear. It’s important to note, landlords cannot get compensation for fair wear and tear, and distressed carpets usually fall into that category.
            • Tenants are becoming more health conscious and carpets are much more prone to attracting and clinging onto dirt, which means they get dirty quickly and need to be cleaned regularly. So it’s preferable to both buyers and tenants that if they’re choosing a property, laminate flooring would be ideal.
            • Laminate flooring is easy to clean and maintain, the process only requires a very moderately damp cloth and a sweep. For a thorough carpet clean, a specialist vacuum and shampoo is required, and it becomes more of a problem when there is spills/stains (which in some cases don’t come out)
            1. Painting

            Always seek professional painters to do the job – it seems like something that can be done by yourself but if not done properly, it’s very obvious and visible. Here’s an article that outlines whether you should DIY or Choose a Professional Painter. The most common painting project clients undertake is interior and exterior painting (not so much roof, normally a roof wash is sufficient), or replacing wallpaper to painted walls.  Painting the property is one of the easiest and most cost-effective way to improve the perceived value of the property especially if surfaces look tired – it is also value added to potential buyers and renters. Check out blogs from Superior Painters (North Shore) for more information on painting your rental property.

            1. New curtains and Blinds

            Normally something easily forgotten – but it does make a difference. To give your property a refreshing impression before selling or renting it. Installing/purchasing new blinds and curtains can be as low as $2,500 for standard 3 bed home (8 windows).

            1. Call in your mates

            While you can have someone to provide their services in your house within a day, you can accomplish the same tasks or even more in much less time with your mates. Besides, you will have more fun doing it together.

            1. Let there be light

            Light shades offer decent and stunning looks in your rooms, but they can get pretty dingy after some years. Although it is relatively simple to get a replacement, you can restore their new and fresh look by performing an effective scrub. A common choice we get from home owners and rental property owners is replacing all the lights in the home to LEDs, for the following reasons:

            • LED lighting uses less energy (90% less energy)
            • LED bulbs last much much longer (landlords are responsible for replacing)
            • No need to change the fitting
            • LED bulbs are coming down in price every day!
            • And lastly, LED lighting is the preferred choice for all new builds now

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            What is the cost of renovating a rental property?

            We need to be certain that the costs of carry out a renovation will be recovered in the long run through increased capital and rental appreciation.

            The cost of renovating a rental is different (due to requirements) compared to if you were renovating your own home because:

            • Choice in materials – you’ll lean towards durability and what is cost effective
            • Features and extra amenities will be limited, functionality will be more important
            • Design will not be on top of the list, for example, you would rather choose to go with an acrylic shower base than a full tiled shower/bathroom.
            • Choice in fitting/product supplier will be on the lower end (but still good enough quality to be durable and long term) – although in saying this, taps, shower heads/fittings and mixers, always choose the better quality option over the cheapest.

            Here is a break down of costs you can expect to pay for different renovations:

            Note: Copied from our article on: How much does it cost to renovation in Auckland for 2019

            Heat pump $1,500 – $3,500
            Renovation Management $1,200 – $3,000
            Electrical $2,200 – $4,400
            Plumbing $2,700 – $4,200
            Builder $15,000 – $25,000
            Joinery (windows) $4,000 – $7,000
            Insulation $1,000 – $3,600
            Roof $4,400 – $9,600
            Interior Renovation costs $40,000 to well over $100,000 (dependant on size of home and specs)
            Renovation Costs Bathroom Starting at only $8,500 for a basic alterations to an average spend of $18,000 – $22,000 for a full bathroom renovation.
            Renovations Costs for Kitchen Ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 for minor alterations (changing cupboards and draws) to an average spend of $22,000 – $28,000 for a full kitchen renovation.
            House Extension cost $100,000 +
            Recladding cost $150,000 +

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            Common mistakes made when renovating an investment property

            In most cases, the renovation of investment properties is regarded as an unfailing plan that guarantees an increase in rental returns.

            While this seems straightforward, the truth is it’s not always the case because when operating in an unstable market, the monetary gains of improving a property may be outweighed by equity loss.

            Here some mistakes that are made by renovators of investment property.

            1. Ignoring market trends and audience in the location

            Some people who have owned investment properties for over a decade tend to think that they are in an advantageous position to carry out renovations. But what they might not know is the market keeps on changing. Such changes range from interior designs, property value, to tenants’ tastes. Thus, you are likely to miss out on your projected returns by ignoring current market trends. So before renovating your property, undertake research on recent sales of property, analyze current trends in the market, and consult those in the property industry business. A good example is like people leaning more towards properties with LED lighting (as mentioned above).

            1. Failing to monitor the rental market

            Monitoring rental markets are often not in the priority list of most property renovators. But property prices keep of changing, and if you don’t monitor their trend, you might be left with vacant properties to fill after prices fall. If you have old properties, you need to keep monitoring the rental market to ensure they remain competitive.

            In saying that, if the market is flat lining and not appreciating in value – it might be a good time to renovate to increase it’s value if you are intending to sell/ or increase rent.

            1. Tenants living in the property

            If there are tenants residing in the property you are renovating, it will cause rental income loss if they need to move out while renovation works takes place. You may also be responsible for their belongings (storage cost), electrical bill, and water bill.

            To avoid all these issues associated with tenants living in the property, make renovations plans in advance and plan out the renovation in stages to minimise loss rent – try to avoid having the tenants move out or do it when they are away on holiday. For example, if you’re renovating the bathroom, hire a porta-loo for them to use for the time being (negotiate a reduction in rent as a compromise as it’s not exactly ideal). Make appropriate scheduling for delivery of renovation tools and materials to minimise issues with the tenants.

            1. Overcapitalising

            There are cheap alternatives that smart renovators use to minimize costs while providing added value to their clients. But cheap renovations doesn’t always mean the best return on investment, it may even be detrimental (dependant on the location of the property and the target audience).

            You need to recognize the amenities and services that drive tenants’ demands. Some alternatives will drastically minimize cost and end up with a finish that delivers projected value and results.

            1. Refinancing to renovate

            You are likely to get into arrangements that don’t pay off, for instance, by extending your home loan to cater for your property improvement. This is because a huge portion of your returns will go into loan payment.

            If you must borrow to carry out renovations, you need to be confident that your improvements will bring about higher rental returns. This will help you to evade risky situations of making zero returns, considering the unstableness of the market. We’ve put together an article exactly for this, on how to finance your renovation via loan – courtesy of Linda from Loan Market.


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            7 questions to ask before starting renovations on your rental property

            1. How will renovation influence my rental returns?

            This should be the first question you need to consider before considering any renovation. Understand your reasons for conducting a renovation and what you’re expecting in return financially.

            For example, renovating a devastated three-by-two house can increase the weakly rental rate by $50. (at a minimum, always use minimums to determine affordability – not what you think it’s worth) –  Your weekly rental rates might shoot from $320 to $380. In a year, you will realize an extra $2,600.

            Remember to be realistic with your estimations and projections. Don’t invest less and expect huge returns.

            1. Repair or replace?

            Never replace things that can otherwise be repaired or fixed. Since renovation is an expensive undertaking, you need to save it for those areas that require it.

            In case you are working with a limited budget, and you still want to increase your returns, try these:

            You can give your kitchen a new look by replacing countertops and handles, and replacing the cabinets/draws. Replace carpets and repaint walls to give the home a new freshness to it and give the impression of it feeling new.

            Instead of thinking about replacing your kitchen sink or bathroom vanity, just cut costs by replacing the tapware (makes a bigger impression, if the cabinet is still in good condition)

            1. What you should renovate (important)

            Focus on vital and functional areas like the bathroom and kitchen, where tenants are likely to spend much time. Restoring these areas will have a huge impact on the daily living of tenants and rental returns as well. Is renovation vital to tenants?

            Not every renovation work is important to your tenants. Some restoration will only enhance the resale value and not the rental value. For instance, a new toilet may appear good in the house; a tenant may regard it as just a toilet.

            For your rental property to appeal to tenants, focus on aspects that are regarded highly by tenants. This includes having additional space or room and installing a heating pump for cold seasons.

            1. Which material do you plan to use, and are they practical?

            Although maximizing your property’s ROI is vital, you need not compromise on quality. Cheap fixtures and repair materials are prone to wear and tear fast, and you will be called to replace them sooner than you expected (focus on long term return/cost)

            Besides, analyze the prices for different materials as they are likely to vary from one hardware store to another. Ensure that the materials you have chosen are suitable for your rental. About renovation materials, think more about their durability and not just costs. You will maximize your ROI by using long-lasting materials and it’s not an area to cut costs.

            1. Is it too little or too much?

            You shouldn’t overcapitalize the upgrades. In other words, keep it simple. The majority of the tenant will not bother to know how much that you invested in the renovation. They just want to have it functional so that it can fulfil their needs.

            Be flexible in terms of considering cheaper but quality accessories. Also, think about the locality of your rental property and determine whether your upgrades would warrant an increase in rent (is it important to your target audience).

            1. Is it a legal obligation to your tenants?

            In New Zealand, rental laws are continually changing. From installing smoke alarms to making sure your property is healthy and safe, you should comply with all the legal obligations about rental properties and focus on these first before any other renovations/alternations.

            It is worth noting that all forms of renovations should reflect and conform to the set laws as well – so make sure you’re using companies that are able to provide certificates/warranties. Rent increase also needs to conform to established stipulations. This includes giving advance notice prior to the increase.

            We hope this guide has been helpful, and it gives you enough information to make an informed decision about renovating. Do let us know if you have any questions, and we would try our best to answer every question posted. Lastly, don’t forget to share your experience and tips that’s not mentioned here that you think will be valuable to those interested in renovating your rental property.



            Please note: Whilst all information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information. The information may change without notice and Superior Renovations is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user.


            To wrap up

            Should I renovate my rental property?

            Depends on what you’re trying to achieve and what you’re renovating, not all renovations are equal and all delivers different returns on investment – including a number of variables to take in consideration such as location, target audience, financial circumstances, current market trends etc

            What renovations can add value to my rental property?

            Kitchen renovations, renovations to increase street appeal, bathroom renovations, New Curtains and Blinds, and Lighting are amongst the most common renovations.

            What are common renovation mistakes made with rental properties?

            Ignoring market trends and audience in the location, Failing to monitor the rental market, Tenants living in the property, Tenants living in the property, and Refinancing to renovate if they can’t afford to.

            How will renovation influence my rental returns?

            Understand your reasons for conducting a renovation and what you’re expecting in return financially. For example, renovating a devastated three-by-two house can increase the weakly rental rate by $50. (at a minimum, always use minimums to determine affordability – not what you think it’s worth) – Your weekly rental rates might shoot from $320 to $380. In a year, you will realize an extra $2,600.


            If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


            Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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              House Renovation

              How Much Do Kitchen Splashbacks Cost In NZ?

              Are you looking for a new kitchen splashback in NZ? You could be looking to replace the old one. Or, are you considering a new splashback as part of a kitchen remodel?

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              A kitchen splashback adds value and functionality to your home. Therefore, it is vital to know all the options you can choose. Besides, we spend a significant amount of time in the kitchen. Therefore, why not bring in the wow factor to your kitchen with a stylish splashback.

              The most important factor when choosing a kitchen splashback is the material. And, there are several options to choose. When choosing the material, you will have to consider the look and style you are targeting. More importantly, you will have to consider the cost.

              While considering cost, keep in mind that a kitchen splashback is a simple way to update the design of your kitchen.


              If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


              Why Do You Need A Splashback?

              In the kitchen, there is a lot of heat, moisture, grease, and cooking residue, which lands on your walls and cabinetry. Gradually, all the heat, moisture, and dirt degrade your walls and cabinetry. That’s where splashbacks come in.

              Splashbacks are particularly crucial behind sinks and cooktops. Besides, they are a great way of adding style, colour, and overall life to the design of your kitchen.

              What Are Your Options For Kitchen Splashbacks?

              • Glass – modern and sleek
              • Mirrored glass – reflective, contemporary, and gives the illusion of more space
              • Acrylic – resembles glass and is budget-friendly
              • Tile – easy to clean and versatile
              • Stone – vintage and elegant
              • Stainless steel – durable and modern
              • Pressed metal – very modern and stylish

              The Cost Of A Glass Splashback

              Glass Splashback From $300 per square metre

              kitchen2, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Glass kitchen splashbacks in New Zealand are very common.

              Remember, you want a splashback that will complement your kitchen’s colour scheme. Therefore, you should go for the back-painted glass kitchen splashbacks.

              Note that the paint is on the backside of the glass. The backside does not come in contact with water. So, you need not worry that the paint will come off. The exposed, unpainted glass surface is easy to clean. Additionally, this exposed surface does not have grooves or cracks that can trap grease.

              Furthermore, if the colour bores you at some point in the future, you can simply remove the glass and apply new paint or replace the splashback with a new one.

              The prices of these splashbacks vary depending on the type of glass treatment. For ordinary glass, the prices range from $300 per square metre. The cost of low iron glass starts from $400 per square metre.

              When it comes to glass splashbacks, the best option is toughened glass. Why? Toughened glass is easy to clean and affords you a wide range of colour and print options.

              More importantly, toughened glass is functional in the kitchen. For starters, it can withstand the heat in the kitchen. Plus, in the rare event it breaks, it crumbles into small granular pieces – not large and sharp shards, as is the case with ordinary glass.

              Who Can Install Glass Kitchen Splashbacks?

              Glass splashback installation is quite involving and requires the help of a professional.

              Installers with glazing experience or professionals with a trade work license in splashback installation do Glass kitchen splashbacks in Auckland.

              So, before you even consider a quote from an installer, check their licensing status with the local licensing authority.

              After all, licensing is one way of making sure an installer has the necessary training, qualifications, and experience to handle your splashback project.

              The Cost Of Mirrored Glass Splashbacks

              Mirrored Glass From $450 per square metre


              Renovation-Massey-West-Auckland-25, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Kitchen and House Renovation

              Mirrored glass splashbacks are fast claiming their place in New Zealand kitchens. Their reflective nature adds more light to the kitchen. The reflectiveness also makes your kitchen appear to have more space.

              The difference between a regular mirror and a mirrored glass is colour. Ordinary mirrors, like the ones in your bathroom, are clear. But, mirrored glass splashbacks have a smoky tint – which can either be slivery or bronze-like. The smoky hue of these splashbacks is very appealing in the kitchen.

              Like toughened glass, mirrored glass is a safety glass. You can safely install it behind your cooktops without risking cracking or breaking.

              The Cost Of Acrylic Splashbacks

              Acrylic Splashbacks From $430 per square metre

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              Acrylic resembles glass. However, acrylic splashbacks are a cheaper alternative and are easy to install.

              However, unlike glass options, you cannot install acrylic splashbacks behind or near hot areas such as cooktops. If you have to install them behind cooktops, you should use protective measures such as a stainless-steel plate behind your cooktops or toughened glass.

              While installing protective plates behind your cooktops, you should adhere to Australian safety guidelines. The plate should be the same width as your cooktop. Also, it should be at least 20 centimetres above the burners.

              The Cost Of Tile Splashbacks

              Tile Spashbacks From $27 per square metre

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              Traditionally, tile is the most common material in kitchen splashbacks. Tiles are relatively cheap and versatile. All thanks to a wide range of colours, materials, styles, and patterns, tile splashbacks are slowly regaining their place in the modern kitchen.

              However, the price of tile splashbacks varies significantly due to the wide range of tile options.

              The Cost Of Stainless-Steel Splashbacks

              Stainless Steel Splashbacks From $270 per square metre

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              Stainless-steel adds the much contemporary industrial style to your kitchen. Stainless steel is durable and hygienic (easy to clean), which explains why it is the most common choice in commercial kitchens.

              Stainless-steel splashbacks are an excellent option for DIYers as they are easy to install. Stainless-steel sheets are readily available at your local hardware store. These sheets are easy to cut to size, and you will not need specialized equipment to stick them to the wall of your kitchen.

              Aside from durability, stainless steel is an excellent option as it is entirely safe for use behind cooktops.

              Furthermore, you can use stainless-steel splashbacks behind your cooktops then use another material such as acrylic in the remaining splashback areas.


              Types Of Tiles You Should Avoid In Kitchen Splashbacks

              As mentioned above, there is a wide range of tile materials and styles to choose from. But, not all are convenient for use in kitchen splashbacks. You want a tiled splashback that is easy to clean. So, avoid slate and other textured materials. Also, avoid matte tile surface.

              What Are The Installation Costs Of Kitchen Splashbacks?

              The installation cost of kitchen splashbacks ranges between $300 and $1,300. The installation cost depends on the type of splashback, the size, and whether or not you hire a professional splashback installer.

              While DIY kitchen splashback installation is a cheap option, you should make sure you have the necessary skill to install the type of tile you choose. Tile and stone splashbacks, for instance, can be challenging to install. On the other hand, stainless-steel splashbacks require little skill.

              House-Renovations-Auckland-90-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Custom Kitchen Design and Build for a New Build in Greenhithe, Auckland


              6 Tips For Choosing The Right Kitchen Splashback

              So, how do you choose the right kitchen splashback:

              • Identify your budget

              Kitchen splashback costs are a significant concern. Factors that determine the final price include the material, size, and layout.

              When going through your options, you should keep your budget in mind. You do not want to make choices only to realize later you are way above your budget limit.

              • Consider your kitchen’s design

              What’s the style of your kitchen? Or, what design are you going for in your kitchen remodel?

              Style does not necessarily mean going for a kitchen splashback of the same colour as your walls or countertops. However, the splashback should match or complement the design of your kitchen.

              • Choose the right colour

              Colour is closely related to design and style. The colour of your kitchen splashback helps a lot with the look and feel of your kitchen.

              Going for a tone similar to your walls, cabinetry, and countertops provides a uniform look. However, you could go for contrast and make your splashback a decorative fixture.

              Generally, you have two choices – light colours such as sky blue and dark colours such as grey. Dark colours conceal dirt and food splatter. On the other hand, bright colours open up and brighten your kitchen.

              • The right material

              The material determines the look. Stone gives a rustic-look, stainless-steel provides the contemporary industrial look, mirrored-glass is sleek, and so on.

              Additionally, some materials are less durable, especially behind cooktops. Acrylic and ordinary glass, for instance, will not last long behind heating areas. Such materials require special treatment when placed behind cooktops, which translates to extra costs.

              • Ease-of-clean

              Some splashback materials are challenging to clean. You might even need specialized cleaning products.

              So, if you have a busy kitchen that sees a lot of food splatter and spills, consider easy to clean materials. For example, you could go for large-sized ceramic tiles with few grout lines.

              Glass, though stylish, is not easy to clean. Yes, it is easy to wipe. However, you will find it challenging to achieve that flawless clean without special cleaning products.

              Tiles, especially ceramic tiles, are easy to clean. However, over time, the grout lines will stain and give your splashback a dull look. Probably the most comfortable material to clean is stainless-steel.

              • Factor in the size of your kitchen

              As mentioned earlier, the size and layout of your kitchen determine the price of your new kitchen splashback. So, with a considerable budget and a small kitchen, you can go for extravagant choices such as glass.

              Besides, you can use a splashback to make your kitchen appear to have more space. To do that, go for reflective materials such as back-painted glass or mirrored glass.

              Mirrored glass, particularly, helps open up a small kitchen. Also, the mirror attribute adds more light.

              Mirrored glass is an excellent choice when you have a beautiful open home view to reflect.

              However, tiny spaces with little natural light undermine the advantages of reflective kitchen splashbacks.

              House-Renovations-Auckland-109-1000, Kitchen Renovation, Bathroom Renovation, House Renovation Auckland

              Modern Kitchen Design and Build


              Kitchen Splashback Trends For 2020

              You want a kitchen splashback that is modern, stylish, and functional. To check all those boxes, consider the following kitchen splashback trends:

              • Glass

              Tile is a versatile kitchen splashback material. But glass is the latest more popular trend in the kitchen splashback market. With glass, you can pick any colour, and there are many options to complement your kitchen design. More importantly, you don’t have to deal with grout lines.

              • Bold and bright

              Lately, interior design is leaning towards popping colours. Neutral spaces are quite dull. So, consider using a splashback to add colour. Imagine the excellent contrast a fire-engine-red splashback would provide against an all-cream kitchen.

              • Clash of texture

              Mixed textures are a thing nowadays. Think a mirrored glass splashback thrown amid stone countertops and timber cabinetry.

              Forget matching textures. Go for smooth and rough, or natural and artificial.

              • Chrome

              Colour is more than just rainbow hues. Add distinct colours with polished chrome. The colour polished chrome provides a lovely contrast to neutral spaces. Furthermore, it solidifies the classic and luxurious kitchen styles.

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              New Kitchen Renovation in Hillcrest, Auckland


              Summary of Splashback Costs

              Type of Splashbacks Estimate costs
              Cost Of A Glass Splashback From $300 per square metre.
              Cost Of Mirrored Glass Splashbacks From $450 per square metre.
              Cost Of Acrylic Splashbacks From $430 per square metre.
              Cost Of Tile Splashbacks From $27 per square metre.
              Cost Of Stainless-Steel Splashbacks From $270 per square metre.
              The Installation Costs Of Kitchen Splashbacks The installation cost of kitchen splashbacks ranges between $300 and $1,300.

              Why Do You Need A Splashback?

              In the kitchen, there is a lot of heat, moisture, grease, and cooking residue, which lands on your walls and cabinetry. Gradually, all the heat, moisture, and dirt degrade your walls and cabinetry. That’s where splashbacks come in.

              What Are Your Options For Kitchen Splashbacks?

              Glass, Mirrored glass, Acrylic, Tile, Stone, Stainless steel, annd Pressed metal

              What Types Of Tiles Should I Avoid In Kitchen Splashbacks?

              There is a wide range of tile materials and styles to choose from. But, not all are convenient for use in kitchen splashbacks. You want a tiled splashback that is easy to clean. So, avoid slate and other textured materials. Also, avoid matte tile surface.

              What Are The Installation Costs Of Kitchen Splashbacks?

              The installation cost of kitchen splashbacks ranges between $300 and $1,300. The installation cost depends on the type of splashback, the size, and whether or not you hire a professional splashback installer.



              If you’re looking for “specific” cost estimates, try our Renovation Cost Calculator Tools


              Already have all your own trades and you’re comfortable managing them for your kitchen renovation?

              Although we don’t recommend if you haven’t renovated a kitchen before and/or you don’t have trades people you can trust, most renovations if not all comes with it’s own surprises because not all homes are the same – this is where experience/project management plays an important role in minimises risks to maintain costs/delays giving you higher certainty of outcome/quality backed by associated guarantees and warranties.

              However, if you do intend to manage the kitchen renovation yourself, it does work out more cost effective to contact a kitchen cabinetry manufacturer directly to get the kitchen cabinets designed, manufactured and installed – leaving you to manage the other trades such as flooring, demolition, painting, plastering, splashback/tiling, electrician, plumber, and sometimes a carpenter/builder.


              Try Little Giant Interiors cost calculator below to see what you can expect to pay for cabinetry.


              Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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                Superior Renovations is quickly becoming one of the most recommended Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation company in Auckland and it all comes down to our friendly approach, straightforward pricing, and transparency. When your Auckland home needs renovation/ remodeling services – Superior Renovation is the team you can count on for high-quality workmanship, efficient progress, and cost-effective solutions.

                Get started now by booking a free in-home consultation.

                Request Your In-home Consultation 

                Or call us on   0800 199 888




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                House Renovation

                Kamalpreet Kaur – Bath & Tile (NZ) Ltd – Video Testimonial

                Kamalpreet Kaur

                Bath & Tile (NZ) Ltd

                “As I have seen them with dealing with their client, I have seen their professionalism in their work, so we can recommend them confidently to people to deal with them – very confidently because we have seen how hard working they are, and as I mentioned the word patience they do have….”

                Albany, Auckland


                Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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                  House Renovation

                  Todd Chandler – Full House Renovation, Glendowie – Auckland

                  Todd Chandler

                  Full House Renovation

                  “It now feels like a big, simple, inspiring space, whereas before it was a big space but it was very dated and there was a lot of distractions around – now it’s quite a nice clean, modern, minimalist feel to it. It felt like before, it was a 1980’s home, but now when you walk in, the house is impressive, it’s a lovely space to be in, it feels impressive and everyone who comes here are impressed and enjoys it – but it still feels like a home..”

                  Glendowie, Auckland

                  Todd’s Full House Renovation Project included:

                  ☑️ Renovation of the toilet
                  ☑️ Bathroom Renovation x 2
                  ☑️ Laundry Renovation
                  ☑️ Full Interior Painting
                  ☑️ Desk Renovation
                  ☑️ Interior door replacements
                  ☑️ Interior Stairs and Balustrade Installation (Glass)
                  ☑️ Wallpaper Removal and Plaster
                  ☑️ Exterior Painting and installation of Balustrade

                  Still have questions unanswered? schedule a no-obligation consultation with the team at Superior Renovations

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